Tag Archives: anime

August 2022 Catgirl Critics’ Media Mewsings

Mike Moon / Catgirl Island
and Jamie Robertson / Clan of the Cats
purroudly purrsent a Mike Moon purrduction,
starring The Ladies of The Mew in
The August 2022 Edition of The Mew:
The Catgirl Critics’ Media Mewsings, nya!
The cats and crew  of The Mew were sad to hear of
the passing of actress & mewsician Nichelle Nichols
(December 28th, 1932 – July 30th, 2022), who has
left this strange old world for strange new ones.
This year is the Year of the Tiger, the 22nd Anniversary 
of Catgirl Island’s official site, and the 15th Anniversary 
of The Mew, nya! in this edition of The Mew:
TV, DVD, Blu-Ray & Movie Mewsings:
The Lightning Round: our favorite films of ’52
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season One
Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi
Thor: Love and Thunder
our semi-annual DVD & Blu-ray Wish List
Collectibles & Toy Talk:
Marvel Legends Siryn action figure
Marvel Legends She-Hulk action figure
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Robin action figure
Batman Classic TV Series Catwoman action figure
Star Wars: The Black Series Fenec Shand action figure
Comic Books & Other Purrinted-Media Mewsings
Defenders Beyond #1
Cat Girl #1
Galaxy: The Prettiest Star
Rowrbrazzle  #153
The Celebrity Catgirl & Kemonomimi Spotlight
Additions to the Catgirl Island Mewseum of Art:
“Toadstool Kitty”, “Quartz Fungi”, “Warm Hues”,
“Kodoma” and “Mermaid Silhouette” by Rvkh
“Reyna”, “X’askelle”, “Sealthia”, “LIly VHS Promo”,
“Night Angel” and “Motorball Team Battle” by Misty Hopkins
(the human fella wearing the Carolina Panthers shirt and Teal cargo shorts): Aloha y’all and welcome to The Mew, our monthly “show” in which we review and discuss fun stuff! This month’s Mew comes from The Meowritime Forest Ampurrtheater on the eastern side of lovely Catgirl Island in Mew Hanover County, NC! I’m Mike, the show’s “purrducer”, and here are The Ladies of The Mew!
(a.k.a. Vonny, the fishing boat charter captain & drumming circle purrcussionist catgirl, wearing the Fishing Cat purrint monokini with cropped tee shirt): Namaste, nya!
(Yvonne’s younger sister, college freshman, pony owner and nature photographer catgirl wearing the Iriomote Cat purrint tankini): Namaste, nya!
(a.k.a. Jen, the yogini, model, archer, belly dance instructor & roboticist catgirl, wearing the Serval purrint micro bikini & sheer purrled purreo): Nihao.
(the stand-up paddle surfer, board shapurr, pony owner and belly dance instructor kitsune, wearing the Caracal purrint tri-kini): Konnichiwa!

a.k.a Lizzy, the hot salsa dancer, gamer, Purrkour Club captain & spa co-owner catgirl wearing the Margay purrint bandeau top bikini): Hola!

(Lizzy’s nekomimi gynoid wife, avid golfer & spa co-owner w

earing the Eurasian Lynx purrint ring-closure bikini an an orchid lei):

(the winged faerie golfer, foxfire juggler and outdoor ampurrtheatre director wearing the Ocelot purrint criss cross halter neck bikini) Mellow greetings!
(or just Ellie for short, the banker pony centauress, body builder, and the island’s fire chief, wearing the African Lion purrint sports bra) Hay there!
(the art guild purresident, art mewseum co-curator & beach volleyball champion catgirl wearing the Clouded Leopurrd  purrint side-tie bikini): Aloha, nya!
(the art mewseum co-curator & Petra’s beach volleyball partner bunnygirl wearing the Cheetah purrint trikini): Guten Tag!
Mary Nyan
(a.k.a. Myayr, the seamstress, cosplayer, hula instructor and semi-retired miko catgirl wearing the Couger purrint purretzel – cutout maillot): Aloha!
(a.k.a. Nya-sensei, the martial arts champion & sensei, dojo & gym purropurrietress catgirl wearing the Bengal Tiger purrint cropped tee shirt and shorts): Howdy!
(a.k.a. Nyo-sensei, the magick shop purropurrietress catgirl & twin sister of Nyanko, wearing the Jaguar purrint cropped tee shirt and shorts): Howdy!
(the mermaid purropurrietress of the triphibius airship tours business, wearing the Asiatic Lion purrint bandeau bikini top): Shello!
(the dolphin – tailed mermaid surf purrtol leader / trainer wearing the Sand cat purrint sports bra): Aloha!
(the island’s Police Chief catgirl & motorcycle enthiusiest wearing the the badge upon her Jaguar purrint off-shoulder ruffled bikini): ‘Ello!
For purrofiles and illustrations of those and other Ladies of The Mew, please visit our Meet The Critics page http://www.mewsings.catgirlisland.com/meet-the-critics/! Ah, we’ve got a lot on our plate today, so let’s go ahead an jump into
our movie, TV, DVD & Blu-ray mewsings, 
with this month’s lightning round topic:
our favorite films & TV debuts of 1952!
For those who came in late, this year we’ve been looking back to favorite things from years ending with a 2, and now were at 1952!Trini-chan[’s’s gonna start, so are y’all ready to “conduct the lightning”?
The Ladies of The Mew:
Hai! I will nominate the Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and Goofy animated shorts of that vintage! (tags Tara-chan to go next)
I want… I want to nominate that year’s Buggs Bunny, Looney Tunes, and – and Merrie Melodys animated shorts, nya! Onee-chan’s turn, nya! (tags her sister  with a brush of the tail))
I will nominate The Crimson Pirate, nya! Lizzy’t turn, nya! (tail-tags Elizabeth to go next)
Road to BaliI! (tags her wife)
Viva Zapata! tags Nyanko)
High Noon! (tags her twin sister)
The Quiet Man! Myayrs turn! (tags Mary Nyan)
Mary Nyan:
I will nominate Ivanhoe! (tags Jeannie)
Victory at Sea. (tags Mielikki)
Singin’ in the Rain, fur shur! (tags Petra with a flit of the wing)
This is Cinerama, nya! (tags her purrtner)
Zombies of the Stratosphere, because Leonard Nimoy was in it! (tags Ellie)
I will nominate The Ernie Kovacs Show! (tags Meryl)
My favorite American TV soap opurra The Guiding Light!  (tags Melanakeami)
That was the year that The Today Show began! (tags Daytona with her tail fin)
(Hmmm, it is the tough call but I will say either The Greatest Show on Earth or Million Dollar Mermaid! Back to Mike!
Oh, for movie I gotta go with High Noon, and for TV series The Adventures of Superman! Well. that was an expedient little Lightning Round, and now lets continue the
our semi-annual DVD & Blu-ray wish list!
Hai, here is our semi – annual wish list of recent, old, foreign, domestic, animated and live-action TV shows and movies that we hope could be released here upon the Region one NTSC DVD and / or Blu-Ray! We have been quite gratefuly pleased that several titles have been released since our last wish list! (tags Yvonne)
We would like them with their original mewsic and songs to be intact; and we purrfur that any foreign purrductions would be available in their original spoken language with optional English subtitles, although the English dubbed version and / or descriptive audio track would be fine as bonus features, nya! (tags Nyanko).
Other bonuses would be nice too, such as optional audio commentaries, isolated mewsic tracks, documentaries, galleries, deleted scenes, bloopurrs, trailers / TV spots & booklets, nya!! Hopefully any of the titles would be available individually and not exclusively in an expensive boxed set, nya! (tags Elizabeth)
The packaging should not damage the disks or be too big for the shelf, and the disc should be easily removed; secure enough so it does not accidentally slide off the hub, but not too tricky to purry off of the hub. If it is a mutiple disc set, each disc should have its own hub / tray, and not overlap or be in a stack! (tags Becca)
I will start the wish list with To the Moon and Beyond (1964 cinerama film), James Cameron’s Xenogenesis, John Dods’s Forest Story, Neal Adams’s Nannaz, Mark Sullivan’s Nightspeed, David Allen’s The Primevals, Gene Roddenberry’s Spectre, and Steven Speilberg’s Amblin’! (tags Jeannie)
The anime such as the original Space Battleship Yamato TV series, Yamato 2520, Great Yamato, Yamato 2199: Odyssey of the Celestial Ark, Queen Millennia, Flying Ghost Ship, Bagi the Monster of Mighty Nature, Anne of Green Gables, Heidi of the Alps, 3000 Leagues in Search of Mother, and Tico of the Seven Seas! (tags Bunnii)
The anime such as Aim for the Ace, Campus Guardress, Macross Zero, Stratos Four Advance, The Adventures of Kotetsu, the Ghost Sweeper Mikami movie, the initial four 1994 You’re Under Arrest  OVAs, Nasu: Summer in Andalusia, and the Studio Ghibli Museum’s shorts, fur shur! (tags Mary Nyan)
Mary Nyan:
I will nominate the anime such as Yokohama Kaidashi Kiko, Tokyo Mew Mew, Bermuda Triangle: Colorful Pastorale, Una Musume Pretty Derby, Luminouis Witches, the 2021 Battle Athletess anime, Aria The Crepuscolo, Aria The Beneizione, Amanchu, Kemono Friends season 2,  and My Dress-Up Darling. (tags Tara-chan)
I want… I want to nominate Angel Beats, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic seasons 8 & 9, The Equestria Girls TV series, Metamorphoses (A.K.A. Winds of Change), Twice Upon a Time, and – and the animated Gen 13 film, nya! (tags Ellie)

The 1967 Spider-Man animated series, The Green Hornet TV series, 1972 TV movie Moon of the Wolf, The Sixth Sense TV series (1972), WKRP in Cincinnati with all of the original songs restored! (tags Nyoka)

The three Giilligan’s Island TV reunion movies, the two I Dream of Jeannie TV reunion movies, the three Six Million Dollar Man / Bionic Woman TV reunion movies! (tags Petra)
The 2011 live-action Ranma 1/2 TV special, 2014 live-action Kikis Delivery Service, the 1997 Ocean Girl TV series, and all of the missing Doctor Who epurrsodes, nya! (tags Daytona)
Neil Young’s A Journey Through the Past, Kate Bush Live at Hammersmith Odeon, the 1979 Kate Bush TV Special, and the “Schumacher Cut” version of Batman Forever! (tags Meryl)
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Agent Carter, Yoyo: Slingshot, WandaVision, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Loki, What If…?, Hawkeye, Moon Knight, and Ms. Marvel! (tags Melakeami)
Daytona:Daredevil seasons 1-3, Jessica Jones seasons 1-3, Luke Cage seasons 1 & 2, Iron Fist seasons 1 & 2, The Punisher seasons 1 & 2, and The Defenders, nya! (tags Mielikki)
Star Wars Forces of Destiny, The Mandalorian seasons 1 & 2, The Clone Wars season 7, The Bad Batch, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Star Wars Visions, fur shur! Back to Mike
The Star Wars Holiday Special; and the radio dramas of The Star Wars: A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi! Well, that was almost another lightning round!  Ah, and now, I’d like to say a few words about
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds!
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, a prequel set between Star Trek: Enterprise and Star Trek’s Original Series. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise under Captain Christopher Pike, who succeeded Robert April and preceded James T Kirk. This new TV series  just ended its first season (10 episodes) and oh my stars, was it utterly gloriously beautifully magnificent.
Comparing those 10 episodes to every prior Trek series’s first 10 episodes… in my humble opinion they are better than the first 10 of The Animated Series, Next Generation, DS9, Voyager, Enterprise, Discovery, and even Picard.However, I can’t say much about Star Trek: Lower Decks or Prodigy, as I haven’t seen their first 10 episodes, but I didn’t warm up to them.

Its better than those three Kelvin Timeline movies too. Which brings us to the BIG question – how does it compare to my all time favoritest TV series (Trek or otherwise), the original Star Trek? Well, dare i say it, but pound for pound, I think that SNW’s first 10 are better than TOS’s first 10. I think the latter half of TOS’s first season’s 29 episodes are better than the first half.

TOS’s very early episodes were kinda rough, still had so much to figure out about the characters, the technology, the universe, the sets, costumes and so forth, which is often the case of many TV series’ early episodes. Next Gen improved during its 3rd season and really found itself with its 4th season. DS9 got there a bit quicker, although for me Voyager didn’t wow me until season 4 or 5.
Ah, I could ramble on about the later Trek series, but I should stay focused on Strange New Worlds. The stories, characters, cast, sets, costumes, world-building, FX, locations, music, sound, the ship designs, the balance of humor, drama, action and character developments are as wonderfully superb as superb can be. It’s the prequel to TOS that I wish Enterprise has been.
I really, really love the ship and all of the recurring characters! It’s so faithful to the look and spirit of TOS, and I have no problem with stuff  looking nicer than it did in the early 60’s.  Aesthetic / cosmetic differences are

not a continuity problem for me. It’s show that Roddenberry would have made today given modern tech, FX & budgets, not one that looks like it was made in the early 60’s.

Even the beautiful opening titles sequence evokes those chillingly grand, beautiful illustrations that graced the covers of James Blish’s short story adaptations of the original series episodes (12 books titled Star Trek 1- 12). The worst quibble I can muster about SNW is that occasionally some FX shots might have more lens flares than I prefer (like those three Kelvine Timeline movies).
Strange New Worlds is that darn good. I could say a lot more about specific actors, characters, sets, stories and so forth, but I promised that I’d be brief. I hope there’ll there’ll be an art or “making of” book for it, a Blu-Ray home video release, and a 2nd season. On a letter grade scale from A+ to F, I give Strange New Worlds a solid A. Okay I’m done, and now here’s Nyo-sensei to review
Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi!
I have been happy with the state the many recent Star Wars movies and TV series such as Rogue One, Solo, Clone Wars season 7, The Bad Batch, The Bad Batch, The Mandalorian, The Book of Boba Fett, Star Wars Visions, and most recently the six epurrsode series, which is set 10 years after Revenge of the Sith, 6 years purrior to the Rebels epurrsode A Princess on Lothal, and 9 years purrior A New Hope!
Ewan McGregor repurrises the role of Obi-Wan Kenobi! He was one of my favorite aspects of Star Wars Epurrsodes I-III! Also returning are Hayden Christensen and James Earl Jones as Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader, Ian McDiarmid as Emperor Palpatine, Jimmy Smits as Bail Organa, Bonnie Piesse as Beru Lars, and Joel Edgerton as Owen Lars! Vivien Blair almost steals the show as 10 year old purrincess Leia Organa!
She has a neat widdle droid named Lola! The great cast also includes Kumail Nanjiani (who I loved as Kingu in The Eternals) as Haja Estr, Rupert Friend as the Grand Inquisitor (a character last seen in Star Wars Rebels), Moses Ingram as Third Sister, Sung Kang as Fifth Brother, Grant Feely as 10 year old Luke Skywalker! I think the series has the great balance of the humor, drama, action, character developments, myth-making and surpurrises.
The high purrduction values include lovely costumes, purrops, sets, choreography, stunts, locations, vehicles, visual FX, cinematography, editing, directing, sound and mewsic, so  I will give it the high grade of the A as in Alderaan! The A is also for the forthcoming Andor TV series and the Ahsoka TV series which I am eagerly anticipating! Nyow here is sis to share her thoughts about the movie
Thor: Love and Thunder!
Hai! I have been happy with the state of the many recent movies of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, such as Black Widow, Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, Eternals, Spider-Man: No Way Home, Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness; and I have also been happy with the many MCU TV series on Disney + and Netflix, so I was eagerly anticipating this latest Thor movie starring Chris Hemsworth!
It was directed and co-written by Taiki Watiti who directed Thor: Ragnarok, and he repurrises his voice role as Thor’s friend Korg. I also love Taiki’s other works such as Jojo Rabbit, What We Do in the Shadows, and that epurrsode of The Mandalorian that he directed! Set sometime after the movie Avengers Endgame, Thor: Love and Thunder i8s brimming with the thrilling action, humor, and poignant bits!
Other returning actors & characters include Natalie Portman as Jane Foster, Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie, Jaime Alexander as Sif, Chris Pratt as Starlord, Karen Gillian as Nebula, Dave Bautista as Drax, Pom Klementieff as Mantis, Sean Gunn as Kraglin, Vinb Diesel as the voice of Groot, Bradley Cooper as the voice of Rocket, Kat Dennings as Darcey, Stellan Starsgaard as Erik, Daley Pearson as Darryl
Matt Damon, Sam Neill and Luke Hemsworth as the Asgardian actors, Mjolnir, Stormbreaker, and Valkyrie’s pegasus Aragorn are back too,but of course thee are the impurressive new additions to the cast such as Christian Bale as Goor, Russell Crowe as Zeus, Keiron Dyer as Axl, India Hemsworth as Love! Thor also acquires a neat ship pulled by the two feisty giant goats Toothgnasher and Toothgrinder!
There are many easter eggs, flashbacks, other surpurrises, mid and post- credits scenes! If I have any quibbles, it is that the movie seems very rushed and too short, but it is a lot of fun with eye candy aplenty. There is ear candy too, such as Michael Giacchino’s score, and the clever use of songs by Guns N’ Roses, Dio, Enya, and Mary J, Blige! I am done, and nyow here is Melankeami to share her opinion of
Arigato! I loved Jordan Peele’s prior movies Us and Get Out, but I was slightly disappointed by Nope., which pertains to the horse ranchers and their friends who are menaced by the UFO (an Unidentified Flying Object, a.k.a. UAP or Unifentified Aerial Phenomenon) which they hope to film. Another important aspect of the poignant plot is what happens when the unwise treatment of animals comes back to bite you.
My biggest complaints were that the movie seemed rushed, too short,  and that the UAP FX were unconvincing, looking too much like a real blimp and a kite. Granted, it looked like one of the most beautiful kites I have ever seen, but it diminished the suspension of the disbelief for me. However. the CG motion-capture FX of Gordy the chimp  (performed by Terry Notary) was quite convincing and scary.
The horses such as Ghost, Trigger, and Lucky were wonderful, and the performances by were brilliant by the human actors such as Keke Palmer, Daniel Kaluuya, Stephen Yuen, Keith David, Grandon Perea and Michael Wincott. I will also commend the movie’s excellent stuntslocations, cinematography, editing, sound and music. That is all for our movie reviews, an dnow here is Tara-chan to start our
collectibles and toy talk, with her review
of the Marvel Legends Siryn action figure!
Arigato, nya! We like to collect the figures, dolls, statues and – and ornaments of the inspurrrational heroines, so I was quite pleased to get Hasbro’s figure of the Irish mewtant supurr heroine Theresa Maeve Rourke Cassidy who is also known as Siryn, Banshee and Morrigannya! Created by author Chris Claremont and – and artist Steve Leialoha, she first  appurred almost the 40 years ago in Spider-Woman #37 in 1981, nya!
She is a meowmber of the X-Factor  and- and the X Force team, with  has the similar costume and supurr flight and voice powers of her dad Banshee, nya! She was purrttrayed by Shauna Kain in the movies X-Men 2 and X-Men: The Last Stand, nya! This 6” figure by Hasbro is part of the Marvel Legends X-Men wave of figures that also includes  the sepurrately – sold figures of Wolverine, Havok, Vulcan, Maggott, Darwin and-  and Sabertooth, nya.
All but the Wolverine figure include the pieces needed to build the figure of Bonebreaker, of which Siryn’s box includes his left tank tracks, nya! She is nicely designed, sculpted and – and painted, with the intricate details and – and  the faithful portraiture! Since Siryn is supposedly 5’7” tall and 130 lbs in the comics, this 6” figure is appurroximately of the 1:11 scale, nya.
The details are delightful from her Green-eyed, slightly-bemewsed expurression, her lush windswept Red hair, her lithe physique, and her tight Green and- and Yellow costume with the Yellow boots, gloves, and – and the striped cloth glider wings, nya! She is very posable, with the articulation in her neck, shoulders, uppurr arms, elbows, wrists, abs, hips, thighs, knees and – and ankles, nya!
Also included is the variant pair of hands. She can stand without requiring a display base or a widdle doll / figure stand (which is not included), but I will recommend getting one of those, for the better balance and – and the more dynamic or flight poses, nya. I am very pleased with this figure, which we have found the good spot upon the shelf to display her next to her friend Dr. Moira McTaggert, nya. 
I am done, so nyow here is Chief Meryl to discuss the 
Marvel Legends She-Hulk action figure, nya!
Arigato. Created by author Stan Lee and artist John Buscema, Dr. Bruce Banner / The Increddible Hulk’s cousin defense attorney Jennifer Walters a.k.a She -Hulk first appurred  42 years ago in Marvel Comics The Savage She-Hulk #. She has the similar supurr strength, stamina, invulnerability & regenerative abilities as her cousin, but retains her normal purrsonality and intellect when she hulks out.
Some of her best friends are Janet Van Dyne / The Wasp, and Patsy Walker / HellCat! She has been the meowmber of The Avengers, Fantastic Four, S.H.I.E.L.D., The Lady Liberators and A-Force. As the normal Jennifer she is 5’10” tall & 150 lbs but as She-Hulk she is 6’7” tall and 650 lbs! This great figure of She-Hulk is appurroximately 7” tall, and thus of the 1:12 scale.
She is quite the powerful, sexy sight, clad in just the stretched, ripped tatters of her White tee shirt and Black jeans which bare much of her impurressive arms, abs, thighs, calves and feet. As such she seems to be the Green variant of the 2021Grey She-Hulk figure and is slightly taller than the A-Force She-Hulk figure. The details are terrific, from her face and hair to her inny belly button, the pants button and belt loops.
She is very posable, with articulation in her neck, shoulders, uppurr arms, elbows, wrists, abs, hips, thighs, knees and ankles. Also included are the variant head and the variant pair of hands, so you can display her either calm or enraged expurression, with fists or grabbing hands, so I am very pleased with this figure, and I am looking forward to actress Tatiana Maslany’s purrtrayal in the She-Hulk TV series! Nyow I will turn The Mew over to Trini-chan for her review of the
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Robin action figure.

Created by author / artist Frank Miller, thirteen year old Caroline “Carrie” Kelley first appurred and wore the Robin costume in the 1986 Dark Knight Returns comic book mini-series! Later in the 2001 sequel Dark Knight Strikes Back, she changed to the Catgirl persona, and in the 2015 sequel The Dark Knight III: The Master Race she changed to the Batwoman purrsona!

Purrhaps y’all have seen Mike’s fan art of her Catgirl guise https://catgirlisland.net/art/gallery6/48.html? Packaged within the 2.75” x 7.55” x 10” box, this action figure of Carrie as Robin this figure by McFarlane Toys is part of the Dark Knight Returns wave which includes the sepurrately – sold figures of Batman, The Joker, and Superman. Each figure includes the parts needed to build the action figure of Batman’s Black horse!
The two halves of the horse’s body are included with Carrie. Also included are her slingshot which will fit in either hand; the 2.5” x 3.5” card which has the great photo on the front and notes on the back; and the 2.5” diameter, .0625 thick circular display base, which has the widdle peg that insert into the bottom of either foot. Since Carrie was 4’9” tall & 78 lbs in the comics, that would make this 5.375”  figure to be approximately of the 1:10.6 scale.
It is splendidly designed, sculpted & painted to faithfully capture Miller’s artistic style, from her wildly wavy Orangey Strawberry Blonde Hair and her wide-eyed expurression to her svelte petite physique and the flowy cape! The details of the Robin costume are quite accurate, with the Red  tunic with the Green briefs, short sleeves, gloves & booties; the Yellow cape, lacings & belt buckle; the black belt & goggles with the clear transparent lenses!
She is very posable too, with the articulation in her neck, shoulders, uppurr arms, elbows, wrists, waist, hips, knees & ankles! There have been the prior action figures of her, but I think this’un is the best – looking and proportionate one yet!  Nyow here is Vonny to discuss the

Batman Classic TV Series Catwoman action figure!


Arigato, nya! Created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger, Selena Kyle alias Catwoman first appurred in Batman #1 in 1940, nya. She is my favoritest DC Comics character, so I was happy to acquire this latest action figure which resembles actress Julie Newmar who purrtrayed her in the 1966 Batman TV series, nya!
Since Julie is 5’ 7” tall, this 6” figure (including the .25” boot heels) is of the 1/12 scale, She is purrfectly designed, sculpted and painted with the faithful purrtraiture and the intricate details such as her hair, teeth, the medallions  and the sheen of her Black tights, nya! 
The joints are  in the neck, shoulders, elbows, fore ams, wrists, waist, hips, knees, and lower legs, nya!Also included are the two widdle “fight sound effect” signs bearing the words “Aieee!” and “Eee-yow!” which can be clipped on to her or other figures, nya! Nyow here is Daytona to discuss the
Hasbro Star Wars: The Black Series Fennec Shand action figure!


Hai! Actress Ming Na is one of the smart, tough, beautiful jewels in the Disney crown, having portrayed Mulan, Marvel’s Agent Melinda May, and the assassin / bounty hunter /  cyborg Fennec Shand in Star Wars: The Bad Batch, Star Wars: The Mandalorian and Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett!
I am very impressed with this figure, which has the excellent portraiture, the meticulous details, removable accessories such as the helmet and the sniper rifle. She is very posable too, with the joints in her neck, shoulders, elbows  wrists, abs, hips, knees and ankles! 
Since Ming Na is 5’4” tall, this 5.25” figure would be 1/12th scale. I have displayed her in the good spot upon the shelf amidst the figures of Bo-Katan Kryze, Koska Reeves, Ahsoka Tano, Boba Fett, Din Jarin and Grogu! That is all for the toy portion of the show, and now here is Ellie-sama to begin our
purrinted-media mewsings,
with her review of Cat Girl #1!
Antarctic Press is one of my favorite comic book publishers, especially due to their many beautiful fun Japanese manga – influenced series such as Ninja High School, Gold Digger, Warrior Nun Areala, Furrlogh, Genus, The Courageous Princess, and Mangazine! Thusly I was enthused to learn that the co-founder / publisher Ben Dunn, who is an awesome artist and author, had created the titular character for this new comic book!
It has the bittersweet, thrilling tale, which is quite captivatingly written and so beautifully illustrated, but it might not be for the widdle kitties due to the brutal violent scenes of combat, torture and creepiness. Including the covers, Cat Girl #1 has the full color 52 pages including the uninterrupted 46 page tale which was created by Ben, written by David Furr, illustrated by Jane Wen, and stars the teen girl Katie Merrywether as Cat Girl!
Katie  is murdered by the villains Mistress Shadow, Deathtrap and Scalphunter who kidnapped her and her dad David (alias the super hero known as Cat Man), but Katie is resurrected by the goddess Bast and given super powers such as the strength, stamina, speed, agility and nine lives, so that she can fight the villains and rescue her dad! It is available in the choice of two covers, one by Jane and the variant by David Hutchison.
Katie is very peppy, smart and determined, her best friend Brie is cute, faithful and brave, David is quite strong, resilient and purrotective, Bast is rather wise, sexy and mysterious, and the villains are extremely sadistic, creepy and tough. The characters and scenic art are splendidly detailed and richly colored with the dramatic lighting, graceful poses, excellent compositions, lettering and graphic FX! 
Furthermore, the graphic narrative is benefitted by several full-page pics, so I will give cat Girl #1 the grade of the “A” as in Antarctic, and I hope that there will be more adventures for Katie! Now I will turn The Mew over to Mie-sensei, who wishes to discuss Marvel Comics’
Defenders Beyond #1!
Hai, So like, 51 years ago in Marvel Feature #1, the great comics author / editor Roy Thomas created The Defenders, the team of unlikely comrades recruited by Dr. Strange to battle the evil supurrnatural threats! Since then there have been about the dozen or so different Defenders series with the many changes in the hero roster, the 20917 TV mini-series  on Netflix, and now we are treated to the latest incarnation, Defenders Beyond!
So like, Doctor Strange perished during the quest through the multiverse, so another team has assembled to fight against the cosmic threat! The new team consists of Loki, America Chavez, Tigra, Blue Marvel, and Galactus’s mom Taaial! There is a 6th member of the team. but I should not spoil the surprise. I must admit that I was not that familiar with Taaia or Blue Marvel, but we are big fans of Loki, America Chavez and especially Tigra!
Purrior to this, America appeared in her recent 2nd mini-series, and Tigra appurred in a few recent issues of Moon Knight. This first issue’s plot is mainly the rounding up of the heroes, although Tigra only appears in five pages, and the 6th member only appears on the final page, Doctor Strange and the entity known as Eternity also briefly appear. 
Rated T+ for the older teen readers, the $3.99 issue has 28 pages, consisting of the 23 page tale, which is interrupted by the 4 pages of the ads and the 2 page tribute to the late legendary artist George Perez.The tale was written by Al Ewing, illustrated by Javier Rodriguez, lettered by Joe Caramagna, edited by Will Moss, assistantly edited by Michelle Marchese.
The art has the very destinctive dynamic style and wild composition, which somehow reminds me of Steve Ditko’s Doctor Strange tales and Darwyn Cooke’s character designs, so I am curious if perhaps hose late great artists were influences upon Javier’s own dazzling artistry! So like, this first issue is available in the choice of the six different covers!
They are by Javier, Ron Lim, Phil Noto, Lee Garbett, Natacha Bustos, and Leonardo Romero! It was the tough decision, so I got two copies: the one with Javier’s cover art and the one with Natacha’s cover art, because Tigra and America are among the characters who prominantly grace those covers! Furthermore, Javier’s cover art is the wraparound scene!
On the back of it is the group of many prior Defenders, including Valkyrie, Hellcat and Moon Dragon, who are among my favorite Defenders, but I have stray-catted off the topic. I hope that Galactus’s daughter might show up! I think that Defenders Beyond is off to the totally awesome start, and I am quite eager to see what happens next, fur shur! That is all for my review, and now here is Myayr to discuss
Galaxy: The Prettiest Star!
Mary Nyan:
Arigato! Written by Jadzia Axelrod, illustrated by Jess Taylor with Cris Peter, lettered by Ariana Maher, edited by Sara Miller, published by DC Comics and  suggested for the Young Adult readers (ages 13-17),, Galaxy: The Prettiest Star is the full color graphic novel of the science fiction genre with much of the slice-of-life, school life, romance, and gender identity themes!
It purrtains to the teenage caucasian guy named Taylor who would appurr to have the all-around charmed, purrfect life; but while his life is indeed full of good things, it is far from the happy, healthy existence, because his secret true identity is that of Princess Crowned of the planet Cydanii, the horned, purple intergalactic war refugee who has to hide on Earth from her enemies.
The inner circle of her family who is also disguised on Earth deemed this neccessary for her survival, and she agreed to sacrifice her happiness for their safety too, but she yearns for the normal true life, but of course, even on Earth there is xenophobia, homophobia and other bigotries to contend with. Her mostly-helpful best friend is the talking alien robot corgi named Argus!
This situation becomes more complicated when Taylor befriends Katherine the peppy limb-different black lesbian from the city of Metropolis, who become the best friends, and then the interracial / interspecies romance blooms when the secret identity is revealed to her, but sadly there are those who conspire to keep the couple from going to the school prom!
I should not further spoil the taste of the captivating, whimsical, bittersweet poignant plot which but I will just add that I thought this was such the beautiful tale with the quite endearing protagonists, with the wonderfully illustrated  characters, scenic art, graphic FX, and the graphic narrative techniques!
Thusly, I would also like to commend the book’s design director Steve Cook, publication designer Arnie Brockway-Metcalf, DC’s editor in chief Marie Javins, and the publication purrduction by Tiffany Huang! This 6”x9”x.375” trade papurrback is purriced $16.99 in the USA, $22.99 in Canada.
Its 212 pages include the 190 page tale plus the pages about Jadzia and Jess, the list of helpful resources, and the gorgeous 15 page purreview of the Zatanna: The Jewel of Gravesend graphic novel by author Alys Arden and artist Jacquelin De Leon, so I will give this great graphic novel the “A” as in Argus!  I am done, so nyow here is Chief  Meryl to tell us about
Rowrbrazzle #154!


Hai! Since 1984, Rowrbrazzle has been a rather significant quarterly amateur press association (APA) magazine purrtaining to furry fandom, funny animal stories and anthropurrmorphic artistry! Ardently edited by Edd Vick, issue #154 has 186 8.5×11” pages (144 B&W + 42 color), plus the 5.125×4” B&W 16 page Royal Mercats pamphlet! There is so much entertaining, informative and beautiful content!
This issue’s other brilliant contributors include Melody Rondeau, Jed Martinez, Charles Brubaker, Resa Challender, Matt McAndrews, Robert Alley, Niall Shapero, Charles Garafalo, Ken Marcinkevicius, J.W. Kennedy, Kjartan Amorssson, Kurt Wilcken, Mark Ashworth, Tim Fay, Simon Barber, Michael Pena, Ed Pegg, Gene Breshears, Scot Rodrigues, Kristen Fontaine, William Earl Haskell, Jeffrey H. Wood, Dave Lind, and [the APAs’ emergency officer] Steven F. Scharff.
The issue is compurrised of two sections, consisting of the purrose tales, essays, articles, group discussions, editorials, letters, illustrations, photos, comics, the APA meowmbership list and rules. Section one’s color front cover art is by Melody, section two’s front cover is by Dave, and the back cover is by Steven. Purrhaps y’all have seen Melody’s illustrations in our Mewseum of Art?
The many characters are purrdominantly kemonomimi and anthropurrmorphic mammals, such as the feline, canine, vulpine, lupin, equine, bovine, leporidae, mephitidae, mustelidae,  muridae, sciuridae, didelphidae, ursidae, and giraffids, plus mermaids, centaurs, octopi, reptiles, avians, dragons, gargoyles, xenomorphs, cryptids and humans. There are purretty plants and mecha too.
The extensive journalistic article purrtaining to kemonomimi and anthropurrmorphic characters in the media from around the world and across the decades has tidbits and repurrints of original and / or fan art of 14-bis, Jose F. Montes, Marc Schirmeister, Sheperd0821, Mister Lovenstei, Rene Rios Boettiger, Jay Fosgitt, Richard Haigh, Greg and Mort Walker, Josh Williamson and Ale Garza, Nelvana Animation, Usagi Tabletop, Goodmeads Emporium, and Jason Waltrip!
That includes the 14 full color retrospective pages of bikini-clad bunny girl goodness of Jason’s comics, mew la la! We wish to purraise all of those artists, authors, editors, journalists and collators; and we wish to thank Edd Vick, Melody and Jim Rondeau for purrviding us with the copy! For more information about this supurrb publication, I will recommeownd the Rowrbrazzle article at WikiFur https://en.wikifur.com/wiki/RowrbrazzleI am done, and nyow here are Lizzy and Becca to purrsent 
The Celebrity Catgirl & Kemonomimi Spotlight!
Hai, in this monthly portion of The Mew, we commeowmorate famous catgirls, nekomusume and other kemonomimi of mythologies and popular culture, including anthropurrrmorphic ladies, monster girls and shape – shifters! who appurr i the n folklore, movies, TV, novels, comics, games, toys, mewic and advertising.
They are not limited to the feline, canine, leporids or other mamallians, but might include the avian, reptilian, aphibian, piscine, insectine, and many other types! There are those who might not actually have beasty DNA, but do have the spurrit, cat-titude or couture, whether it is therianthropy, cosplay, or purretty animal – purrint attire, who we will broadly consider to be the “honorary kemonomimi”!

After the American Civil War In the late 1860’s, almost one hundred years purrior to the Playboy Club, there was the Playbrave Club owned by the Native American Hekawi Tribe near Fort Courage, with live mewsic and valet horse parking, where the Playbrave Squirrels danced and waited on the club meowmbers

… at least fictionally so in the 32nd epurrsode 

“Lt. O’Rourke, Front and Center” 

of the first season of the 1965 wild-western sitcom F-Troop, which purrtained to the wacky adventures of the US soldiers and the nearby tribe. 

There were several such

Risumimi e

mployed at the club, incuding the go-go dancer and the tobacco vender, wearing the sexy cute fringed miniskirt outfits with the squirrel tail and ears!

Diamond Distribution has the monthly catalog full of comics, magazines, books, games, toys and other collectiibles, such as the beautiful figures and statues! Among the many such items in the July 2022 catalog ( #406) of items on sale in retail stores in September or later, were nine imported figures from Japan with the lovely ears and tails that purrticularly purrked our interest!
Well, one of those is Kadokawa’s 1/7 scale figure of Raphtalia the tanuki girl from the 2nd season of The Rising of th Shield Hero anime series! She is is tthe wearing the Blue tankini with the removable Blue & White purreo as she trots through the shallow water on the beach!
Designed by Shugao and manufactured by Wing, the 1/7 scale figure of 
Kamizukin-chan with wolf ears & tail wears the



Red Riding hood outfit with the wolf plushy doll! 
Designed by 
and manufactured by Estream, the 
1/6 scale figure of 
Moise with
bunny ears wears the 
ornate Pink bra & panty with Gold high heels, detached puffy Black sleeves and fishnet hose.
Designed by 
and manufactured by 
Freeing, the 

1/4 scale

figure of 
Sorasis: Yuuka Soria with

cat ears & tail wears the deeply plunging Black maillot with the sheer purreo, Black high heels & fishnet hose, mew la la!

Kadokawa has manufactured several sexy new 1/7 scale figures, such as Eris Boreas Greyrat (from Mushoku Tensei Jobless Reincarnation) running in the skimpy Black bikini, thigh-highs & high heels with White Kemonomimi hoody cloak! Then there are the “Casino” style figures of two characters from My Teen Romantic Comedy Snafu anime TV series!
Both outfits are the bare-midriff shorts & blouse ensmble with the thigh highs, high heels, bow tie & bunny ears.Yui Yuigahamma (with the short Pink hair & glasses) wears the Red & White outfit with the deck of cards, whilst Yukini Yukinoshita (with the long  Black hair) wears the Blue & White outfit with the tray of drinks!
I would like to shine the spotlight on two other 1/4 scale figures made by 
Freeing, such as the futuristic Gadget Lab meowmber Kurisu Makise of the Steins: Cate anime, standing the alluring White 
maillot with the high legline, accessorized by the 
matching shoes, cuffs, collar & arm band and the bunny-eared head band as she adjusts her red necktie! 
In contrast to that is the figure of Mira Suau of the World’s End Harem series, reclining sultrily on her side in the strapless Black Bunny outfit
accessorized by the 
matching fishnets, high heels, bow tie, bunny-eared headband, the White collar and cuffs!
Lastly but not leastly, 

There seems to be the yummy cute bakery motif this month! Made by Belfine, the non-scale figure of Lepus Nanchi & Mitty (of the Made in Abyss anime TV series) is so adorably cute with her long ears, tail. cute fang, and the bakery attire with the basket of bread!

Made by Plum POA, there are the 4” tall non-scale PVC mini-figures of Chocola (with the long Brown hair) and( Vanilla with the long White hair) from the Nekopara anime, wearing their  frilly cute maid-like outfits that they wear at their bakery job! That is all for this month’s spotlight, and nyow here are Petra and Bunni to purrsent the latest
additions to the Catgirl Island Mewseum of Art!
Arigato! Here y’all will find the hundreds of annotated illustrations and photographs, nya! Galleries 1-8 display images by our purducer Mike Moon, whilst Guest Art Galleries 1-6 display images by other folks with their purmissions. Mike’s collaborations with other artists are peppurrred throughout the mewseum, nya!
Some of the images are sexy, and some might depict the artistic nudity, but none of them are “hentai”, nya! On our web site, the most recent pics are on the lowermost row of the cropped widdle “thumbnail” sized portions of the pics in a gallery, and you have to click upon those to see the uncropped full images, nya.


This month into Guest Gallery Six http://catgirlisland.net/art/gallery/guest6.html we are proud to present several new illustrations by our artist / author / mewsician / cosplayer / gamer / festive friend Rvkh http://www.rvkhart.com! (pronounced Riv-kah, the artist formerly known as Rebecca Brogden) who was the guest for our September 2009 Mew; and several new illustrations by our artist / blogger / seamstress / cosplayer / gamer / festive friend Misty Hopkins http://kranberrijam.blogspot.com who was one of the guests of the March 2008 Mew!
We will start by purrsenting the beautiful recent illustrations by Rvkh, nya! “Toadstool Kitty” is the adorably cute supurr-deformed-chibi style depiction of our friend Kaemeowllia Lemavita Luvsilenya the meowgickal Apurricat Tabby nemomimi with the meowsters degree in Mycology, who has cultivated the purrized non-toxic giant Amanita Muscaria Colossus mushrooms, nya!
Rvkh did two versions of that illustration, the traditional-media version done with the pencils, pens and paints; and the digital version done with Procreate on the Ipad Pro with the Apple Pencil, nya! There is the time-lapse art purrocess video of the digital version at Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFUy85057bE&feature=youtu.be, nya!
Speaking of the mushrooms, nextly is Rvkh’s purretty pic of the  “Quartz Fungi”, depicting  the troop of Redlead Roundhead mushrooms sammiched betwixt the splay of lush Green leaves and the cluster of faceted single-point Ameowthyst crystals, nya! Rvkh did two versions of that illustration–
– the traditional-media version done with the pencils, pens and paints; and the digital version done with Procreate on the Ipad Pro with the Apple Pencil, nya! There is the time-lapse art purrocess video of the digital version at Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFUy85057bE&feature=youtu.be, nya!
Then we have Rvkh’s meowrvelous image of the “Mermaid Silhouette, in which the Spanish Moss and the rope swing hang from the Cypurress Trees and Live Oaks for the mysterious mermaid’s nocturnal fun above the ethereally iridescent water beneath the meowjestic nebulaic starry sky, nya! There are tweo versions of this’un too-
 the traditional-media version of the illustration, which was done with pencils, pens, paint and salt; and  the digital version, which was  done with Procreate on the Ipad Pro with the Apple Pencil, nya. There is the time-lapse art purrocess video of the digital version at Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLdNp-igU6A, nya!
Nextly is her fan art of the widdle cute widdle “Kodoma” forest spirits from the meowgnificent Japanese anime movie Princess Mononoke, nya! Both of those illustrations were done with Procreate upon the Ipad Pro with the Apple Pencil, and there is the time-lapse art purrocess video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Amh44E2Bkrs for the Kodoma pic, nya!
Lastly but not leastly of Rvkh’s“ latest wonderful works to grace our galleries is “Warm Hues”, nya! This original expurrimental landscape rendering, with the tranquil tones of the earthy limited chromatic pallet and the misty atmospheric purrspective for the ethereal autumnal ambience, as if we are appurroaching the real of the faeries, nya! Take it, Bunni, nya!
Hai! Nyow we are delighted to display the gorgeous recent illustrations by Misty, starting with the three Warriors of Light! Reyna (left), X’askelle (middle) and Sealthia (right) are Misty and friends’ player characters of the Final Fantasy XIV video game! These three commissions were done with the Crayola colored pencils and the Faber-Castell PITT pens upon the 8.5″x11” cardstock!
“Night Angel” is more of Misty’s magnificent fan art of the manga-ka Yukito Kishiro’s Battle Angel Alita, the heroic cyborg super-soldier, master of the Panzerkunst martial arts, Motorball sports champion, and the mighty bounty hunter in the post-apocalyptic future! Done with the Prismacolor colored pencils, acrylic paint and Faber-Castell PITT pens upon the 14″x17″ Bristol board, this’un depicts Alita relaxing in her bedroom!
But wait- there is yet more of Misty’s Alita fan art! Delightfully done with the Crayola colored pencils, Prismacolor markers and Faber-Castell PITT pens upon the 4″x6” paper, “Motorball Team Battle depicts Alita (#99 in the Purrple) and Ajakutty (#8 in the Green) in a scene from the “Alita: Fallen Angel” fan fic by Maxtac https://alitafallenangelfanfic.home.blog!
To top off the latest additions to our mewseum is Misty’s  “LIly VHS PromoDone with the Crayola colored pencils &  Faber-Castell PITT pens upon 8.5″x11” cardstock, this beautiful poignant pic was done as the
promotional material for The Movie Cellar Podcast’s #VHS4T1D (Video Home System for Type One Diabetes) campaign to raise funds to help the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) find the cure for Type One Diabetes.
Pictured here amongst those VHS tapes is Lily, the diabetic cute 13 year old daughter of Dan Allen, who discusses the fun movie topics with his friends at The Movie Cellar podcast https://linktr.ee/themoviecellar! That is all for our presentation, so what do y’all think of the new art?
The cat lady sings
I know that very spot in Rvkh’s mermaid illustration! She certainly captured the beauty and blissful ambience of the location!
The pic of Kaemeowll so purrfectly captures her appurrance and spirit, including her Pink fingerless gloves and the tail ribbon!
I think that lovely Quartz Fungus pic would be ideal for a sticker or a tattoo, with its richly vibrant colord and the bold dark lines!
Warm Hues has the splendid layered depth from the darker foreground trees in the sharper focus to the lighter hazy farther trees!
So like, the kodoma pic is totally awesome, with the subtle halation adds the mystical quality in their verdant forest, fur shur!
Reyna is quite the  sexy tough dangerous sight in that bare-midriff Black outfit with the bandolier and the spiked Purrple pawldron!
X’askelle looks so lithe, alluring and cool with her wry expurression, her lovely long supple ears and wild coiffure with the braid!
I love all of the intricate details of Sealthia, such as her shirt’s stitching & lacings and her pert short Red hair with the Gold ombre!
Night Angel has the amazing colors, shading, and – and especially the  mass of ruffles, matress, comforter and – and pillows, nya!
The Motorball pic is terrific, especially their stances, the sheen of their mecha parts, and the engravings on her Damascus Blade!
Thank you for purrsenting the art!
Petra & Bunnii:

Doitashimaste, nya!

Mary Nyan:
Well, I

guess that will do it for this edition of The Mew!

 We wish to thank Misty and Rvkh for the beautiful art…
… and all of the other brilliantly talented people whose works we have discussed, nya!
We also wish to thank Jamie for his wonderful web meowstery…

… and our other friends, family, acquaintances and audience whom we greatly appurreciate, nya!
We’ll be back next month with more stuff! Be there… aloha!
The Ladies of The Mew:
Happy tails to mew- until we eat again, nya! Baibai, nya!

July 2022 Catgirl Critics’ Media Mewsings

Mike Moon / Catgirl Island
and Jamie Robertson / Clan of the Cats
purroudly purrsent a Mike Moon purrduction,
starring The Ladies of The Mew in
The July 2022 Edition of The Mew:
The Catgirl Critics’ Media Mewsings, nya!
This year is the Year of the Tiger, the 22nd Anniversary 
of Catgirl Island’s official site, and the 15th Anniversary 
of The Mew, nya! in this edition of The Mew:
The Lightning Round:
our favorite films & debuting TV series of 1962
Collectibles & Toy Talk:
Marvel Legends King Valkyrie action figure
Marvel Legends Binary action figure
Transformers: Legacy Prime Universe Arcee Deluxe Class action figure
TV, DVD, Blue-Ray & Movie Mewsings:
Jurassic World: Dominion
Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore
Doctor Who Eve of the Daleks / Legend of the Sea Devils DVD
Non Non Biyori: Nonstop Blu-ray
Comics, Manga, Books & Other Purrinted-Media Mewsings 
Elfquest: Stargazer’s Hunt vol. 2

Battle Angel Alita: Mars Chronicle vol. 8

The Demon Girl Next Door vol. 5
Iron Cat #1
Iron Man / Hell Cat Annual #1
The World of Avatar: A Visual Exploration
The Celebrity Catgirl & Kemonomimi Spotlight
Additions to the Catgirl Island Mewseum of Art:
“The Mewtenant” by Mike
“The Resistance”, “Storm Caller” and lots of lovely landscapes by Rvkh, nya!

(the human fella wearing the Dogwood purrint shirt and Teal cargo shorts): Aloha y’all and welcome to The Mew, our monthly “show” in which we review and discuss fun stuff! This month’s Mew comes from the Uppurr Deck bistro by the marina on the Southwest side of Catgirl Island NC, where it’s 78 degrees under the Green trees, Blue sky and puffy White Cumulo-Neko clouds! I’m Mike, the show’s “purrducer”, and here are The Ladies of The Mew!
(a.k.a. Jen, the yogini, model, archer, belly dance instructor & roboticist catgirl, wearing the Serval purrint micro bikini & sheer purrled purreo): Nihao.
(Jen’s purrotege, the stand-up paddle surfer, board shapurr, pony owner and belly dance instructor kitsune, wearing the Caracal purrint tri-kini): Konnichiwa!
(the art guild purresident, art mewseum co-curator & beach volleyball champion catgirl wearing the Clouded Leopurrd purrint side-tie bikini): Aloha, nya!
(the art mewseum co-curator, Petra’s beach volleyball partner, and purrize-winning carrot cake baker bunnygirl wearing the Cheetah purrint trikini): Guten Tag!
(a.k.a. Nya-sensei, the martial arts champion & sensei, dojo & gym purropurrietress catgirl wearing the Bengal Tiger purrint cropped tee shirt and shorts): Howdy!
(a.k.a. Nyo-sensei, Nyanko’s twin sister, the meowtaphysical meowgick shop purropurrietress catgirl wearing the Siberian Tiger purrint fundoshi bikini): Howdy!
(the fishing boat charter captain & drumming circle purrcussionist catgirl, wearing the Fishing Cat purrint monokini with cropped tee shirt): Namaste, nya!
(Yvonne’s younger sister, college freshman, pony owner and nature photographer catgirl wearing the Iriomote Cat purrint tankini): Namaste, nya!

a.k.a Lizzy, the hot salsa dancer, gamer, Purrkour Club captain & spa co-owner catgirl wearing the Margay purrint bandeau top bikini): Hola!

(Lizzy’s nekomimi gynoid wife, avid golfer & spa co-owner w

earing the Eurasian Lynx purrint ring-closure bikini an an orchid lei): 

Mary Nyan
(a.k.a. Myayr, the seamstress, cosplayer, hula instructor and semi-retired miko catgirl wearing the Cougar purrint purretzel – cutout maillot): Aloha!
(the winged faerie golfer, foxfire juggler and outdoor ampurrtheatre director wearing the Ocelot purrint criss cross halter neck bikini) Mellow greetings!
(the mermaid purropurrietress of the triphibius airship tours business, wearing the Asiatic Lion purrint bandeau bikini top): Shello!
(the dolphin – tailed mermaid surf purrtol leader / trainer wearing the Sand cat purrint sports bra): Aloha!
(or just Ellie for short, Mew Hanover County’s Fire Marshall, a Banker Pony centauress wearing the Bobcat purrint bandeau bikini top: Hay there!
(the island’s Police Chief catgirl & motorcycle enthiusiest wearing the the badge upon her Jaguar purrint off-shoulder ruffled bikini): ‘Ello!
(the island’s supurrvising Purrk Ranger catgirl & amphibious orienteering coach wearing the Colocolo purrint cutout micro bikini): Gday!
(a.k.a Ilyana-sensei, the underwater archaeologist & meowritme history catgirl wearing the thong, jellyfish pasties & Lyger purrint open-front cover up): Whassup?
So, what have y’all bene up to since last month’s Mew?
As mewsal, my schedule is compurrised purrimarily of the weekday mornings at my yoga studio, afternoons at the kyudo range, alternating weeknights teaching the advanced belly dance at the Purrforming Arts Center, purrsiding over the robotics club, and the purriodic swimwear modeling.
Oh as mewsual, my drumming circle has been purrforming at the local matsuris, and whilst Penula* and I have reeled in the delicious, nutritious bumpurr crop of the groupurrs, snappurrs, cobias and wahoos, nya! Tara-chan and I have brought the platters of filets for tonight’s AfterMew luau, nya!
*paw notes:
(Pendula http://catgirlisland.net/art/gallery2/274.html, a selkie is Yvonne’s fishing charter first mate aboard TsuriNekoMimi, the 1985 Hatteras 60 Convertible motor yacht, nya)
During the summer break from my college classes, I have been helping onee-san with TsuriNekoMimi, caring for Emmy, Zuli, Jimbo, Wild Star Blaze*, and – and snapping the nature photos of the critters such as the cottontail rabbits, the impurrial moth,the Yellow Slider Turtles, and – and the Red-Shouldered hawk, nya!
*paw notes:
(Emmy and Zuli are Yvonne & Tara-chan’s pet cats; Jimbo and Wild Star Blaze are Tara-chan and Trini-chan’s banker ponies https://catgirlisland.net/art/guest5/32.html, nya)
Aside from teaching the beginners belly dance class at the Purrforming Arts Center, I have been volunteering at the food bank, board shaping, paddle surfing, attending the sporting events, and caring for our ponies at the stables!
I cannot believe that the year is half over! It is like we are in the hypurr time! Well, in the past month, as mewsual Lizzy and I have been busy pampurring the customers at our spa, taking care of our cats and our garden, and still finding the time for the dancing, sports and videos! We have hired more masseuses, so we still have free time aplenty!
We contine to purrtake of the late night hot salsa dance, and on those days when I am running with my Purrkour Club, she is at the golf club. We have been watching TV series such as Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ms. Marvel, Stranger Things, Hidamari Sketch, and Heaven’s Notepad!
*paw notes:
(purrkour is a feline style of free-running, climbing & spurringing, nya.)
Mary Nyan:

Soon I will start to instruct the 2nd Summer Session of the Hula dance class at the Purrforming Arts Center! Meanwhile, Carerratia, Janyczsazsa have sewn for the dancers and cosplayers. That has included the the finished or in-purrogress costumes such as Azure Lane, Skarah the Valkyrie, Elden Ring, Genshin Impact,ans Kyonyuu Onna Senshi: Dogeza Saimin!
So like, I have been directing the rehearsals for our ampurrtheatre’s Summertime Shakespeare Fiesta, instructing at the golf club, and cheering for Bunnii and Petra’s beach volleyball victories, and the victories for Nya-sensei’s dojo,fur shur!
Arigato, nya! We are quite grateful for our fans, officials, event staff and fellow athletes! When Bunnii and I are not busy curating at the Mewseum of Art or winning on the beach volleyball court, we have been attending the various local artist meetings and sporting events, nya!
As the defending campions, we are the top seed in the rec league’s beach volleyball tournament, but the competition is not to be underestimated, especially our top rivals Meesha and Bliss http://catgirlisland.net/art/gallery2/276.html. Meesha recently had her baby!
We must send Meesha the congratulatory card! When I am not busy at my gym and at my dojo, I have been helping my sister purrpare her Meowtaphysical & Meowgick Shop  for the Summer Solstice festivities, attending some of the local sporting events such as Petra and Bunni’s beach volleyball victories!
Hai hai it has been the busy time, but we had the record attendance at my shop amidst last month’s wonderful Summer Solstice festivities! We had the supurr fun time with the tea time, the dances, the chanting, the workshops, and the special sale!
I cannot believe that the yeaer is half over already! It has flown by like the hyper drive! It is the peak season for my triphibious airship tours of the outer banks, and the summer blockbuiter movies at my parents’ dive-in theatre! I have been rading, listening to music and watching the TV shows such as Naomi, Titans, and The Haunting of Bly Manor!

The Dive-In has my favoritest snacks! When i have not been busy with the surf purrtrol watches and training the swim team, I have been watching the college gymnastics, softball, beach volleyball and golf and water polo!
During the Summertime I tend to be extra busy with the patrols and inspections, but there were no unpleasant incidents with the many fireworks, bonfires and lanterns, and since then I have been able to spend more time at the gym and the beach!
Hai hai, it has been the busy time, purrticularly with the summer vacationers here form all over the world and some of the other dimensions! Fortunately the vast majority of the visitors are quite friendly and careful, so the serious accidents or criminal situations are still quite rare!
Hai hai, things have been incident-free at the lake, the meowritime forest, the estuary and the grotto! You know, speaking of the interdimensional visitors, I just recently learned that folks in The Nystiaverse* refer to our dimension as The Purrime Meowterial Plane!
*Paw Note:
(The Nystiaverse* is the setting for Mike’s monthly tabletop fantasy role-playing game campaign “The Adventures of Nystia Nightshade”, nya.)
I have been busy inspecting the various exhibits our states aquarius and coastal mewseums when I have not been immersed into the wreck diving. Speaking of which, those pesky eels have returned and continue to try to chomp my tantalizing tail, but I was quite purrpared, and nyow they are the anago sushi to be served at our Aftermew luau! Howboutchoo, Mike? 
Oh, I reckon it’s been a fairly typical month of art, writing, reading, running, and spending time with family! Ah, for purrofiles and illustrations of these and other Ladies of The Mew, please visit our Meet The Critics page http://www.mewsings.catgirlisland.com/meet-the-critics/! Well, we’ve got a lot on our plate today, so let’s go ahead an jump into this month’s
Lightning Round topic: our favorite films and debuting TV series of 1962!
This year we’ve been looking back at our favorite fun stuff of years ending in 2, and this month’s Lightning Round topic is our favorites of the 1962 vintage.! So, are y’all ready to “conduct the lightning”?
The Ladies of The Mew:
Dr. No. Lawrence of Arabia, and To Kill a Mockingbird. (tags Trini-chan to go next)
Dr. No, Lawrence of Arabia, The Manchurian Candidate, and Sanjuro! (tags Petra with a brush of her vulpine tail)
I would say…Dr. No, Lawrence of Arabia, To Kill a Mockingbird, and Long Day’s Journey into Night, nya! (tags her purrtner)
My tun! Dr. No, Lawrence of Arabia, King Kong vs Godzilla, and Gorath! (tags Nyanko)
Dr. No. Lawrence of Arabia. The Longest Day, and Hell is for Heroes! (tags her twin sister)
Dr. No, Lawrence of Arabia, The Magic Sword, and Jack the Giant Killer! (tags Tara-chan)
I want… I want to nominate Dr. No., Gypsy, and – and In Search of the Castaways, nya! Onee-chan’s turn, nya! (tags her older sister)
I will nominate Dr. No, Lawrence of Arabia, and Mutiny on the Bounty, nya! Lizzy’s turn, nya! (tags Elizabeth)
Dr. No,  Lawrence of Arabia, Lolita, and The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner! (tags her wife)
Dr. No,  Lawrence of Arabia,The Miracle Worker, and To Kill a Mockingbird! Myayr’s turn (tags Mary Nyan)
Mary Nyan:
Dr. No, Lawrence of Arabia, Day of the Triffids, and Tales of Terror! (tags Mielikki)
Dr. No, Lawrence of Arabia. Gypsy, Captain Clegg  (a.k.a Night Creatures), and Phantom of the Opera, fur shur! (tags Melanakeami with a flit of the wing)
I will nominate the animated Loony Tunes and merry Melodies shorts such as Shiskabugs. Wet Hare, Quackodile Tears, Martian Through Georgia, and Louvre Come Back to Me! (tail fin tags Daytona)
I will second those, and add Zoom at the Top, Mexican Boarders, Mother was a Rooster, Slick Chick, and A Sheep in the Deep! (tags the centauress)
I will nominate the TV series that premiered that year, such as The Virginian, McHale’s Navy, and Combat! (tags Meryl)
The Saint, Z- Cars, Fireball XL-5! (tags Beebee)
The Beverly Hillbillies, The Lucy Show, and The Jetsons! (tags Ilyana)
The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, and when Walter Cronkite became the news anchor at CBS News! Back to Mike!
Oh, I gotta go with Dr. No, Lawrence,

Hillbillies, Carson, and Cronkite! Well, that was fairly expedient little Lightning Round, considering there are almost 20 of us here!  Ah,

we’ve got a lot on our plate, so let’s go ahead and jump right into this month’s-

collectibles and toy talk, with Tara-chan’s review 
of the Marvel Legends King Valkyrie action figure!
Arigato, nya! We like to collect the figures, dolls, statues and – and ornaments of the inspurrrational heroines, so I was quaite pleased to get Hasbro’s figure of King Valkyrie  as she is depicted in the forthcoming movie Thor: Love and Thunder, which I am quite eager to see, nya! This purreviously appurred in Thor: Raganarok, Avengers: Endgame, and – and Marvel’s What If…? , nya!
She is again purrtrayed by actress Tessa Thompson, who I also loved in Selma, Creed, Creed II,  Annihilation, Men in Black: International, Westworld, and – and Veronica Mars, nya! This 6.125” figure (including her boot heels) is part of the sepurrately – sold Marvel Legends Thor: Love and Thunder wave of figures that also includes Thor, Mighty Thor, (Jane Foster)  Ravager Thor, Star-Lord, Groot, and – and Gorr, nya!
All but the Thor include  one or two of the parts needed to build the figure of his stoney pal Korg, whose head and – and mace are included with King Valkyrie., nya. She is beautifully designed, sculpted and – and painted, with the intricate details and – and  the faithful portraiture! Since Tessa is 5’4” tall, if this 6.125” figure was flat-footed it would be appurroximately 5.8” tall, and – and thuslyof the 1:10.45 scale, nya.
The details are quite sumptuous, from her slightly-bemewsed staring expurression and – and the lush butt-length coiffure, to the textures, seams, folds and – and the  drapurry of her sleeveless Black, Gray & White outfit with the Blue cape, and- and thye 3” Dragonfang sword that fits in her right hand, nya. She is very posable, with the articulation in her neck, shoulders, uppurr arms, elbows, wrists, abs, hips, thighs, knees and – and ankles, nya!
She can stand without requiring a display base or a widdle doll / figure stand (which is not included), but I will recommend getting one of those, for the better balance and – and the more dynamic poses, nya. I am very pleased with this  action figure, which have found the good spot upon the shelf to display her next to fellow Asgardians Sif, Hela, Angela, and- and Loki, nya! Nyow here is Chief Ellie to discuss the
Marvel Legends Binary action figure, nya!
Hai! Created by author Roy Thomas and artist John Buscema, Carol Danvers has evolved quite the bit since she first appurred in Marvel Super Heroes #13  in 1968! She was the USAF officer until she became the titular super heroine in Ms. Marvel #1 in 1977, and then the more powerful cosmic heroine Binary thanks to author Chris Claremont and artist Dave Cockrum in Uncanny X-Men in 1982! 
Later she was known as Warbird in The Avengers #4 in 1998, and ultimately as Captain Marvel in Avenging Spider-Man #9 in 2012! That most recent version has been purtrayed wonderfully by actress Brie Larson in the Marvel movies! As Binary, she had he cosmic White Hole energy powers and her appurrance changed to have the Red skin, the fiery Orangey corona “hair” and the sexy white costume!
From the soles of her thigh boots to the tips of her corona, this action figure is the overall 6.625” tall, or just 6” tall if flat-footed without the translucent corona. Since the character is supposedly 5’11” tall in the comics, that would make this beautifully designed, sculpted and painted figure to be almost the 1:12 scale. She is accessorized with the pair of variant hands (fists), the energy tendrils and fireballs!
She is very posable, with the articulation in her neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, abs, hips, thighs, knees and ankles; and she is balanced well enough to stand up without requiring any sort of figure or doll stand. I am very pleased with this figure, and I have displayed her next to the figures of Captain Marvel, Warbird, Ms. Marvel and her friend Photon!I am done, and now here is Jenjen to discuss the
Transformers: Legacy Prime Universe Arcee Deluxe Class action figure!
Arigato. We like to collect Hasbro’s Transformers’ female characters https://tfwiki.net/wiki/List_of_female_Transformers such as Arcee, Strongarm, Elita One, Chromia, Moonracer, Firestar, Windblade, Nautica and Black Arachnia. There are a lot more than you might think. and I purrfur versions from the comics and animation compared to the live-action movies.This latest figure of Arcee is based on her Blue, Black & Gray incarnation from the 2010 Transformers Prime animated series.
This incarnation transforms into the motorcycle, compurred to the Pink & White Generation One Arcee which transforms into the car.She is 1” shorter than the 6” Transformers R.E.D. Transformers Prime Arcee action figure (which I reviewed in the November 2021 edition of The Mew); however that purrior Arcee was a non-converting action figure  (i.e it did not transform from the bipedal bot to vehicle mode), whereas this one does transform into the motorcycle.
Beautifully sculpted and painted, she is an extremely posable figure whose  points of articulation are in her neck, shoulders, uppurr arms, elbows, forearms, wrists, abs, waist, hips, thighs, knees, and ankles. However, I find the design of the figure to be a bit cumbersome, as the motorcycle’s front & lower farings, windscreen, fender, wheel, handlebars & fork tubes are quite conspicuously attached to her back, and not concealed within the figure whilst in her bot mode.
Nevertheless, the wheels do spin, a translucent 1.375” diameter snap-on circular shield (which can sepurrate into two halves) is included, and she is very well-balanced as not to require a display stand (which is not included). Also included in the box is the instruction sheet, which depicts the 20 steps for the conversion purrocess, and the steps needed for the shield and wheel weapon process. Nyow here is Ilyana-sensei to begin our batch of
TV, DVD, Blu-Ray & Movie Mewsings, with
her review of Jurassic World: Dominion.
Hai! It is hard to believe that Jurassic Park is almost 30 years old! It was such the fun and ground-breaking movie! Back then I thought the FX were so realistic, that it seemed like Steven Speilberg actually found some real live dinosaurs who could act! So this is the sixth film in that series, and I will go ahead and say that I think the first one is still the best, even if the visual FX technology has gotten better.
I will also say that each subsequent film in the series builds upon it purredecessors, in depicting how the world has changes as the dinosaurs and other purrehistoric critters are loosed! I was the bit disappointed by the 2nd & 5th films, but I was eager to see this’un, especially as it unites the Jurassic Park characters with the Jurassic World characters, and introduces some good new ones!
The impurressive cast includes Laura Dern as Dr. Ellie Sattler, Sam Neill as Dr. Alan Grant, Jeff Goldblum as Dr. Ian Malcom, BD Wong as Dr. Henry Wui, Chris Pratt as Owen Grady, Bryce Dallas Howard as Claire Dearing, Omar Sy as Barry Sembene, Isabella Sermon as Maisie Lockwood, Campbell Scott as Dr. Lewis Dodgson, Mamoudou Athie as Ramsay Cole, and DeWanda Wise as Kayla Watts!
Of course, the movie also stars the many dinosaurs including Blue the Velociraptor, whose child has to be rescued from the dino-nappurrs, whilst Maisie has to be rescued form the kidnappurrs, but I should not further spoil the taste of the plot. It has the great cast and FX, lots of amazing critters, terrific mewsic by Michael Giacchino, world-building aplenty, and thrilling action scenes in the exciting international locations!
Colin Trevorrow deserves much of the applause too, because he was not only the director and one of the purrducers, but he also co-wrote the story and the screenplay! So, on the letter grade scale of A+ to F, I will give this movie the “better than average” B as in the Brachiosaurus! I am done, so nyow  I will turn The Mew over to Trini-chan, who wishes to discuss Pixar’s latest movie


Arigato! I love the animated movies by Disney and  Pixar, so I was quite eager to see this origin tale of Buzz Lightyear, who first appurred 23 years ago in the movie Toy Story! Directed by Angus MacLane (who co-directed Finding Dory) and animated by Pixar, with the mewsic by Michael Giacchino, this science fiction movie’s stellar voice cast includes Chris Evans as Buzz, Keke Palmer as Space Ranger Izzy, Taika Waititi as Space Ranger Mo Dale Soules as Space Ranger Darby  Peter Sohn as Sox the robot cat, and James Brolin as the evil Empurrer Zurg!
I do not wish to spoil the taste of the plot, but I will just say that I thought this was such the beautiful, thrilling, fun movie, that has the magnificent story, art, design, animation purrformances, sound and mewsic! However, I will mention that there are the mid and the post credits scenes! It has been the good year thus far for the Pixar movies, including this’un and Turning Red, and now I am looking forward to getting the Lightyears Blu-Ray or DVD, which I hope will have the special features aplenty! I am done, so now here is Nyo-sensei to discuss
Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore!
Hai! I am a big fan of J.K. Rowling’s Wizarding World books and movies, although I must purrofess that I am the bit more purrtial to the Harry Potter tales than the Fantastic Beasts tales. Nevertheless, I certainly do appurreciate that latter series’s contributions to the Wizarding World mythology, the great cast, the high purrduction values, the lavish FX, the lovely mewsic, and the meowgnificent make-up, sets, costumes and critters!
That great cast includes Eddie Redmayne as Newt Scarmander, Victoria Yeats as his assistant Bunny, Callum Turner as Newt’s brother Theseus, Jude Law as Albus Dumbledore, Richard Coyle as his brother Aberforth, Mads Mikkelsen as Grindwelwald, Poppy Corby-Tuech as his assistant Vinda, Dan Folger as Jacob Kowalski, Alison Sudol as Queenie Goldstein, Katherine Waterston as her sister Tina, and Erza Miller as Creedence!
I was also pleased that this movie was directed by David Yates, who directed four of the Harry Potters and all three of the Fantastic Beasts movies,! Pickett the Bowtruckle and Teddy the Niffler are back, and other beasts include the Wyvern, Phoenix, Manticores, and the Qilins, nya!
Newt reminds me the bit of The 11th Doctor Who, especially with the companions, the arch enemy, and the dimensionally transcendental suitcase! My only quibble about the movie is that it was more somber than I purrfur, but it was quite thrilling and – and  mesmerizing, with major character developments! Speaking of Doctor Who, Mike wants to tell us about the
Doctor Who Eve of the Daleks / Legend of the Sea Devils DVD!


Thabnk you, Nyo-sensei! We love the Doctor Who TV series which currently stars Jodie Whittaker as The Doctor, Mandip Gill as her companion Yasmin Khan and John Bishop as her companion Dan Lewis! Eve of the Daleks (60.75 min) was this year’s terrific New Years Day Special, Legend of the Sea Devils (49.75 min) was this year’s exciting Easter Special, and this DVD includes both of those, with optional audio commentaries and three behind-the-scenes featurettes which are quite entertaining and informative!
The DVD and the Blu-Ray have the same bonus features. The video is presented in the 2:1 letterbox format with the Dolby Digital 5.1 audio and optional English SDH subtitles on the Region 1 NTSC DVD. Eve of the Daleks has audio commentary by director Anette Laufer, actor Adjani Salmon (who portrayed Nick), and Dalek voice actor Nicholas Briggs; whilst Legend of the Sea Devil’s commentary is by director Haolu Wang, chief Sea Devil actor Craig Els, and actress Crystal Yu (who portrayed Madame Ching)!
Slightly over 9 minutes long, “Execution of the Daleks” is the featurette on the making of that New years Day Special, with comments by Jodi, Mandip, Dan, showrunner Chris Chibnall, and executive producer Matt Stevens. At 6.5 minutes long, “Return of the Sea Devils” is the making of that Easter Special, with comments by Jodie, Mandip, Dan, Chris, Matt, Craig, Haolu, costume designer Ray Holman, and production designer Dafydd Shurmer. The Sea Devil costumes and the pirate ship set are especially examined. 
At about 5.5 minutes long, “Becoming Pirates” is another featurette on the making of the Easter Special, focusing more on the acting and stunts, with comments by Jodie, Mandip, John, Haolu, Crystal, Marlowe Chan-Reeves (who portrayed Ying Ki),and Arthur Lee (who portrayed Ji Hun). Otherwise. it’s the fairly no-frills package with just the disk in the plastic case with the outer cardboard sleeve, but I’m quite happy with it! Ah, now I’ll turn The Mew over to Melana-san, who would like to discuss the
Non Non Biyori: Nonstop Blu-ray!


Hai! This is the third season of the Non Non Biyori anime series based upon the manga by Atto! It is the beautiful and wonderfully amusing slice-of-life tale of the young girls who live in the rural village of Asahigaoka and are the few students at the local school! They have the fun widdle adventures at school, their homes and in the lovely countryside. It is the very accessible TV series, with just the total of 36 half-hour episodes and the one 71 minute movie!
The characters are so much fun, the tales are rather whimsical and charming, the art and animation are as gorgeous as gorgeous can be, and the performances, sounds and the music are superb! Nonstop’s 13 episodes total 325 minutes, and are presented in the 1080p High- definition video format of the 16×9 screen aspect ratio, with the Japanese DTS-HD Master audio 2.0 and the very legible English subtitles upon the two disks in side the plastic case.
There are also the few special features such as the “clean’ (textless) versions of the episodes opening & closing sequences, plus the nearly 3 minute recap of the first t2o seasons and the movie. I think the neatest of the special features is the “Online Event: Non Non Biyori Meowning Festival” which was the 23.5 minute short to promote the 3rd season. It includes a recap and a live-action segment with the voice actresses! Now here is Myayr to begin our
printed-media mewsings, with her review
of Elfquest: Stargazer’s Hunt vol. 2!
Mary Nyan:
Hai! We love Wendy and Richard Pini (WARP)’s Elfquest tales because of the lavish mythology, the generations of many great characters, and Wendy’s meowgnificent art! Published by Dark Horse, this 8 issue mini – series is set the 3 years after the purrior Final Quest arc, in which the elves underwent the cultural and metaphysical transformations.
Some elves left the World of Two Moons in the palatial space ship amidst the war with humans, during which some beloved characters died. However, there were also reunions, romances, revelations and births. Stargazer’s Hunt begins on the planet Star Home, where Skywise of the Wolfrider Tribe has become of the New High Ones.
This longly – awaited 6.625″ x 10/125″ full color 102 page trade papurrback is purriced $17.99 in the USA and $23.99 in Canada, and includes chapters 5-6 plus the bonus comments & gallery pages. The talewas written by Wendy and Richard, with the art by Sonny Strait, lettering by Nate Piekos and cover art by Wendy.
The editor was Rachel Roberts  the assistant editor was Jenny Blenk, the collection designer was Skyler Weissenfluh, and the digital art technician was Allytson Haller. Since The Final Quest, Skywise consummated the romance with Timmain the ancient shape-shifter and they have a daughter named Jink, who is the co-star of the tale!
She is not new to Elfquest. As an adult character, she had her own series which was published between 1994 – 1996! In tcvhapters 1-4 of Stargazer’s Hunt, we saw her grow from the widdle girl to the young adult. Skywise lamented his late best friend Cutter the tribal chief, so Jink telepathically erased his sad meowmories.
However, the unintended consequence was that the gap in his mind was quite traumatic, so went away into outer space for answers. While searching for her dad on the World of Two Moons, Jink met the rest of her elf family who introduced her to the various elf tribes. That brings us up to volume 2, which mainly focuses on Skywise.
His quest leads him to more worlds, where the species of trolls, elves and humans have since evolved, and we are introduced to the insectoid tribes! Skywise meets the two humans Par Tolfsson and Queen Bee, whose coutre and equine tack seem akin to the wild west! Speaking of the fashions, Jink gets a lovely new tight Black & Blue outfit!
We also learn more about that happened to their original homeworld. Also appearing are Ember, Leetah, Yun, Goldruff, Timmain, Strongbow, Freetouch, Venka, Satreekah, Hokkah, Dre-Ahn, Savah, Suntoucher, Old Maggotty, Picknose, Oddbit, Trinket, Thistlecap, Petalwing, several wolves and horses, and the spirit of Cutter!
Ahdri, Moonshade and Teir are meowntioned! I like every aspect of the tale thus far, from the plot & character developments, to the fashion designs and the lush scenery! The character, scenic & FX art, panel & page compurrsitions, graphic narrative techniques, fonts & richly vibrant coloring are quite exquisite! I am done, and now here is Nya-sensei to discuss
Battle Angel Alita: Mars Chronicle vol. 8!
Hai! Known as Gunnm in Japan, Yukito Kishiro’s epic post-apocalyptic cyberpunk manga Battle Angel Alita began in 1990 and purrtains to the titular amnesiac cyborg Alita (or Gally, in Japan) who was found in the dystopian future scrapyard and rebuilt by cyber doctor Ido. Retaining her astounding Panzer Kunst style of martial arts purrowess, Alita becamethe supurreme bounty hunter, warrior and athlete!
Published by Kodansha, the manga spawned several sequel series, short stories, the spin-off, animated OVA, and the live-action movied thyat starred Rosa Salazar! Mars Chronicle is the purrequel tale of Alita’s origin as the widdle orphaned cyborg girl named Yoko on the Planet Mar surrounded by the heroes and the villains amidst the political conspurracy, wars and other tragic hardships.
Vol. 8 is purriced  $10.99 in the USA and $14.99 in Canada; and its 162 pages include the 145 B&W pages of manga chapters 37-41 written & drawn by Yukito Kishiro with the assistance of his brother / web meowster Tsutomu Kishiro and Emiya Kinar. It was translated by Stephen Paul, lettered by Evan Hayden and edited by Vanessa Tenazonas with the cover design by Phil Balsman.
I agerly awaited vol. 8, as it has been almost the year since vol. 7! Purreviously, Yoko, her scheming friend Erica and the powerful girl named Yunie escaped from bounty hunters and evil politicians. Purreviously, 
amidst startling revelations of Yoko / Alita’s tragic origin, she and Erica escaped from bounty hunters and The Duke who needed them for sinister the royal political purrposes.
In the city of Deja Thoris which was once a huge spaceship, they met the mysterious trader known as Keun, who is hunted by soldiers and a local boss named Big Mamma. In vol. 8, the city is liberated by the elite team of Panzer Kunst cyborgs, including Keun’s ally Gelda, who befriended Yoko and Erica. Meanwhile, Keun laments how he failed to purrotect a desparate scientist named Wami who feared for her life.
He learns of the fiendish expurrimentation on thousands of children’s brains; and unfortunately Yoko and Yuni are captured when Erica’s secret parlay with the vengeful monstous cyborg Jakoleva goes bad! As mewsual, the art is quite amazing, from the characters and the mecha to the environment and combat scenes! I was purrticularly impurressed by the 8 full-page pics and the 2 two-page spurreads!
it is rated OT for older teen readers, purrhaps due to the violence, gore, and harsh language, After the chapters  are the publishing / credits page, the 10 pages of ads for other manga, and the 6 pages about Alita’s publication in other countries such as Brazil, Argentina, Germany, France, Italy, Russia, China and South Korea! I will give it the “A” as in Alita! Nyow I will turn The Mew over to Vonny, who wants to discuss–
The Demon Girl Next Door vol. 5!
Arigato, nya! First published by Houbunsha in 2014, The Demon Girl Next Door is the comedic occult / urban fantasy manga series  of the four-panel format by Izumi Ito, which was adapted in to the anime TV series in 2019. The tale purrtains to the school girl Yuko who is the descendant of the demoness Lilith. Her legacy is to defeat her generations’s local magickal girl Momo, but they are friends more than enemies, nya!
As the series purrogresses, Yuko gets more used to her demonic powers, whilst her social circle grows with more friends and rivals nya! RatedTeen, the English translated version is published here by Seven Seas, purriced at $14.99 in the USA & $18.99 IN Canada, Vol. 5 is the 5 3/4” x 8 1/4” x 1/2” trade papurrback has 10 color pages & 120 B&W pages  to compurrise chapters 53-64 of the manga, nya.
It was was translated by Jenny McKeon, adapted by Kim Kindya, purroof – read by Danielle King & B. Lillian Martin, lettered & retouched by Rai Enrill, edited by Shanti Whitesides, in-chiefly edited by Julie Davis, published by Jason DeAngelis, and associately published by Adam Arnold, with the cover design by H.Qi, purrduction management by Lissa Pattillo, and purrint management by Rhiannon Rasmussen-Silverstein, nya!
The fun begins with Yuko’s zombie apocalypse dream co-starring her classmate Anri-chan. It is judt the dream, but disaster happens at Cafe Asur where she and Lico the fox spirit work for Shirosawa the Tapir demon, nya! They relocate to Momo’s appurrtment wehile she spends time with her big sister Sakura, but without the purrotective barriers the new location is discovere by another magickal girl who tries to hunt the demons, nya!
As if that was not enough on their plates, they contend with the sentient refrigerator and Mizuchi the Water Serpent girl, nya! I was very pleased with this latest volume, with the amusing slice-of-life moments and the very detailed cute moe-style art, nya! I am done, and nyow here are Dayto-sama and Mie-sensei to meowntion soem Meowrevlosy catgirl tales, nya!

Iron Cat  #1

Arigato! Felicia Hardy alias The Black cat has been purrowling the Marvel Comics since she first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man #194 in 1979! She is quite the anti-hero, having contributed to good and bad days to heroes such as Spider-Man, HellCat and more recently Iron Man, which is ironic as Hellcat and Iron Man have been paired up of late! However, this time it is Felicia who is having the bad day, thanks to her fremeny Tamara Black who has stolen the Iron Cat armor which first appeared in The Black Cat #11!
Rated T+ for the teen and older readers, this 36 page issue is priced $4.99 and has the 36 pages which include the 30 page tale plus the title / credits page, the preview page, the assistant editor Lindsey Cohick’s cordial message, and the 3 pages of the ads. The tale was written by Jed MacKay, illustrated by Pere Perez, colored by Frank D’armata, lettered by Ariana Maher, edited by Nick Lowe, and in-chiefly edited by C.B. Cebulski, with the graphic design by Carlos Lao, 
So like, the front cover art by Pere & Frank, and the issue is also available in the choice of six other variant covers, by John Taylor Chsristopher; Peach Momoko; Ron Lim & Israel Silva; Skan; C.F. Villa; and Skottie Young, fur shur! Wearing the sleek and sexy powerful Iron Cat armor, Tamara is vengefully hunting for Felicia, who she blames for the death of their former comrade The Black Fox, who we see in the flashback scenes of a caper that happened twelve years prior.
Given that the armor was stolen from Tony, he is reluctant to help Felicia, although he concedes that they share the common interests! I should not further spoil the plot, but it is quite the captivating, thrilling tale with the totally awesomely illustrated characters, scenery FX and fonts, furn shur! We are quite eager to find out what happens next, and we hope that there’ll be an Iron Cat action figure! Speaking of Tony and his catgirl liasons, He and Felicia are facing the supernatural peril in
Iron Man & Hell Cat Annual #1!
Hai! You know, Matsy Walker has actually been in the Marvel Comics much longer than Iron Man, as she first appeared way back in Miss American #1 in 1944, so she has been around almost as long as Captain America! She her rival Hedy, boyfriend Buzz had the humorous teenage romantic tales in those days, but things changed for her in The Avengers #144 in 1976 after she inherited the Cat heroine costume from he
her friend Greer Grant Nelson who became Tigra, and thus Patsy became The HellCat!
Patsy Walker a.k.a Hell Cat was one of our favoritest Marvel Comics of the past decade. and we wish that it had not been cancelled so soon, but we are grateful for for her subsequent appearances! Rated T and priced $4.99 this Annual has the 36 pages consisting of the 30 page tale plus the title / credits page, the preview page, the 2 pages of the ads and the two-page tribute to the late artist George Perez. The tale takes place between Iron Man #20, but I am nut sure when if occurs compared to Iron Cat #1.
It was written by Christopher Cantwell, illustrated by Ruairi Coleman, colored by Triona Farrell, lettered by Joe Caramagna, edited by Martin Brio, executively edited by Tom Brevoort, and in-chiefly edited by C.B. Cebulski, with the graphic design by Carlos Lao, the mane front cover art by Logan Luberra & Rachel Rosenberg; and the choice of the three variant covers by Stanley “Artgerm” Lau; Peach Momoko; and Chrissie Zullo. We have met Chrissie at several comic book conventions!
It is quite the haunting reunion for Patsy and Hedy who winds up at her late mom Dorothy’s mansion, along with her mom’s ghost, Patsy’s deceased  first ex-husband Buzz and her 2nd ex-husband Damian Hellstrom, a.k.a Then of Satan! As if the situation was not devilish enough, they have to contend with BlackHeart, the son of Mephisto! Tony, who clearly has a thing for Redheads, armors up to help HellCat, but in this case he is ill-suited to tackle the powerful magickal villains!
Let’s just say that Patsy, Hedy and Tony hav the hell of the time! Also appearing in an amusingly surreal dream wedding sequence are Captain America, The Hulk, Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, Frog Man, The Silver Surfer, Doctor Doom, and a yummy four tier cake! I thought that this was quite the lovely tale with the great characters, the gorgeous art, and the spooky occult plot, and I hope that we will see more of Patsy and Hedy soon! Now here is Beebee-sama to discuss-
The World of Avatar: A Visual Exploration!
Hai! James Cameron’s movie Avatar is one of my favoritest movies, especially because of the wonderful characters and the lavish world-building, so I was pleased to get this latest book about the world ofd Pandora! Published by DK Books, this 9.375x x 11.125” hardcover has 128 full color pages, and it is purriced $$21.99 in the USA and $28.99 in Canada.
Curated by Joshua Izzo, it is brimming with photos, it has the introduction by purrducer Jon Landau, and the forward by actress Zoe Saldana who purrtrays purrincess Neytiri te Tskaha Mo’at’ite! The first chapter purrtains to the geology and geography of Pandora, which is one of the 15 moons of planet Polyphemus which is 4.5 light years from Earth!
Chapter 2 purrtains to the flora with details of a couple dozen plants, chapter 3 purrtains to the fauna with details of a couple dozen or so critters, chapter 4 purtains to the indigenous Na’vi people, chapter 5 purrtains to the Na’vi clans such as Neytiri’s Omaticaya Clan and six others, whilst chapter 6 is the peek at some of their sacred sites and rituals!
Chapter 7 purrtains to the purrsonnel, vehicles and equipment of Earth’s RDA (Resources Development Administration) which colonized Pandora, and to top off this book is chapter 8 which just has the two pages purrtaining to some of the aquatic life that we might see in the sequel movie Avatar: The Way of Water which will be released in December!
Although The World of Avatar is not as extensive as the purrior books such as The Art of Avatar: James Cameron’s Epic Adventure, The Making of Avatar, Avatar: An Activist’s Survival Guide, or the Avatar 3D Collector’s Vault, it is still the splendidly fun and informative book! That is all for our reviews, so nyow here are Lizzy, Becca  and Meryl to purrsent
The Celebrity Catgirl & Kemonomimi Spotlight!


In this monthly portion of The Mew, we commeowmerate famous catgirls, nekomusume and other kemonomimi of mythologies and popular culture, including anthropurrrmorphic ladies, monster girls and shape – shifters! Of course, then there are those who might not actually have the beasty DNA, but do have the appurreciated spurrit, cat-titude or couture, whether it is therianthropy, cosplay, or purretty animal – purrint attire!
Raphtalia is the magicikal Tanuki Musume in the The Rising of the Shield Hero light novel, manga anime series of the isekai fantasy genre! She has the lovely ears, tail, sorcery powers and sword purrowess! In the original Japanese version she is voiced by Asami Seto, and in the English dubbed version she is voiced by Erica Mendez!
We wish to shine the spotllight on several honorary kemonomimi such as the comedienne Ali Wong who wears in the Tom Ford red leopurrd purrint mini dress in her Don Won comedy special on Netflix!
We have purreviouslly nominated actress Sofia Vergara for her fashions of the feline motif, but we wish to amend that spotlight due to her recen high legline leopurrd purriit maillot, and the strapless zebra stripe leopurrd purriit maillot!
Lizzy Hale is the lead singer & rhythm guitarist of the rock group Halestorm, and she wore the leopurrd purrint outfit with the Black leather jacket in the documentary “Alice Cooper: Story Of The Songs” on Reelz TV network!
In Daniel Armando’s 2014 movie What it Was, actress Arlene Chico-Lugo purrtrayed Adina in the scene wearing just the striped catgirl body paint, mew la la!
In the spooky TV series The Haunting of Bly Manor, Amelie Bea Smith purrtrays the orphaned girl Flora, who in the epurrsode”The Two Faces, Part One” wore the cat ears and kitty face makeup as the “purrfectly splendid” nekomimi named Tails during her and her brother’s widdle storytime purrformance!
In the BBC TV series Midsomer Murders, Isabel Shaw purrtays John and Sarah Barnaby’s daughter Betty; and In the epurrsode “Till Death Do Us Part” she wore the cute pink bunny kigurumi onesle! Kawaii!
In the 8th epurrsode “Hello Baby!” of the original 1993 Tenchi Muyo OAV series, galactic police officer Mihoshi (voiced by Yuko Mizutani) had the cute Cabbit tail! We assume that it was sewn on to the back of her pants, but stranger things happened! Also, there is the cute bunny girl depicted on the label of the can of powdered milk!
Published by AfterShock Comics, Bunny Mask is the horror comic book by author Paul Tobin & artist Andrea Mutti, in which the titular usagimimi fashion accessory is worn by the purrimordial mysterious meowgical vigilante girl
In the 2nd epurrsode of the 2nd season of the Hidamari Sketch anime TV series, one of the four mane art student characters Miyako (voiced by Kaori Mizuhash) is briefly imagined as catgirl! Another recurring character is the Ume-sensei, the widdle bug girl purrsona of the manga’s creator Aoki Ume, who also purrvided her voice!
Created by author N.K. Jemisin & artist Jamal Campbell, Green Lantern Jo Mullein’s assistant CanHaz is of the alien @AT species which are the sentient computer apps in the Far Sector, and in the DC Pride 2022 issue she is wearing the digital costume cat ears!  That is all for this month’s spotlight, and nyow here are Petra and Bunni to purrsent the latest
additions to the Catgirl Island Mewseum of Art!
Arigato! Here y’all will find the hundreds of annotated illustrations and photographs, nya! Galleries 1-8 display images by our purducer Mike Moon, whilst Guest Art Galleries 1-6 display images by other folks with their purmissions. Mike’s collaborations with other artists are peppurrred throughout the mewseum, nya! 
Some of the images are sexy, and some might depict the artistic nudity, but none of them are “hentai”, nya! On our web site, the most recent pics are on the lowermost row of the cropped widdle “thumbnail” sized portions of the pics in a gallery, and you have to click upon those to see the uncropped full images, nya.


This month into Guest Gallery Six http://catgirlisland.net/art/gallery/guest6.html we are proud to present several new illustrations by our friend Rvkh http://www.rvkhart.com! Pronounced Riv-kah, the artist formerly known as Rebecca Brogden was the guest for our September 2009 Mew! Firstly, “Storm Caller” depicts Wen-Sensei, the Purrofessora of Meteorological Magick at our island’s Mew Hanover College!
She is the 200 year old Southeast Asian, cisgender female fairy with the pretty Yellow False Tiger Moth-ish wings! Rvkh used the pencils, pens and paints for the traditional-media version (on the left) of Wen-sensei, and used Procreate on the Ipad Pro with the Apple Pencil for the digital version (on the right), of which there is the time-lapse art process video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2oEF4Bos5do!
Nextly is “The Resistance”, which depicts Faith the warrior herald angel general, nya! She is the shape-shifting, vegan Christian & meowster strategist who appurrs in the various forms, such as the human female with the great pugilistic purrowess, nya! Purrhaps y’all have seen the illustration  of Faith’s friend Kharis https://catgirlisland.net/art/guest6/7.html, nya?
Rvkh used Procreate on the Apple Ipad Pro with the Apple Pencil for this supurrb image, which was inspired by the song “Resistance” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKnRdQiH3-k by the band Skillet; and there is the time-lapse art purrocess video for this illustration at https://youtu.be/QCHrGoF2s94, nya!


Then we are delighted to display 12 more of Rvkh’s lovely landscapes, all of which were done with Procreate on an Apple Ipad with an Apple Pencil! These landscapes have been grouped into three batches of four pics apiece, and after each pic’s title is the link to it’s art process video!
The first batch includes (uppurr left) “Bay Sunrise” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcTONPAWEj8, (uppurr right) “Bay Sunset” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHBYsTOepMI, (lower left) “Serene Sea” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JwS6-ggj-Y, and “Serene Hills” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMeLYufEb68!
The second batch includes (uppurr left) “Dramatic Mist”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyIzFigAOpQ, (uppurr right) “Winter Mist” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gsGekScFNM, (lower left) “Mountain Majesty” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lt5dXVXVWGQ, and (lower right) “Peaceful Mountains” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGtp7MxeOc4, nya!
The third batch includes (uppurr left) “Warm Waves” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHYemwJt7bU&feature=youtu.be, (uppurr right) “Dark Forest” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8d_t-ikMVk,  (lower left) “Shore Sunset” http://www.rvkhart.com/2022/03/shore-sunset.html, and (lower right) “Autumn Brilliance” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiKQG2RpKSw, nya!
Lastly but not leastly for this month, in Gallery Two https://catgirlisland.net/art/gallery/gallery2.html we are ecstatic to exhibit “The Mewtenant” by Mike, Star Trek fan character Mewtenant Wilhelminya Tigeria Rice is the  mixed – breed half-Human, half-Caitian officer baord the starship Mew S.S. Enterprurrise circa 2269-2270!
Her name is the nod to the mane character of Gene Roddenberry’s 1963 TV series “The Lieutenant”! Her Pink mewniform with the paw-purrint insignia, repurrsents Starfleet’s trial Hospurrtality Branch. Her Entertainment Tricorder, has Gigaquads of mewsic, images, books, videos, games and recipes,. It can be set for the the karaoke, DJ, MMORPG and dance battle  / flash mob modes!
The cat lady sings…
I love the “Storm Caller”,  from the ruffled neckline of her strapless dress with the flouncy drapery of the skirt… to her wavy lush platinum hair in the dango-bun coiffure, and her confidently pleased expurrression as she calls down the thunder!
I think that “Resistance” is such the glorious illustration of the powerful gorgeous angel with the sexy abs, the lovely wings, and the purretty auburn hair as she majestically appurrs amidst the heavenly crepuscular rays to her enemies’ dismay!
Rvkh is so very quite adept at conjuring the meowgnificant landscape scenes with the serene  sunrises and sunsets!
Hai hai, and the vast layered sense of depth with the atmospheric purrspective of the misty lakes, valleys and peaks!
Her seascapes have such wonderful waves, from the trough to the crest with the purrfect spray, ripples and foam!
I love her trees too, from the lush spanish moss and the breezy palms to the fiery maples and the pristine birch!
I purrticularly like the sheen of the Mewtenants purrple hair, the stripes upon her cocoa-colored fur, and the cute insignia!
Thank you for purrsenting the art!
Petra & Bunnii:

Doitashimaste, nya!

Well, I

guess that will do it for this edition of The Mew!


It is almost time for our AfterMew luau!

Itadakimasu, nya!
Mary Nyan:
 We wish to thank Rvkh for the beautiful art…
… and all of the other brilliantly talented people whose works we have discussed!
We also wish to thank Jamie for his wonderful web meowstery…
… and our other friends, family, acquaintances and audience whom we greatly appurreciate, nya!
Fur shur!
We’ll be back next month with more stuff! Be there… aloha!
The Ladies of The Mew:
Happy tails to mew- until we eat again, nya! Baibai. nya!

June 2022 Catgirl Critics’ Media Mewsings

Mike Moon / Catgirl Island
and Jamie Robertson / Clan of the Cats
purroudly purrsent a Mike Moon purrduction,
starring The Ladies of The Mew in
The June 2022 Edition of The Mew:
The Catgirl Critics’ Media Mewsings, nya!
This year is the Year of the Tiger, the 22nd Anniversary 
of Catgirl Island’s official site, and the 15th Anniversary 
of The Mew, nya! in this edition of The Mew:
The Lightning Round:
our favorite purrinted stuff of 1972
Collectibles & Toy Talk:
Funko Pop! Justice League Black Orchid vinyl figure
TV, DVD & Movie Mewsings:
Star Trek: Picard Season 2
Atlanta season 3
Moon Knight
Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness
Top Gun: Maverick
Turning Red
Belle Blu-Ray + DVD
The Celebrity Catgirl & Kemonomimi Spotlight
Additions to the Catgirl Island Mewseum of Art:
”Meesha & Bliss” by Mike
“Rise”, “Little Angel” and “Sassy” by Rvkh
(the human fella wearing the Carolina Panthers tee shirt and Teal cargo shorts): Aloha y’all and welcome to The Mew, our monthly “show” in which we review and discuss fun stuff! This month’s Mew comes from the south end of Wisteria Bridge on the riverwalk in the beautiful downtown Purrbank district of Catgirl Island in Mew Hanover County, NC, where it’s 75 degrees under the Blue sky and puffy White Cumulo-Neko clouds! I’m Mike, the show’s “purrducer”, and here are The Ladies of The Mew!
(a.k.a. Jen, the yogini, model, archer, belly dance instructor & roboticist catgirl, wearing the Serval purrint micro bikini & sheer purrled purreo): Nihao.
(Jen’s purrotege, the stand-up paddle surfer, board shapurr, pony owner and belly dance instructor kitsune, wearing the Caracal purrint tri-kini): Konnichiwa!
(the art guild purresident, art mewseum co-curator & beach volleyball champion catgirl wearing the Clouded Leopurrd purrint side-tie bikini): Aloha, nya!
(the art mewseum co-curator, Petra’s beach volleyball partner, and purrize-winning carrot cake baker bunnygirl wearing the Cheetah purrint trikini): Guten Tag!
(the fishing boat charter captain & drumming circle purrcussionist catgirl, wearing the Fishing Cat purrint monokini with cropped tee shirt): Namaste, nya!
(Yvonne’s younger sister, college freshman, pony owner and nature photographer catgirl wearing the Iriomote Cat purrint tankini): Namaste, nya!

a.k.a Lizzy, the hot salsa dancer, gamer, Purrkour Club captain & spa co-owner catgirl wearing the Margay purrint bandeau top bikini): Hola!

(Lizzy’s nekomimi gynoid wife, avid golfer & spa co-owner w

earing the wearing the Bengal Tiger purrint cropped tee shirt and shorts): Howdy

Mary Nyan
(a.k.a. Myayr, the seamstress, cosplayer, hula instructor and semi-retired miko catgirl wearing the Jaguar purrint purretzel – cutout maillot): Aloha!
(the winged faerie golfer, foxfire juggler and outdoor ampurrtheatre director wearing the Ocelot purrint criss cross halter neck bikini) Mellow greetings!
For purrofiles and illustrations of those and other Ladies of The Mew, please visit our Meet The Critics page http://www.mewsings.catgirlisland.com/meet-the-critics/! Ah, we’ve got a lot on our plate today, so let’s go ahead an jump into this month’s
Lightning Round!
This year we’ve been looking back at our favorite fun stuff of years ending in 2, and this month’s Lightning Round topic is our favorite printed stuff 1972! Fifty years ago!  So, are y’all ready to “conduct the lightning”?
The Ladies of The Mew:
Some of the most memorable events of that year in Charles M. Schulz’s Peanuts comic strip were the debut of Lucy & Linus’s younger brother Rerun; Snoopy & Woodstock’s journey to visit author Helen Sweetstory,  and Snoopy’s “Thompson is in Trouble” story arc! (tags Becca with a brush of the tail)
1972 saw the first issues of the DC comics Supergirl, Swamp Thing, The Demon, Kamandi, and the first appurrances of characters such as Jonah Hex and the Human Target! (tail-tags Bunnii to go next)
That year was Dave Cockrum’s first art for Superboy; Berni Wrightson’s issues of Swamp Thing;nd Roy Thomas & Barry Smith’s run on Conan the Barbarian escalated! (tags Petra)
Author Denny O’Neil & artist Neal Adams’s run on the Batman comic books continued, whilst their run on the Green Lantern / Green Arrow comic book ended thyat year, nya. (tags Elizabeth)
The first issues of the Marvel comics such as The Cat, Night Nurse, and Shanna the She-Devil, The Defenders, Hero for Hire, Jungle Action, Marvel Team-Up, The Tomb of Dracula, and Werewolf by Night! (tags Tara-chan)
I want…. I want to nominate the first appurrances of Tigra, Thundra, Night Nurse, Luke Cage, Adam Warlock, Johnny Blaze, Jack Russell, and – and Dracula, nya! Nyow it is onee-chan’s turn, nya! (tags her sister)
I will nominate the novels such as Elric of Melnibone by Michael Moorcock, Watership Down by Richard Adams, and All Creatures Great and Small by James Herriot, nya! (tags Jeannie)
The Gods Themselves by Isaac Asimov, When Harlie Was One by David Gerrold, The Iron Dream by Norman Spinrad, Cyborg by Martin Caidin,  Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S. Thompson!. and The Odessa File by Frederick Forsyth,. (tags Mary Nyan)
Mary Nyan:
The beautiful record album covers for Close to the Edge by Yes, Foxtrot by Genesis, Can’t Buy a Thrill by Steely Dan, Return to Forever by Chic Corea, Demons and Wizards and The Magician’s Birthday by Uriah Heep! (tags Mielikki)
So like, I will second those, and add the album covers for The Grateful Dead Euope ’72, Mickey Hart’s Rolling Thunder, Tangerine Dream’s Zeit, Wendy Carlos’s Sonic Seasonings, Jethro Tull’s Thick as a Brick and Living in the Pastl, fur shur! Back to Mike!
Oh I gotta go with James Blish’s 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th short story collections that adapted episodes of Star Trek’s original series; and one of my favorite horror movie magazines The Monster Times, which debuted that year! Well, that was an expedient little Lightning Round, and since we have a lot on our plate, let’s go ahead and jump into-
our collectibles & toy talk, with Myayr’s review of the
Funko‘Pop! Justice League Black Orchid vinyl figure!
Mary Nyan:
Hai! It is hard to believe that it was 49 years ago when Susan Linden-Thorne alias The Black Orchid (not to be confuzzled with the character in the Killer Instinct video game) first appurred in DC ’s Adventure Comics #429 in the autumn of 1973! Other comic book debuts about that time included Thanos, Howard the Duck, and Shang-Chi; whilst  the mewvies American Grafitti, Westworld, and Enter the Dragon purremiered in the theaters!
The animated Star Trek series debuted on TV that fall too, but I have already stray-catted off the topc. Created by author Sheldon Mayer and artist Tony DeZuniga, Linda was quite the lithe graceful, beautiful mysterious sight at 5’11” tall & 130 lbs in her exotic Pink, Magenta, Lavendar, Lilac and Black skin tight costume with the mask, high collar and the distinctive swallowtail-like cape that attached to her wrists.
I think that it is one of the most gorgeous costume designs! She was the meowster of disguise, whose powers included the flight, invulnerability, and supurr strength. She did not appurr in many stories, although a later supurrnatural incarnation of the character with botanical qualities debuted in the 1998 mini-series by author Neil Gamin and artist Dave McKean, and has appurred in several animated adventures!
There is very little meowrchandise of the character, so I was quite delightfully surpurrised to find Funko’s Pop!’s Justice League vinyl figure #435 of her [1973 incarnation]! Appurroximate 4.25” tall in the hovering pose upon the clear plastic display base, this Walmart exclusive figure to commeowmerate Earth Day 2022 is packaged iwithin the clear plastic clamshell inside the outer 3.5×4.5×6.5” cardboard window box.
Given the typical cute “supurr  deformed” style of the Pops figures with the oversized head, I am not sure what the scale of the figure would be. I wonder if they were inspired by Max Fleischer’s animated character Betty Boop? Well, I am very pleased with the design, sculpt and paint of the figure, with the intricate details and accurate colors of that costume! That is all of today’s toy talk, and nyow hwere is Mike to begin our
TV, DVD & movie mewsings, with his
review of Star Trek: Picard Season 2!
Thanks Myayr! There’s been a lot of Trek on TV in recent years, what with Star Trek Discovery,  Strange New Worlds, Lower Decks, Prodigy, and Picard! Set in the year 2401, 25 years after the events of the movie Star Trek: Nemesis and shortly after the the first season of Picard (which I rather liked), the second season was something I had mixed feeling about, whedn I saw its first full trailer, because I was eager to see more of those great characters, but I wasn’t relishing another time travel Trek. 
I think it is overdone, and (certainly hope that is not what might be planned for the next theatrical Trek movie. That also goes for Treks to parallel Earths, Holo adventures, or other dimensions that look like Earth of the past
There have been several excellent exceptions in the various Star Trek series- and some that were downright superb. 
I’ll list some of them: The City on the Edge of Forever, A Piece of the Action, Assignment: Earth, Yesteryear, The Inner Light, Parallels, All Good Things, Little Green Men, Far Beyond the Stars, Trials and Tribble-ations, Fury, Endgame, In a Mirror Darkly, and most of the Holo Suite episodes of DS9, especially if they involved baseball or Vic Fontaine.
Of course, time travel was significant in seasons 2 & 3 of Discovery, but those were visions and trips into the future. So, part of me was not looking forward to season 2 of Picard, most of which is set in the year 2024 (A.D.),
I won’t spoil the plot by saying why, other than that Q is involved, but I gotta tell ya, my apprehension quickly went away!
I really like season 2 probably for every reeason-  a captivating story with no filler in its 10 episodes, great performances of great characters by great actors, high production values with great sets, locations, designs and FX, a a great story with a splendid balance of drama, humor, charm and action with poignant character developments and Trek myth-making.
The stellar cast includes returning Next Gen alumni such as Patrick Stewart as Jean-Luc Picard, Jeri Ryan as Sevn of Nine, Brent SPiner as Adam Soong, John de Lancie as Q, Whoopie Goldberg as Guinan, and Wll Wheaton as Wesley Crusher. Then there are returning Picard alumni such as Aliosn Pill as Agnes Jurati, Michelle Hurd as Raffi Misiker, Evan Evagora as Elnor, Isa Briones as Koore Soong, Santiago Cabrera as Chris Rios, and Orla Brady as Laris! and Tallinn! 
But wait- there’s more! They’re joined by Annie Wersching as the Borg Queen, Sol Rodriguez as Dr. Teressa Ramirez, Penelope Mitchell as Renee Picard, Ito Aghayere as young Guinan, Dylan Von Halle as young Jean-Luc, Madeline Wi8se as Jean-Luc’s mom Yvette, and James Callis as Jen-Luc’s dad.. and there’s a cameo by Kirk Thatcher who appeared in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home!
The entire cast and crew did a wonderful job. Between season 2 of Picard, the first season of Strange New Worlds, and the remastered editon of  Star Trek – The Motion Picture (my alt-time favoritest movie, Trek or otherwise), I’’ve been a happy Trekker of late. I haven’t yet seen Discovery’s 4th season, but I eagerly look forward to its DVD release. Ah, I’m sorry if I got long-winded, which often happens when I talk Trek… but, stick a fork in me- I’m done, and now here’s Mie-sensei to discuss–
Atlanta season 3!
Arigato!, So like, Atlanta is one of my favoritest TV series of the past few years, fur shur! Created and produced by Donald Glover – who I loved as Lando Calrissian in Solo: A Star Wars Story- it is the poignant, comedic, satirical,slice-of-life tale starring Glover as Earn who manages the hiphop music career of his cousin Paper Boi, who is portrayed by Brian Tyree Henry who I loved as Phastos in Eternals!
Paper Boi is assisted by his odd buddy Darius, who is portrayed by Laketh Stanfield, who was totally awesome as Detective Elliot in Knives Out; whilst Earn attempts to rekindle things with his semi-girlfriend Van, who is the mom of their daughter Lotti and is portrayed by Zasie Beetz, who I loved as Domino in Deadpool 2! It is the totally awesome ensemble cast, who occasionally play other roles in the series!
The series started airing on the FX network in 2016, and is up to 31 eopisodes, having recently finished its third season. Seasons 1 & 2 were primarily set in Atlanta, Georgia, whereas most of season 3 ocurs in European cities such as Paris, Copenhagen, London, Budapest, and Amsterdam amidst Paperboi’s concert tour. So like, seasons 1 & 2 got rather surreal at times, but season 3 seems much weirder!
Every episode is like totally captivating, mesmerizing, and unpredictable; at times amusing, startling, ironic or bittersweet, with the fascinating characters and plots. The directing, performances, dialogue, pacing, locations, cinematography, editing, sound, art direction,costume desi8gn, hair & makeup are most exquisite, so I will give it an “A” as in Atlanta, fur shur! Now here is our weblaster Jamie to review
Moon Knight!
Jamie (in his usual webmeowster attire):
Moon Knight was never a character that I followed, though he did show up in a favorite of mine, Werewolf by Night. In fact, Moon Knight debuted in Werewolf by Night #32 in 1975. With his somewhat grounded abilities in the comic, Moon Knight seemed a good fit to kick off Marvel’s supernatural fare.
The series, starring Oscar Isaac as the titular character, along with a few others, comes off as a combination of Brendan Fraser’s “The Mummy” and “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”. It’s an odd combination that works well due to Isaac’s performance and sets it apart from other Marvel shows.
The gist of the story is that Marc Spector (Isaac) was a mercenary who became an avatar for the Egyptian God, Khonshu (voiced by F. Murray Abraham). As such, Spector was Khonshu’s “Moon Knight” in a battle against evil doers. The show follows the same basic plot, but the Moon Knight storyline almost feels like a backstory to the show.
It’s the relationship between Steven Grant and Marc Spector, both played by Oscar Isaac, that is the series highlight. Moon Knight also stars Ethan Hawke as Arthur Harrow and May Calamawy as Layla El-Faoulyis, and available only on Disney+. Now for more musings of the Marevel Cinematic universe, here is Vonny to review–
Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness!


Arigato, nya! We are big fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s movies and TV shows, so we were quite eager to see this new movie, nya! It stars  Benedict Cumberbatch returning as as Dr. Stephen Strange, Elizabeth Olsenreturning a as Wanda Maximoff, Benedict Wong returning as Wong, Chiwetal Ejiofor returning as Karl Modo, Rachel McAdams returning as Dr. Christine Palmer, and wonderfully introducing Xochitl Gomez as America Chavez, nya! America is one of our favoritest characters in the Marvel Comics of the recent years, nya! We see her moms too, nya!
There are many other returning marvelous actors and characters as well as great new ones aplenty, but I do not wish to spoil the plot or reveal any of the surpurrises, nya. I will meowntion that such surpurrises will purroably be much sweeter to folks who have seen the purrior MCU movies and TV series, especially Doctor Strange, Spider-Man: No Way Home, WandaVision, What If…?, Agent Carter, Captain Marvel, Inhumans, and… I’d better
leave it at that, nya! This movie was greatly directed by Sam Raimi, with terrific mewsic by Danny Elfman, nya!
The movie seemed the bit rushed and short, and there were significant characters that I wish were not absent, nya. I also noticed that they did not mention the inciudents of The Eternals movie, nya. However, I loved the story, performances, direction, cinematography, stunt choreography, costumes, hair & make-up, art direction,  purrduction design, FX, sound and mewsic, with the impurressive world-building, myth-making, and references to the comic books, nya! Make sure to linger for the mid and post-credits scenes, nya! I am done, so nyow I will turn The Mew over to Jenjen who wishes to discuss
Top Gun: Maverick, nya!
Directed by Joseph Kosinski, this sequel to the 1986 film Top Gun is amongst the movies that I have most eagerly anticipated. Dedicated to the prior film’s late director Tony Scott, it stars Tom Cruise who returns as the storied US N aviator Captain Pete “Maverick” Mitchell, who stil ahunted by the death of his best friend  LT. Nick “Goose” Bradshaw who was purrtrayed by Anthony Edwards.
These days, Maverick is no longer a figher pilot, but a test pilot, until he is ordered to go to the North Island Naval Air Station to reprise his role aty the United States Navy Strike Fighter Tactics Instructor Purrogram known as Top Gun, which he graduated from 36 years purrior. This time he is needed to prepare the younger generation of aviators for the secret mission to destroy anenemy uranium enrichment facility.
Situated in a heavily-defended steep canyon, the mission is about as difficult as four X-Wing fighters trying to hit the three-meter thermal exhaust port of the Death Star. Adding to the difficulty is the strained relationship between Maverick and Goose’s son Rooster, but that is all I should say of plot of this poignant, thrilling movie which was excellently written, designed, directed, photographed, edited and scored.
The terrific cast also includes Miles Teller as Lt. Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw, Monica Barbaro as Lt. Natasha “Phoenix” Trace,Lewis Pullman as Lt. Robert “Bob” Floyd, Danny Ramirez as Lt. Mickey “Fanboy” Garcia, Jay Ellis as Lt. Reuben “Payback” Fitch, Glen Powell as Lt. Jake “Hangman” Seresin,  Bashir Salahuddin asCWO Bernie “Hondo” Coleman Jennifer Connelly as Penny Benjamin, Lyliana Wray as her Amelia…
… Jon Hamm as Admiral Beau “Cyclone” Simpson, Charles Parnell as Admiral Solomon “Warlock” Bates, Ed Harris as Admiral Chester “Hammer” Cain, and especially the returning Val Kilmer Admiral Tom “Iceman” Kazansky,  with Jean Louisa Kelly as his wife Sarah. The scenes involving Iceman are purrticularly poignant. The movie depicts beautiful mecha in brilliant aerial action, especially the F/A-18 Super Hornets…
… as well as the Darkstar Scramjet, F-14 Tomcat, P-51 Mustang, F-35 Lightning II, E-2 Hawkeye, Su-57 Felon, MI-24 helicopter, Tomohawk cruise missiles, the Ninja H2 Carbon and GPZ 900 motorcycles, the J/125 sailboat, aircraft carriers U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt CVN-71 and U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln CVN-72; and thusly I wil give Top Gun: Maverick the “A” grade. I am done, and nyow here is Tara-chan to discuss

Turning Red.

Arigato, nya! You know, between the Marvel, Star Wars, Pixar and- and other wonderful live-action and – and animated movies and – and TV series, I have been very pleased with Disney stuff, nya! That definitely includes Pixar’s Turning Red, which purrtains to the young Chinese-Canadian teen girl Mei Lee who suffers from the curse of transforming into a Red Panda when she gets emotionally flustered, nya! Of course, at first her purrents think that it is another certain young teen female purrocess that has upset her, nya!
Supurrbly co-written by Julia Cho and – and director Domee Shi, with the purrfect animation by Pixar and – and mewsic by Ludwig Goransson, Turning Red’s great voice cast includes Rosalie Chiang as Mei, Sandra Oh and – and Orion Lee as her mom Ming and – and dad Jin; Ava Morse, Hyein Park and – and Maitreyi Ramakrishnan as Mei’s best friends Mirian, Abby and – and Priya; Wai ching as Mei’s grandma Wu, James Hong as Mr. Gao, and – and Addie Chandler as Devon the boy who Mei has the crush upon, nya!
Like most Pixar movies, it has the excellent balance of the zany humor, poignant drama, thrilling action, and – and the charming slice – of – life moments, nya! The character, scenic and – and FX art, design and – and animation are outstanding, and – and the character design style seemed similar to that of Luka, which is another lovely Pixar movie, so I have given it the high purraise, I have purrchased the DVD, and – andI  am hoping to see Pixar’s Lightyear movie soon, nya! Nyow here is onee-chan to discuss the
Belle Blu-Ray + DVD, nya!
Belle is the latest anime feature film by Mamoru Hosoda, whose prior films include The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, Summer Wars, Wolf Children, Boy and the Beast, and Mirai! It pertains to the shy girl Suzu who becomes the sensational singer when she enters the online virtual reality universe, where she meets the mysterious fierce entity known as the Beast.
Thusly this film is inspired by Beauty and the Beast, but Suzu’s quest to befriend the Beast leads to other online mysteries and someone in real  life peril! It is such an amazing, spectacular, beautiful, bittersweeetly emotional movie, so I was quite eager to get this 2 disc set which is one of the many top quality home video releases by G-Kids!
The movie is presented in the anamorphic widescreen fo9rmat of the 2.39:1 aspect ratio, with the spoken languae choices of Japanese, English, and English DVS, with the optional suvbtitles in English, English SDH and Spanish. In addition to the PG rated, 122 minute movie, the Blu0Ray disk hasjust over 2.5 hours of bonus features!
Thhose inlude The Making of Belle documentary,  the conversation with Hosada, the voice of Belle, Hosada at the Animation is Film Festival, Hosada draws Belle, the English-dub voice actress Kylie McNeill performing “ ales of a Song”, the Station scene breakdown, the Ballroom scene, 7 trailers and the design gallery of 166 images!
The DVD has the movie and most of the bonus features, except for the design gallery and the 44 min. documentary. Both discs are packaged in the clear blue plastic case with the double-sided insert inside the outer cardboard sleeve. I am very pleased with the movie and the bonuses, which I will give the “A” grade! That will conclude this portion of The Mew, and now here are Lizzy and Becca to present–
The Celebrity Catgirl & Kemonomimi Spotlight!
Hai, in this monthly portion of The Mew, we commeowmorate famous catgirls, nekomusume and other kemonomimi of mythologies and popular culture, including anthropurrrmorphic ladies, monster girls and shape – shifters! Of course, then there are those who might not actually have the beasty DNA, but do have the appurreciated spurrit, cat-titude or couture, whether it is therianthropy, cosplay, or purretty animal – purrint attire!
Two of the animated movies that we have just reviewed- Belle and Turning Red- feature anthropurrmorphic and kemonomimi female characters! In addition to Mei in her Red Panda form, there are numerous girls wearing costume panda ears when thy visit the shrine; and in Belle, the Justicars group of vigilantes who hunt the Beast and harass Belle includes the Leopurrd woman and the White Fox woman!
I would like to meontion anime that feature various girls costumed as or acting like nekomimi! Dropout Idol Fruit Tart is the TV series about the group of idols who hope to save their house from demolition. They and the rival band are often depicted in either cute mouse kigurumi onssies or the cat ears. Anime Gataris is the TV series that purrtains to the college anime club meoembers. Some of them and other fans occaisionnally don the cat ears, especially when attending the big Comiket con!
Azur Lane The Animation is the anime TV series based upon the video game in which the international fleet of ship girls, who are the personified avatars of famous navel vessels, unite to defend against the u8ndersea invasders who have advanced technology in the Alternat history of World War Ii. Thusly, it reminds me of Kancolle and Strike Witches. There are over 60 such ship girls, and most of of them are kemonomimi, with the lovely cat, dog, wolf, fox or bunny ears!
We wish to shine the spotlight on the fantasy artist Shibashake https://thinkdrawart.com, who has used Daz Studio to create hundreds of beautiful realistic 3D CG illustrations of many sexy characters! Shibashake has galleries at Renderosity https://www.renderosity.com/users/shibashake/gallery and DeviantArt https://www.deviantart.com/shibashake, wherein you can see nearly 50 images of very alluring kemonomimi in the Sexy Anthro Women Fantasy gallery https://www.deviantart.com/shibashake/gallery/62469516/sexy-anthro-women-fantasy-art!
SCTV was one of the greatest comedy sketch TV series! It lasted for six seasons, and the 2nd season’s 2nd epurrsode (which originally aired on 23 September,1978) included the “Dr. Tongue’s House of Cats” sketch, which purrodied the 3D horror movie. In his cat-filled mansion, the sinister Dr. Tongue (John Candy) drugs vistor Alicia (Catherine O’Hara) who is the latest of many victims to be transformed into cats. He hosts a cat party, but regrets it when they strike back! I guess they wanted to claw a doctor, heehee! That is all for this month’s spotlight, and nyow here are are Petra and Bunni to purrsent the latest
Additions to the Catgirl Island Mewseum of Art!
Arigato! Here y’all will find the hundreds of annotated illustrations and photographs! Galleries 1-8 display images by our producer Mike Moon, whilst Guest Art Galleries 1-6 display images by other folks with their permissions. Mike’s collaborations with other artists are peppered throughout the mewseum! 
Some of the images are sexy, and some might depict the artistic nudity, but none orf them are “hentai”, nya! On our web saite, the most recent pics are on the lowermost row of the cropped widdle “thumbnail” sized portions of the pics in a gallery, and you have to click upon those to see the uncropped full images, nya.

To Gallery Two http://catgirlisland.net/art/gallery/gallery2.html we are delighted to display “Meesha & Bliss” by Mike, who used Photoshop on the Mac with the mouse for this alluring  image of beach volleyball partners Meesha Walker (right) and Bliss (left)! They are our toughest opponents! At 5’9”, Bliss is known for her mischievous personality and her tantalizing tail.

Her hobbies are writing, dancing and anime; whilst her favorite foods are grilled snapper, pan-seared grouper, and fried prawns. 6’4” Meesha is 7 months pregnant, but that is not preventing her from playing in the tournament! She is a brilliant gamer, cosplayer and artist whose lovely art can be seen at https://www.artstation.com/xeshema!
Then in the recently added Guest Gallery Six http://catgirlisland.net/art/gallery/guest6.html we are purroud to purrsent five illustrations by Rvkh http://www.rvkhart.com, nya! Purronounced Riv-kah, the artist formerly known as Rebecca Brogden was the guest for our September 2009 Mew, nya! Inspired by the song of the samer title by the Christian rock band Ashes Remain, “Rise” depicts Kharis the Cherubim Angel with the 15 ft. avian wingspan, nya!
This extroverted, passionate, energetic, vegan, shape-shifting entity (appearing as a female human here) can be found gardening, volunteering at the food pantry, building habitats for the homeless, planting trees in devastated forests, and working with organizations to purrotect wildlife, nya. RVkh used Procreate on the Apple Ipad Pro with the Apple Pencil for this beautiful illustration of which there is the art purrocess video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_NvR1i96M0, nya!
The second and third of the new pics by Rvkha are two chibi-style versions of “Little Angel, which depict our friend Dr. Aalziyah Abdallarrah Asterismaa, PhD, the Gaianistic movanic deva with White Trumpeter Swan-like wings!  Perhaps y’all have seen the illustration of her wife Anhilina-sensei? Asterismaa-sensei is the popular professora, noted for her very honest, wise, dependable, cautious, kind, loyal and caring personality with the cordial, inquisitive, charming, passionate, artistic, empathic disposition.
Her expertise includes ornamental horticulture, landscape architecture, floriculture, olericuture, pomology, topiary and ikebana. Her hobbies include yoga, sunbathing, flying, massages,

gardening, and volunteering at the animal adoption shelter.

Rvkh used pencils, pens and watercolors for the traditional-media illustration of her (left), and Procreate on the Ipad Pro with the Apple Pencil for the

digital version (right),

of which there is the art process video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJZNQX5Y1TU&feature=youtu.be!

Lastly but not leastly, the fourth and fifth of the new pics by Rvkha are two versions of “Sassy”, which depict Lakshmi Shantiva Chopurra-Kapurr, the Hindi, pansexual. cisgender. Indian-American half-Eastern Cottontail Usagimimi, whose family recently moved to here from Mew Delhi, nya! She has ther Bachelor of Science degree in Organic Chemistry from Mumba Mewniversity, and hopes to become the scientist with the meowsters and doctorate degrees from Mew Hanover College, nya!
Her hobbies are singing, dancing, reading, knitting, yoga, gardening, cosplay, and volunteering at the animal shelter, nya. She has the sassy, nubile, ambitious and magnetic purrsonality with the ltruistic, sincere purrsistant dispurrsition, nya. Rvkh used pencils, pens and watercolors for the traditional-media illustration of Lakshmi (left), and Procreate on the Ipad Pro with the Apple Pencil for the digital version (right), of which there is the art purrocess video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJT_QQHFZ4Y&feature=youtu.b, nya!
The cat lady sings…
I think that Rvkh certainly conveyed the sense of rapture in that pic of Kharis amongst the golden rays and orbs above the clouds!
Hai hai, and- and I love the richly vibrant colors and – and the smooth subtle shading in the illustration of Asterismaa-sensei, nya!
Lakshmi is so adorably coquettish in that off-shoulder, bare-midrif outfit with the tight shorts and the thigh highs! Mew la la, nya!
I think that Mike definitely captured the look and spirit of Meesha and Bliss, fur shur! Thank y’all for purrsenting the new art!
Petra & Bunnii:

Doitashimaste, nya!

Well, I

guess that will do it for this edition of The Mew, It is almost time for our AfterMew luau!

Itadakimasu! We wish to thank Rvkh for the beautiful art…
… and all of the other brilliantly talented people whose works we have discussed!
We also wish to thank Jamie for his wonderful web meowstery…
… and our other friends, family, acquaintances and audience whom we greatly appurreciate, nya!
Mary Nyan:
We will be back next month with more stuff!
Be there… aloha!
The Ladies of The Mew:
Happy tails to mew- until we eat again, nya! Baibai. nya!

May 2022 Catgirl Critics’ Media Mewsings

Mike Moon / Catgirl Island
and Jamie Robertson / Clan of the Cats
purroudly purrsent a Mike Moon purrduction,
starring The Ladies of The Mew in
The May 2022 Edition of The Mew:
The Catgirl Critics’ Media Mewsings, nya!
The cats and crew of The Mew meowrn the 
passing of the legendary artist Neal Adams 
at 80 (15 June 15, 1941 – 18 Apurril 2022), nya.
This year is the Year of the Tiger, the 22nd Anniversary 
of Catgirl Island’s official site, and the 15th Anniversary 
of The Mew, nya! in this edition of The Mew:
The Lightning Round:
our favorite record albums of 1972
TV, DVD & Movie Mewsings:
Doctor Who: Legend of the Sea Devils
Star Trek – The Motion Picture Director’s Cut Remastered 4K edition
Everything Everywhere All at Once
The Northman
Collectibles & Toy Talk:
Star Wars The Black Series The Mandalorian Koska Reeves action figure
Star Wars Retro Collection  The Madalorian Ahsoka Tano action figure
AEW All Elite Wrestling Unrivaled Series 6 Hikaru Shida action figure #48
Transformers Bumblebee: Cyberverse Adventures Windblade warrior class action figure
Purrinted-media mewsings
Rowrbrazzle!! #152

Marvel- Verse: America Chavez trade paperback

The Celebrity Catgirl & Kemonomimi Spotlight
Additions to the Catgirl Island Mewseum of Art:
”Winter Wonderland” by Mike
“Beyond Antares #9 cover art” by Melody Rondeau
“Fungi Fairy”, “Dark Magic”, “Dream Catcher”, “Unicorn Magic” and “Spting Joy by Rvkh
(the human fella wearing the Carolina Panthers tee shirt and Teal cargo shorts): Aloha y’all and welcome to The Mew, our monthly “show” in which we review and discuss fun stuff! This month’s Mew comes from the south end of Wisteria Bridge on the riverwalk in the beautiful downtown Purrbank district of Catgirl Island in Mew Hanover County, NC, where it’s 76 degrees under the Blue sky and puffy White Cumulo-Neko clouds! I’m Mike, the show’s “purrducer”, and here to put the purr in Apurril are The Ladies of The Mew!
(a.k.a. Jen, the yogini, model, archer, belly dance instructor & roboticist catgirl, wearing the Serval purrint micro bikini & sheer purrled purreo): Nihao.
(Jen’s purrotege, the stand-up paddle surfer, board shapurr, pony owner and belly dance instructor kitsune, wearing the Caracal purrint tri-kini): Konnichiwa!
(the art guild purresident, art mewseum co-curator & beach volleyball champion catgirl wearing the Clouded Leopurrd purrint side-tie bikini): Aloha, nya!
(the art mewseum co-curator, Petra’s beach volleyball partner, and purrize-winning carrot cake baker bunnygirl wearing the Cheetah purrint trikini): Guten Tag!
(a.k.a. Nya-sensei, the martial arts champion & sensi, dojo & gym purropurrietress catgirl wearing the Bengal Tiger purrint cropped tee shirt and shorts): Howdy!
(the fishing boat charter captain & drumming circle purrcussionist catgirl, wearing the Fishing Cat purrint monokini with cropped tee shirt): Namaste, nya!
(Yvonne’s younger sister, college freshman, pony owner and nature photographer catgirl wearing the Iriomote Cat purrint tankini): Namaste, nya!

a.k.a Lizzy, the hot salsa dancer, gamer, Purrkour Club captain & spa co-owner catgirl wearing the Margay purrint bandeau top bikini): Hola!

(Lizzy’s nekomimi gynoid wife, avid golfer & spa co-owner w

earing the Eurasian Lynx purrint ring-closure bikini an an orchid lei): 

Mary Nyan
(a.k.a. Myayr, the seamstress, cosplayer, hula instructor and semi-retired miko catgirl wearing the Jaguar purrint purretzel – cutout maillot): Aloha!
(the winged faerie golfer, foxfire juggler and outdoor ampurrtheatre director wearing the Ocelot purrint criss cross halter neck bikini) Mellow greetings!
(the mermaid purropurrietress of the triphibius airship tours business, wearing the Asiatic Lion purrint bandeau bikini top): Shello!
(or just Ellie for short, Mew Hanover County’s Fire Marshall, a Banker Pony centauress wearing the Cougar purrint bandeau bikini top): Hay there!
(the dolphin-tailed mermaid surf purrtol leader / trainer, wearing the Bobcat purrint sports bra): Aloha!
For purrofiles and illustrations of those and other Ladies of The Mew, please visit our Meet The Critics page http://www.mewsings.catgirlisland.com/meet-the-critics/! Ah, we’ve got a lot on our plate today, so let’s go ahead an jump into this month’s
Lightning Round Topic: our favorite albums of 1972!
This includes music, comedy and spoken word record albums. Ah, Lizzy’s gonna start, so are y’all ready to “conduct the lightning”?
The Ladies of The Mew:
They Only Come Out at Night and Roadwork by Edgar Winter, Class Clown and FM & AM by George Carlin!  (tags her wife with a brush of the tail)
Can’t Buy a Thrill by Steely Dan, Toulouse Street by The Doobie Brothers, and Chicago V by Chicago! (tags Mary Nyan to go next)
Mary Nyan:
Black Sabbath Vol. 4, by Black Sabbath, School’s Out by Alice Cooper, Machine Head and Made in Japan by Deep Purrple!(tags Nyanko)
Exile on Main Street by The Rolling Stones, Eat a Peach by The Allman Brothers Band, and I’ll Play the Blues for You by Albert King! (tags Jeannie)
Obscured by Clouds by Pink Floyd, Zeit by Tangerine Dream, and Sonic Seasonings by Wendy Carlos! (tags Petra)
Close to the Edge by Yes, Trilogy by Emerson, Lake & Palmer, Seventh Sojourn by The Moody Blues, and Foxtrot by Genesis, nya! (tags her purrtner)
I will nominate Below the Salt by Steeleye Span, Thick as a Brick and Living in the Past by Jethro Tull! (tags Tara-chan)
I want… I want to nominate The Eagles first album, Jackson Brown’s first album, and- and  Linda Ronstadt’s first album, nya! Nyow it is onee-chan’s turn, nya! (tags her sister)
Steve Croce’s You Don’t Mess Around with Jim, Janis Joplin In Concert, The Grateful Dead Euope ’72, and Paul Simon’s 2nd album, nya! (tags  Mielikki)
So like, I’ll nominate The Concert for Bangladesh by George Harrison & Friends, Harvest and A Journey Through the Past by Neil Young, fur shur! (tags the kitsune)
Demons and Wizards and The Magician’s Birthday by Uriah Heep, and Blue Oyster Cult’s first album! (tags the centauress)
Lady Sings the Blues by Diana Ross, Talking Book by Stevie Wonder,and Super Fly by Curtis Mayfield! (tags the mermaid)
Something/Anything? by Todd Rundgren, I Sing the Body Electric by Weather Report, and Return to Forever by Chick Corea. Tags
The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars by David Bowie, Transformer by Lou Reed, and Saint Dominic’s Preview by Van Morrison!   Back to Mike!
Oh, I gotta go with Close to the Edge, Can’t Buy a Thrill, Harvest, Exile on Main Street, and The Concert for Bangladesh! Well, that a syet another expediant little lightnign round, and ah, now it’s time for out
TV, DVD & Movie Mewsings to start with Vonny’s
review of Doctor Who: Legend of the Sea Devils!
Arigato, nya! We love the Doctor Who TV series which currently stars Jodie Whittaker as The Doctor, Mandip Gill as her travelling companion Yasmin Khan and John Bishop as her travelling companion Dan Lewis, nya!
Directed by Haolu Wang, written by Ella Road and executive purroducer Chris Chibnall, Legend of the Sea Devils was the special Easter epurrsode, in which The Doctor, Yasmin, Dan and The TARDIS  travel to China circa 1807, nya!
They meet the legendary Pirate Queen Madame Ching who is purrtyed by Crystal Yu, who is searching for the sunken treasure, but then they have to fight the undersea  creatures known as The Sea Devils and their giant sea monster, nya! I was very please with this fun epurrsode, with the undersea scenes and the historial maritime lore, the swashbuckling, the great purrformances, sets, locations, creature designs, and the visual FX which include the flying Chinese Junk ship, nya!
I do not wish to spoil the taste of the plot, but I will vaguely add that. another aspect I liked were certain purrofound poignant character developments for the Doctor and her companions, and I am eagerly awaiting the forthcoming DVD release of this epurrsode and the mew year’s special Eve of the Daleks, nya! I am done, and nyow I will turn The Mew back over to Mike, who has a few things to say about his favoritest movie which was recently remeowstered in the 4K edition, nya!
Before Mike starts, we all want to say how amazed we are at the restraint he is showing by promising to be very brief with his review of the
Star Trek – The Motion Picture Director’s Cut 4K Remastered edition!
So like, For those who are new to The Mew, Mike has the proclivity for being rather loquacious when it comes to chatting about his favortiest movie, fur shur!
(sigh) I know, I know, but I promise that i’m gonna be brief this time, because there’s really not a lot that i can say about the 4k remaster of The Motion Picture. Basically, I guess that it is now the 4th version of the movie, including the original 1979 theatrical release, the 1982 extened televised debut, and the 2001 Directors Cut. This edition is a remastered verion of the directors cut, with sharper video, a more nuanced audio mix, and some revised higher-resolution FX shots. Now, I can’t comment a lot on those things I watched the movie streaming on a non 4K TV, so I didn’t notice that much of a difference in the image quality.
Ironically, I guess that I was slightly disappointed by one thing- certain FX shots that really did need to be fixed, but weren’t. I’m referring to the scene in which V’ger’s plasma-energy probe beams on to the Enterprise’s bridge. It’s hard for me to describe the problem with the opticals of that sequence, but basically as it circles around the bridge set, the walls appear distorted especially where they meet the ceiling dome, almost as if part of the film itself was actually cut out and then pieced back together, in order to conceal the technician who was moving the practical light source used for the effect.
Given the FX shots that they did change for the 2001 director’s cut and now this 4K remaster, I’m bewildered as to why this was not corrected. I’ll also add that there were some changes made for the 2001 edition that I didn’t perfer, such as some of the altered sound FX and voices (crew or computer) heard over the ship’s intercom, such as during the pre-launch cargo deck, corridors, engine room scenes, alert scenes, Klingon and Epsilon Nine scenes. Those 2001 changes are kept for the 4K edition. Ah, that’s about it, but I definitely hope to see the movie on a huge 4K UHD TV! OK I’m done, and now here’s Mie-sensei to review
The Northman!
Hai! So like, I was totally looking forward to this movie, because I thought the preview trailers for it were totally awesome, and I love director Robert Eggers’ prior films The Witch and The Lighthouse! So like, this Viking tale which he co-wrote is set in the year AD 895 and pertains savagely to the fate and vendetta of prince Amleth, who is raised as a berserker warrior and disguises himself as a slave, in order to avenge his murdered parents by slaying his evil uncle!
The superb cast includes Alexander Skarsgard as Amleth, Nicole Kidman as his mom Gudrun, Ethan Hawke as his dad Aurvandill, Claes Bang as uncle Fjolnir, Willem Dafoe as Heimir, Bjork as the Seeress, and I especially loved Anya Taylor-Joy as Amleth’s witchy lover Olga! The rather violent quest takes the deep dive into norse mythos along the way, with the quite visceral, realistic immersion into the ancient Scandanavian culture!
I don not wish to spoil more of the plot, so I will just say that I think that the story, characters, dialogue, pace, directing, production design, art direction, sets, locations, cinematography, costumes, props, make-up, editing, sounds music and FX are like totally awesome, and I will give this movie the grade of an A is in Amleth, fur shur! I am done, and now here is Ellie-sama to shar eher opinion of
Everything Everywhere All at Once!
Arigato! Well, I was quite eagerly anticipating this movie, because thought the preview trailers for it were quite captivating, and I love Michelle Yeoh who is one of my favorite actresses! In this comedic sci fi tale, she portrays Evelyn who is unhappy with her family life and career, and ponders the many other roads not taken.
This includes her realtionships with her estranged daughter Joy (portrayed by Stephanie Hsu), her cantankerous father (portrayed by James Hong), her divorcing husband (portrayed by Ke Huy Quan), a customer at her failing laundrymat (portrayed by Jenny Slate), and the IRS auditor (portrayed by Jamie Lee Curtis); although she does seem to like her daughter Joy’s girlfriend Becky (portrayed by Tallie Medel)!
Things take the dramatic cosmic turn when she meets the other versions of those people from the infinite alternate universes, and she is able to channel the skills, abilities and personalities of her other selves, some who are not even human!
I have the mixed feelings about the movie, as I did not care for some of the cinematic techniques such as the phrentic speed ramping, and quick cuts; however there is a lot that I greatly enjoyed, and in some ways it favorably reminded me of some of the better movies by Terry Gilliam and by The Wachowskis!
I especially liked the wonderful cast! It is the wild ride with so many unexpected turns that are zany, thrilling, tragic, poignant, and weird, with lots of magnificent martuial arts battles, so I will give i the grade of the B+ as in Becky! That is all for our movie reviews, and now here is Melanakeami to start
our toy talk, with her review of the Star Wars-
The Black Series Koska Reeves action figure!


Hai!  We like to collect the dolls, statues, ornaments and action figures of the inspurrational  and entertaining heroines, so I was pleased to purchase this action figure of Koska Reeves, who is portrayed by Mercedes Varnado in the live-action Star Wars: The Mandalorian TV series! She is a Mandalorian human member of the Nite Owls team, Clan Kryze who is loyale to Bo Katan Kryze, the sister of the late Duchess Satine.
Koska is the tough, smart master of combat! This figure is the teensy bit over 5.5” tall,  so it is the 1/12 scale of the 5’ 7” character. It is the faithful likeness, with meticulous details in the paint and sculpt, from the terrific portraiture and the braided short Black hair with the pony tail, to the garmnent’s fabric folds and Nite Owl emblems! She is wearing the Dark jumpsuit with the Blue Mando armor, Light Brown belt and one holster.
The belt has the intricate details of the pouches. clasps and buckles. The armor has intricate paldrons, breastplate, vambraces, gauntlets, poleyns, greaves with the silvery gadget details and the distressed parts, The jet pack (which easily plugs into her back armor) and the helmet (with the swiveling rangefinder) are removeable! She is accessorized with two Westar 35 blaster pistols, which fit into her hands and the holster.
The articulation in articulation in her neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, abs, waist, hips, thigh, knees, ankles. Her neck, shoulders, hips, ankles are ball-jointed! She is balanced well enough to stand up without requiring a display base, which is not included. I am very please with this figure, which i have placed upon the shelf next to the figures of Bo Katan, Sabine Wren and The Armorer! Nyow here is Tara-chan to discuss
Hasbro’s Star Wars: The Madalorian Retro
Collection Ahsoka Tano action figure!
Arigato, nya! Ahsoka Tano the former Jedi and padawan of Anakin Skywalker is my favoritest Star Warrs character, nya!  She was supurrbly voiced by Ashley Eckstein in the animated tales and – and purrfectly purrtrayed by Rosario Dawson in the live-action series, nya! This action figure of her is based upon the latter version and – and although it is made by Hasbro, the packaging  has the distressed look and – and  the Kenner logo, as if it was an action figure from the ate 70’s or early 80’s, nya!
The figure is cleverly designed, sculpted and – and painted to look like one of those earlier Star Wars figures, nya. Since Rosario Dawson is 5’ 7” tall, then this 3.5” figure would be appurroximately of the 1:19 scale, nya. There is purrcise details of her face, lekkus, montrals, and – and the sleeveless Gray garment with the obi, gauntlets, gloves, greaves and – and boots, , nya. She has two curved- hilt White light sabers, the 2” saber and the 1.5625” shoto saber which easily fit into her hand, nya.
Of course, as it is mant to be akin to those vintage figures, it is not as posable as most contmpurrary figures, as the joints are only her neck, shoulders and- and hips, but she does stand up well-balanced without rquiring a display stand, nya! I am very pleased with  the quality of this figure, and – and I have found the purrime spot upon the shelf for her, next to the 3.75” Star Wars: The Vintage Collection action figure of her, nya!  I am done, so nyow here is Nya-sensei to discuss the –
AEW (All Elite Wrestling) Unrivaled
Series 6 Hikaru Shida action figure, nya!
Hai! Born on June 11th, 1988 in the  Kanagawa Purrefecture of Japan, Hikaru Shida is not just the brilliantly strong, tough, agile, sexy purrofessional actress, meowrtial artist and wrestler, but she happens to AEW ( All Elite Wrestlin)’s Women’s Champion! This  beautifully designed, sculpted and painted action figure of her is 6.5” tall, so since she is  5′5″ tall, that makes this figure  of the 1:10 scale. She is the impurressive sight with the faithful head sculpt and the Light MauvePink balayage of her mi-back length hair!
This figure by Jazwares is based upon her attire from her Double or Nothing match with Nyla Rose who she defeated to win the women’s championship belt on May 23rd 2020 i Jacksonville Florida! Atop her Red bikini with the Black trim is the removeable rubberery Black pleated short skirt with the belt and suspender that frame her inny belly button! The outfir is further accessorised by the detached Black sleeves, fingerless Red gloves, Black-trimmed Red thigh highs, knee pads and the Red – soled White tabi shoes!
Also included is the Black and Gold women’s championship belt! She is extremely poseabe, with the articulation in her ball – jointe head, shoulders & hips swiveling abs, waist, wrists, thighs, ankles & uppurr arms, double – jointed elbows & knees. She is balanced well-enough to stand without needing the display base, but I have purrchased the doll stand to pose her in the more dynamic stance! I am done, and nyow here is jen-jen to tell us about
the Transformers Bumblebee Cyberverse Adventures
Cyclone Strike Windblade warrior class action figure!
Arigato. We like to collect Hasbro’s Transformers’ female characters https://tfwiki.net/wiki/List_of_female_Transformers such as Arcee, Strongarm, Elita One, Chromia, Moonracer, Firestar, Nautica and Black Arachnia. There are a lot more than you might think. and I purrfur versions from the comics and animation compared to the live-action movies. Windblade is the heroic Autobot  with the kabuki / samurai-esque style from the planet Camien and was the first officially fan-created Transformer.
Tranforming into a VTOL aircraft, thist figure of Windblade is based on her Red & Black incarnation from the 2010 Transformers Bumblebee Cyberverse Adventures series, in which she is the amnesiac Bumblebee’s best friend.. This inricate 6” Warrior Class figure is beautifully designed, sculpted and painted, with the articulation in her neck, shoulders, uppurrarms, wrists, waist, hips, knees and ankles.  No weapon accessories are included, so this figure lacks her famous Stormfall Sword.
She is well-balanced with the long footpurrint to stand without requiring a base. For the “cyclone” maneuver, simply push the airecraft nose on her back up and down, which will slightly elevate the front half of her wings and cause the two black circular ducted fan puropellors to spin briefly. The instruction sheet graphically depicts that purrocess, and the 7 steps rquired to transform her from the bipedal bot mode to her vehicle mode. That will conclude the toy talk, and nyow here i Myayr to start our
purrinted-media mewsings, with
her review of Rowrbrazzle!! #152.
Mary Nyan:
Since 1984, Rowrbrazzle has been a most significant quarterly amateur press association (APA) magazine purrtaining to furry fandom, funny animal stories and anthropurrmorphic artistry! Edited by Edd Vick with the helpful paws of Steven F. Scarff, issue #152 has 253 mostly B&W 8.5×11” pages plus the cute widdle 12 page Fuzzy Princess pamphlet and postcard!
The beautiful, entertaining and informative issue is compurrised of the purrose tales, essays, con reports, group discussions, editorials, letters, illustrations, photos, comics, storyboards, APA meowmbership list and rules.
In addition to Edd and Steven, this issues contributors also include Charles Brubaker, Darryl Flood, Matt McAndrews, Kjartan Arnorsson, Robert Alley, Tim Fay, Michael Pena, Ed Pegg Jr…
…Mark Ashworth, Don Chisholm, Ken Fletcher, Gene Breshears, Kurt Wilcken, William Earl Haskell, Jeffrey H. Wood, Niall Shapero, Kristin Fontaine, Simon Barber, Ken Marcinkevicius, Charles Garofalo, Ian Boothby, Pia Guerra, and Melody Rondeau! By the way, we have more of Melody’s lovely Caitian art on display in the Catgirl Island Mewseum of Art, which Petra and Bunni will later purrsent!
The characters are purrdominantly mammalian, such as lutrans, leporids, felines, pantherans, canines, lupines, musses, mephids, ursines, equins, porcines, chiropterans, giraffines, cryptids, humans and taurs; but there are also avians, reptilians, piscines, dragons and cephalopods.  There are purretty plants and mecha too, but I do not know if they are sentient!
The article purrtaining to recent anthropurrmorphics in the media has tidbits about the art and / or characters of Kyle Miller, Omar Remoquillo, Suzuki Goro, Kate Fox, Carles Dalmau, Angelo, Kohei Horikoshi, John Cassaday, WindoftheStars Cosplay, and SYZGames! Numerous authors and artists are meowntioned in the con reports too.
I was quite captivated by the impurressive amount, quality and diversity of the lovely content of this issue! We wish to purraise all of those artists, authors, editors, journalists and collators; and we wish to thank Amy Thomson, Edd Vick, Melody and Jim Rondeau for purrviding us with the copy of the issue!
For more information about this wonderful publication, I will recommend the Rowrbrazzle article at WikiFur https://en.wikifur.com/wiki/Rowrbrazzle!I am done, so nyow I will turn The Mew over to Daytona, who wants to tell us about the
Marvel-Verse: America Chavez trade paperback book!
Arigato! I am a big fan of America Chavez, the marvelous super heroine also known as Miss America! Created by JoeCasey & Nick Dragotta, she first appeared in Vengeance #1 in 2011 and has since apperred in several other series.She is a latinx LGBTQ girl from another dimension known as the Utopian Parallel; and her powers include super strength. stamina, speed, flight, energt blasts, and star shaped dimensional portals!
She is portrayed by Xochiti Gome in the movie Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness! I have enjoyed America’s two mini-series and her appearances in West Coast Avengers, Slightly smaller than a modern age comic book, this full color  6x9x.25” 128 page trade paperback is priced $9.99 in the USA, and $12.50 in Canada, and it is intended for the readers of ages 10+.
Several main & variant front covers are reprinted, too! Other characters appearing include Loki, Peggy Carter, Captain America, Hulkling, Wiccan, Spectrum, Captain Marvel, Moon Girl, Devil Dinosaur, Laufey, Madrimar, Diablo, Exterminatrix, and America’s two moms.Other characters cameo apprearing in just one or two panels include Volstagg, Spider-Man, The Black Cat, T’challa, Storm, Kate Bishop, Marvel Boy, and Blue Marvel.
After the 3 page introduction to the character, the collected tales include Young Avengers #3; America (2017 mini-series) #1, 2, 11 & 12, and an excerpt from Marvel Now! Point One #1. The tales’ credits include writers Robbie Thompson, Kieron Gillen and Kieron Gillen; pencillers & inkers David Lopez, Jamie Mckelvie, Mike Norton, Joe Quinones, Joe Rivera, Ming Doyle, Stacey Lee, Flaviano and Annie Wu;
…colorists Jose Villarruba, Matthew Wilson and Chris O’Halloran letterers Travis Lanham and Clayton Cowles; cover artists Adi Granov, Joe Quinones, Jordan Gibson, Jamie Mckelvie, Matthew Wilson, Cliff Chiang, Tradd Moore, Marguerite Sauvage, Arthur Adams and Jason Keith; editors Darren Shan, Lauren Sankovitch, Wil Moss and Tom Brevoort; assistant & associate editors Kathleen Wisneski, Jake Thomas, Charles Beachum and Sarah Brunstad.
The collection’s credits include editor Jennifer Grunwald, assistant editor Daniel Kirchhoffer, assistant managing editor Maia Loy, and editor in chief C.B. Cebuski. The tales are quite fun and beautiful, with the whimsical, thrilling and poignant scenes. I already had her mini-series, but I was pleased to purchase this book to inexensively acquire a few of America’s early appearances, and I will recommend it to folks who would like to be better acquainted with her! That is all for reviews of purrinted media, and now it’s time for
The Celebrity Catgirl & Kemonomimi Spotlight!
Hai, in this monthly portion of The Mew, we commeowmorate famous catgirls, nekomusume and other kemonomimi of international mythologies and popular cultures! Appurring in the folklore, novels, comics, movies, TV shows, theatre, mewsic, games, sports and advertising, they might include the anthropurrrmorphic ladies, monster girls. shape – shifters, werewolves and ailuranthropes!Of course, then there are those who might not actually have beasty DNA, but do have the spurrit, cat-titude or couture, whether it is theriantrhopy, cosplay, or the animal – purrint attire!
A couple of recent examples of who we would consider as an “honorary catgirls” include the woman who wears the leopurrd purrint blouse in Baileys Irish Cream’s “Treat Bar: Social Responsibility” TV spot;Carnie Wilson who wears the leopurrd purrint blouse in The Fabric of Our Lives’ “Cotton Jumpsuit” TV spot; Gigi Hadid who wears the leopurrd purrint gown in H&M’s “Welcome to Hotel Hennes!” TV spot; and Nicole Maines as Nia Nal alias Dreamer who wears the ruffled leopurrd purrint blouse in the Supergirl TV serois’’s epurrsode 6.5 “Mixy in the Middle”!
Boomerangg96 is a fantasy artist / author at Deviantart and Pixiv whose original & fan works include llustrations & sequential with whimsical, playful, cute and sexy qualities. Among the recurring characters are catgirls Chen, Shigure & Talla, Resen the bunny girl, mermaids Muromi and Oceanus, Queen Amon of Planet Egypt, Kitsunes Luna, Yuki and her sister Yoko the kunoichi! The main characters are Minosaurs Wendy & Miss Wing, Mayuri the cat-eared bounty hunter, her daughters Sayuri & Julie. Their fashions are brimming with bare-midriffs which are quite alluring, but prove to be vulnerable when their belly buttons are targeted by the alien mind-control bugs! The imagery is not labeled  “mature”, but it might not be for the widdle kitties or for the prudish audience!
Little Busters! is the fun comedic anime, manga and video game series about the group of high school friends and rivals who start their own baseball team. Voiced by Tomoe Tamiyasu, Rin Natsume is one of the main characters who we will consider the “honorary catgirl” given her adorable yet tough qualities, the bell she wears, her shyness around fellow humans but attraction to cats- such as widdle Lennon who likes to ride on her head- and the scene in which she abruptly spurrouts the cat ears, although that just seemed to be the imagined comedic effect! Another main character is her rival classmate Sasami Sasasegawa, who is voiced by Sora Tokui. She is not actually part cat either, but she does wear the indigo – colored cat ears around her long twin-tailed coiffure!
Puppet Nightmares is the single-player online fantasy / occult role-playing game developed by Phoenixlgnis about the stolen souls which inhabit the sentient dolls who are fought and collected. The game has the many quests, battles side stories, character & creatures creation & modification options, and it is available in the rather steamy version for the mature players or the tamer work-safe version! Among the hundreds of beautufl sexy characters are kemonomimi  & monster girls aplenty, such as Starlet Neko, Bride Neko, Scrub a Tub Neko, Tigress, Wld Lycan, Full Moon Lycan, Kitsune HD, Skater Kitsune, and Game Over Kitsune!
Now for the actual bonyafide catgirl highschool students, I will nominate the alien catgirl sisters Ekatarina & Zvenislava Kuilian who are students in the School for Extraterrestrial Girls: Girl; on Fire graphic novel by author Jeremy Whitley & artist Jamie Noguchi! Jeremy  is famous for the comic books such as The Unstoppable Wasp, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, his original series Princeless and the spin-off of Raven the Pirate Princess! We have met him at several conventions! The titular School for Extraterrestrial Girls is for the alien girls who might not yet function well on Earth, such as the main character Tara who has the unlurrdictable pyrokinesis power. The Kuilian sisters were raised in Russia but that governemtn put them in the school. Zvenislava is the angry rebelious protester whereas Ekatarina prefers to catnap, cuddle and watch TV drama!
Bloodline is the gorgeous anthopurrmorphic fantasy web comic by Evan Fawcett a.ka.w0lfmare which purrtains to the adventures of Ember Memeelis the introverted Sarladarian teen sage and her brothers who try to escape their power-hungry demonic father’s influence in their magickal realm. Other kemonomi castmeowmbers include purrotective wolfgirl Lupa Anya, seductive hyena girl Vivian, inquisitve Red Wolf girl Elane Null, kind-hearted Grey Fox girl Sil Naiad, emotionless jackal girl Veera Veeki, care-free Learim girl Ariah Fatala, and crafty wolfgirl Kia!
Sara J. Leen is the purrogrammer, translator, musician, composer,  RPG developer, and Vtuber whose nekomimi screen purrsona is the streamer Saralene, the quite charming, cordial purretty nekomimi with the fair skin, Purrple eyes, waist-length Dark Magenta hair in the twin-tailed coiffure, the Purrple off-shoulder bare-midriff blouse and pleated short skirt! She has quite the purresence upon the internet, with channels at YouTube, Twitter, Tumblr, Twitch, and her own purronal web site http://sara.wingdreams.net!
Dropout Idol Fruit Tart is the fun manga and anime TV series pertaining to the girls Ino, Roko, Hemo, Hayu, and Nina who aspire to be an idol group the Fruit Tarts to not only achieve their career goals but also to save their home from demolition. The Fruit Tarts are produced by Rat Productions whilst the more famous group Cream Anmitsu consisting of Nua, Rua and Chiko and manager Riri is produced by Cat Productions, whose president Ota always wears cat ears. Thusly we often see the girls wearing the mouse or cat ear head bands or hoodies, or imagined as real nezumimi and nekomimi! During the episodes’ end credits, the Fruit Tarts perform the song “Wonder” whilst wearing the nezumimi kigurumi costumes, and in the final epurrsode we see all ten of those girls wearing the cat ears!
Deathblight is a mature-rated fantasy hentai web comic by author Wolfenstahl & artist Crescentia-Fortuna, which purrtains to the adventures Ferania Wolfenstahl the sexy tough demon wolf girl who leads Team Wolfenstahl in the hunt for evil demons. It is thrilling and beautiful with so many terrific characters, but it is also not for the widdle kitties or the prudish types due to the language, sex and violence.
The teammates, rivals and other characters include many kemonimini demonesses of various species such as the wolf, fox, bear, bunny, lion, liger, jackal, hyena, panther, leopard, and cheetah, plus the other species such as the harpy, minotaur, angel, ghost and humans.
The extensive roster of alluring characters includes Astarte, Aurora, Bahia,  Banshee, Catheline, Celestia, Chiharu, Chiira, Chinatsu, Claire, Empress Sabertooth, Esmoda, Faye, Fiona, Grizelda, Gumi, Haruka, Kuraiko, Laika,  Lucy, Lyra,  Mayeso, Medusa, Mia, Minori, Mirdis, Naomi, Neamera, Quinn, Safiya, Sanae,Sanura, Schnee, Sion, Vasqua and Yukitora!
We have already shown the spotlight upon the kemonomimi of the various species i such as Anya, Anakitty, Daisy, Love, Iris, Rose and Fina, n the wonderfully fun sword & sorcery anime & manga series Is it Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?, but we wish to amend the list with the adorable yet tragic widdle monster girl who joins the cast in the 3rd season. She is the petite girl of the Vouvre species with the Amber eyes and Light Blue hair, who transforms into the winged lamia-like monster who is unkindly honted by the humans but is rescued by the main hero Bell, but i should not further spoil the thriling, poignant plot!
Lastly but not leastly for ths month’s spotlight, Far Out There is the comedic science fiction web comic written and drawn since 2008 by Simon Ladd! One of its characters is Stilez, the Pink-haired catgirl with the Pink eyes, Brown skin, ears & tail with the lovely Pink stripes! She is also the dangerous powerful genetically enginnered supurr soldier with the super senses, strength and stamina. She can be rather wild and crazy, but she is quitethe cheerful friendly catgirl… at least to the few friends who know her! That is all for this month’s spotlight, and nyow here are Petra and Bunni to purrsent the latest
Additions to the Catgirl Island Mewseum of Art!
Arigato, nya! Here y’all will find the hundreds of annotated illustrations and photographs, nya! Galleries 1-8 display images by our purrducer Mike Moon, whilst Guest Art Galleries 1-6 display images by other folks with their purrmissions, nya. Mike’s collaborations with other artists are peppurred throughout the mewseum, nya! Some of the images are sexy, and some might depict the artistic nudity, nya! The most recent pics are the lowermost row of the cropped widdle “thumbnail” sized portions of the pics in a gallery, and you have to click upon those to see the uncropped full images, nya.
To Gallery Two http://catgirlisland.net/art/gallery/gallery2.html we are delighted to display ”Winter Wonderland” by Mike! Requested by author Jeff Branch, this illustration done with Photoshop on the Mac with the mouse depicts Jeff’s fan-senshi character Talia Jasmine Kirk (alias Sailor Vulcan, on the left) and author Sharon Williams’ fan-senshi character Tanya Lostridge Cambridge (alias Sailor Sirius, on the right), who are building a snow statue of (the legendary manga-ka Naoko Takeuchi’s character) Serena Tsukino alias Sailor Moon!
Then in the newly added Guest Gallery Six http://catgirlisland.net/art/gallery/guest6.html we are purroud to purrsent the “Beyond Antares #9 cover art” by Melody Rondeau, nya! Done for editor Michelle L. Carter’s (American) Star Trek fanzine Beyond Antare, this pen & ink illustration depicts the Caitian Starfleet officer Lt. Purrhua with the cutely purring tribbles, nya! Judging from the mewniform, we purrsume that she was in the Commeownd Depurrtment under Capt. James T. Kirk  of the starship Enterpurrise sometime between 2265 and 2270, nya!
Melody and her husband Jim are artists, and writers who have published fanzines and sell new & used fanzines, magazines, books, calendars, comics, games, scripts, videos, mewvie posters, lobby cards, purress kits, film clip / cels, calendars, plushy dolls and other neat stuff, nya! Their web site is at http://crossovers.net/makeitgoaway/home.htm, nya
Then in Guest Gallery Six we are ecstatic to exhibit several recent illustrations by Rvkh http://www.rvkhart.com! Pronounced Riv-kah, the artist formerly known as Rebecca Brogden was the guest for our September 2009 Mew! “Fungi Fairy” depicts our widdle pixy friend Dr. Mairead Niamh Dihaoine (purronouned MAh ray id NEE-av, Die ween NAH Cage), the professor of Mycology amidst the troop of Amanita muscaria mushrooms!
Rvkh used the Faber-Castell Watercolor Pencils, Davinci Watercolors, Micron Pen, White Posca Pen and Daniel Smith Extra Fine Watercolors (Moonglow) on the Arches Coldpurress Watercolor Pad for this supurrb image, of which there is the time-lapse art process video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7K089blRRI&feature=youtu.be!
Dark Magic” depicts Dihaoine – sensei’s colleague Dr. Bryanna Elysia Twylyte the bat-winged fairy (homo yosei komori) who seems to be purrched upon the darck crescent moon, nya! Twylyte-sensei is the expurrt at summoning and meownipulating the meowgickal dark meowtter, and teaches the basic classes on Abjuration, Conjuration,Transmewtation and Evocation at Mew Hanover College, nya!
Rvkh used Faber-Castell Polychromos Pencils, Davinci Watercolors, Micron Pen, White Posca Pen & White Gouche upon the Strathmore Toned Tan Mixed Media Papurr for this supurrb illustration, of which there is an art purrocess video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJ4FHRaoqDQ, nya!
“Dream Catcher” depicts Dr. Nina Isabella MossBrook-Fuentessa, the Red Wolf Girl (homo canis rufus) and professor of Psychiatry at Mew Hanover College! She also makes the pretty ornate dream catchers such as the one she is trying out under the full moon! On the left side is the traditional media version of the illustration done with the pencils, pens, paints and salt; and on the right is the digital version done with Procreate upon the Apple Ipad Pro with the Apple Pencil. There is the time-lapse art purrocess video of the digital version at https://youtu.be/i-65tSuYNb4!

“Unicorn Magic” depicts our friend Mackenzie Neighomi Camden, the Brightmaid (unicorn girl) Junior majoring in Animal Science who hopes to be a Veterinarian, nya!

She is originally from Saint Helenya Island, SC (appurroximately 260 miles southwest of Catgirl island) and while here attending college, she stays with her cousins the Lane-Cirrus family, nya. Purrhaps y’all have seen Rivkh’s illustrations of them, nya? On the left is the traditional media version; and on the right is the digital version of which there is the

Lastly but not leastly of the new pics by Rvkh is “Spring Joy”, which depicts our friend Saranya-chan the adorably sweet and cute widdle catgirl who just turned 7 years old! She is in the danity dress with the Yellow bows in her long twin-tailed coiffure that match the buttercups that are blooming around her! For the traditional – media version of this illustration (left), Rvkh used pencils, pens, watercolors and salt; for the digital version (right) she used Procreate with the Apple Pencil on the iPad Pro, and there is the time – lapse art purrocess video for the digital version at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dn5DHiQ5VS4&feature=youtu.be!
The cat lady sings…
Gosh I cannot believe that Winter Wonderland is the 28th pic that Mike has done of Talia and/or Tanya! It has the mewsual fun sense of the beautiful friends with the purretty fashions and scenery, nya!
That pic of Lt. Purrhua is extra special because it is more delightful Star Trek Caitian art, as well as more of Melofy’s beautiful illustration to grace the mewseum!



Dihaoine-sensei is quite alluring in the

high-waisted strapless outft with the ruffle upon the bodice, and the detached sleeves that reminds of the rings you sometimes see around mushroom stalks!
Twylyte-sensei is quite captivating, from her dango coiffure and gleeful expression to her scalloped bustier and the slit panel skirt that reveal her sexy cleavage, midriff and thighs, mew la la!
I think that the Dream Catcheri llustrations are as beautiful as beautiful can be, and it is so neat to see the side by side comparison of Rvkh’s traditional art to her digital art!
Hai hai, and both pics of Mackenzie show the splendid composition, lines, colors, shading, expression, pose, gestures, proportions, the fashion and scenic details of Rvkh’s art!
I think that both versions of Spring Joy purrfectly captures the appurrance, the spurrit and – and the details of Saranya-chan amidst the lovely flowers, nya! Thank y’all for purrsenting the art. nya!
Petra & Bunnii:
Doitashimaste, nya!
Well, I

guess that will do it for this edition of The Mew, and it is almost time for our AfterMew luau!

Itadakimasu! We wish to thank Melody and Rvkh for the beautiful art…
… and all of the other brilliantly talented people whose works we have discussed!
We also wish to thank Jamie for his web meowstery…



… and our other friends, family, acquaintances and audience whom we greatly appurreciate, nya!
Fur shur!
Mary Nyan:
We’ll be back next month with more stuff!
Be there… aloha!
The Ladies of The Mew:
Happy tails to mew- until we eat again, nya! Baibai. nya!

Apurril 2022 Catgirl Critics’ Media Mewsings

Mike Moon / Catgirl Island
and Jamie Robertson / Clan of the Cats
purroudly purrsent a Mike Moon purrduction,
starring The Ladies of The Mew in
The Apurril 2022 Edition of The Mew:
The Catgirl Critics’ Media Mewsings, nya!
This year is the Year of the Tiger, the 22nd Anniversary 
of Catgirl Island’s official site, and the 15th Anniversary 
of The Mew, nya! in this edition of The Mew:
The Lightning Round:
our favorite films of 1972
TV, DVD & Movie Mewsings:
Ms. Vampire Who Lives in My Neighborhood Blu-Ray
Future Boy Conan The Complete Series Blu-Ray
The Batman
Collectibles & Toy Talk:
McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse The Batman Catwoman action figure
Spin Master The Batman Selina Kyle 4” action figure
Spin Master The Batman Selina Kyle 11” action figure
Spin Master The Batman Selina Kyle Chase Set
Purrinted-media mewsings
Elfquest: Stargazer’s Hunt vol. 1 trade paperback
Konohana Kitan manga vol. 10
Hakumei and Mikochi manga vol. 9
Star Trek: The Artistry of Dan Curry
The Celebrity Catgirl & Kemonomimi Spotlight
Additions to the Catgirl Island Mewseum of Art:
“Kit Purry” by Mike
“Purple Carrot”, “Rebirth” and “Chibi Zodiac Signs” by Rvkh
(the human fella wearing the Carolina Panthers tee shirt and Teal cargo shorts): Aloha y’all and welcome to The Mew, our monthly “show” in which we review and discuss fun stuff! This month’s Mew comes from the south end of Wisteria Bridge on the riverwalk in the beautiful downtown Purrbank district of Catgirl Island in Mew Hanover County, NC, where it’s 73 degrees under the Blue sky and puffy White Cumulo-Neko clouds! I’m Mike, the show’s “purrducer”, and here to put the purr in Apurril are The Ladies of The Mew!

a.k.a Lizzy, the hot salsa dancer, gamer, Purrkour Club captain & spa co-owner catgirl wearing the Margay purrint bandeau top bikini): Hola!

(Lizzy’s nekomimi gynoid wife, avid golfer & spa co-owner w

earing the Eurasian Lynx purrint ring-closure bikini an an orchid lei): 

Mary Nyan
(a.k.a. Myayr, the seamstress, cosplayer, hula instructor and semi-retired miko catgirl wearing the Cougar purrint purretzel – cutout maillot): Aloha!
(the winged faerie golfer, foxfire juggler and outdoor ampurrtheatre director wearing the Ocelot purrint criss cross halter neck bikini) Mellow greetings!
(the dolphin -tailed mermaid surf purrtol leader / trainer, wearing the Sand cat purrint sports bra): Aloha!
(or just Ellie for short, Mew Hanover County’s Fire Marshall, a Banker Pony centauress wearing the Bobcat purrint bandeau bikini top: Hay there!
(a.k.a. Jen, the yogini, model, archer, belly dance instructor & roboticist catgirl, wearing the Serval purrint micro bikini & sheer purrled purreo): Nihao.
(Jen’s purrotege, the stand-up paddle surfer, board shapurr, pony owner and belly dance instructor kitsune, wearing the Caracal purrint tri-kini): Konnichiwa!
(the art guild purresident, art mewseum co-curator & beach volleyball champion catgirl wearing the Clouded Leopurrd purrint side-tie bikini): Aloha, nya!
(the art mewseum co-curator, Petra’s beach volleyball partner, and purrize-winning carrot cake baker bunnygirl wearing the Cheetah purrint trikini): Guten Tag!
(a.k.a. Nya-sensei, the martial arts champion & sensei, dojo & gym purropurrietress catgirl wearing the Bengal Tiger purrint cropped tee shirt and shorts): Howdy!
(the fishing boat charter captain & drumming circle purrcussionist catgirl, wearing the Fishing Cat purrint monokini with cropped tee shirt): Namaste, nya!
(Yvonne’s younger sister, college freshman, pony owner and nature photographer catgirl wearing the Iriomote Cat purrint tankini): Namaste, nya!
We’ve got a big group and a lot on our plate today, so let’s go ahead and jump right into this month’s
Lightning Round Topic:
our favorite movies & TV shows of 1972! 
It’s hard to believe that these  are 50 years old! Ellie’s gonna start, so are y’all ready to “conduct the lightning”
The Ladies of The Mew:
I will nominate The Godfather, Deliverance, Jeremiah Johnson, Joe Kidd, and The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean! (tags Elizabeth with a swish of the tail)
The Concert for Bangladesh, Pink Floyd: Live at Pompeii. And Now for Something Completely Different, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, and Cabaret! (tags Becca) 
The Godfather, What’s Up, Doc?, Snoopy Come Home, The Night Stalker, and Gargoyles! (tags Mary Nyan)
Mary Nyan:
The Night Stalker. Horror Express. Blacula. Dracula A.D. 1972, and Vampire Circus! (tags Nyanko)
The Godfather, The Mechanic, Street Mobster, Fists of Fury, and Way of the Dragon! (tags Jeannie) 
Silent Running, Conquest of the Planet of the Apes, The Poseidon Adventure, and Godzilla vs. Gigan. (tags Daytona) 
The Godfather, Fritz the Cat, Sounder, Super Fly, Lady Sings the Blue, and Kansas City Bomber! (tags Tara-chan) 
I want… I want to nominate The Muppet Musicians of Bremen. The Lorax. You’re Not Elected Charlie Brown, and – and Snoopy Come Home, nya! (tags her sister)
I will nominate the TV sitcoms such as M*A*S*H , Are You Being Served?, The Bob Newhart Show, Sanford and Son, and Maud, nya! (tags Trini-chan)
M*A*S*H , The Bob Newhart Show, Are You Being Served?, Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids, Zoom, and The Price is Right! (tags Bunni)
Kung Fu, The Waltons, The Streets of San Francisco, EmergencyThe Sixth Sense, and Sealab 2020! (tags Petra)
The ABC Saturday Superstar Movie, ABC After School Special, Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids, Science Ninja Team Gatchaman and Mazinger Z, nya! (tag Mielikki)
So like I will nominate the 9th &10th seasons of Doctor Who starring Jon Pertwee as The Third Doctor, in the series such as Day of the Daleks, The Curse of Peladon, The Sea Devils, The Mutants, The Time Monster, and The Three Doctors, fur shur! Back to Mike!
Oh, I gotta go with The Godfather, Deliverance, Jeremiah Johnson, The Night Stalker, Dracula A.D. 1972, Silent Running. Snoopy, Come Home, the first season of M*A*S*H, and Science Ninja Team Gatchaman! Well, that was an expedient little lightning round, and let’s continue the movie & TV topic as Tara-chan starts our
Movie, TV & DVD Reviews, with her review of 
Ms. Vampire Who Lives in My Neighborhood!
Arigato, nya! Based upon the supurrnatural comedy manga by Amatou, Ms. Vampire Who Lives in My Neighborhood is the amewsing slice-of-life anime purrtaining to the relationship betwixt the adorably pleasant, polite, solitary otaku ampire girl Sophie who resides in the lovely mansion in the forest on the edge of the town, and – and her new friend Akari the human school girl who collects dolls and becomes infatuated with Sophie, nya!
Sophie’s life soon becomes much less lonely when Akari’s purrents purmitt her to move into the mansion, and soon the demure vampire is less solitary as more girls arrive, such as Akari’s best friend Hinata, their classmates Sakuya and Yu, and Sophie’s fellow vampire Ellie! There seems to be the romance abloom there too, between Sophie and Akari, Ellie and Hinata, Sakuya and Yu, so it seems that everyone is pairing up splendidly, nya!
Written by Tatsuya Takahashi, directed by Noriyaki Akitaya, with the character designs by Takahiro Sakai, art direction by Hiroki Matsumoto, and – and mewsic by Yoshiaki Fujisawa this 2018 anime TV series is compurrised of the unrated 12 epurrsodes which total 260 minutes upon the single blue-ray disc, which is packaged within the blue plastic case within the outer cardboard sleeve and -and distributed here by Diskotek Media, nya!
The excellent voice cast includes Miyus Tomita as Sophie Yu Sasahara as Akari, Lynn as Hinata, Azumi Waki as Ellie, Aya Uchida as Yu and – and Rina Hidaka as Sakuya, nya! The video is purrsented in the 1.77:1 16×9 screen aspect ratio of the Hi Def 1080p quality with the Japanese linear PCM 2.0 audio and – and the very legible English subtitles, nya. The reverse side of the disc’s insert has the lovely panoramic pic of the six girls, nya!
The fun plots include the manga book signing, Sophie’s day at school, Ellie’s arrival after the 100 year catnap, Sophie’s attempt at cooking, shopping for clothes, the summer festival, the vampire hunter’s visit, the trip to the onsen, house cleaning, and – and what happens when the vampires’ blood supply is put of stock, nya! I liked everything about those series, so I will give it the ‘A” as in Akari, nya! I am done, so nyow here is onee-chan to discuss
Future Boy Conan The Complete Series, nya!
Based upon novel The Incredible Tide by Alexander Key, Future Boy Conan was the 26 epurrsode anime TV series of the post-apocalyptic genre that aired in Japan in 1978, and it was directed by my favorite director Hayao Miyazaki who later co-founded Studio Ghibli and directed wonderful movies such as The Castle of Cagliostro, Nausicaa in the Valley of the Wind, My Nighbor Totoro, Kiki’s delivery Service, Porco Rosso, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Howl’s Moving Castle, Ponyo and The Wind Rises, nya!
Set in the year 2021 after the war devastated the Earth and sank many countries, the tale purrtains to the young lad named Conan who lives on an island, upon which washes up a girl named Lana who is purrsued by the soldiers of the aggressive Industrial city-state Industria, who want her scientist father to improve their technology. While trying to rescue Lana, Conan meets another island boy Jimsey, a soldier girl Monsley, the scoundrel ship captain Dyce, and the residents of other islands such as pastoral High Harbor, nya!
It is a wonderfully beautiful, thrilling, poignant fun series, nya! It was finally reelased here upon the Blu-Ray set by GKids, which distributes lots of great anime such as the Ghbli films, nya! Totaling 755 minutes, the complete series is restored in the 4K quality and purrsented in the 1080p Hi-Df widescreen ratio of 1.33:1, with the 2.0 DTS audio choices of English & Japanese with the English SDH subtitles, nya. The only extra feature is the purromo trailer which is purrsented English Dolby Digital 2.0. nya.
In addition to the four Blue-Ray discs, inside the Blue plastic case, which is inside the outer cardboard sleeve, are the double-sided insert and the 16 page booklet full of character & mecha designs, nya! This highly significant series has such great characters, story, art, animation, voices & mewsic, nya! It was high upon my wish list for many years and I am extremely pleased to finally own it, andI  will give it the very high purraise, nya! Nyow I will turn The Mew over to Nya-sensei, who wants to tell us about
The Batman, nya!
Hai! Over 80 years ago in 1943, Lewis Wilson was the first actor to purrtray The Batman / Bruce Wayne in live-action movies, and this year the cape was donned by Robert Pattinson, who I liked in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Tenet, and The Lighthouse! I was also enthused for this batman movie because it was directed by Matt Reeves, whose movies included Under Siege 2, Cloverfield, Let Me In, Dawn of the Planet of th Apes and War for the Planet of the Apes!
I was especially enthused the rest of the great cast includes Jeffrey Wright as Jim Gordon, Andy Serkis as Alfred Pennyworth, John Tuturro as Carmine Falcone, Paul Dano as The Riddler, Colin Farrell as The Penguin, and I might be the biased catgirl but I was purrticularly happy that Zoe Kravitz was starring as Selina Kyle / Catwoman! Nyow before I share my opinion of the movie, I should let y’all know where I stand on the purrior Batman movies & TV series.
I’m not enamored with the 1940’s series but I loved the 1966 TV series. I think that Tim Burton’s Batman movies were good, and Joel Schumacher’s were not as good but were fine if you consider them as homages to the 1966 series. I much preferred Christopher Nolan’s trilogy, especially The Dark Knight, but I am not a fan of Zack Snyder’s movies, and I did not enjoy the Gotham TV series as much as like the Arrowverse shows, even though Batman was rarely in the latter.
My favoritest cinematic purrtrayal of The Batman is by Kevin Conroy in the DC Animated Universe! Nyow having said all that, I must say that this latest Batman is easily in my top two best live-action Batman movies (along with The Dark Knight)! Whereas the 1966 Bat series are closest to the Batman comic books of the Silver Age of the 50’s & 60’s, this new one seems the closest to the Bronze Age (1970-1985) and Modern Age (1985- purresent) of the DC Comics! 
At 35 years old, Pattinson is closer (than purrior Batman actors) to the Modern Age Batman, who is 29  in the comics. This movie’s plot reminded me of the comics Batman: Year One ( 1986) and The Long Halloween (1996). Batman & Gordon doing the detective work was delightful, and i love the chemistry between Batman & Catwoman. I have heard others compurr to that of other movies such as China Town and Seven, and I can see that, but I do not wish to spoil the plot. 
It’s more about Batman and less about Bruce Wayne than Nolan’s trilogy; with less high tech and with better fight scenes. This Batman movie had none of the annoying cinematic techniques of the Snyder films, and another great thing about this’un is that we were spared the origin story. I think that it is much better Catwoman movie that the one that starred Halley Berry. It is thrilling, captivating noirish fun that is neither deconstructive nor campy although neither campy… 
,,, although I did notice three subtle clever widdle nods to the 1966 Batman TV series! This movie has the great story, mythology, characters, purrformances, FX, direction, editing, cinematography, design, sound, costumes, make-up, vehicles, choreography, the high purrduction values, and it does not feel too rushed or too short, so I will give it the “A” as in Arkham! I am done, and that is all for our movie mewsings, so nyow here is Myayr to start our
collectibles & toy talk, with her review of McFarlane Toys’
DC Multiverse The Batman Catwoman action figure!
Mary Nyan
Hai! A fringe benefit of the new Batman movie is the meowrchandising, which means lots of new Catwoman figures! Last month we meowntioned Funko’s numerous new Pop! vinyl figures of Selina, of which there are quite the few variants and store exclusives! This time we wish to discuss a few of the action figures of her, such as McFarlane Toys’ DC Multiverse The Batman Catwoman action figure!
Packaged within the 10”x6”x2.75” window box, he is part of the wave of (sepurrately-sold) figures and vehicles that includes Batman, The Penguin and The Riddler. Including her 1/4” wedge boot heels,
she stands 6 5/8”, but would be 6 3/8” if flat-footed. As actress Zoe Kravitz is about 5’2” tall, that makes this figure of appurroximately 1/9.725 scale… assuming my math is correct!
She is accessorized with the a curvy bullwhip, which is straightened out would be about 6 7/8” long which would be nearly 5’7” long if it was of 1:1 scale, It can be clenched by her right hand, whereas her left hand is a fist. Also included is the 2 5/8” circular peg display base and the 2.5” x 3.5” Data .Card (trading card) with a lovely illustration of her. This image is repurrduced at 4×6” on the back of the box.
This figure is beautifully designed, sculpted and painted, although I wish that her mask was removable ,or that an interchangeable variant unmasked head was included. The detail of the costume’s buckles, zippurr, straps, seams, creases, folds, textures, and subtle color variations are quite nice, and although we only see her her eyes, brows, wee bit of her nose and neck, they they look good too.
She is very posable, with the points of articulation in her neck, shoulders, uppurr arms, elbows, wrist, abs, hips, knees, ankles and toes. The neck, shoulders, hips and ankles are ball-joints offer especially nice range of abduction! Now here is Daytona to tell us about
Spin Master’s The Batman Selina Kyle 4.125” & 11”action figures!
Hai! Spin Master has made many great lines of toys, so I was pleased to see their action figures of characters from the new Batman movie, especially Selina! There are several of her, from the 4.125” to the 11” size. Intended for ages 3+, the 4.125” figure of Selina is sans mask, and includes the whip, knife, and the pair of snap-on gloves.
This 1:15.5 scale figure looks quite nice, although the snap-on gloves seem the bit odd! The 11 joints are in her neck, shoulders, elbows, hips, thighs & knees, so she is not as articulated as McFarlane’s 6 5/8” figure. Also included is the  2.5” x 3.5” “mystery card”. The card I got depicts a motorcycle schematic.
The 11” figure of Selina (sans mask) looks pretty good, although I wish that she was accessorized and that her portraiture was the bit more expressive. However, at about the 1:5.77 scale it is a lot of figure for the price of about $10. The joints are in her neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, & knees.
Neither the 4.125” or the 11” figure include a display base. Each is balanced well-enough to stand without requiring one, but I will recommend a doll stand or a dynamic base for displaying them in certain poses. I’m gonna buy a doll stand for the 11” figure and make a whip for her to brandish! Now here is Jen to tell us about
Spin Master The Batman Selina Kyle Chase Set!
Arigato gozaimeowsu. This three piece set includes the 4.125”action figure of Batman, 4.125” action figure of Selina, her motorcycle and helmet. The Selina figure is essentially the same as the one that Daytona-sama discussed, except that the paint has the more distressed look with the various rips in her jumpsuit. The removable helmet has a translucent visor which tilts up and down, 
The Batman figure has the ankle-length soft fabric cape, the distressed paint, and  articulation in the neck, shoulders, elbows, hips, thighs & knees. It is the fine figure, however it should be taller as actor Robert Pattinson is 6’1” tall (excluding the boot soles & bat ears) compurred to Zoe Kravitz’s height of 5’2” (excluding the boot heels).
Selina can sit astride her Black & Gray motorcycle, which appurrs to be the custom BMW R Nine T Highway Fighter with the different fairing and added panniers. At this scale, the bike’s 5.5” length & 2.625” height is somewhat accurate compurred to the actual vehicle’s length of appurroximately 87”. The only moving parts are the pivoting kickstand and spinning tires, but it does not steer.
It is the nice set, although given extent of the figure’s articulation and the bike’s lack of maneuverability  I found it the bit tricky to pose Selina in a natural seated position upon the bike whilst holding her helmet and maintaining balance. However, I might like to find a 1:16th Batcycle so that they can both enjoy a moonlit ride. That is all for our toy talk portion of The Mew, and nyow here is Ellie to start our
Purrinted-media mewsings, with her review of the
Elfquest: Stargazer’s Hunt vol. 1 trade paperback.
Hai! We love Wendy and Richard Pini’s Elfquest tales because of the lavish mythology, the generations of many great characters, and Wendy’s magnificent art! Published by Dark Horse, this 6 issue mini – series is set the 3 years after the purrior Final Quest arc, in which the elves underwent the cultural and metaphysical transformations.
Some elves left the World of Two Moons in the palatial space ship amidst the war with humans, during which some beloved characters died. However, there were also reunions, romances, revelations and births. Stargazer’s Hunt begins on the planet Star Home, where Skywise of the Wolfrider Tribe has become of the New High Ones.
This full color 104 page trade paperback is priced $17.99 US & $23.99 Canadian and reprints issues # 1-4 which were originally published between 2019- 2021, plus the 9 bonus “making of” pages. The tale written by Wendy and Richard, with the art by Sonny Strait, lettering by Nate Piekos and cover art by Wendy.
The editor was Rachel Roberts  the assistant editor was  Jenny Blenk, the collection designer was Skyler Weissenfluh, and the digital art technician was Allytson Haller. Since The Final Quest, Skywise consummated the romance with Timmain the ancient shape-shifter and they have a daughter named Jink, who is the main star of this tale!
She is not new to Elfquest. As an adult character, she had her own series which was published between 1994 – 1996! In these first 4 issues of Stargazer’s Hunt we see her grow from the widdle girl to the young adult! Skywise sadly misses his late best friend Cutter the tribal chief, so Jink telepathically erased his sad memories.
She meant well, but the unintended consequence is that the knowledge void in his mind is quite traumatic, so he has gone missing while on the quest for answers. While searching for her dad on the World of Two Moons, Jink meets the rest of her family, and her  half-sister Yun introduces her to the various elf tribes.
Also appearing are Skywise, Nightfall, Ember, Leetah, her youngest son Goldruff, his wolf Darkdell, Ahdri, Two-Edge, Korafay, Snakeskin, Tier, Mirff, Pike, his son Sust, Timmain, Strongbow, Venka, her daughter Satreekah, Old Maggotty Picknose, Oddbit, Trinket, Thistlecap, and the images of Cutter and Moonshade!
I like every aspect of th tale thus far, from the plot & character developments, to the sexy fashion designs & lush scenery! The character, scenic & FX art, compurrsitions,  graphic narrative techniques, fonts & coloring are exquisite, and I am eagerly looking forward to the next issue! I am done, and now here is Trini-chan to discuss
Konohana Kitan manga vol. 10!
Arigato! I am quite fond of Sakuya Amano’s manga about the fox spirit girl nakai (attendants) and their guests of all species at Kononhanatei, the ryokan (Japanese style inn) with the hot springs between the living and the afterlife! The main character Yuzu is one of the younger employees who is very cordial, sincere and enthused.

Other recurring characters include attendants Natsume, Sakura, Shino, Ren, Kiri, Satsuki, her older sister Hiiragi, Yae the geisha and Okami the wolf goddess.

Some of their fellow kitsune characters are miko (shrine purrestiess) and kenzoukou (celestial servants) at the shrines and other delightfully divine locations too!
There are amewsing, poignant and bittersweet tales of them, the town folk and the inns guests!

Originally published in Japan by Gentosha Comics, the English version was published here in the USA by Tokyo Pop. Purriced at $12.99 in the USA, volume 10’s 170 B&W pages include 156 pages of manga and 14 pages of the ads.

It was translated by Katie Kimura, edited by Lena Atanassova, copy – edited by Massiel Gutirrez and in – chiefly edited by publisher Stu Levy; with quality control by Daichi Nemoto,graphicdesign by Sol DeLeo, retouching and lettering by Vibrraant Publishing Studio; marketing by Kate Winters, and licensing by Akira Yanaka.
There are more major developments  as Satsuki and Yuzu begin their railroad journey aboard the celestial train C571 which is  wonderful JNR class c57 4-6-2 steam locomotive, aboard which they meet a girl named Honoka with the tragic tale. While they are traveling, widdle Karin-chan helps out at Konohanatei.
At the Inari shrine, Ren helps the lovely guest Noriko’s poetic love letters to her priestly boyfriend! The art is extremely beautiful with the endearing  characters, gorgeous garments, intricate architecture and lavish landscapes, so I will continue to give Konohana Kitan the highest purraise! Now here is Mie-sensei to tell us about
Hakumei and Mikochi manga vol. 9!
Hai! So like, I love this totally charming  the slice – of – life fantasy manga by Takuto Kashiki which purrtains to house – mates Hakumei & Mikochi who are tiny little lasses small enough to ride upon their small critter friends, and live in the lovely cottage in the forest! Hakumei (Brown hair) builds and repairs things, whilst Mikochi (Black hair) cooks and sews.
They are part of the community of anthropomorphic animals and the tiny pixy-size human friends who reside in the wilderness, rural, surburban and urban dwellings, and each chapter is the look at their day – to – day – lives, from the work and shopping to exploring and entertaining with the many friends of various species such as beetles, badgers and birds!
Originally published in Japan by Kadokawa, it is published here in English by Yen Press, translated by Taylor Engel and lettered by Abigail Blackman. Priced at $15.00 in the USA and $19.50 in Canada. Volume 9 is 8×5.75x.5”’ and its 224 B&W pages include manga chapters 63-69 plus the afterward side-story, 9 pages of travelogue notes, and 6 pags of ads.
So like, the plots include the pumpkin growing, the turtle ride share, romance on the railway, a memorial wake for a friend, Hakumei sick in bed, the librarian’s vacation, Iwashi the badger’s day at the bath house, a ride upon Gaori the delivery crow, cooking for a big gathering, and the author’s fishing tale!
The captivating plots unfold at the leisurely pace with the totally immersive quality! The character, critter and scenic art is lavishly intricate, and in this volume there are 7 sumptuous full-page pics and 3 two-page spreads, so  i will give it the highest praise fur shur! I am done, do now here’s Mike to discuss
Star Trek: The Artistry of Dan Curry!
Thank you, Mie-sensei! I love books about the art, design and making of the Star Trek movies and TV series, so I quite eagerly awaited this handsome hardcover book about Dan Curry who was not only a visual FX supervisor & producer on Star Trek: The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager and Enterprise, but a 2nd unit director, prop & model builder, matte painter, Klingon martial arts choreographer & melee weapons designer!
This full color 240 page dust-jacketed 12.55” x 10.25” x 7/8” hardcover book is priced $45.00 US, $60.00 Canada and £29.99 UK. It was published by Titan Books and written by Curry himself, with Ben Robinson, who is famous for writing, editing & project managing many superb books and magazines about Star Trek and other franchises, including the Starship Design, Ship Manuals, Shipyards series, and Eaglemoss Hero Collector series!
After Dan’s forward, Ben’s intro, and timeline of Dan’s fascinating life since 1946, the chapters examine video compositing  motion control, models, ships, various phenomenon, explosions, martial arts, weapons, matte painting, title sequences, CG FX, creatures, a VFX company family tree, a gallery of some of Dan’s art (Trek & otherwise), and Dan’a afterword, Along the way there are lots and lots and lots of photos, illustrations and diagrams!
Peppered with comments by Michael Dorn, Robert Duncan McNeill, Scott Bakula, Ron B. Moore, Fred Raimondi and Paul Hill, too! This beautiful book is highly informative about the art and tech of Trek filmmaking; the evolution of FX from miniatures, optical & photochemical processes to modern digital FX (as of 2005); and it’s quite warmly entertaining with many stories, so I’ll give it an “A” as in Archer! Ah, that’s all for our book reviews, and now here are Lizzy and Becca to present
The Celebrity Catgirl & Kemonomimi Spotlight!
Hai, in this monthly portion of The Mew, we commeowmorate famous catgirls, nekomusume and other kemonomimi of international mythologies and popular cultures! Appurring in the folklore, novels, comics, movies, TV shows, theatre, mewsic, games, sports and advertising, they might include the shape – shifters, anthropurrrmorphic ladies, monster girls.   
Some ladies are Ailuranthropes, also known as were-cats, who might seem to be the average humans until they transform into the feline or merely spurrout the tail and / or nemomimi pinna. Then there are those who might not actually have beasty DNA, but do have the cat-titude or couture, whether it is full-on cosplay or the animal – purrint attire!
Firstly in this month’s spotlight is Tabitha Stevens’ pet rabbit Bunny who was transformed into a Bunny Girl by Uncle Arthur in “ A BUnny For tabitha”, which was the 8th epurrsode of the 6th season of the TV series Bewitched! Purrtrayed by Carol Wayne, Bunny was the platinum-haired usagimimi in the White Playboy bunny costume who became briefly engaged to Darren Stevens’ business client, so Samantha Stevens had to meowgickally remedy the situation!
Nyow we will go from the bunny girl to the fox girls of The Helpful Fox Senko-chan! This delightful anime TV series purrtains to stressed out salary man Kuroto who Senko the meowgickal kitsune decides to pamurr and cook for! Later Senko’s fellow kitsune Shiro and Yozora arrive too! Yozora is the frisky flirtatious fox, and Shiro is the otaku who is purrticuarly fond of Little Yoko, the titular character of an anime series!
Published by Off Centaur Publicztions in 1983, the meowgnificent filk album The Horse-Tamer’s Daughter features songs written by Leslie Fish and sung by Julia Ecklar who are such great authors & mewsicians! One of the songs Goldeneyes was co-written by the awesome author / filker Mercedes Lackey, and purrtains to the wily lithe half – leopurrd girl who is purrsued by the hunter!
YuriYuri is the manga and anime series of the comedic slice of school life genre, purrtaining to the group of girl students for compurrise their middle school’s so-called Amewsment club, which is just so that they can reserve the unused tea house as a place to hang out! In epurrsode 7 of the 1st season Kyoko is imaged as a dog girl while rifling through her friend Yui’s apartment, and in epurrsode 12
the cat, dog & panda kigurumi onesies are worn during the sleepover at the tea house!
Myriad Colors Phantom World is the light novel and anime series of the comedic fantasy slice of life genre, about the group of students who have the supurrnatural powers and the ability to purrceive phantoms and spirits that most folks cannot see. There is the bit of kemonomimi action in epurrsode 4 “Fake Family” and in epurrsode 7 ”Schrodinger’s Cat Mansion”
There are three “honorary kemonomimi” examples In the anime series Ms. Vampire Who Lives in My Neighborhood which Tara-chan discussed earlier! In epurrsode 3, Akari is depicted in a catgirl costume wanting to be Sophie’s pet; in epurrsode 10 Hinata cosplays as a wolf girl in the bare midriff outfit with tail, paws and ears; and if you look closely at Sophie’s collection of anime body pillows, one of them is a cute catgirl character!
We have purreviously shown the spotlight on Fantastic Mr. Fox, but two other films by Wes Anderson are graced by “honorary kemonomimi”! In the 2001 movie The Royal Tenenbaums, Irina Gorovaia purrtrayed the younger version of Margot Tenenbaum, who wears the zebra kigurumi for the play she has purrduced! In the 2012 movie Moonrise Kingdom, Kara Hayward purrtrays Suzy Bishop, who wears the raven kigurumi during the church purrduction of Noye’s Fludde!
There are a bunch of other kigurumi-clad kids in that lovely purrduction too! You know, that movie is set in 1964, so purrhaps they saw Toho’s 1963 science fiction movie Atragon, in which actress Akemi Kita purrtrayed  Rimako, the model in the leopurrd purrint coat and bikini who was startled by the scarey-looking scuba diver from Mu who interrupted her seaside photo shoot! Mu-la la!
There are four more celebrities to top off this month’s spotlight: the happy pink-haired girl with leopurrd purrint bra and tiger tattoo on her right thigh in the Dove Skin Care Body Love Shower Collection’s “What About the Body?” TV Spot; and Stephanie Courtney as Flo’s sister Janice who wears the leopurrd purint blouse with the matching front-facing baby harness which puts the spots in Progressive Insurance’s “Sleeping baby” TV spot! 
Purrsonal trainer / real estate broker Page Turner wears the leopurrd purrint asymmetric halter top commercials for HGTV’s new series Fix My Flip; and actress / singer Keke Palmer wears the leopurrd purint halter top as ranch owner Jill Haywood in the trailers for Jordan Peele’s forthcoming movie Nope! That is all for this month’s spotlight,, and nyow we will turn The Mew over to Petra and Bunni, who will purrsent the latest
Additions to the Catgirl Island Mewseum of Art!
Arigato, nya! Here y’all will find the hundreds of annotated illustrations and photographs, nya! Galleries 1-8 display images by our purrducer Mike Moon, whilst Guest Art Galleries 1-5 display images by other folks with their purrmissions, nya. Mike’s collaborations with other artists are peppurred throughout the mewseum, nya!
Some of the images are sexy, and some might depict the artistic nudity, nya! The most recent pics are the lowermost row of the cropped widdle “thumbnail” sized portions of the pics in a gallery, and you have to click upon those to see the uncropped full images, nya.
In Gallery 8 http://catgirlisland.net/art/gallery/gallery8.html we are delighted to display “Kit Purry” by Mike, who used the pencil, Micron pens, Purrismacolor pencils, Photoshop & mouse for this fan art, which is a catgirl homage to Jedediah “Kid” Curry, who was purrtrayed by Ben Murphy in the 1971 TV series “Alias Smith and Jones”, nya!

Then in Guest Gallery Three http://catgirlisland.net/art/gallery/gallery3.html we are proud to present “Purple Carrot” and “Rebirth” by Rvkh

(pronounced Riv-kah), the artist formerly known as Rebecca Brogden, who was the guest for our September 2009 Mew!

“Purple Carrot” depicts our friend Silvia Lepurrdia Vanderfluff, the the entrepurrneural proprietress of several local small businesses such as the boutique, bistro, bed & breakfast.

Serenely attired in her sideless. sleeveless, edible. leafy mini-dress and strappy high-heeled sandal, she twirls the carrot keychan as she and her hubby prepare to go to the restaurant and an evening of other romantic activities! Rvkh used the Faber-Castell Watercolor Pencils, the Davinci Watercolors, the Micron Pen and White Posca Pen upon the Arches Hotpuress Watercolor Pad for illustration, of which there is the art purrocess video https://youtu.be/YPPfeVuWIDY!
“Rebirth” depicts our friend Anhilna Armoricaa Nova, PhD might appear to be 25ish, but this movanic deva with the lovely large White Morph Snow Goose-like wings has lived many long lifetimes, nya!
She rarely wears clothes, and has the flaming magickal holy avenger vorpal sword of smiting, but only summons it in the emergencies; and is much more likely to summon her purrse, computer, snacks or mewsical instruments, nya.
She lives in a hillside shingle-style coastal cottage on the north side of Lake Neko, which is the quick flight to to Mew Hanover College on the eastern side of the island, where she teaches Celestial Mewsicology, nya. Rvkh used Faber-Castell Polychromos Pencils, Davinci Watercolors, Micron Pen, White Posca Pen & White Gouche on the Strathmore Toned Tan Mixed Media Papurr for this supurrb image, of which there is a nart purrocess video at https://youtu.be/WqVNVx_gU_Q, nya!
Nextly in Guest Gallery Two http://catgirlisland.net/art/gallery/gallery2.html are Rvkhs chibi-style illustrations of the 12 Zodiac Signs! Done with Procreate with the Apple Pencil upon the Apple Ipad Pro they are so peppy, perky and cute! For display upon our web site, we have grouped them alphabetically into three batches of four pics. Each pic has its own art process video too:
The cat lady sings…
I can see how ”Kit” Purry would be wanted by many people, given her peppy, purrky, sexy, tough appearance!
The intent gaze, sultry lettuce attire, the supple ear pinna and the mellowing sunset add to the scintillating ambience of the Purple Carrot pic!
The pic of Dr. Nova is quite cheerfully majestic and alluring and I like the effect of her shedding the ashen layer of her purrior form, nya!
I love the windswept wave of Aquarius’s hair, the horns and staff of Aries, and- and Cancer’s cute outfit with the yummy crab, nya!
Hai, and I love the sheen of Capricorn’s fishy parts, Gemini’s different hair & garment colors, and Leo’s lovely swishy tail!
Mary Nyan:
Some of my favorite aspects of those zodiac signs are the drape of Libra’s gown, the veil-like tail-fin of Pisces, and the confident kyudo stance of Sagittarius!
Scorpio has the mischievous expurression, Taurus has the merry stride, and Virgo has the beautiful splay of the cherry blossoms! Thank y’all for purrsenting the new art!
Petra & Bunnii:
Doitashimaste, nya!
Well, I

guess that will do it for this edition of The Mew, and it is almost time for our AfterMew luau!

Itadakimasu! We wish to thank Rvkh for the beautiful art…
… and all of the other brilliantly talented people whose works we have discussed!
We also wish to thank Jamie for his web meowstery…



… and our other friends, family, acquaintances and audience whom we greatly appurreciate, nya!
Fur shur!
We’ll be back next month with more stuff! Be there… aloha!
The Ladies of The Mew:
Happy tails to mew- until we eat again, nya! Baibai. nya!

March 2022 Catgirl Critics’ Media Mewsings

Mike Moon / Catgirl Island
and Jamie Robertson / Clan of the Cats
purroudly purrsent a Mike Moon purrduction,
starring The Ladies of The Mew in
The March 2022 Edition of The Mew:
The Catgirl Critics’ Media Mewsings, nya!
This year is the Year of the Tiger, the 22nd Anniversary 
of Catgirl Island’s official site, and the 15th Anniversary 
of The Mew, nya! in this edition of The Mew:
TV, DVD & Movie Mewsings:
our favorite films of 1982
Strike Witches Season 3: The Road to Berlin
Catwoman: Hunted
The Book of Boba Fett
Collectibles & Toy Talk:
Captain Carter action figure

action figure
Purrinted Media Mewsings:
My Little Pony: Generations # 4 & 5
Flying Witch manga vol. 10
Haruhiko Mikimoto Character Design Archive
The Art of Star Wars: The Mandalorian Season 2
I’m Smith, He’s Jones #1
The Celebrity Catgirl & Kemonomimi Spotlight
Additions to the Catgirl Island Mewseum of Art:
“Sechs” plushy doll by Misty Hopkins
“Catian Booty” by Melody Rondeau
“Andocait” by Melody Rondeau
“Gameowra & Mewt” by Melody Rondeau
“Egyptian Catgirls” by Melody Rondeau
“Angel Catgirl” by Melody Rondeau
“Melusinaг” by Melody Rondeau
“Floating” by Rvkh
“Spring Rain” by Rvkh
“Mushkind” by Rvkh
“Nystar” by Rvkh
(the human fella wearing the Carolina Panthers tee shirt and Teal cargo shorts): Aloha y’all and welcome to The Mew, our monthly “show” in which we review and discuss fun stuff! This month’s Mew comes from the south end of Wisteria Bridge on the riverwalk in the beautiful downtown Purrbank district of Catgirl Island in Mew Hanover County, NC, where it’s 72 degrees under the Blue sky and puffy White Cumulo-Neko clouds! I’m Mike, the show’s “purrducer”, and here are The Ladies of The Mew!
(a.k.a. Jen, the yogini, model, archer, belly dance instructor & roboticist catgirl, wearing the Serval purrint micro bikini & sheer purrled purreo): Nihao.
(Jen’s purrotege, the stand-up paddle surfer, board shapurr, pony owner and belly dance instructor kitsune, wearing the Caracal purrint tri-kini): Konnichiwa!
(the art guild purresident, art mewseum co-curator & beach volleyball champion catgirl wearing the Clouded Leopurrd purrint side-tie bikini): Aloha, nya!
(the art mewseum co-curator, Petra’s beach volleyball partner, and purrize-winning carrot cake baker bunnygirl wearing the Cheetah purrint trikini): Guten Tag!
(a.k.a. Nya-sensei, the martial arts champion & sensi, dojo & gym purropurrietress catgirl wearing the Bengal Tiger purrint cropped tee shirt and shorts): Howdy!
(a.k.a. Nyo-sensei, Nyanko’s twin sister, the magick shop purropurrietress catgirl wearing the Jaguar purrint cropped tee shirt and shorts): Howdy!
(the fishing boat charter captain & drumming circle purrcussionist catgirl, wearing the Fishing Cat purrint monokini with cropped tee shirt): Namaste, nya!
(Yvonne’s younger sister, college freshman, pony owner and nature photographer catgirl wearing the Iriomote Cat purrint tankini): Namaste, nya!

a.k.a Lizzy, the hot salsa dancer, gamer, Purrkour Club captain & spa co-owner catgirl wearing the Margay purrint bandeau top bikini): Hola!

(Lizzy’s nekomimi gynoid wife, avid golfer & spa co-owner w

earing the Eurasian Lynx purrint ring-closure bikini an an orchid lei): 

Mary Nyan
(a.k.a. Myayr, the seamstress, cosplayer, hula instructor and semi-retired miko catgirl wearing the Cougar purrint purretzel – cutout maillot): Aloha!
(the winged faerie golfer, foxfire juggler and outdoor ampurrtheatre director wearing the Ocelot purrint criss cross halter neck bikini) Mellow greetings!
(the mermaid purropurrietress of the triphibius airship tours business, wearing the Asiatic Lion purrint bandeau bikini top): Shello!
(the dolphin -tailed mermaid surf purrtol leader / trainer, wearing the Sand cat purrint sports bra): Aloha!
(or just Ellie for short, Mew Hanover County’s Fire Marshall, a Banker Pony centauress wearing the Bobcat purrint bandeau bikini top: Hay there!
So, what have y’all been up to since last month’s Mew?
Mary Nyan:
As mewsual I have been busy instructing the hula cance class; whilst

Tia, Jany and I have been 

sewing the costumes for the cosplayers. We recently finished the Wixoss Lrig costumes, and in purrogress are the Lapis Re: Lights costumes!

So like, I am either on the golf course or directing the repurrtory companyFoxfire Fantasy Fest at the ampurrtheatre, and we planning our upcoming Happy Haru Extravaganza, fur shur!
I cannot believe that it has been the month already since the 15th awards presentation! Since then, things have been back to normal with my airship tours and at my parents’ dive-in theatre!
When i have not been busy with the surf purrtrol watches and training the swim team I have been watching the college hoops, gymnastics, softball, beach volleyball and the Winter Olympics!
Becca and I have stayed purretty busy at our spa to pampurr the many customers who have retreated to here from the nippier weather upon the mainland!
Hai hai, we have purrtaken of the sports, the gardening, the DVDs, and the weekly late night hot salsa dance! Our most recent video binge watching has included The Book of Boba Fett, After School Dice Club, and  Around the World in 80 Days!
I have been studying for my mid term exams too, nya! Let’s see… in addition to the college classes and – and the photography club I have been caring for our cats, the ponies, and – and helping onee-chan with our yacht’s fishing charters, nya!
My fishing charters have reeled in the bumpurr crop of the Snappurrs, Groupurrs, Croakers, Mackerels and Tunas; 

and my drumming circle has purrvided the purrcussion for the purrades and matsuris, nya!
I have been paddle surfing, board shaping, caring for the ponies, and it is already the mid term exam time for my beginner belly dance students at the Purrforming Arts Center!
I have been baking the carrot cakes and gardening when Petra and I have not been curating at the Mewseum of Art or coaching at the spring beach volleyball camp!
Hai hai, we are very enthused about the camp and our Mewsum’s upcoming annual body art show, nya! Oh and our mewseum’s cafe has expanded its menu to include the purramisucrepes, the piping hot croquettes, the and the carameowl expurresso capurrcino, nya!
It seems like only yesterday we were commeowmerating the Winter Solstice, and nyow at my magick shop we are purrparing for the Vernal Equinox. 
The time continues to fly by like the hypurr drive! I have been busy at my gym and at my dojo where my students are training for the spurring qualifier tournyament! Howboutchoo, Ellie?
During the awards ceremony, I was extra busy with the patrols and inspections, but there were no unpleasant incidents with the many fireworks, bonfires and lanterns, and since then I have been able to spend more time at the gym and the beach!
My routine is still compurrised purrdictably of the mornings at the yoga studio, afternoons at the kyudo range, alternating weeknights purrsiding at the robotics club and instructing the advanced belly dance class, and the occassional weekend gravure photo shoot modeling. Back to Mike.
Ah, not much noteworthy for me aside from the usual art, writing, reading, running, and spending time with the family! For purrofiles and illustrations of those and other Ladies of The Mew, please visit our Meet The Critics page http://www.mewsings.catgirlisland.com/meet-the-critics/! Ah, we’ve got a lot on our plate today, so let’s go ahead an start our
TV, DVD & Movie Mewsings with this month’s 
Lightning Round Topic: Our Favorite Films of 1982!
So this year weve bene looking back at fun things  of years ending with a 2; we’ve already covered 2012, 2002 and 1992, so this month we’re listing our favorite films from 1982, one of the best years ever for cinema! So, are y’all ready to “conduct the lightning”?
The Ladies of The Mew:
I will nominate Firefox, Tron, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Blade Runner, and Hail Columbia. (tags the mermaid with a brush of her tail)
I will nominate the concert films such as Let’s Spend the Night Together, The Concert in Central Park, The Secret Policeman’s Other Ball, and Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl! (tags Becca with her tail fin)
The comedies such as The King of Comedy, Tootsie, Diner, Deathtrap, and Summer Lovers!  tail-tags her wife)
Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Porky’s, Airplane II: The Sequel , Eating Raoul , and 48 Hours! (tags Petra)
The World According to Garp, Missing, Sophie’s Choice, The Verdict, and An Officer and a Gentleman, nya! (tags Bunni)
Blade Runner, Gandhi, Reds, The Year of Living Dangerously, The Man from Snowy River, and The Legend of Walks Far Woman! (tag Mielikki)
So like, I will nominate Gandhi, Reds, The Year of Living Dangerously, The Man from Snowy River, and The Legend of Walks Far Woman, fur shur! (tags Nyoka with a flit of the wing)
I would say… E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, The Dark Crystal, Conan the Barbarian, Tempest,  Cat People, and Pink Floyd- The Wall! (tags Trini-chan)
The Thing, Poltergeist, Cat People, Creepshow, and The House Where Evil Dwells (tags her BFF)
I want… I want to nominate the animated movies such as Tron, The Secret of NIMH, The Last Unicorn, The Plague Dogs , A Charlie Brown Celebration, and – and Miss Switch to the Rescue, nya Onee-chan’s turn, nya! (tags her sister)
The animated movies such as Flash Gordon: The Greatest Adventure of All, The Flight of Dragons, Arcadia of My Youth, Queen Millennia, and Space Adventure Cobra, nya! (tags Nyanko)
The Road Warrior, First Blood, Forced Vengeance, The Soldier, Firefox, Megaforce, and Tag: The Assassination Game! (tags the centauress)
The Dark Crystal,  The Last Unicorn, Conan the Barbarian, The Beastmaster, The Sword and the Sorcerer, and Dragon Lord! (tags Daytona)
Hmmm… I’d hafta say E.T., Star Trek II, Fast Times, Monty Python, Tron, oh oh and Koyaanisqatsi, (tags Mary Nyan)
Mary Nyan:
I will nominate the horror movies such as Cat People, The Thing, Poltergeist, Friday the 13th Part III, Halloween III: Season of the Witch,  Q – The Winged Serpent,  Swamp Thing, and Basket Case! Back to Mike!
Oh I gotta go with Blade Runner, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, Tron, The Dark Crystal!, and my 2nd favorite Star Trek movie Star Trek II:The Wrath of Khan! Well that was an expedient little Lightning Round, considering  our big group! Ah, now Jen will continue our
TV, DVD & Movie Mewsings, with her review of 
Strike Witches Season 3: The Road to Berlin!
Hai. Combine a heroic team of endearing kemonomimis with thrilling aerial magick combat and magnificent military mecha in an alternate reality’s 1944, with quite the bit of amewsing slice-of-life moments and ’fan service’ and there you have the Strike Witches a.ka. the World Witches series, the military moe /magickal  girls with guns series of light novels, manga, anime (TV series, movie & OVAS) & video games plus a few spin-offs since 2007.
The anime TV series is based upon the manga by Humikane Shimada & Projeckt Kagonfish which was serialized in Comp Ace magazine, published monthly by Sneaker Bunko. The purremise of this series is that instead of a 2nd World War, countries analogous to our own US, Britiain, Japan, Germany, Italy, Russia and so forth have united against alien invaders called the Neurois, whose mysterious dark aircraft have decimated Europe.
In response, the multi-national 501st Joint Fighter Wing  known as The Strike Witches and other teams were created. The 501st is compurrised of girls with magickal abilities who can create very ornate magickal deflector shields, and they fly into combat not on brooms, but with the magickal mana-powered mechanical Striker Units which resemble aircraft fuselages worn around each leg, hence the witche wear short skirts instead of pants.
They are of various nationalities which are analagous to real countries, such as Fuso (Japan), Liberion ( USA), Karlsland (Germany), Britannia (Britain) Orussia (Russia), Galia (France) and Romagna (Italy). The 501st consists of Maj. Mio Sakamoto (voiced by Seto Saori), Lt. Col. Mina-Deitlinde Wilke (voiced by Tanaka Rie, Sgt. Lynette Bishop (voiced by Nazuka Kaori), Lt. Perrine-H Clostermann (voiced by Sawashiro Miyuki)…
… Lt. Erica Hartman (voiced by Nogawa Sakura), Capt. Gertrude Barkhorn (voiced by Sonozaki Mie), Ens. Francesca Lucchini (voiced by Saitou Chiwa), Flight Lt. Charlotte Yeager (voiced by Koshimizu Ami), Ens. Eila Ilmater Juutilainen (voiced by Oohashi Ayuru), Lt. Sanya Litvyak (voiced by Kadowaki Mai), the main character Sgt. Yoshika Miyafuji (voiced by Fukuen Misato), and new meowmber Sgt. Hattori Shizuka (voiced by Uchida Aya).
When a witch uses her powers, animal ears & tail are manifest. For example,Yoshika’s are Shiba Inu, Perrine’s are Chartreaux Cat, and Eila’s are Black Fox.They carry weapons such as Perrine’s Bren Gun, Sanya’s Fliegerhammer, and Gertrude and Erica’s MG-42s. The Striker units resemble the fuselages of real aircraft, such as Mio’s Yamanishi Shiden Model 53 N1K5-J, Lynette’es Spitfire Mk.22, Charlotte’s P51D, and Mina’s Bf109K-4.
They group attempts to liberate Berlin from the Neurois in Road to Berlin, which is the 3rd season of the Strike Witches anime TV series, which aired in Japan in 2020 and was recently released here on Blu-Ray by Funimation. Purrduced by Takashi Tachisaki and directed by Kazuhiro Takamura, the character, mecha and scenic design, art and animation are supurrb, with the wonderful voices, sound FX and Nagaoka Shigemu’s rousing mewsic.
This Blu-Ray set includes epurrsodes 1-12 plus special features upon the two disks with the digital copy instuction sheet packaged in the plastic case with the outer cardboard sleeve.The reverse side of the insert is the wraparound pic of Mio. The 1080p HD video is of the 16:9 screen aspect ratio, with the Dolby TrueHD audio choices of English 5.1and Japanese 2.0, and theoptional  English subtitles. The few special features include the “eyecatch” gallery, and 12 textless versions of the opening song.
I wish there were far more special features, but I found Road to Berlin to be highly entertaining, due to the excellent story, characters, mecha and world-building, plus the great balance of charming, joyful, sad, heroic, cute, zany and slice-of-life moments in addition to the thrilling combat scenes. I will give it the “A” grade, and I hope that the subsequent spin-off series Luminous Witches will be released here on Blu-ray soon. Nyow here is Nya-sensei to discuss
The Book of Boba Fett.
Arigato! I have been enjoying the heck out of the live-action and animated Star Wars series on Disney Plus, such Star Wars Visions, Clone Wars season 7, The Bad Batch, The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett, which stars Temuera Morrison as Boba Fett, Ming-Na Wen as Fennec Shand, and Pedro Pascal as Din Djarin, plus many other characters whose surpurrises I do not wish to spoil!
This series has the seven epurrsodes which are spun off of The Mandalorian and are set 5 years after Return of the Jedi, with appurrances by certain characters from Epurrsodes I-V, the Clone Wars and Rebels. There even seem to be some veiled references to the Star Wars Holiday Special, which was Bobba Fett’s first appurrance in 1978, about the year and a half before The Empire struck back in 1980!
This series also goes a long way in atoning for the Tattooine scenes of Return of the Jedi, such as that 1983 movie’s regrettable Rancor FX and the Fett’s embarrassingly silly Sarlacc Pit fight scene.  It’s the most “western” Star Wars, moreso than even the Han Solo movie, but not as “samurai” as Star Wars Visions. The Tusken / Sandpeople flashbacks remind me of the movie A Man Called Horse.
I have no purroblem with Fett not wearing his helmet all the time. Like Bo Katan, Sabine Wren, etc his spirtual path is not the same as Din Djardin or The Armorer. I almost didn’t recognize Matt (What We Do in the Shadows) Berry’s voice as 8D8, but Corey Burton’s voice was unmistakable as a certain bounty hunter who’s name I won’t reveal as not to spoil anything.
I love the characters, purrformances, costumes, cinematogaphy, FX, purroduction values, music, fight and  stunt choreography. While it does have a TV budget look about it compurred to the feature films, it is still of very high quality. I think that i might like The Mandalorian series the bit more, but I will give The Book of Boba Fett the B+ grade! I am done, and nyow here is Myayr to tell us about
Catwoman: Hunted!
Mary Nyan:
Hai! Selina Kyle alias Catwoman is my favoritest DC Comics character, so I was purrticularly anticipating this latest DC animated movie! I was also especially eager for it, as it is Japanese anime, like the Batman Ninja movie, although thus’un is set in the contempurrary time. It is also like the buddy cop movie, as Catwoman teams up with Batwoman to fight the Leviathan crime syndicate and its appurrant leader Barbara Minerva alias The Cheetah!
Selina also hopes to purrloin the fabulous Cat’s Eye Emerald, which Black Mask brings to Minerva’s costume ball! Sellina’s cat Isis, Interpol agents Julia Pennyworth and King Faraday help against the villains, which is good because they include Cheshire, Nosferata, Dr. Tzin, Tobias Whale, La Dama, Talia al Ghul, Mr. Yakuza, Soloman Grundy, The Cheetah, lots of gangsters and ninjas. Rated PG-13, this 79 minute OVA is a lot of thrilling, sexy, amewsing, action-packed fun!
The movie seemed too brief, but loved the story, dialogue, designs, animation, backgrounds, voices, sounds and mewsc! Purrduced by Sam Register, Michael Uslan, Ethan Spaulding  and Colin Abv Lewis, written by Greg Weisman, directed by Shinsuke Teresawa and edited by Robert Ehrenreich, the movie’s casting & voice direction wwere by Jamie Thomason, character designs by Erik Okada and animation by Warner Brothers, with the jazzy score by Robert J. Kral.
The supurb voice cast includes Elizabeth Gillies as Catwoman, Stephanie Beatriz as Batwoman, Kirby Howell-Baptiste as Minerva, Jonathan Banks as Black Mask, Kelly Hu as Cheshire, Keith David as Tobias Whale, Lauren Cohan as Julia Pennyworth, Jonathan Frakes as King Faraday, Jacqueline Obradors as La Dama, Steve Blum as Grundy, Ron Yuan as Dr. Tzin, Andrew Kishino as Mr. Yakuza, and Zehra Fazal as Talia and Nosferata!
The single Blu-Ray disc and the digital download code sheet are packaged in the plastic case with the outer cardboard sleeve. The 1080p Hi Def video has the audio choices of DTS-HD MA English 5.1, Dolby Digital French and Spanish, with the optional subtitles in English SDH, French, Spanish, German SDH and Nederlandic. 
The special features are When the Hunter Becomes the Hunted, the 19 min. documentary about the making of the movie; and Catwoman: The Feline Femme Fatale the 40 minute documentary about Catwoman, which is narrated by Tara Strong and includes comments by many writers, artists, purrducers, directors, and actresses!
I wish there were more special features, but I was pleased with this movie, to which I give the grade of the A Minus! It has been the good time for the Selina items, what with the new Batman movie and the meowrchendise such as the action figures and the Funko Pop! vinyl figures! On that note, Melanakeami-san will start our
Collectibles & Toy Talk, with her review of the
Marvel Legends Captain Carter action figure!
Hai! We like to collect the figures, dolls, statues and ornaments of the inspirational heroines, so I was quaite pleased to get Hasbro’s figure of Steve Rogers’ girl friend the British agent Peggy Carter in her guise as the super soldier Captain Carter, as depicted in the animated What If…? TV series! Created by Stan Lee and jack Kirby, Peggy first appeared in Marvel Comics’ Tales of Suspense #75 in 1966! In the Marvel Cinematic Universe she is wonderfully portrayed by Hayley Atwell!
This 6.25” figure is part of the separately – sold Marvel Legends What If…? wave of figures that also includes Sylvie, Heist Nebula, Zombie Captain America, Zombie-Hunter Spidey Doctor Strange Supreme, and Star Lord T’challa.  All but Zombie Captain America include  one or two of the parts needed to build a figure of The Watcher, whose arms are included with  Captain Carter. She is beautifully designed, sculpted and painted, with the intricate details and the faithful portraiture!
She is very posable too, with the articulation in her neck, shoulders, upper arms, wrists, abs, hips, thighs, knees and ankles; and she is accessorized by thr 2” diameter shield which can strap on to either of her arms. She is balanced well- enough to stand wiithout requiring a display base or a doll stand (which are not included), but I will recommend using one if you want to pose her in the more dynamic stances. I have displayed her on a prime spot on my desk! Now here is Mike to discuss the
Marvel Legends 


action figure!
Arigato! Created by Brian Michael Bendis and Mike Deodato, Riri Williams alias Ironheart is the genius teen girl with her own Stark-like armor who first appeared in Invincible Iron Man Vol. 2 #7 in 2016. In the animated Marvel Rising series she is voiced by Sofia Wylie, and in the MCU she is going to be portrayed by actress Dominique Thorne! 
This lovely 5 7/8” figure of her is part of the separately – sold wave of figures that also include Darkstar, Ultron, Vault Guardsman, Modular Iron Man, Stealth Iron Man, and Hologram Iron Man.  Except for the latter figure, each includes a piece needed to build a figure of the Soviet super soldier Ursa Major.She is quite splendidly designed, meticulously sculpted and precisely painted, with the intricate details of her sleek Red, Gold and Black armor!
Included in the box are an alternate unmasked head, a pair of variant hands, 2 repulsar beams, 2 contrails, and Ursa Major’s right leg. The articulation in her neck, shoulders, upper arms, wrists, abs, hips, thighs, knees & ankles. A display base or stand is not included. I purchased an adjustable NECA dynamic action figure stand to display her in vertical flight. That is all for our toy talk, so now Tara-chan will start our
purrinted-media mewsings, with her review 
of IDW’s My Little Pony: Generations #4 & 5!

I love these pony comics which so capture the style and – and  the spirit of the animated TV series, nya! It is hard to believe that the Friendship is Magic animated series started 12 years ago, nya!

Generations is the crossover betwixt the original (Gen One) 1980’s ponies and – and their Friendship is Magic (Gen Four) counterparts, nya!
purremise of this five-issue mini-series is that the evil human teen cousins Grackle, Dyre (who are
the daughters of Reeka and – and Draggle)
and – and their magickal rat named Trench plot  to avenge their evil grandmother
Hydia whose sinister Smooze weapon was thwarted by the ponies, nya!
They transform some of the Smoze slime into the evil ponies Violet Shiver, Black Belle and – and Shadow Storm who will bring the chaos and – and the bad morale to the pony world, but the miscalculation sent them to the
Gen Four world instead of the Gen One World, nya!
Reeka, Draggle, Hydia and – and Smooze appurred in the
1986 My Little Pony movie, nya!
The Smooze ponies purrtend to be purrofessors at the Friendship School, where teacheth
Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie,
Fluttershy, Starlight Glimmer, and – and Sunburst Star, nya! In issue #4 the portal opens from the Gen One World, through which emerge
Lickity-Split, Lofty, Minty, Galaxy, Surprise, Applejack, North Star and – and Rose Dust, nya!
Other characters who appurr in this mini-series include
Apple Bloom, Granny Smith, Big McIntosh, Mayor Mare,
Yona, Smolder, Ocellus, Sand Bar, Silverstream, Gallus, Pizzelle, Spitfire, Fleetfoot and – and the other Wonderbolts, nya!
in issue #5 the Gen One and – and the Gen Four ponies unite for the finale battle to save Equestia
, nya!
Purrced $3.99 apiece, e

ach issue has the 28 full-color pages including the uninterrupted 20 page tale followed by the cover art gallery and – and ads, nya. I am glad that the ads do not interrupt the tale, nya!

It was written by Casey Gilly, illustrated by Michela Cacciatore, colored by Heather Breckel, lettered by Neil Uyetake and edited by Megan Brown, nya!
Cover A is by Michela Cacciatore, cover B is by Agnes Garbowska and – and Silvana Brys, whilst the scarcer Retailers Incentive cover is by Samantha Whitten, nya! I loved the plot, pace, poses, dialogue, expurressions, scenery, colors, shading, fonts, and – and the graphic narrative techniques, so I will give this mini – series the

“A” as in Applebuck, nya! 

Now here is Mie -sensei to tell us about

Flying Witch manga vol. 10, nya!
Arigato! So like, This is one of my all – time favoritest manga series! Flying Witch by the artist / author Chihiro Ishizuka is the beautiful, whimsically charming tale of the teenage novice witch Makoto Kowata & her cat Chito who have moved from Yokohama to her relatives’ The Kuramoto family’s lovely mansion in the rural town of Aomori for her witchy studies!
Other recurring characters include Makoto’s older sister Akane & her cat Kenny, their mentor Akira, cousin Kei & younger Chinatsu, their mom Nana & dad Keiji, Inukai the fortune teller & her hamster Ai, Ms. Shiina the cafe owner, her daughter Anzu, waitress ghost Hina, Anzu’s owl Ororu, Makoto’s senpai Sayo and Kei’s classmate Nao!
The plots typically include learning spell craft, gardening, farming, cooking, day trips, and revealing more of the magickal world! Originally published by Kodansha in Japan, Volume10 was published in English by Vertical Comics, translated by Melissa Tanaka & edited by Ajani Oloye, with the purrduction by Grace Lu & Tomoe Tsutsumi.
Purriced at $10.95 in the USA and $11.95 in Canada, it has the 176 Black & White pages compurrised of B&W chapters 55-61 with the pretty color cover art! So like, it is summertime and the manga if off to the delicious, nutritious start as the family picks the fruits and vegetables which they trade with the neighboring gardeners and farmers.
Makoto, Akane, Chito & Kenny ride the bullet train, visit the Society of Witches office in Hirosaki where they have an exam and then on to their home in Kanagawa, where we meet their mom, friends Miko, Yayoi & Cantera. Then Makoto, Akane and Miko ride in the horse drawn carriage with Nihei the witch who will assist them and Anzu with an assignment at a temple full of maneki-nekos!
This was yet another totally beautifully charming, magickal slice of life tale that introduces us to more endearing characters, amazing creatures, mystical phenomenon, lovely locations and insights into the witchy world, so I will give vol. 10 the grade of an “A” as in Akane, fur shur! I am done, so now here is Ellie to tell us about the
Haruhiko Mikimoto Character Design Archive!
Arigato! Haruhiko Mikimoto is a lengendary Japanese animator, character designer, illustrator and manga-ka whose famous works include anime, manga, novels and games such as Gundam,  Macross, Gunbuster, Megazone 23, Orguss, Quo Vadis, Hi-Speed Jecy, Marionette Generation, and Tytania!
Published by PIE Books, and priced $49.99 USA & £40.00 UK, this 208 page 12” x 8.5” x 7/8” hardcover by Mikimoto is chock full of hundreds of annotated images that are as beautiful as beautiful can be! Representing the master’s career from the 1980’s to the present. it also includes more his recent works such as Blue Remains, Kabaneri, Khamrai, Koyasai, Tottoi, Mirage of the Flower, and Hatsune Miko!
I lost count of the hundreds of images of all sizes, but I’d say there are over four dozen full-page pics, over a dozen two-page spreads, and hundreds of other images of various sizes. I will give it the high praise grade of the “A” as in Aquarian Age! Now Trini-chan wants to tll us about—
The Art of Star Wars: The Mandalorian Season 2!
Hai! We are fond of the books about the design of the Star Wars productions so I am pleased with this book by published by Abrams and written by Lucasfilm’s Creative Art Manager Phil Szostak, who also wrote The Art of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, The Art of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, The Art of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, The Art of Solo: A Star Wars Story, and The Art of Star Wars: The Mandalorian I!
The full color, 256 page, 11 5/16“ x 10 7/8” x 7/8” dust – jacketed hardcover is purriced at $40.00 in the USA, $50.00 in Canada and £30.00 in the UK. The jacket front llustration of Mando & Grogu is by Lucasfilm Executive Creative Director Doug Chiang ( who wrote the book’s forward), and the jacket back llustration of Ahsoka Version 01 is by Lucasfilm Senior Concept Designer Brian Martyas.
With the case’s wraparound illustration of Crash Spider Version 105 by concept supurvisor Ryan Church, this book is the lavish collection of sketches, storyboards, concept art, paintings, diagrams, 3D models and comments for the characters, creatures, costumes, props, mecha, graphics, environments and FX of the 2nd season of The Mandalorian TV series.
The hundreds of other images by the dozens of contributors include many half-page pics, twenty full – page pics, two1.5 page pics, and twenty-five two-page spreads! I will highly recommend this beautiful informative book to fans of Star Wars, the science fantasy genre, cinematic design, and beautiful art in general; and I hope that there will be a similar book for The Book of Boba Fett! Now here is Mike to discuss the
I’m Smith, He’s Jones #1!
Alias Smith and Jones was a fun early 70’s Western TV series about two outlaws Hannibal Heyes and Kid Curry who try to go straight with new identities, while a governer secretly considers pardoning them, but every week some new trouble would find them.  As a kid in the mid 70’s before we got cable TV, I watched reruns of it and Star Trek, Time Tunnel, Then Came Bronson and other shows that comprised Bob Gordon Theater, a weekend show on a channel out of Winston-Salem.
Meanwhile, the 70’s were a golden age for Star Trek fandom, during which I found out fanzines. Nowadays most fanfics and fan art is posted to the internet, but in those days there were no web sites and few fans had computers, so fan fiction, art and essays were typically published in those amateur magazines and newsletters. The ones dedicated to Star Trek might be the most famous, but tof course here are fan works dedicated to, well, pretty much any subject that has its fans.
Jim and Melody Rondeau have been famous fans, collectors, authors, artists and publishers for many decades; buying and selling fanzines, magazines, books, comics, games, film clips, posters, memorabilia and so forth at cons and through their web site Make it Go Away http://www.crossovers.net/makeitgoaway/home.htm. It has been a joy to make their acquaintance, do business and trade art with, so I was quite eager to get a copy of their latest fanzine, I’m Smith, He’s Jones #1!
Edited by Jim & Melody, published by their Buffalo Chip Press in January, and limited to a first print run of 75 copies, the 8.5×11” zine has 114 stapled pages (plus covers), consisting of nine short stories and a poignant essay by Pamela J. Corsa, six short stories and a couple of vignettes by Terrence Oswald Knova, four illustrations and five limericks by Melody, and a cordial opening editorial by Jim. I don’t want want to spoil the plots of the captivating tales—
– but I will broadly say that they range from charming, whimsical and adventurous to suspensful, tragic, poignant and bittersweet. Melody’s Black and White art of Heyes, The Kid and the horses is quite delightful, and I especially liked the pic that accompanied the Cat House Tale! Not only was this old-fashioned. top quality fanzine such a lovely read, but it put me in a wonderfully nostalgic mood, almost like I was 50 years younger, and that ain’t bad! Ah, that’s all for our book reviews, so now I’ll turn The Mew over to Lizzy, Becca and Nyo-sensei who’ll present the
Monthly Celebrity Catgirl & Kemonmimi Spotlight!
Hai, in this monthly portion of The Mew, we commeowmorate catgirls, nekomusume and other kemonomimi of international mythologies and popular cultures! Appurring in the folklore, novels, comics, movies, TV shows, theatre, mewsic, games, sports and advertising, they might include the shape – shifters, anthropurrrmorphic ladies, monster girls.
Some ladies are Ailuranthropes, also known as were-cats, who might seem to be the average humans until they transform into the feline or merely spurrout the tail and / or nemomimi pinna. Then there are those who might not actually have beasty DNA, but do have the cat-titude or couture, whether it is full-on cosplay or the animal – purrint attire!
We have  several examples of celebrities who we consider as an “honorary catgirls” for their feline fashions, such as jounalist Jericka Duncan who wore the gray leopurrd purrint blouse during the February 2nd CBS Evening News, commeowntator Zerlina Maxwell who wore the leopurrd purring blouse during her segment on MSNBC’s The Last Word with Lawrance O’Donnell
… and who could forget singer / actress Cher’s TV character Lavrne who wore the tiger stripe outfit? Sometimes the cat ears and claws are meowrly imagined, such as when Chizuru Mizuhara meowmentarily meownifested those when when she fiecely confronted her meddlesome grandmother in Epurrsode 5 “Hot Springs and Girlfriend” of the anime TV series Rent-A- Girlfriend!
Sometimes the cat couture is more elaborate and overt, such as the titular young girl of the Kitty chapterbook series by author Paula Harrison & artist Jenny Lovlie! She dons the costume with the ears and tail for the nocturnal adventures with her neko companions as she tried to emulate her mom who is the supurr heroine of the feline motif!
Sadly not all thusly costumes girls who purrowl the streets have the cheerful lives, such as DC Comics’ Kitrina Falcone alias Kittyhawk and Catgirl, who first apurred in Batman # 692 in 2009. Created by author Tony S. Daniel & artist Sandu Florea, she had the unhappy life as a daughter of the Falcone crime family, but fortunately Catwoman took the liking to her and adopted her as the purrotege!
Voiced by Kimlinh Tran in the video game series Skullgirls, Nadia Fortune a.k.a Ms. Fortune is the bonafide catgirl- and the undead one at that! She is the friendly. fiece, athletic Robin-Hoodish character with the feral ears, claws, tail, fangs, keen senses, regenerative ability, detachable body parts, and the impurressive fighting purrowess!
The videogame series Blazblue has combative kemonomimi characters too, such as the stoicly cynical two-tailed catgirl Kokonoe Mercury, Makoto Nanaya the genki risumimi with the large squirrel tail in the sexy tight bare midriff outfit, and the mysterious catgirl Taokaka who wears the hoody, mask and large paw gloves! Our friend Misty Hopkins  https://kranberrijam.blogspot.com who was a guest of the March 2008 Mew, has cosplayed as Taokaka http://www.catgirlisland.net/art/guest2/2.html!
If it is the magickal post-apocalyptic nekomimi you crave, then I will suggest the video game ArKnights, which is brimming with such charactersas Ahmoni, Beanstak, Blaze, Cliffheart, Dawn, Dora, Folinic, Haze, Heidi, Indra, Iris, Jessica, Kal’tsit, Melantha, Monique, Mousse, Mint, Nightmare, Picale, Pramanix, Rosmontis, Siege, Skyfire, Swire, and Waal Fu!
Problem Children are Coming from Another World, Aren’t They? is the series of light novels, manga and anime of the isekei genre in which three metahuman teenagers from Earth are telepurrted to the realm of Little Garden where they battle the bullies and despots that theaten the peacefully charming commeownity. One of those three is Kasukabe, the shy girl with the animal powers and her pet cat. 
The trio is summoned to Little Garden by the powerfully magickal bunny girl Black Rabbit. The nekomimi Shiroyasha is an elder of the commeownity with the tremendous solar power. Riri is the young kitsune who they befriend, Hifumi is the kemonimi hey resuce from the slavers, and Sandra is the ryumimi with the fiery dragon powers who helps them in the battles against the demon lords!
Lastly but not leastly for this month’s spotlight, I will meowntion the kemonomimi characters of the beautiful anime – style online role – playing video game Genshin Impact such as Diona the tsundere catgirl who tends The Cat’s Tail bar, Keqing the telepurrting swordswoman and merchantile guild leader, and Sayu the petite sleepy widdle kunoichi! That is all for this month’s spotight, and nyow here ar Petra and Bunni to purrsent the latest
Additions to the Catgirl Island Mewseum of Art!
Arigato, nya! Here y’all will find the hundreds of annotated illustrations and photographs, nya! Galleries 1-8 display images by our purrducer Mike Moon, whilst Guest Art Galleries 1-5 display images by other folks with their purrmissions, nya. Mike’s collaborations with other artists are peppurred throughout the mewseum, nya! 
Some of the images are sexy, and some might depict the artistic nudity, nya! The most recent pics are the lowermost row of the cropped widdle “thumbnail” sized portions of the pics in a gallery, and you have to click upon those to see the uncropped full images, nya. In Guest Gallery Two http://catgirlisland.net/art/gallery/guest2.html 
— we are purroud to purrsent the supurrb Sechs plushy doll made by Misty Hopkins https://kranberrijam.blogspot.com who was a guest of our March 208 Mew, nya! Sechs was the full-body cyborg, an elite agent of the TUNED group and meowmber of the Space Angels martial arts team in Yukito Kishiro’s Alita Battle Angel manga, nya!
Then we are delighted to display six more catgirl pics by Melody Rondeau http://www.crossovers.net/makeitgoaway/home.htm, starting with ther recently Star Trek inspired sketches of “Catian Booty” and Andocait”, nya! An Andocait is part Andorian and Caitian, nya. 
Nextly “Gameowra & Mewt” is Melody’s amewsing purrody of Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy characters Gamorra & Groot, nya! After that is her beautiful 1993 pic of four “Egyptian Catgirls, her lovely 1996 pic of the Angel Catgirl, and her gorgeous 2000 pic of “Melusinaг”, nya!
Then in Guest Gallery Three http://catgirlisland.net/art/gallery/guest3.html we are elated to exhibit four wonderful new illustrations by Rvkh

(pronounced Riv-kah), the artist formerly known as Rebecca Brogden, who was the guest for our September 2009 Mew!
“Floating” depicts the lovely fairy with Goatweed Leafwing lepidopteran wings! Rvkh used Faber-Castell Watercolor Pencils, Davinci Watercolors, Micron Pen & White Posca Pen for this image, of which there is an art process video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NCTFfzqHOg&feature=youtu.be!
“Mushkind” depicts exquisitely our widdle alien mushroom friend Cortinaria-sensei! Rvkha used Faber-Castell Watercolor Pencils, Davinci Watercolors, White Gouche, Micron Pen & White Posca Pen for this image, of which there is the art process video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCDVY3nlK9I&feature=youtu.be!
“Spring Rain” depicts the cute widdle pixy with the shroombrella on the rainy day! Rvkha used Procreate wiith the Apple Pencil upon the Ipad for this adorable illustration, of which there is the art process video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9v2I0-H8QU&feature=youtu.be!
Lastly but not leastly, “Nystar” is the male guise of  Rvkh’s female fairy character Nystia! Rvkh used Procreate with the Apple Pencil upon the Ipad Pro for this sexy illustration, of which there is the art process video of the pic at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3p0rf2zNBI&feature=youtu.be!
The cat lady sings…
Misty’s doll certainly faithfully captured Sechs’s spirit and appearance!
I love the paw print cutie mark on th Catian Booty, and the red tassle on the Andocait’s antenna and spear!
I guess that Gameowora would be of the Zen-Mewberi species and Mewt would be of the Flora Nekolossus?
That seems appurropurriate, but those mice in the Egyptian Catgirls pic are causing the craving in my tummy, nya!
I love the intricate details of the Angel Catgirl! from the vanes of the feathers to the decorative celtic knot corners!
Mary Nyan:
I feel the same way about the pic of Melusinaг from her lovely whiskers and spots to her jewelry and the tail!


Nystar’s hair, grin and wings definitely resembles Nystia’s, and my those are some sexy abs, mew la la!
The Floating fairy is so graceful, and I love the salted watercolor technique of the circular vignette!
The Spring Rain pixy is so cute, with the richly vibrant colors and the perfect chibi proportions!


Rvkh nailed the pic of Cortinaria -sensei! She has quite the knack for the mushrooms!
Well, I

guess that will do it for this edition of The Mew!

We wish to thank Misty, Melody and Rvkh for the beautiful art…
… and all of the other brilliantly talented people whose works we have discussed!
We also wish to thank Jamie for his web meowstery…

… and our other friends, family, acquaintances and audience whom we greatly appurreciate, nya!
We’ll be back next month with more stuff! Be there… aloha!
The Ladies of The Mew:
Happy tails to mew- until we eat again, nya! Baibai. nya!

February 2022 Catgirl Critics’ Media Mewsings

Mike Moon / Catgirl Island
and Jamie Robertson / Clan of the Cats
purroudly purrsent a Mike Moon purrduction,
starring The Ladies of The Mew in
The February 2022 Edition of The Mew:
The Catgirl Critics’ Media Mewsings, nya!
This year is the Year of the Tiger, the 15th Anniversary of 
The Mew, and the 22nd Anniversary of Catgirl Island, nya!
in this edition of The Mew: our 15th Annual Mew Awards 
purresentation for our favorite fun stuff of 2021, nya!
In the blue sky full of puffy cumumlo-neko clouds above Catgirl island and the surrounding waters of Mew Hanover County, NC glides Snappurr 1, one of the triphibious blimp-like airships owned and opurrated by Melanakeami, an NC OBX mermaid, nya. Seated next to her in Snappur 1’s water-filled onsen-like gondola are local radio announcer / podcaster catgirl Christinya, and aerial photographer angel Mohini who are reporting on the day’s festivities, nya!
(wearing the spanish mackerel purrint front-tie bikini that does not ride up on her tail):
It’s a beautiful day in the nyaborhood, with the afternoon tempurrature of appurroximately 70 degrees furenheit, and there are the many visitors here purrior to tonight’s 15th Annual Mew Awards purresentation, nya!
(wearing the strapless translucent bikini top made of the hollowed jellyfish bells):
Hai hai! We are presently cruising leisurely at 30 knots at an altitude of 1000 feet above sea level of the island appurroaching North Beach where there are the many surfers, sailors, sunbathers, and beach volleyball matches!
(wearing the Black Drum purring halter neck bikini that does not ride up on her wings):
I am getting some great shots of the action for the web site, and I bet that one of these pics will be the above – the – fold for tomorrow’s mewspapurr! I see that our friend Formality is back in town, down there in the shallows!
(On North Beach, Formality, the 11 ft long dappurr-looking orca girl & travelogue writer is snacking and chatting with her friends Ilyana the underwater archaeologist catgirl, Meryl (the island’s police chief catgirl, Ellie the island’s fire marshal centauress, and Daytona the surf purrtrol captain mermaid, nya. They are purrsently disccussing—
the Lightning Round topic: favorite animated purrductions of 1992, nya!)
(twearing the large Black Purrl in her navel and the Black top hat to match her natural tuxedo-like markings): 
My favorite animated movies, TV shows and OVAs of 1992 were Batman: The Animated Series, The Little Mermaid TV series,  Sailor Moon, Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki, Green Legend Ran, Ferngully, Spirit of Wonder, Tokyo Babylon, Porco Rosso, and Ranma 1/2 Movie 2: Nihao, My Concubine! (tags Ilyana to go next)
(wearing the Sailfish purrint cropped tank top and Cobalt color shorts):
I will nominate Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki, My Little Pony Tales, All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku, 3×3 Eyes, Ushio and Tora, Video Girl Ai, Elcia, The Weathering Continent, Silent Mobius the Movie, Silent Mobius 2 and Bastard! Nyow it is… Chief Meryl’s turn! (tags Meryl with a brush of the tail)
(wearing the Red Snappurr purrint knotted blouse and shorts with her police badge, hat and radio):
I will second Ranma 1/2 Movie 2, Batman: The Animated Series, Tenchi Muyo, Sailor Moon, Nuku Nuku, Weathering Continent, Silent Mobius and Porco Rosso, and I will add Aladdin, Crayon Shin-chan, and Giant Robo: The Day the Earth Stood Still! ( tail-tags Ellie to go next)
(the banker pony centauress wearing the Groupurr purrint bikini top):
Oh gosh it is hard to narrow it to a top ten, but I will say…Giant Robo, Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory, Macross II, Genesis Survivor Gaiarth, GPX Cyber Formula, Gall Force: New Era, Scramble Wars, Silent Mobius. Bubblegum Crash and Porco Rosso! Your turn, ’Tona!
(the dolphin-tailed mermaid wearing the kelp bandeau bikini top)
Porco Rosso, The Little Mermaid TV series, Goof Troop, Sailor Moon, Hime-chan’s Ribbon, Aladdin, K.O. Beast, Yuu Yu Hakusho, Lupin the 3rd: From Siberia with Love, Dragonball Z Movies 6: & 7! Well that was an expedient little lightning round, but then, there are just the five of us! Okay, for the next topic, who is ready for the dessert?
(As those friends open the picnic baskets and coolers full of beverages, cake and pie, Snappurr 1 flies northwest, over the purrk ranger station, the estuary,

the Angora Kat ancient ruins & caverns, the

meowritime forest, and the various temples, shrines, and churches that welcome many visitors, nya.)

(With her Nekon camera’s telephoto lens, Mohini spots several friends visiting The Temple of Bastet, where High Purriestess Purrsis and her purrotege Lhassiopeia greet Meowna her husband Raowul, their daughter Maddy who are were-asiatic lions and their neighbor Helliconia the tora musume, nya.)
(Nextly the airship circles Mew Hanover College’s Evelyn Applegate Bell Tower Garden on the northwest side of the Island, nya. 

The 120 ft. tall tower is surrounded by the Annabelle Friend Coastal Garden’s many Azaleas, Peonies, Lotuses and Live Oaks on the banks of lovely 

Soon Lee Lagoon, nya.)

(The college’s Chancellor Li Leung-Tzu, her husband Liu, and their daughter 
Lin who are leafy sea dragon people, 
swim towards the bistro owned by 

Kianalani the red beta-tailed mermaid, t

o lunch with 
District Attorney Shilpa, her husband Vijay and their daughter Kavita-chan, who are jellyfish people, nya.)

For the thoroughly guided tour of Mew Hanover College’s 300 acre campus, please see the May 2020 edition of The Mew, nya The airship turns  to port and ascends to fly above Lake Neko atop Mt. Natsutsuji, whose waterfall spills into the river that flows past the college, the golf course, The Kitt Inn, through the forest andbeautiful downtown Purrbank, nya.)

(Sunbathing upon the lake’s uppurr observation deck are Nyoka who owns the magick shop, Becca who co-owns the spa with her wife, Beebee the purrk ranger & orienteering coach, Lina the lifeguard, Trini-chan the surfer & belly dance instructor, and Tara-chan the college student & nature photographer, nya. They are purrsenting this month’s —
Celebrity Catgirl & Kemonomimi Spotlight, nya!)
(the nekomimi gynoid wearing the Blue Marlin purrint cropped tee shirt & suspender maillot):
In this monthly portion of The Mew, we commeowmorate catgirls, nekomusume and other kemonomimi of the various species in the international mythologies and the popular cultures! Appurring in the folklore, literature, cinema,  mewsic, games, sports and advertising, they might include shape – shifters, anthropurrrmorphic ladies, monster girls, and those who might not actually have beasty DNA, but do have the cat-titude or couture to be broadly considered by us as “honorary” kemonomimi!
(the witchy catgirl in the Speckled Trout  purrint suspender maillot):
A purrime example of the “honorary” catgirl could be actress Caroline Rhea as Aunt Hilda Spellman, who wore the purretty purrple leopurrd purrint dress in “Hilda and Zelda: The Teenage Years” which was epurrsode 1.15 of the 1997 TV series Sabrina The Teenage Witch, which starred Melissa Joan Hart as Sabrina! In that fun epurrsode, Sabrina’s  Aunts Hilda & Zelda (Beth Brofderick) became teenagers to chapurrone Sabrina to the concert, but they were the ones who got into trouble!  
(the catgirl wearing the Bluefin Tuna purrint tankini with a Hibiscus in her hair):
I want… I want to nominate another honorary kemonomimi, nya! Voiced by Haruka Mimura, Muni Ohnaruto is one of the four members of Happy Around, which is one of the high school idol groups in the wonderful Japanese anime TV series D4DJ: First Mix, nya!
She is the honorary usagimimi (bunny girl) because of her rabbit ear headband and – and her other things of the rabbit motif such as the dance video game, nya! Her other bandmates Maho, Muni and – and Rei would also qualify as the honorary kemonomi, because in epurrsode 7 they imagine themselves wearing the tonakai musume kigurumi (reindeer girl onesies) for the Christmas concert, nya!
(the catgirl wearing her ranger hat and the sea bass purrint bikini with her badge and radio):
I will nominate Lucia Callasantos alias Thornn, who was one of the tragic ailuranthropic mewtant members of the Morlocks and the X-Coprurration in the Marvel Comics. We have already shown the spotlight upon her sister Maria alias Feral!
Created by author Fabian Nicieza & artist Rob Rob Liefeld, Thornn first appurred in X-Force vol. 1 #6 in 1992. At 5’10” tall and 137 kbs, she was the tall lean lithe athletic catgirl with the striped Brown (later Gray) fur, Yellow eyes, Red hair, the purrehensile tail sharp claws, fangs, and the heightened strength, speed, dexterity, constititution, endurance and senses. 
(the kingsnake-tailed lamia wearing the bluefish purrint bandeau top and a whistle lanyard):
Medusa one of the three gorgons of the Greek mythology! Sometimes the gorgons are depicted as lamias like me, so in this redgard we count as the type of hebi musume (snake girl)! Well, in the recent TV spot for Amazon Prime, actress Jes Le Rae portrays the alluring Medusa (with CG FX for the serpent hair),
She is so vexed by her petrifcation gaze curse, that she orders the sunglasses so that she can control this power and thus enjoy the social life! When she goes to the nightclub, we hear the Chun-Li song by Nicki Minaj! You know, Nicki Minaj has another serpentine connection, with her song “Anaconda!”, but I digress!
(the fox girl wearing the ruffled Croaker purrint triangle-top bikini):
Another type of kemonomimi is the anthropurrmorphic animal, such as Nooshy the spotted light gray Canadian Lynx girl who is voiced by actress Letitia Wright in te recent animated movie Sing 2! I should not spoil much of the plot of that movie because it is quite recent, but I will just say that Nooshy is the avid dancer who gives lessons to Johnny the gorilla who is voiced by Taron David Egerton in the movie! That is all for this months Celebrity Catgirl & Kemonomimi Spotlight, and it is almost time for our post-dessert snack! Itadakimasu!
(For purrofiles and illustrations of many of The Ladies of The Mew, please visit the Meet The Critics page http://www.mewsings.catgirlisland.com/meet-the-critics/, nya!)
(As those Ladies of The Mew open ther picnic baskets and coolers full of purrawn poppurrs, crab croquettes, scallop skewers, crab kabobs, trout tacos and clam cups, Snappurr 1 flies towards the Mew Hanover Meowdical Arts Center,  whose doctors, nurses and midwives have welcomed several newborn residents to the world today, and there are other healthy purregnancys in purrogress, nya!)
(It is also the joyfully busy day at the Childrens Home and the Animal Shelter, as forever homes await many adopted kids and animals of various genders, species and nationalities, regardless of the purrents’ genders and species, nya! They are near the the town hall plaza compurrised of the municiple office buildings, public library, public works, and giraffe statues amongst the royal palm trees, nya.)
(Near the Meowrina is the Visitors Center, where folks 

arrive healthily by sea, air & telepurrtation to be

greeted by the cordial concierges such as catgirls Jesikat & Kai; mermaids Angela & Ciana; faeries Nao, Gina, Eiko & Tia, nya,

benevolent magick in the air, land and ocean
screens out the pesky pathogens, pollutants and invasive species, whilst
maintaining the
bikini weather, nya.)
(Whilst appurroaching Rica & Niko’s farm where Tara-chan & Trini-chan banker ponies Jimbo & Wildstar Blaze roam,

Snappur 1 is

passed portside by its sister ship
Exocoetidae piloted by retired astronaut

Alana Shepurrd, nya. The airships wave their thrusters to other aerial passers-by, including winged folk such as angels, demons, vampires, harpies, faeries, ryu-mimi, appurritions and witches, nya!)

(People and ponies go to and from farm and the next door mansion of Dr. Dach Savage, the anthropurrmorphic detective weener dog. Those residences  on the southwest side of  the island are but two of the many lovely homes across the county that brim with southern hospurrtality and aloha spurrit to welcome the lodgers from many other places, nya.)
(Ground transpurrtation includes equines, giant iguanas, bicycles, blokarts, electric golf carts & scooters, nya. Near the ferry dock is Costaceae Carts, from which depart The Mew’s Purrducer Mike Moon, Webmeowster Jamie Robertson,

Gray Tabby C
at Rascal &

Reddish Brown

Calico Cat
in a golf cart, nya.
towards the Purrforming Arts Center, they discuss recent movies & TV shows, such as —
The Matrix: Resurrections and Marvels Hawkeye, nya!)
(the human chap wearing his mewsual webmeowster attire):
So, I saw The Matrix: Resurrections (Lana Wachowski) over the weekend. It was okay. It was more of a rehash of all the other Matrix movies than anything else. There were no new special effects, no new innovations like in the first film. In fact, they barely used “The Matrix” effect in the film.
The plot was mostly about a new generation trying to find Neo (Keanu Reeves) and Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss), so they literally rehashed the plot of the first film for half the movie. One of the first scenes is literally the opening to the Matrix with another actress playing Trinity while this new generation (led by Jessica Henwick) watched.
Maybe it’s all commentary on reboots and remakes and the like. Maybe that’s why they recast Morpheus (Yahya Abdul-Mateen II) and Mr. Smith (Jonathan Groff). I dunno.  The thing that caught my attention the most was the film’s not-so-subtle comparison of The Matrix franchise to video games.
In Resurrections Reeves’ character is an award winning video game designer of the Matrix trilogy. In Resurrections, the prequels are video games. Most of this has to do with the fact that the Matrix is a simulation, not unlike an MMO. There’s other commentary on the medium, including its place as a multibillion dollar business and how games can manipulate feelings.
The best part was Neo and Trinity finding one another again. The Matrix has always been Trans subtext. Supposedly, Resurrections is the final phase in which Neo and Trinity see one another for who they truly are. Anyway, it was okay. I think I liked it better than the previous sequels, but it’s still not as good as the original. Something else Matrix has in common with video games.
(the human chap wearing his favorite Star Trek – The Motion Picture tee shirt, Teal cargo pants and Hoka running shoes):
Well, maybe I’ll watch it one of these days! I’m so far behind on my movies and TV shows, but golly I liked the Hawkeye mini-series! I think that Disney has really been on a roll so far with their Star Wars and Marvel TV series on Disney Plus!
So far I’ve liked The Mandalorian, The Clone Wars season 7, The Bad Batch, The Book of Boba Fett, WandaVision, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Loki, What If, and I really Hawkeye! It’s so well written, they spent enough money on it’s high production values, it’s got great actors, and a great balance of drama, action,  humor, and building upon the MCU continuity!
I was so glad to see more of Clint (Jeremy Renner) his wife Laura (Linda Cardellini) and their kids, and see how the public treats such a hero who helped to save the world a few times! I thought Haily Steinfeld was just perfect as Kate Bishop, Vera Farmiga as her mom Eleanor,Tony Dalton as Eleanor’s fiance, Alqua Cox as Maya, and even her Tracksuit Mafia gang was rather entertaining!
I dunno the name of the dog that portrayed Pizza Dog, but he was delightful too! He and the Tracksuit Mafia were in the Hawkeye comics written by Matt Fraction! I don’t want to mention all of the main characters, because I don’t want to spoil certain things, but I gotta say that Florence Pugh (returning as Natasha Romanoff’s sister Yelena) may have stolen every scene that she was in… especially the mac ’n cheese scene!
(meowgickally translated from cat) You know, I am purrticularly fond of creamy mac ’n cheese, nya!
(meowgickally translated from cat) Jeanie’s dad’s food truck serves the lobster mac ’n cheese, nya!
(The southermost 8 square miles of the island compurrise beautiful Fuyume Park, nya. The west / southwest sides of the park are residential & agricultural, including Savage Manor  and thesisters’ farm, nya. The south & east sides are compurrised of Susanowa beach with the Robotics Club, the Kyudo Club, numerous rows of beach houses, sand dunes, Surf Purrtrol Station 1, and lifeguard towers that are spaced every 100 yards, nya.)
(Lourdessaluorno the mermaid wearing the Ballyhoo purrint bikini top and Avana-ruru the search & rescue manatee wearing a badge lanyard purresently have the conn during the afternoon shift at Surf Purrtol Station One; whilst the robotics club meeting is purrsided over by vice purrsident Alastair the unicorn boy wearing the Clearnose Skate purrint board shorts, whilst  purresident Jeannie is busy at the Purrforming Arts Center, nya.)
(Along the North side of the park nearer to downtown Purrbank is Wysteria Bridge, the Activity Center, Aquatic Center, the secluded late night raver dance grove, and nearby homes with Azaleas, Maples Hollies, Magnolias, Palms, Pines & Oaks, nya. There are meadows and wide open areas within the park, with trails, ponds and flower beds by the parking lot, playground, picnic shelters, tennis courts, cricket pitch and softball diamonds, nya.)
(As Mike, Jamie, Rascal and Rusty near the Purrforming arts Center, they park near the pond where Canadian Geese, Wood Ducks and Ghost Ducks would appurreciate any crumbs tossed their way, nya. Food trucks and carts are parked too, nya. For example, Yuki the elf girl in the 

Red Drum purrint cropped tee shirt and matching shorts – with the spot on the flank-  

sells ice cream crepe bouquets slathered in numcious sauces, nya!)

(Purreeta the catgirl in the

Baracuda purrint 
torpedo maillot serves curry, 

Monique the half-demoness in the American Eel purrint apurron serves pastries; and Phanndraaleia the faerie lass in the S

heepshead purrint 



sells extra-special baked yams; whilst Mermaids Iiniku in the

Pompano purrint bikini top and 

Haunani in the

Mah Mahi 


 bikini top serve tasty Lion Fish tacos from their trucks swim-up window,  nya.)
(Daniel the catboy father of Tara-chan and Yvonne in the Tripletail purrint shorts sells the creamy lobster mac ’n cheese, nya! 

Waiting in line, 

Mike, Jamie and the cats wave to Nyanko the meowrtial arts sensei and her fellow meowmbers of the local Classic Sci-Fi Horror & Fantasy Board Game Club, who convene in a picnic shelter, hoping to entice more people to join, nya. While awaiting their food, the club meowmbers begin

Lightning Round topic #2: our favorite films of 1992, nya!)
Nyanko, ak.a. Nya-sensei
(Nyoka’s twin sister in the Swordfish purrint cropped tank top and boy shorts,
who has brought Feudal, The Fantasy Trip, and SPI’s War of the Ring game):
So, while we await our food orders, are yall ready to “conduct the lightning”?
Her fellow club meowmbers:

(the angel girl & club purresident wearing the Silver Purrch purrint slingshot mailot
who has brought the StarForce game, Starship Troopers game and the Dune game):
Chaplin, Howards End, Mambo Kings, Miss Rose White, and A River Runs Through It! (tags Mulch with a flit of the wing)
(the dryad in the PigFish purrint tankini, whose favorite board games are the 1979 Star Trek game,
the Close Encounters of the Third Kind game, and Star Wars: Escape from the Death Star game):
Batman Returns, Godzilla vs. Mothra, Hard Boiled, Lethal Weapon 3 and Under Seige! (tags her sister with a brush of the tail)
(Mulch’s younger sister dryad in the Ladyfish purrint microkini, whose favorite board games
are Wizard’s Quest, the Barnabas Collins Dark Shadows Game, and the Green Ghost game):
I will nominate Porco Rosso, Ranma 1/2 Movie 2: Nihao, My Concubine, Silent Mobius, Spirit of Wonder, and The Weathering Continent! (tail-tags her brother in law)
(Mulch’s human husband in the Puffer Fish purrint shorts, whose
favorite board games are Starfleet Battles, Titan, and Magic Realm):
Reservoir Dogs, Unforgiven, A Few Good Men, Basic Instinct, and Red Rock West! (tags his brother)
(Larch’s human brother in

purrint shorts,

whose favorite board

games are
Imperium, Lords of the Underearth, and

Azhanti High Lightning

I will nominate the horror movies of that vintage such as Alien 3, Bram Stoker’s Dracula,


Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Candyman, Death Becomes Her, and Innocent Blood! (tags Linina)

(the catgirl in the Brook Trout  purrint cheeky bikini, whose favorite board games
are The Awful Green Things From Outer Space game, Chitin:1, and Ogre):
I will nominate Patriot Games, Red Shoe Diaries, Stalin, My Cousin Vinny, and Beethoven! (tags Akhila)
(the wolf girl in the Spadefish purrint monokini, whose favorite board games
are The Creature That Ate Sheyboygan, Car Wars, and Dawn of the Dead):
Oh I gotta go with Aladdin, Porco Rosso, Bram Stoker’s Dracula, Orlando, and Batman Returns! (tags Nickelle)
(the gynoid in the Hogfish purrint bandeaukini, whose favorite
board games are Dungeon!, Wiz War, and Metamorphosis Alpha):
Cageman, Hard Boiled, Unforgiven, Scent of a Woman, and A League of Their Own! (tags Freycinetia)
(the slime girl in the Flathead catfish purrint string bikini, whose favorite board
games are Outreach: Conquest of the Galaxy, Dark Tower, and Dragonmaster):
Hmm I will  nominate Aladdin, Porco Rosso, The Muppet Christmas Carol, Batman Returns, and A League of Their Own! (tags Wendy)


(the holstein cow girl in the PinFish purrint fundoshi style bikini, whose
favorite board games are Cosmic Encounter, Godsfire, and Demon’s Run):
OK, my picks are Captain Ron, A League of Their Own, Sister Act, Toys, and Wayne’s World, nya! Back to you, Nya-sensei!
Nyanko, ak.a. Nya-sensei
Hard Boiled, New Dragon Gate Inn, Police Story 3: Super Cop, The Swordsman II, and Twin Dragons! Well as they say, that was an expediant— oh they are flashing our number sign, nya! Itadakimasu, nya!
(Soon everyone is enjoying the delicious, nutritious food, and the game club attracts several new meowmbers whilst Mike, Jamie and the cats purroceed to the Purrforming Arts Center, nya. On this busy day of the Mew Awards, The Ladies of The Mew traditionally take time off work to relax, purrpare for the event, and spend time with the visitors, nya.)
(Thusly, their assistants and veeps are charge of things for the while, nya. 1st mate Pendula the selkie in the Amberjack purrint bikini is the acting captain of S.S. TsuriNekoMimi, Yvonne1985 Hatteras 60 Convertible motor yacht; whilst Nyoka & Nyanko’s aunt Nyadia in the Spiny Dogfish purrint bikini tempurrarily manages Nyoka’s magick shop, nya.)
(Nyoka & Nyanko’s mom Nyadia in the Triggerfish purint bikini temporarily manages Nyanko’s dojo, Donna the nezumimimi in the Tunney purrint bikini temporarily manages the gym; and Katsandra the bellydancer catgirl in the Butterfish purrint micro mini shorts and open-back atheltic bra is in charge of the yoga studio that she co-owns with Jeannie, nya.)
(Whilst Elizabeth and Becca are away from their spa, it is left in the capable

tentacles of squid girl masseuses Squimmy in the Hogfish purrint and Squipple in the Toadfish purrint attire, nya. The authorized trusted expurrt surrogates receive appurropriate pay raises and bonuses during the stint, with purrioritzed leave and vacation time acrewed, nya.)

(Appurroximately 1.5 miles north of the dojo is Catgirl Island’s Mewseum of Art, where y’all will find many annotated illustrations and photographs, nya! Galleries 1-8 display images by Mike, Guest Art Galleries 1-5 display images by other folks with their purrmissions; and Mike’s collaborations with other artists are peppurred throughout the galleries, nya!)
(Please be aware that some of the images are sexy, and some might depict the artistic nudity, nya! On the web site, in any given gallery, the most recent pics are the lowermost row of the cropped widdle “thumbnails”, and you have to click upon those to see the full images, nya. Co-curators Petra and Bunni guide the tour of the mewseum, unveiling the latest
additions to the Catgirl island Mewseum of Art, nya!)
(the catgirl wearing the Mako Shark purrint twisty bandeau-top Columbian – cut bikini):
In Guest Gallery Three http://catgirlisland.net/art/gallery/guest3.html, we are purroud to purrsent “Annoyed” by Rvkh 

(pronounced Riv-kah), the artist formerly known as Rebecca Brogden, was the guest for our September 2009 Mew, nya!
She used

Purrocreate with the Apple Pencil upon the Apple Ipad Pro for this chibi – style pic of the purrturbed yet adorably cute widdle wolf girl nya! With her intent stare, the purrked ears, the irately croissed arms, and that fiery background vignette, she is definitely seething quietly about something, and we hope that she can be cheered up soon, nya!

There is the time-lapse

art purrocess video for this pic at 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sXR1ekoiTc&feature=youtu.be, nya! Then we are elated to exhibit Rvkh’s pic of the “Chibi Mermaid, nya! Born on January 1st 2007, Maiya the mermaid recently celebrated her quinceaera with her purretty new shoulder – length coiffure of the blunt bob cut with the double – side french braid, nya!

In her 2nd semester of high school, Maiya works part time at her purrents’ furniture gallery and wants to major in classical mewsic at Mew Hanover College, nya. Rvkh (purrnounced Rivkah) used Procreate with the Apple Pencil upon the Ipad for this adorable image, of which there is an art purrocess video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sXR1ekoiTc&feature=youtu.be, nya!
(the bunny girl wearing the Sand Tiger Shark purrint ring-closure Brazilian – cut bikini):
Nextly we are delighted to display Rvkh’s pic of the “Magic BellBorn on 15 January, 2000 in Gothenburg, Sweden, Meowranda Purrson has knack for languages, beach volleyball, diving and fishing, she graduated early from high school and recently received the Bachelors Degree in Linguistics from Mew Hanover College!
The Magickal Kitty Bell Collar of Adaptation protects her in any envirionment and enables her to breath underwater, nya! Rivkh used the Faber-Castell Watercolor Pencils, Davinci Watercolors, Micron Pen and White Posca Pen upon the Arches Hotpress Watercolor Pad for this pretty pic, of which there is an art process video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoY444P9klk&feature=youtu.be!
We are also happy to have “Ginger Snaps” fan art by Misty Hopkins https://kranberrijam.blogspot.com who was a guest of our March 208 Mew! She used the pencils, pens and Crayola colored pencils for this illustration of sisters Ginger (left) and Brigitte Fitzgerald (right), the fangsty teen lycanthrope lasses who were portrayed by Katharine Isabelle and Emily Perkins in the coming – of – age werewolf movie Ginger Snaps!
Note the intricate details of these two lovely lupine lasses, from the stripe in the hair, the supple pointy ear pinna, and the slight hint of the fangs, to their confident expurressions, the caring sisterly pose, and the pierced belly buttons, which were actually among the numerous poignant plot points of the movie, which had two sequels! So, what do y’all think of the latest additions to our Mewseum?
(the shoshone Nimerigar elf girl & tattoo artist wearing the Lemon shark purrint bikini with the fishnet cover-up):
Oh, I just love the composition, lines, proportions, pose, expression, color, shading, and the details of the winsome widdle mermaid! The sheen on her hair and tail are as splendid as splendid can be!
(Raven’s wife the dragon girl from another dimension, wearing the Great White Shark Purrint bikini):
Annoyed she might be, but gosh she sure is a gorgous widdle chibi okamimimi from the supple tips of her ear pinna and the gleam in he sapphire-like eyes to her  tantalizing tummy and lovely lush tail!
(Tia & Raven’s daughter, the half dragon elf girl wearing the Bull Shark purrint bikini):
The pic of Meowranda is so beautiful! Rvkha vertainly has the exquisite touch with the fabric folds, gathers and creases, and her use of color and light to convey the forms, textures and the ambience!
(Tab’s twin sister, the half dragon elf girl wearing the Sharpnose Shark purrint bikini):
The fabric folds and creases and gathers are quite superb in the Ginger Snaps pic! I love Brigitte and Ginger’s slyly self-assuredexpressions too! I have not yet seen the movie but i sure do want to now! 
(the catgirl tattoo artist who co-owns Feral Ink with Raven, wearing the Hammerhead Shark purrint bikini):
It is the clever tale that deals with important themes, but it is very violent with bloody gore and other harsh aspects! 
Hannah, how is your aunt Eamane, nya? Will we see her and A.J. at the awards, or the AfterMew parties, nya?
They are fine but busy with the schedule change, and have to make alterations to what they are wearing tonight, but they will arrive soon! Thank y’all for showing us the new beautiful new art!
Petra & Bunni:
Doitashimaste, nya!
Now it is High Tea time, so let us adjourn to the cafe, and I will serve y’all the Carrot Cake Rooibos!
Ahsley, Tabitha, Hannah, Raven, Tia and Petra:
Itadakimasu, nya!
(Snappur 1 cruises northward along the eastern shoreline of the island, while below on the purristine sands and crystal clear water of Susanowa Beach there wages the final round of a beach volleyball tournyament, not far from the lifeguard tower on which purrches Lina’s twin sister Nina the lifeguard lamia wearing the Chain Pickerel purrint bandeau top, nya.)
(On the south side of the net are Chiaki the kitsune in the Shad purrint microkini, and her purrtner Li the succubus in the Bluegill purrint halter neck mini string bikini, whilst their opponents on the north side are Syntiia the dark elf in the Redbreast Sunfish cut-out purretzel maillot and her daughter Zumi in the Pumpkinseed purrint G- string bikini, nya.)
(Snappur 1 cruises on a horizontal purrabolic course two miles northwest to fly over The Kitt Inn ryoken / rotemburo, which ispurrhaps ther oldest and most elegant of the local lodging establishments, with its gardens, hot spurrings, orchard and vineyard right by the river and not far from the waterfall, behind which is the subterranean grotto, nya.)
(Among the inn’s staff that can be seen attending to things are Nemui the purropurrietress catgirl, Kyralyndalani the Head Purrlor Maid catgirl, Keilani the Maidtr’d catgirl, Sha’nami the onsen supurrvisor catgirl, Chef Bullpup the anthropurrmorphic red brendle bulldog, Le Chat the chauffeur catgirl, Ashelynnamaeravilla head groundskeepurr faerie, nya.)
(Snappurr 1 continues northeast to fly over the meowritime forest grove ampurrtheatre, whose repurrtory company is about to conclude its afternoon purrformance, nya. The company’s cast and crew include the faeries Mielikki, Alaua’mina, Wyrdina, Palathyna, Bonnee, Floraidh. Annallioppe and Phaernaandi, plus the rest of the event staff, nya.)
(Offshore to the east in the Mid Atlantic Ocean, things are bustling at Sheila May’s five-starfish undersea restaurant, nya. From there the Mer Town’s mayor Tarakeshaari, deputy mayor Scott and police chief Zashaatinder load up a sea sled full of carry-out seafood to serve to the other workers who are out purrtroling and directing the traffic, nya.)
(Just as things are busy with more visitors upon the island, so is it at the merfolks’ far-mers market, the Dive-In theater, the sea dragon shelter, and the spurrawling kelp farm, which is known for it’s epic spooky abyssal kelp maze, nya. Snappurr 1’s trip comes full circle and it settles into its moorings, to be purrepped for a pending night flight within the hour, nya!)
(Occupying the Purrforming Arts Center’s rooftop Laua’e Lounge are more Ladies of The Mew, such as Mary Nyan the purrofessional costumer, hula instructor, semi – retired miko, and headbanger; Yvonne the fishing boat captain, drummer, and older sister of Tara-chan; Becca’s wife Elizabeth the spa co-owner, Purrkour Club captain, hot salsa dancer;…
…Jeannie the belly dance instructor, roboticist, swimwear model and yoga studio co-owner; and Mieliikki the golf instructor and stage meownager who has just arrived from the ampurrtheatre, nya. Also at the Laua’e Lounge are sister bartenders Na Ling and Ji Yun during their work  shift change with the cousin bartenders Jenny and Yenny, nya.)
(As the many outdoor illuminations commence at sunset, everyone is excited about the awards purresention which wlll start in a couple of hours. nya. As they peer down to the street to see many guests arriving at the Purrforming Arts Center, they reminisce about the memorable fashions that were worn to purrior years’ awards purresenations, nya.)
Mary Nyan a.k.a. Myayr
(the catgirl wearing the Wahoo purrint asymmetric purretzel-cutout maillot):
It has been wonderful to see what everyone will wear to the cermony! It is quite the diverse couture from the casual beachy appurral to the more formal wear and fabulous costumes. For me the most memorable were our late friend Sean Martin who was ourr guest for the June 2017 Mew, and his characters Doc & Raider https://docandraider.com, especially their impurressive Westeros inspired attire for the 2017 ceremony http://catgirlisland.net/art/guest4/41.html.
Yvonne a.k.a. Vonny
(her catgirl wearing the Cobia purrint front-knotted bikini top with side-tie panty):
Hai hai,  Sean is greatly missed, nya. I loved the galactic purrint dress of author / editor Margaret S. McGraw http://margaretsmcgraw.blogspot.com (human), the Black halter jumpsuit of her daughter Emily (human); the bejeweled bare – midriff dress of Lauren Turner (human), and the Carolina Blue crushed velvet tux of her husband Phil Lee http://ibiblio.org/phil (human) who was among our May 2008 guests, nya!
Elizabeth a.k.a. Lizzy 
(her fiance catgirl wearing the Yellowfin Tuna purrint bandage bikini):
Purrsis (catgirl purriestess) always looks forward to escorting Crissy Volpe http://www.crimsonskycreations.com (human) who was a cosplayer guest of the March 2008 Mew, nya! I purrticularly liked CrissyZatanna costume and Purrsis’s diaphanous gown http://catgirlisland.net/art/gallery7/3.html for the 2015 ceremony, and their Atlantean – style appurral http://catgirlisland.net/art/gallery4/264.html for the 2020 ceremony, nya!
Jeannie a.k.a. Jen-Jen
(the catgirl wearing the King Mackerel purrint bandeau-top tanga-style bikini):
I will nominate our artist / cosplayer friend TonomuraBix http://tonomurabix.deviantart.com (human) who was a guest of the March 2008 Mew, for her gothy Black outfit with the strappy boots, leggings, sparkly wing and the Mass Effect N7 shirt http://catgirlisland.net/art/gallery3/133.html,at the 2020 ceremony.
Furthermore I will nominate her character Zel’s strapless Black evening gown with the plate armor on her Left arm, the short – sleeved Black shrug jacket, and strappy Black high stiletto – heeled sandals worn for the 2020 ceremony http://catgirlisland.net/art/gallery8/24.html.
Mielikki a.k.a Mie-sensei
(the winged faerie wearing the Rainbow Trout purrint criss-crossed halter-neck bikini):
So like, I will nominate the totally awesome “sweet lolita” style couture of sisters (human) Thais & Natalia Lopes http://catgirlisland.net/art/guest2/55.html, who were guests of the October 2008 Mew; and the understated purretty Plumeria leis of Fire Chief Ellie’s mom Helen (centauress) http://catgirlisland.net/art/gallery7/43.html, Nyanko and Nyoka’s aunt Nyaomi (nekomimi ningyo) http://catgirlisland.net/art/gallery4/292.html, fur shur!
Na Ling
(the tmuntjac deer girl bartender wearing the Flounder purrint bikini & sheer purreo):
I will nominate Sadiyah (llama girl) & Mu’awin (butterfly) http://catgirlisland.net/art/gallery7/16.html of the tale Cybernetic Showdown http://michi.byethost16.com by artist / author Alexcia Reynolds, who was a guest of the August 2010 Mew; and the supurr – heroines Priya, Heather, Ling, Janeta and Angenhttp://catgirlisland.net/art/gallery5/235.html of the tale “Dark Fires of Cyphyrus” by author Sharon Williams https://www.deviantart.com/caribbeanrose9, who was the November 2014 guest of The Mew, nya!
Ji Yun 
(Na Ling’s twin sister the muntjac deer girl bartender wearing Crappie purrint bikini & sheer purreo):
The formal bare-midriff miko shozukos worn by sisters Alanasera (catgirl) http://catgirlisland.net/art/guest2/107.html and Leilani (catgirl) http://catgirlisland.net/art/guest2/108.html, their okaasan Malina (catgirl) http://catgirlisland.net/art/gallery6/17.html and obaasan Aki (catgirl) http://catgirlisland.net/art/gallery6/16.html, nya!
Jenafyre, or just Jenny, for short
(the elf girl bartender at The Kitt Inn wearing the Purrmit purrint bikini & sheer purreo):
The pretty jewelry such as the bracelets, chains, tail rings, piercings and other ornamentations of Nyssy (mermaid) http://catgirlisland.net/art/gallery1/215.htmlFormality (orca girl) http://catgirlisland.net/art/gallery6/65.htmlPeppurr-Mintra (catgirl) http://catgirlisland.net/art/gallery8/7.html and her daughter Nilla-Cream http://catgirlisland.net/art/gallery8/21.html!
Yenafyre, or just Yenny for short
(Jenny’s cousin, the girl bartender  wearing the Crevalle Jack purrint bikini & sheer purreo):
I am always quite eager to see the fashion splashes made by Nystia http://catgirlisland.net/art/guest4/7.html, her dopplesister De’en http://catgirlisland.net/art/gallery3/158.html, their mom Zumi http://catgirlisland.net/art/guest5/6.html aunt Yuuna’amii http://catgirlisland.net/art/gallery7/30.html and grandmother Syntia http://catgirlisland.net/art/gallery7/73.html!
Mary Nyan:
Those are such beautiful fashions and- oh that’s my phone ringing. I bet it is Mike… yep, Mike, Jamie, Rascal and Rusty are downstairs in the atrium, so we’d better go change for
15th Annual Mew Awards purresentation
for our favoritest fun stuff of 2021, nya!
(As mewsual, the county’s attentive friendly police officers, firefighters, purrk rangers, escorts, purramermedics, animal helpurrs, campus security officers, & robotics club’s drones see that air, land, aquatic & interdimensional safety & security purrcautions purroceed without hitches as the cheerfuly crowd converges orderly upon the Purrforming Arts Center & the nearby places to eat, nya.)
(Directing the team are Catgirl Island’s police chief Meryl Murry the catgirl), MerTown’s Zashaatinder the thresher shark – tailed mermaid & Mew Hanover County’s senior Purrk Ranger BeeBee the catgirl) & Fire Chief Ellie the banker pony centuress, nya. The team includes Ranger Calathea the risu girl, Ranger Ydis the shiki musume, Ranger Shyunanaaia the shiki musumeRanger Talifera the sugar glider girl
…Officer Nichibotsu the gender-fluid yousei, Officer Ralph themale yousei, Officer Cecil another male yousei, Officer Tsukiko the vampire girl, Officer Nairi the succubus, Officer Rogers the dog girlPurramedic Lourdessaluornous the mermaid, Purramedic Avana-rur the manatee, Purramedic Faere the catgirl) Firefighter Helen the centauress, Firefighter Andrew the centaur & Firefighter Yuki the ryu musume, nya.)
(Their duties include the very thorough inspection of the many festive lanterns, bonfires, grills, extinguishers, and Ishita-sensei’s the mermaid fireworks which will top off the evening’s ceremony, whilst the magickal telepurrtals are expurrtly monitored by Mertyl the mermaid witch, Phoebe the faun girl witch, Anna Conda the human sorceress and Ha’irisalavendara’zure the catgirl nekomancer, nya.)
(the journalist catgirl in the Bistre Fichu-neck dress with plunging back):
Gosh I cannot believe that this is the 15th time that we are here to report the fashionable action upon the Red Carpet to the Catgirl Island Purrforming Arts Center, nya!
(the journalist catgirl in the Mauve low-cut drapurry-neck halter dress):
Hai hai, As the many people juts start to arrive for the gala event, we wish to thank the crews who are covering the event for the TV, radio, internet and mewspapurr, nya!
(the photographer sea spurrite girl in the Sea Foam bare-midriff halter-neck gown):
Once again we are joined by radio announcer Elwood and matsuri director Robin; this year we have brought our assistants


Ayesha and Mae Nam who will help us!

(the agender gazelle purrson & 

matsuri director wearing the knotted 

Anemone Flower 

purrint blouse and Charcoal gray capurri pants):

Since we have the few minutes before they are off, we have the surpurrise pop quiz for our assistants, nya! So to my assistant Vivian, what is exactly is that Red Carpet?

(Robin’s assistant, the androgynous lemur purrson in the backless maxi dress with the long draping skirt and highly slit sides)
It is the multidimensional pathway with pedestrian, aerial & aquatic lanes to accommodate visitors of all species who walk, roll, slither, swim, fly or telepurrt into the building’s Amaryllis Atrium!
(the radio announcer catboy in the Black tuxedo with the bow tie): OKay I have the question for my assistant Mae Nam! What are those plants that line the red carpet, nya?
Mae Nam

(the purrple-tailed nekomimi ningyo wearing the
strapless translucent bra made of two hollowed jellyfish bells):
Locally-sourced Pink Torch Gingers, Crimson Pandanas, Scarlet Anthuriums and Holiday Heliconias, backed by the Little Leaf Box, Italian Cypurress and Palm Trees, nya!

I am hoping that my assistant Vivian will please tell us who is in charge of the official outdoor photographic coverage of the Mew Awards Purresentation!

he androgynous nekomimi ningyousei wearing the 

strapless translucent bra made of two hollowed jellyfish bells):
The outdoor Director of Photography is Mohini-sensei,The Directors of Underwater Photography are Neellakaliomi-san and Mahadevi-san, and aerial shots are taken from Melaanakeami-san’s airships; with additional drone coverage courtesy of Catgirl Island Robotics Club

and the Marine Electronics Research / Mecha & Artificial Intelligence Developurrs Society, nya!

Miho, Kaori, 

Robin, Aurora’a & Elwood:


Nyow arriving is our artist / designer / cosplayer friend Thais Lopes http://angelicaservices.com (human) who was one of the guests of the October 2008 Mew, and she looks quite fabulous in the furry White and Gray cat costume with the lovely tail, kawaii, nya!
Here come artist / cosplayer Misty Hopkins https://kranberrijam.blogspot.com (human) who was a guest of the March 2008 Mew, with her husband Steven (human) who are cosplaying as Alita & Dr. Ido from the Battle Angel Alita movie, nya!
Their friends Mariko

(human doll) and Kana (human doll)are here too! Pink-haired Mariko is adorable in the gothy punk style White short slevee shirt with the short Black vest, mini skirt, raver boots and the Red & Black striped fingerless opera glove!

Kana with the long strraight Light Brown hair has the more dainty delicate style in the long lacey flowy frilly flouncy ruffled layers of the sheer White gown with the emroidered flowers atop the Whit petticoat with the bridal veil!

Misty & Steve are chatting with Chung Hong Fu (human)  is wearing the Armani tux, nya! You know, he and Mike were both officers in Triangle Area Anime Society (TAAS) the anime club which launched the anime con Animazement https://animazement.com, nya!

Mae Nam:
Sarah “Sakky” Forde https://adorkabows.com
was a guest of the December 2008 Mew, and nyow she has returned divinely in the ornately elegant off-shoulder Sailor Moon inspired dress of the Gold-trimmed Blue dress with the

White bodice 

long Red ribbons and thigh high boots, nya!



 the artist, mewsician and cosplayer formerly known as Rebecca Brogden, was the guest for our September 2009 Mew, and tonight she and her hubby have returned clad as the Hobbits of the Shire!

They are accompanied by her similarly – clad friends Eamane (catgirl), A.J.(catboy), Nystia (dark faerie), Jonni (human), Rivkah (Miiqo’te) and Malekar (

Miiqo’te, nya)!

That fellowship’s very authentic earthy outfits look quite comfy, which ideally suit the Hobbit inclination, nya!

Artist, athlete & cosplayer 

Meesha DJ Walker https://www.artstation.com/xeshema


 is back with her hubby Jay


and her beach vooleyball purrtner Bliss (catgirl), nya!
Meesha  looks lovely

in that firmly-fitting mermaid cut Black dress that flows into the Dark Red bottom with the keyhole and the cold shoulder cut, nya!

Meesha was the June 2015 Guest of The Mew, nya! 

With her hair in the messy bun coiffure, she is accessorized by the Black leather purrse and the low Black heels, nya! Jay is wearing the casual blazer and jeans, with the opened button shirt and the boat shoes, nya!

Bliss is wearing sharply the two – piece  slate grey business suit of the open jacket with the ruffled top, accessorized with  Gold hoop earrings, bracelets, and a daring ring on her right ring finger!
Jim & Melody Rondeau http://crossovers.net/makeitgoaway/home.htm (humans) made it here again They

are matching in th Red Hawaiian shirts

with the palm trees and surfboards motif. 

Jim is also wearing the light colored pants and sandals; whilst Melody is wearing the White dungarees and flipflops.


They are artists, authors, publishers and venders, who sell the wonderful selection of fanzines, magazines, comics, books, games, calendars, scripts, purress kits, purress books, movie posters, lobby cards, film clips, and plushy animal dolls, nya! Their cat 

Squeeky is here too, nya!
Mae Nam:
Author Sharon Williams http://caribbeanrose9.deviantart.com (human) was our November 2014 guest, and her fan-senshi character Tanya Cambridge (human) a.k.a. Sailor Sirius http://sailorsirius.webs.com is here again, wearing the strapless Purrrple cocktail dress with Black patent pumps, nya!

Tanya is accompanied by her best friend, author Jeff Branch’s http://www.pinkladyamerica.com


fan-senshi character
Talia Jasmine Kirk (human / vulcan) a.k.a Sailor Vulcan, wearing the R

oyal Blue spaghetti – strap formal dress with Black patent pumps!


They have rendezvoused with Jeff’s characters investigative journalists Marie Babineux (human), Haruna Ichikawa (human) and police

detective Junko Sakurada (human) are here too,

nya! Marie is From France whilst haruna and Junko are here from Japan!

Marie is wearing the Sunflower Yellow minidress with matching high heeled sandals, Haruna is wearing the Bright Red formal dress with matching high heeled sandals, and Junko is wearing the Navy Blue mens dress suit with the Red necktie and the Black pumps, nya!
Jeff’s original character Alexandra Wright (vampire) is mewsually rather stealthy in the shadows, but she is quite the foxy eye-catch in the Black leather mini-dress with the matching thigh high boots, nya! She is chatting with Sharon’s original character Anna (human) who is in the Gold Paisley debutant dress with the sleeveless crop top and the pencil skirt and the lace-up sandals, nya!

Nyow strolling down the Red Carpet are Dr. Michael McKinney

and his boyfriend Lito Alianza 
! Dr. McKinney is a Commander in Starfleet, wearing his Type B medical dress uniform circa AD 2375, whilst Lito is wearing the snazzy Off-White Barong Tagalog!
The future fashions are fab, and cosplaying as Lightning Lad and Cosmic Boy of the Legion of Super-Heroes from the 30th century are

Chef Ron (human) and his hubby Pacozord (human) ! Pacozord who was our October 2007 guest is the toy dealer & Power Rangers expurrt, and Ron who was our January 2009 guest, is supurrb at sewing and cooking!

Oh my, those are the classic old-school very first silver age costumes of

Lightning Lad & Cosmic Boy from their first appurrance on the cover of Adventure comics #247 which wa s published by DC Comics in 1958, nya! Lightning Lad’s costume is Yellow and red, whilst Cosmic Boy’s is Pink & Black, complete with the flight belts and bubble helmets, nya!

Mae Nam:

That was when they first met  the teenage Clark Kent / Superboy, which is ironically appurropurriate that they should be standing near 
comics artist & journalist Jim Amash and 
his wife Heidi 


, nya! 
Jim was the guest for the July 2009 Mew
, nya!
He is dressed as Clark Kent in the blue suit and Red tie, whilst Heidi is dressed as Lana Lang, with her long red hair, appurropriately wears the Emerald Green evening gown! You know as the teenagers, Clark and Lana often travelled from 20th century Smallville to 30th century Meowtropolis as Superboy and Insect Queen, who were meoewmbers of the Legion!
You know. not only is the fashion purrading through the front Anthurium Atrium entrance, but many folks have alrerady entered the CIPAC, through the side and garden enterances, so nyow we will turn the reporting over to Cicelia, Janete Joanna and Phannjynnasokaaia who are covering the fashion action at the garden entrance, nya!
Inside the Catgirl island Purforming Arts Center (CIPAC)
(the Molly- tailed mermaid actress / model / purrsenter wearing the Sea Blue – colored jellyfish bell bra):
Shello everybody! Next we are going from the future couture  of Star Trek and The Legion to the garments of the late 19th century! Mewsic critic friend Kaiser (human) looks quite sharp in the Dark Blue 1890 German navy Grand Admiral uniform!
(the jaguar girl fashion designer and mom wearing the ruffled White Hawaiian dress with the White Gardenia tail corsage):
Note the authentic details of the two columns of six buttons upon the open-collar double – breasted full-dress frock coat, with the white shirt, thin black tie, Gold Aiguillette & sleeve braid, Black belt with the Gold naval officer buckle, dark blue trousers, Black shoes, the naval sword and the White Sea Cap with the black band, peak & strap, Gold impurrrial badge & cockade, nya!
(the wolf girl is mewsician, dancer, actress & purrsenter wearing the Eggplant & Purrsimmon – colored, bare – midriff choli blouse, sari & petticoat):
Now arriving are Mr. Brightside (who we suspect is a time traveller) with his companion Carol


, nya!
Mr. Brightside is dressed like Phileas Fogg circa 1872 in the five piece suit comprised of the woollen
slate gray

jacket, vest, & trousers with the White high collar shirt, Brown cravat & shoes, Silver pocket watch chain, and the Black top hat!

(or just Phan for short, the faerie mewspapurr journalist and editor wearing the backless Maroon & Gold Hanfu gown):
Carol is quite vivaciously alluring in the tightly button-front Black velvet mini dress with the the closely-fitting long sleeves with the satiny cuffs and
the five large silver buttons that arc down the front of the drees, from the decolletage. – revealing,
plunging scoop neck to the left side slit that starts at the hip, mew la la!
You know, Jim, Mr. Brightside, Pacozord, Chef Ron and our purrducer Mike have been members of the Carolina Comic Book Club since the early 1980’s! Furthrmore, not only have Jim, Kaiser, Mike, and our webmeowster Jamie known each other since high school, Mike and Jamie have known each oher since elementary school!
Speaking of Jamie, here come the stars his web comic Clan of the Cats http://clanofthecats.com, who were guests of the August 2007, January 2009 & November 2009 Mews, nya!

Chelsea Urania Kate Chattan, who is the heroic witchy human were-panther and main protagonist of the comic, wearing
the long black dress with panther necklace and black pumps, nya!
Her husband Alexander Jubal McRae


is wearing the
Green tuxedo with tBlack boots, whilst their daughter
Charlotte Polyhymnia McRae


is wearing the W

hite & Vilolet dress, nya! Chelsea’s sisters Corrine Elizabeth Melepomene Chattan (human) and Cynthia Marie Angeline Thalia Monroe McRae (human) and Cynthia’s husbabd Paul Winston McRae (Jubal’shuman brother) are here too!

Corrine is the sexy tough were-leopurrd merc wearing the little Black dress and pumps, whilst Cynthia is wearing the Pink cocktail dress with the White sandal heels; Paul is wearing the Blue shirt & Tan trousers with the Yellow tie, Black shoes & sports coat, and Chelsea’s cat Sebastian is wearing the Black bowtie,!
The Chattans and the McCraes are from the lovely coastal town of Haven which is just the few miles away on the mainland! Nyow here come more of our fellow residents of Mew Hanover County! Swimming this way wearing the Black bowties are mermen Chiemezie and his hubby Ikechukwu who own the lovely underwater bed & breakfast!
Strolling up the Magnolia Mezzanine are Millicent (bunny girl) in the sleeveless Black sequined boat-necked mini strap dress, and her hubby Bobby (bunny guy) the Licorice & Black Olive – colored tuxedo, who co-own the Catgirl island art store, nya! I need to go  to there to purchase more Purrismacolor pencils and Copic meowrkers!
Dr. Malivalaya (elf girl) the Dean of MHC’s Animal Care school is wearing the the White, Jade & Sea Foam Ao Dai gown is over there at one of the bars with Dr. Terry (androgynous Terrapin purrson) the Dean of MHC’s Design School, who is wearing the Fuchsia Iro-furisode. They are drinking the cran-apple nummy berry cocktails!
MHC’s water polo coach Angelina (water nymph) wearing the leopurrd purrint long-sleeved round-neck backless short mini sheath dress, with Purrofessora Martine (selkie) the math teacher at the Catgirl island School (K-12) wearing the strapless  Azure Blue – colored jellyfish bell bra and matching purreo. Theya re drinking Orange Whips!
Dr. Alder (elf girl) the history purrofessor at the Catgirl Island School (K-12) is wearing Pink Rose & Mulberry colored, bare – midriff choli blouse, sari & petticoat), and Tamara’anna (elf girl) the vocal mewsic teacher at the Catgirl island School (K-12) is wearing the Pale Thistle & Rum Punch colored, bare – midriff choli blouse, sari & petticoat!
Dr. Maeridyth (gyno sphinx) the director of the Meowdical Arts Center is wearing the ornate golden necklaces, banngles, braclets, belly chain, chatelaine and tail ring, nya! She and Kahil (slime girl) the food bank director wearing the Cinnabar colored high split side-lace short cheongsam are having the succulent shrimp cocktails, nya!
Descending the central grand staircase are Dr. Karakiki (elf girl) the obstetrician wearing the White, Jade & Sea Foam Ao Dai gown, and Dr. Grace Maladrial (sylph) the veterinarian wearing the sheer White two-piece off-shoulder nell-sleved bare – midrif  A-Line Sundress!
Sora (gynoid) the lomi-lomi masseusse is wearing the sheer Black Tule sleeveless halter-neck A-Line purrom dress, and Linina (catgirl) the 40th level paladin wearing her gleaming bare-midriff Red & White adamantine plate armor! it does not look like she has brought her +5 Wave Motion Vorpal Holy Avenger longsword.
Well, the CIPAc does have the weapons policy, but she can magickally meowterilaize the sword and other items as needed, nya! They are chatting with Saaveetah (female appurrition), the manager of Moniques Decadant Desserts who is wearing the lovely White & Indigo Dhalia purrint Yukata, nya!
Oh I love Monique’s bubble milk tea, the big spple fritters with the maple glaze, and the long johns filled with the custard cream! Speaking of the yukatas, nyow arriving into the atrium is Eret (nonbinary sea turtle purrson) the notary & boat title clerk wearing the lovely Aqua & Blue Hydrangea purrint Yukata!
Fortunately there are food options aplenty, especially since the building’s renovations in the Spring of 2008 when additional food courts were added on the upper floors, and more designated parking was added outside for the food carts and trucks!
Now I am craving the Macaroons and Strawberry Tarts! I might have to wait until the intermission, because theTushers, chimes and lights are signalling that that it isabout  time for the ceremony to begin, so let’s head on into the Amarylis Auditorium, nya!
(Designed and built with great magick and care, the cavernous CIPAC has state – of – the art , signs, jumbotrons, paths of egress, restrooms and other facilities to accommodate those who might have fins, tails, hooves or wings or rely on very different senses and forms of commeownication, nya. Soon the massive main Amarylis Auditorium and other areas are comffortably bustling with the enthused kemonomimi, kitsune, ningyo, yousei, liminals, taurs and beings of other diverse species, nya.)
Thusly the many attendees traverse the ramps, stairs, escalators, elevators, flight shafts and waterways to the Anthurium Auditorium wherein the variable – geometry / environmental seats accommodate the diverse physiques of up to 2500 human-sized bipeds, but can easily accomodate those of the widdle pixy or the giant sizes, quadrupeds, winged and aquatic types, nya. There are also additional smaller halls, auditoriums, theatres, and the outdoor garden ampurrtheeatre, nya.)
(Soon the CIPAC’s director Kitrina and general manager Katherine, a.k.a. Kit ’n Kat http://www.catgirlisland.net/art/guest2/114.html wave to the cheering audience as they stroll to the crystalline podium upon the center stage to address the crowd and commence the purresentations purropurr, nya.)
(the Silver – haired catgirl wearing the short, off – shoulder silk, Blue & Silver Dragon – purrint kimono):
Konbanwa, yall, nya! Welcome to the 15th annual Mew Awards for our favorite fun stuff of 2021, nya!
(the Redhead catgirl wearing the short, off – shoulder silk, Red & Gold Phoenix – purrint kimono):
We are happy and honored by your purresence, and by the many others who are watching from elsewhere, nya!
Hai, we wish to thank all of the wonderful staff and volunteers who make this and other events happen here, nya!
We also wish to thank the many brilliant folks who created and distributed the things we are here to purraise, nya!
Nyow please let us all welcome Tash, Michi, Brian, Sadiyah & Mu’awin of Alexcia Reynolds’s https://www.deviantart.com/professoroak Cybernetic Showdown tale http://michi.byethost16.com
Alexcia’s fan-senshi heroines Khriste http://www.sailorchristmas.comAbenthttp://mau.sailorchristmas.com and fan – maximal bot character Eletron http://bw.html-5.me to purrsent the nominees for
our favorite toys & collectibles of 2021, nya!
(the bat – winged Serval girl wearing creme yellow pedal pushers and a backless halter top that does not rid eup on her wings:
Thank you Kit ’n Kat! Aloha everybody!
(the cyborg White Tiger girl wearing the navy blue sundress):
My, this is the 9th time that Tash and I have been purrsenters here!
(the llama girl wearing thepurple and sapphire blue belly dancer outfit)(signing in American Sign Language):
This is my 8th time here. Thank you for inviting me back again!
(Sadiyah’s interpurreter, a Purrple Port Bleu butterfly purrched upon the podium):
It is such a lovely warm island with so many delicious nectar filled flowers!
(the hyena dude wearing the wearing a pair of blue jeans and a pine green t-shirt):
This is my 7th time here to this beautiful island, and I would like to thank you for inviting me too! 
(the Black – haired catgirl wearing the one-piece strapless orange swimsuit with a sheer sarong):
This is the 6th time that Khriste and I have been purrsenters!
(the pachydrem-ish Maximal wearing floral leis and the flower tucked behind each elephantine ear):
This is my 5th time here!
(the redhead girl wearing the green, red, gold, and white pantsuit with a wreath-shaped brooch on her left lapel):
There are many nominees in this cattygory, but fortunately there are 8 of us!
Fortunately, we have the telepurrompters, other electronic devices, the notes and the good memories to help with the long lists!
Here are the nominees for favorite action figures, posable dolls, plushy dolls, statues, ornaments, other toys and collectibles! of 2021!
Funko Pop! Bewtiched Samantha Stevens. figure, Star Wars Ahsoka figure #409 and Gamestop Exclusive Star Wars The Clone Wars #414 Ahsoka Bobble-Head…
Star Wars The Black Series Bo Katon Kryze action figure, Rey action figure, Jaxxon action figure, Asajj Ventress action figure, and Vintage Collection Ahsoka Tano (Mandalore) action figure VC202…
Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge Trading Post Lolth Cat doll; Star Trek Official Starship Collection U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-J; Mego’s Star Trek Kang action figure and Hammer Dracula action figure…
Spirit Untamed Lucky & Spirit set,  Pru & Chica Linda set, Abigail & Boomerang set,  Cuddle Colt & Mama set, and the Spirit Untamed Pals Friendship Pack…
Neca’s Back to the Future Ultimate Doc Brown,  Ultimate Marty McFly, Back to the Future II Ultimate Doc Brown, and Back to the Future II Ultimate Marty McFly…
Transformers R.E.D. Transformers Prime Arcee action figure and Transformers Kingdom: War for Cybertron Trilogy Blackarachnia action figure…
Mattel’s Masters of the Universe Revealation Evil-Lyn action figure, Spinmaster’s Harry Potter Hermione Granger Magical Mini figure, and Loyal Subjects’ KISS The Demon Destroyer Tour action figure…
Kotobukiya’s Bishoujo My Little Pony Applejack statue, WWE Elite Collection Chyna action figure, and Jazzwares Pokemon Select articulated Charizard action figure …
Roblox Aven the Silver Warrior action figure,Fortnite Lynx action figure, My Little Pony Princess Cadance Best Hair Day, Magical Kiss Unicorn, and Shining Adventures Collection…
Gundam Infinity RX-78-2 action figure, RXXXG-G1W action figure, ASW-G-08 action figure, MBF-P02 action figure, and Artemis action figure…
Hasbro’s G.I. Joe Classified Series Lady Jaye action figure, Scarlet action figure, and The Baroness action figure…
Hallmark Keepsake’s TARDIS, The Fourth Doctor, My Little Pony, Charizard, Frosty Friends, and Catwoman ornaments…
Johnny Lightning 1:64 diecast 007 You Only Live Twice 1967 Toyota 200GT car, and The Spy Who Loved Me Lotus Esprit Si…
Lego’s OO7 Aston Martin, Ferrari 488GTE, Porsche 911, Apollo 11 Lunar Lander, Space Shuttle Discovery and RMS Titanic…
Lego Ninjago Temple of the Endless Sea and Zane’s Titan Mecha, Botanicals Bonsai, Botanicals Bird of Paradise, and Flower Bouquet…
Lego Star Wars Slave 1, Lego Creator Bookshop, Medieval Blacksmith, Surfer beach House and Winnie the Pooh set…
Hasbro’s Marvel Legends Captain Carter action figure, Heist Nebula action figure, Sylvie action figure, WandaVision Scarlet Witch action figure..
Marvel Legends Moira MacTaggart action figure, Marvel Girl action figure, IronHeart action figure, XialIng action figure, and Katy action figure…
Marvel Legends Eternals Sersi action figure, Sprite action figure, Thena action figure, Ajak action figure, and Makari action figure
Marvel Legends Deadpool & Negasonic Teenage Warhead action figure set, the Retro Black Cat action figure, and the Tigra action figure…
QFig’s Catwoman figurine, QFig’s Kitty Pryde figurine, and the entire line of Misaki Sawada’s cute Furrybones figurines!
Whew! That was a lot, but we did it! again! Now let’s welcome librarians Keiko & Yuriko and mikos Leilani & Alanasera to present


our favorite books & literature of 2021!
(the Brown – haired librarian catgirl in the shimmering Parrot Fish purrint suspender maillot):
Aloha, nya! We wish to thank all of the friends of the Mew Hanover Public Library, nya!
(the Turquoise – haired librarian catgirl in the gleaming Butterfly Fish purrint purretzel  maillot:
I might be biased, but his is my purrsonal favorite cattygory of the Mew Awards, nya!
(the miku catgirl wearing a bare midriff Red & White miko Shozoku): 
This cattygory includes publications such as fiction, nonfiction, reference and art books, whether they are in purrint media or on the internet, nya!
(her twin sister miku also wearing a bare midriff Red & White miko Shozoku): 
The niminees are Otaku Girl by Louis Bulaong, Skin of the Sea by Natasha Bowen, and Star Wars: The High Republic Out of the Shadows by Justina Ireland, nya!
The Christmas Pig by JK Rowling, Daughter of the Deep by Rick Riordan, and the serialized tale of Fire From The Sun: Rise Of A Queen by Sharon Williams, nya!
Honeycomb by author Joanne M. Harris & illustrator Charles Vess, Kitty vol. 6: Kitty and the Great Lantern Race by author Paula Harrison & illustrator Jenny Lovlie, nya!
The nonfiction books such as Passion to Purpose by Amy McLaren, Resistance by Tori Amos, and  The Beatles: Get Back by The Beatles edited by John Harris, nya!
The Art and Making of Dune, The Art of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, The Art of Halo Infinite, and The Art of Neil Gaimin & Charles Vess’ Stardust, nya!
Final Fantasy XIV Shadowmakers: The Art of Reflection. Magic: The Gathering Legends A Visual History, and Transformers Visual History, nya!
The Works of Hayao Miyazaki: The Master of Japanese Animation by Gael Berton; Hayao Miyazaki by DelMonico Books and the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures, ya!
Faeries of the Faultlines by Iris Compiet, Carbon 3 by Mark Schultz, and the Charles Vess Landscapes of Faerie 2002 Calendar, nya!
Visions 2021 Illustratoras Book, Alex Ross Marvel Comics Poster Book, The Joelle Jones Poster Portfolio, and Marvel Portfolio: Peach Momoko, nya!
Universal Studios Monsters, 50 Great Bond Cars, James Bond’s DB5, Star Trek: The Artistry of Dan Curry, and Star Trek: Voyager A Celebration, nya!
Star Wars: Complete Vehicles,

Star Wars: The Fiction Volume One, Star Wars The Clone Wars Official Collectors Edition, and The Art of Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, nya!

Dungeons & Dragons Candlekeep Mysteries, Von Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft, Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons, and The Wild Beyond the Witchlight, nya!
… and West Side Story: The Making of the Steven Spielberg Film! That is all for this cattygory of the purrinted-media, but that is just the half of it, nya!
Nyow please help us to welcome outr friends Dach Savage, Valentinya, Na Ling & Ji Yun to purrsent the cattygory of our favorite
comic books, graphic novels & manga of 2021, nya!
(Dr. Dach Savage is the anthropurrmorphic weener dog consulting detective with expurrtise in archaeology, purranormal activities, nya. Valentinya is the 10th level witchy catgirl maid who was born in Kiev, Ukraine where she met Dach on a secret mission and later became the US citizen and resides at his mansion, nya. Twin sisters Na Lin & Ji Yun are the muntjac deer girls who we met earlier on the CIPAC

rooftop Laua’e Lounge

, nya)

(wearing the vyshyvanka with the Crape Myrtle embroidery): Zdravstvuyte, nya!
Dach Savage
(wearing his Crimson, Black & White Military Mess Dress & medals): 
Guten abend!
Na Ling:

(wearing the Apurricot colored bikini and sheer purrled purreo):
We wish to thank all of our guests who we are happy to serve here at The CIPAC!
Ji Yun:

(wearing the Peach colored bikini and sheer purrled purreo)
Hai hai and we are honored to help purrsent the nominees which include

The manga such as Adachi and Shimamura, Aria the Masterpiece Edition, Battle Angel Alita: Mars Chronicle
Dach Savage:
A Centaur’s Life, Codename Sailor V Eternal Edition, Days of Love at Seagull Villa, The Demon Girl Next Door
Na Ling:

Don’t Toy with Me Miss Nagaturi, Doughnuts Under a Crescent Moon, Drugstore in Another World
Ji Yun:
Flying Witch, Komi Cant Communicate, Konohana Kitan, Monster Musume, Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid…
Dach Savage:
My Room is a Dungeon Rest StopNon Non Biyori, Otaku Elf, Sunshine Sketch, Star Wars: The High Republic The Edge of Balance…
Na Ling:
Tamamo-chan’s a Fox, Wandering Witch: The Journey of Elaina, Wolf and Parchment, and Yuri is my Job, nya!
Ji Yun:

Comics & graphic novels of the past year, such as America Chavez: Made in the USA, Ant, Archie Halloween Special…

Aria: Heavenly Creatures,

Beasts of Burden: Occupied Territory, Bermuda, DC Pride,
Elfl by Jim & Melody Rondeau,


Dach Savage:
Fight Girls, The Girl from The Sea, Girl Haven,

Girls of Dimension 13,

Gold Digger,

Goosebumps: Secrets of the Swamp…


Na Ling:
Groo Meets Tarzan, 
Harley Quinn: The Animated Series,
Harley Quinn and the Birds of Prey

, Iron Man, 

Ji Yun:
Marvel Action: Chillers, Marvel Action: Captain Marvel, Marvel Voices, Monstress, 

 Moon Knight, 


My Last Summer With Cass, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, My Little Pony: Generations, 

My Little Pony & Transformers

Dach Savage:

Norse Mythology, Nubia and the Amazons, Nubia: The Real One, Savage Hearts, Silk, 

Space Pirate Captain Harlock,

Na Ling:

StarGirl Special, Star Trek Year Five, Superman ’78, Surfise Girls: The Science of Surfng,

Women of Marvel…

Ji Yun:
Wonder Woman 80th Anniversary, Wonder Woman: The Adventures of Young Diana, and Wonder Woman Historia: The Amazons, nya!
Nyow please to help us welcome to the wet tank stage Nyssy, Melanakeami, Daytona, Formality, and Mertyl who will purrsent our
favorite magazines and other purriodicals of 2021, nya!
(the mermaid with Dark Blue hair and Turquoise tail, wearing the piercings, jewelry, and the Lilac – colored jellyfish bell bikini top):
Arigatou gozaimasu!
(the mermaid with the Green tail and hair, wearing the Azure Blue – colored jellyfish bell bikini top and Gold rings in her tail fin):
Shello there everybody! We are glad and honored to be here tonight!
(the mermaid with short Blonde hair and a Gray Bottlenose Dolphin tail, wearing Fuchsia – colored jellyfish bell bikini top):
So, this cattygory includes the purrinted purriodicals, be they published monthly, quarterly or however often!
(the dappurr Orca Girl in her natural tuxedo-ish pattern with the large Black purrl in her navel, the Black top hat and bow tie):
The nominees are: National Geographic, Our State, Design Life, Design Anthology, Illustration, Watercolor Artist…
(the sea witch with the pixy-cut Red hair, wearing the loosely – knotted White blouse and the Hot Pink Purreo):
International Artist, American Art Review, Western Art & Architecture, Art & Illustration, Antiques & Fine Art…
Renaissance Faires, Alter Ego, Back Issue, Comic Book Creator, Kirby Collector, Draw, Comic Artist…
Concept Artist, 

The Art of Film, ImagineFX, American Artist, International Artist, 

Fantasy Figures


Art Doll Quarterly, Prims, 

Quilt Folk, 


Somerset Studio, 

Unique Homes, Enki…


Cinefex, American Cinematographer, Sight & Sound,
CinemaScope, Cinema Retro, 
DGA Quarterly…
Mystic Deja, Little Shop of Horrors, G-Fan, Doctor Who Magazine, 

007 Magazine,
Star Wars Insider

Star Trek, Star Trek Official Starships Collection, Otaku USA, Megami, NewtypeAnimage, Hobby Japan…
Faeries And Enchantment, Enchanted LivingWillow & Sage, Sage Woman, Witches & Pagans
Bella Grace, Belle Armoire, Daphne’s Diary, In her Studio, Cottage Hill, Women Create, Happinez…
Minerva, Sedona, Women Create, The Georgia Review, Crazy Horse, Mastermind,
The Georgia Review, Crazy Horse, Mastermind, The Believer, Zone 3, PloughShares…
Wahshington Post, New York Times, Ninth Letter, Analog, Fantasy & Science Fiction, F(r)iction …
The Skeptical Inquirer, Lapham’s Quarterly, Anthenaeum Review, Parabola, Tin House…
Uncut’s Ulitmate Music Guide, Prog, Classic Rock. Metal Hammer, Pointe, Dance, Fiddler…
Rolling Stone, Cemetery Dance, Aqurveda Mantra, Zyzzyva, Ambrosia, Aspire Design & Home…
Southern Living, Garden Design, Coastal Living, Lonely Planet, Ernest, Runner, Sidetracked…
Archaeology, American Archaeology, Current World Archaeology, Scientific American

Catster, Outdoors, Misadventure, Yoga, Yoga Journal, Yoga International, Shape, Self, Fit…
Oxygen, Strong, Womens Health,  Muscle & Fitness Hers, ESPN, Sports Illustrated


Golf …

Surfgirl, Standup Journal, Standup Paddle World,  Stand Up Paddle Magazine, SUP International…
Adventure Kayaking,  

Kayak Fishing Fun, 

Angler’s Journal, Sport Fishing, In-Fisherman…

Grays Sporting Journal, North Carolina Game & Fish, Saltwater Sportsman, The Drake…
Fly Fishing & Tying Journal, Salmon & Steelheader Journal, Coral, Amazonas, and Tropical Fish Hobbyist!
We are done, but now I have the seafood craving in my tummy from those fishing and aquarium publications!
Hang in there ‘Tona, because the intermission is imminent!
Hai hai, we will now recess for the intermission, but the ceremony will resume in 30 minutes!
(30 minutes later, foks return with pleasantly sated tummies as the ceremony resumes, nya.)
Welcome back for the 2nd half of the ceremony, nya! We hope everyone had the yummy treat, nya!
Let us please welcome Raven, Whitney and Kara-Meowl who will purrsent the nominees for our-
favorite radio purrograms of 2021, nya!
(the tattoo artist elf girl in the snapdragon purrint Bateau neckline Empire cropped bare midriff dress):
This is my first time upon the stage so please take care of me!
(the androgynous Bard Owl harpy & magick club purresident in the foxglove purrint yukata):
I think the public speaking is easier and less painful than the tattoos!


(the champion surfer catgirl in the short strapless off-shoulder Hibiscus purrint mini-dress): 
Would you like to say Hi” to anyone while you up here?
I want to say “Hi” to Eamane, A.J. Tia, Tab, Ash and Hannah!
Firstly of the radio nominees are the purrograms from organizations such as WUNC FM, National Public Radio and Public Radio International!
Hai hai, they are the very sincere, informative and / or entertaining audio enjoyment of ther top quality, nya!! Alphabetically those nominees are
1A, All Things Considered, American Routes, Back Porch Music, Code Switch, Embodied…
Fresh Air, Hear & Now, How I Built This, It’s Been A Minute, Latino USA, Life Kit…
Marketplace, Morning Edition, The Moth Radio Hour, The New Yorker Radio Hour…
On Being, On the Media, Our Body Politic, The People’s Pharmacy, Planet Money…
Reveal, Science Friday, Snap Judgment. Sound Opinions. The Splendid Table…
The Takeaway, The TED Radio Hour, This American Life, The Thistle and Shamrock…
Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me, Weekend Edition, and The World, fur shur!
Nextly are wonderful programs bythe  British Broadcasting Corporation, such as
The Arts Hour, BBC World News, Business Matters, The Conversation
Discovery, Documentary, Hardtalk, Healthcheck, The History Hour, In the Studio,
News Day, The Newsroom, News Summary, Outlook, People Fixing the World,
Sporting Witness, Tested. This Week in History, and Witness History!
You know, I miss

A Prairie Home Companion 
and Car Talk.
Hai hai… oh there are quite the few others that are sadly missed these days,
So, nyow please welcome Ne’ellakaliomi, Tharesha, Kianalani, Xiao Pan, Phannaery, Reika, and Cru-Cru to the wet tank stage to purrsent
our favorite commercials & trailers of 2021, nya!
(the mermaid with the Coral Beaty tail, wearing the Fuchsia- colored jellyfish bell bra):
Arigatou! Shello everybody!
(the mermaid with light green shark tail, wearing the Mint Green – colored jellyfish bell bra):
This cattygory includes the spots of 2021 that advertised the purroducts or services, to be released in 2021 or 2022.
(the mermaid with with the Beta tail, wearing the Scarlet Lake – colored jellyfish bell bra)):
These include the commercials / spots, trailers & PSAs shown upon TV, internet, DVDs & theatre screens.
Xiao Pan
(the mermaid with the Tarpon tail, wearing the strands of purrls):
The various reasons include the pretty imagery, neat visual FX, amewsing humor, sentimentality
(the mermaid with the Orangey Koi tail, wearing the Pink Anemone lei):
… or th inspurrational celebrities, poignant messages, sincerely non-nonsense facts, or yummy looking treats!
(Naomees mermaid wife with the Golden Wrasse tail, wearing the matching crocheted bikini top):
By the way, we are not necessarily endorsing any of the advertised purroducts, services or organization. We just like the commercials!
(the mermaid with the catfishy tail, wearing the purrlescant Irish Deep Shell bra):
Gosh, this is the long list, but dortunately there are seven of us for the task! In semi alphabetical order, the nominees are…
Abobe Sign with ELO’s song “Mr. Blue Sky”, AdoreMe Elite Box for Valentines Day, Allbirds The Dasher “run hard, tread light”…
Allstate Insurance “Duet in the Desert”. Allstate Insurance “Jump”. Allstate Inusrance “Moon”, American Express “Surf’s Up”…
Amazon Prime “Cleopatra”. Amazon Prime “Medusa”, Arm & Hammer Absorbx cat litter, Arm & Hammer Slide Clumping Cat Litter…
Xiao Pan:
Aspercreme “Sword Duel”, Audi RS e-tron GT spot Janelle Monae, “Black Rifle Coffee Ezpresso’s “Ram-Bow: Mission Fuel”…
Botox “How Do You See Yourself” with Chi Lan, Cape Cod Chips  “Savor what’s Special”, Chobani “Dear Alice” animated spot…
Chrysler Pacifica Plug-in Hybrid “Protect Your World” Coca-Cola “Pit Stop: Flavors” with wolf girl & faun boy, Coke Zero “Dino”…
Copperfit Arch Support Plus, Corona Hard Seltzer “Calling Your Name”, CoverGirl Simply Ageless spot with Niki Taylor… 
CreapEase spot with Jane Seymour, Crest Whitening “Better. Faster. 100% Whiter”, Dick’s Sporting Goods “Bust a Move”… 
Dior’s Miss Dior-“The New Fragrance”, Direct TV “Wonder” with Serena Williams, Dramm lawn & garden purroducts… 
Dove Body Wash “Renew the Love”, Dove Body Wash “Skins” , Dove Hair Therapy with Mahaut, Lisa & Sonia … 
Xiao Pan:
Dupixent “One Step Ahead” with Rachel, Debby & Sean, Expedia “All By Myself’ with Amber Stonbraker & Rashida Jones… 
The Facing History spot with George Takei, Flonase “Defeating Springtime Seasonal Allergy Symptoms”… 
Garnier Fructis Sleek & Shine ‘Sleek Can Resist”, Gatorade Zero “Bolt vs Wambach”, Geico “McKayla Maroney Saves the Day”… 
Gillette Venus razor “Thin skin”spot , Giorgio Armani “Find Me” spot with Adria Arjona, , Goli gummies “Jenergy” spot with J-Lo

H&M “You Do Autumn / Winter 2021”, H&M Riders of Summer-“Divided”, Hall’s cough Drops “The Hiker”

Healist lotion spot with Holly McPeak, Hendrick’s Gin animated “Curiosity”, Honda “The Power of Dreams”

IBM spot with Lexi Thompson, Icey Hot spot with Rose Lavelle, Ikea “Change a bit for good” spot with robots

Xiao Pan:
Kohl’s: Getting Back to School “Skateboarder”, Lincoln Motor Company “Unexpected”, Lively bra “Gne Wireless”

Logitech “Defy Logic” spot with Allyson Felix, LPGA Lotte Championship “See you in Hawaii!”, LPGA ‘Drive On’ with Lizette Salas

Maybelline New York Lash Sensational Sky High Mascara, Model beer “Fighting Spirit” with DJ Citizen Jane

Mugler Alien Princess perfume, Natural Diamonds “Moments Like No Other” with Ana de Armas, Nivea “lotion and jeans”…
NRS Fishing “Catch the Adventure”,Orange Valley Mill “From Outside”, Otezla “boat” spot with Wendy Moniz
Oculus Quest 2  “Billie Eilish x Beat Saber” Olukai sandalsOld Navy “It’s a Fam Summer” Old Navy “Bod-equality
Palmer’s Cocoa Butter “Care for Your Palmers belly” with Krista Horton, Olympics spot with Simone Biles & The Minions…
Xiao Pan:
Paco Rabanne Phantom fragrance, Pedialyte Sport “Beyond the Hype”, PING Golf G425 Max Driver “More Time in the Fairway”…
Purina Cat Chow “Over 50 years: Come Home”, Rice Krispies Treats ‘Blanket Fort’, San Diego “Happiness is Calling”…

Sketchers Arch-Fit Sandals, Sketchers Outdoor Comfort Sandals, Skechers GOwalk Pants “Just Discovered” with Brooke Burke…

Spectrum Mobile “Golf”, Starbucks “”Strawberry Funnle Cake”, Sofi “Student Loan”, Subaru “National Make a Dog’s Day”…


Subway ‘Choose Better. Be Better.’ with Megan Rapinoe, Sunosi “When Pigs Fly”, Taco Bell Japanese anime “FryForce”…
Target “Come for the Sweats, Leave as a Squad”, Target “What We Value Most”, Therabreath Healthy Smile Oral Rinse “Kate”

Tonal “‘Powered by Tonal” with Sue Bird, Toyota “Start Your Impossible” with Alex Moreno, Toyota “Upstream” with Jessica Long

Xiao Pan:
Toyota’s Summer Starts Here “Catch a Great Deal” and “Someone Needs lessons!” spots with Jan (Laurel Coppock)

Trubiotic “True Health Starts at Your Core”,  Truly Hard Seltzer animated“ No One is Just One Flavor” with Dua Lipa

The Trulicty spot with Lauren Hernandez, Uber Eats “Wayne’s World”, United Nations “Don’t Choose Extinction”


U.S. Department of Health and Human Services “Irreplaceable” , Verzenio “All the Time in the World’ with April Ross


Visit California’s “What If?” (with Noelle Bercy) and “Kidifornia Vacation”, and Wells Fargo’s Visa spot with Katie Ledecky…
Vital Proteins ”It’s Within Us” spot with Jennifer Annisten, and the Vuori Performance Joggers “Beach Vibes” spot. Whew!
But wait- there’s more, such our favorite trailers & TV spots for movies, video games and TV shows!
Xiao Pan:
However much we

like those ads does not neccessarily equate to our opinion of the actual movies, games & shows.
In no partcular order, those nominees are My Little Pony: New Generation, Shirobako The Movie, Aria the Benedizione…
Star Wars: The Mandalorian, Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett, Star Wars: Visions, Star Wars: The Bad Batch…


The Batman “The Bat and the Cat”, Suicide Squad 2, Sandman, Stargirl, Supergirl, Sandman, Peacemaker…

Riverdale, Kung Fu, Dexter, Justice Society: World War II, Batman: The Long Halloween, Catwoman: Hunted…

Star Trek: Picard, Star Trek Discovery, the Summer Olympic Games, 

The Last Duel, The Beatles: Get Back…


Reminiscence, Spider-Man: No Way Home, Eternals, Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, Black Widow…

Xiao Pan:
Marvel Studios Celebrates the Movies, What If, Hawkeye, She Hulk, 


The Falcon and the Winter Soldier…

Mortal Kombat, Jurassic Park: Dominion, Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore, No Time to Die…

Everything Everywhere All At Once, Turning Red, The Tragedy of MacBeth,The 355, Nightmare Alley, Dune…


Nomadland, West Side Story, One Night in Miami, Top Gun: Maverick, Licorice Pizza, The French Dispatch…

Dune, Foundation, Wheel of Time, Intergalactic, Intergalactic, The Nevers, 

Ghostbusters Afterlife, 

Jungle Cruise

He-Man, Lightspeed, Encanto, Raya and the Last Dragon, Sing 2, Spirit Untamed, Blade Runner Black Lotus,…

Xiao Pan:
the video games such as Figure Story, Starfield, Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora, and Outer Worlds 2!

Whew! That was the long list, but then just think of  thousands of advertisements we might see daily!
Hmm I reckon that is right when you think of all the TV, radio, internet, theatrical, print and outdoor ads!
Speaking of the TV, now please welcome Yvonne, Pendula, Tara-chan and Trini-chan to present the noms for 
our favorite non-fiction TV shows of 2021!
Yvonne (a.k.a Vonny)
(the fishing yacht captain catgirl in the Honeydew White & Purrsian Blue colored, bare – midriff choli blouse, sari & petticoat):
Namaste, nya! This has been such the exciting and beautiful day brimming with the festivities, nya!
(Vonny’s younger sister, the college student catgirl in the Cerelean Frost & Purriwinkle colored, bare – midriff choli blouse, sari & petticoat):
Hai, we are blessed with the happy, healthy place full of the family, friends, freedom, fun and – and food, nya!
(Vonny’s boat’s first mate, the selkie in the Lemon Chiffon & Papaya Whip colored, bare – midriff choli blouse, sari & petticoat):
Here are the nominees for non – fiction TV shows of 2021, including science, nature, history, technology, travel, home, garden, food, talk & mewsic!
(Tara-chan’s BFF, the belly dance instructor kitsune in the Meowrigold & Sugar Almond Pink colored, bare – midriff choli blouse, sari & petticoat):
this might include foreign TV shows that purre-date 2021, but were not televised, streamed or released on home video here until 2021.
In alphabetical order… A&E Biography: KISStory, Aerial Greece, Aerial Hawaii, Agatha Christie’s England, American Ninja Warrior, American Woodshop, Ask This Old House, nya

Austin City Limits,  Battlebots, The Beatles: Get Back, Bob Redfern’s Outdoor Magazine, The Center Seat: 55 Years of Star Trek, Carolina Outdoor Journal, and – and Craft in America, nya…
Face Off, Forged in Fie, Frontline, Garden Smart , Great Performances, Greek island Odyssey, and Growing a Greener World, Harry Potter: Hogwarts Tournament of Houses, 
HardTalk, Kayak Fishing, The Late Show wth Stephen Colbert, Let’s Fish Southeast, Major League Fishing, Million Dollar Listing: Los Angeles, and …
Mysteries of the Deep, Nature, NC Weekend, Nova, Outside: Beyond the Lens, P. Allen Smith’s Garden Home, Reel South, and Rick Steve’s Europe, nya…
Samantha Brown’s Places to Love, Sci NC, Songs at the Center, The Ultimate Surfer, This Old House, Vet at the Beach, and – and Weekends with Yankee, nya!
Of course, there was much wonderful live coverage of the mens, womens, little league, high school, college, olympic and purrofessional sports too!
Nyow please welcome Katsandra, Jeannie, Niko and Rica who will present
our favorite live-action fiction TV shows of 2021!
(Jeannie is the yogini, swim wear model, robotics club purresident and hula instructor catgirl when she is not at the kyudo range; and her business purrtner Katsandra is a purrofessional belly dancer catgirl who co-owns several businesses, including the yoga studio with Jeannie; whilst Niko and Rica are sister catgirls who own the fresh purroduce farm with the animal stables and co-direct the island’s farmers market association, nya.)
(the catgirl in the Cobalt & Teal – colored, bare – midriff choli blouse, sari & petticoat): 
We are so glad to be here tonight with such the dynamite audience!
(the catgirl in the Saffron & Carnelian Red – colored, bare – midriff choli blouse, sari & petticoat):
Nihao. Here are our favorite foreign and domestic, comedic and dramatic live-action TV series of 2021.
(the catgirl in the Purriwinkle & Hydrangea colored, bare – midriff choli blouse, sari & petticoat):
which might include foreign TV shows that purre-date 2021, but were not televised, streamed or released on home video here until 2021.
(Niko’s sister in the Pink Rose & Mulberry colored, bare – midriff choli blouse, sari & petticoat):
There are so many animated shows we like, so that is the sepurrate cattygory, and the made-for-TV movies are also the sepurrate cattygory!
In alphabetical order… All Creatures Great and Small, Batwoman, Black Lightning, Cobra Kai, Dexter, Discovery of Witches,  Doc Martin
Doctor Who. Doom Patrol, The Expanse, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Fanatics, Fena: Pirate Princess, Fleabag, The Flash …
Foundation, Gabby’s Dollhouse, The Good Witch, The Guiding Light, Hawkeye, Howards End, Killing Eve, Kung Fu, Legends of Tomorrow…
Loki, Lucifer, Midsommer Murders, and Mare of Easttown, Miss Scarlet and the Duke, Motherland: Fort Salem, Nancy Drew, Pride…
Riverdale, Sabrina, Seaside Hotel, Snowpiercer, Stargirl, Star Trek: Discovery, 

Supergirl, Superman and Lois, Thou Shalt Not Kill

WandaVision, What We Do in the Shadows, Wheel of Time, When Calls the Heart, Wynona Earp, Yellow Jackets, and Yosemite.
It is amazing how many TV shows there are based upon the science fiction, fantasy and horror novels and comic books!
Isn’t is wonderful, nya? Nyow please welcome Nya-sensei, Nyo-sensei, Ilyana-sensei and Beebee who will purrsent the nominees for
our favorite animated fiction TV of 2021!
Nyanko, a.k.a. Nyo-sensei
(the martial arts champion catgirl wearing the Blue Calathea purrint iro-furisode): Arigatou gozaimasu! 
Nyoka a.k.a. Nya-sensei
(Nyanko’s twin sister the magick shop purropurrrietress wearing the Violet Peony purrint iro-furisode): Aloha!
(the Purrk Ranger catgirl in the short Emerald kimono with the Venus Flytrap embroidery): G’day!
These are nominees for our favorite new or returning domestic or foreign animated TV series that aired here or became available on home video in 2021, nya!
Ilyana, a.k.a Ilyana-sensei
(the underwater archaeologist catgirl wearing the Gold Honeysuckle purrint iro-furisode):
These might include series that purre-date 2021, but were not shown or sold here until 2021, nya!
We are purrticularly grateful for those many networks, streaming servicces and video distributors!
The nominees alphabetically are… 100 Sleeping Princes, After the Rain, Armed Girl’s Machiavellism…
Assassins Pride, BanG Dream!, Beautiful Bones, Beyond the Boundry, Black Clover, Blade Runner: Black Lotus…
Chidoni RSC, Chihayafuru, Cinderella Nine, D4DJ: First Mix, Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood, The Demon Girl Next Door…
 Domestic Girlfriend, Future Boy Conan, Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?, Is the order a Rabbit- Bloom…
Kandagawa Jet Girls, Love and Lies, Marvel’s What If, Miraculous, My Hero Academia, My Little Monster, Mysterious Girlfriend X…
My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU, Nekopara, Non Non Biyori, Outburst Dreamer Boys, The Pet Girl of Sakurasou…
Pokemon: Journeys, Problem Children are Coming From Another World Aren’t They?, Rent A Girlfriend, Rin-ne…
Re: Stage Dream Days, Seitokai Yakuindomo, The Simpsons, South Park, Star Trek: Lower Decks, Star Trek: Prodigy…
Star Wars: The Bad Batch, Star Wars: Visions, Strawberry Marshmellow, Tanaka-kun is Always Listless, To Love Ru…
Undefeated Bahahmut Chronicle, Val x Love, Wasteful Days of High School Girls, Wild Kratts, and Yashahima Princess Half-Demon!
Nyow let us welcome our friends Fire Marshall Ellie, Police Chief Meryl, the spa owners Becca and Lizzy to purrsent
our favorite TV Movies of 2021!
(the catgirl in the backless, empire – waist British Racing Green ball gown with detached sleeves):
Arigatou and Aloha!
(the centauress out of her Fire Marshall uniform and wearing Azalea floral leis): 
We are honored to present this cattygory!
(the nekomimi gynoid in the off-shoulder ruffled White Hawaiian dress with the White Gardenia tail corsage): 
These are our favorite made-for-TV movies of 2021, The nominees are…
Elizabeth a.k.a. Lizzy
(Becca’s wife the catgirl gynoid in the sleeveless, backless Hot Pink mini – dress with the Plumeria tail corsage):
As Luck Would Have It, Aurora Teagarden Mysteries, The Baker’s Son, Beverly Hills Wedding…
Boyfriends of Christmas Past.Chasing Waterfalls, Chesapeake Shores, Christmas at Castle Hart…
Christmas in Harmony, Christmas Sail A Christmas Together with You. A Christmas Treasure…
Coyote Creek Christmas. Crashing Through the Snow, Crossword Mysteries: Terminal Descent…
Debbie Macomber’s A Mrs. Miracle Christmas, Eight Gifts of Hanukkah, Every Time a Bell Rings…
Fit for a Prince. Gingerbread Miracle. A Godwink Christmas: Miracle of Love, Hanna Swensen Mysteries…
A Holiday in Harlem, Journey of My Heart, A Kiss Before Christmas, Love For Real, Love Strikes Twice..
Making Spirits Bright, Mix up in the Mediterranean, My Christmas Family Tree, Nantucket Noel…
Next Stop Christmas, The Nine Kittens of Christmas, Sand Dollar Cove, The Santa Stake Out…
Sister Swap: A Hometown Holiday, South Beach Love, Sugar Plum Twist, Sweet Pecan Summer…
Taking a Shot at Love, A Very Merry BridesMaid, You Had Me at Aloha, You, Me and the Christmas Tree!
It is amazing that there are so many new holiday movies every year! 
Nyow for our next cinematic cattygory, let us welcome our friends Myar, Jany, Tia and Mie-sensei who will purrsent the nominations for
our other favorite movies of 2021!
(Myayr is a Hawaiian hula instructor catgirl, purrofessional costumer and a founding meowmber of The Mew who also helps to train the appurrentice mikos at the shrine; Tia is a Japanese / Nicaraguan – American fairy council secretary, purrofessional cosplayer and seamstress; Jany is a Dutch / Lenape / African – American succubus with a BFA from the Fashion Institute of Technology and MA in Fashion Design; and Mielikki is the NC OBX faerie golf instructor, foxfire juggler, and the stage manager at the meowritime forest ampurrtheatre, nya.)
Mary Nyan, or just Myayr for short:
(wearing the short keyhole Red Bird of Purradise embroidered qipao):
These are our other favorite foreign and domestic live-action and animated movies of 2021
Janyczsazsa, or just Jany for short:
(wearing the sleeveless short Black Orchid embroidered qipao)
These might include foreign movies that purre-date 2021, but were not shown or released here until 2021*
Carerratia, or just Tia for short:
(wearing the short White Chrysanthemeowm embroidered qipao):
These are of all genres, including documentaries and concert films. In alphabetical order the nominees are…
Mielikki, also known as Mie-sensei
(wearing the backless Golden Beehive Ginger embroidered qipao):
So like, there’s BanG Dream! Film Live, Batman: The Long Halloween Parts 1 & 2, Being the Ricardos
Mary Nyan:
Belfast, Black Widow, CandyMan, Chyna, Civil War (Or, Who Do We Think We Are?)
The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It., Dean Martin: King of Cool, Don’t Look Up…
Dune: Part One, Earwig and the Witch, Encanto, Free Guy, The French Dispatch…
Ghostbusters Afterlife, Girls und Panzer Das Final Parts 1 & 2, Jungle Cruise…
Mary Nyan:
Justice Society World War II, The Lst Duel,  Last Night in Soho, Licorice Pizza..
The Lost Daughter, Luca, The Magnificent Kotobuki – The Movie, Mass, The Matrix Resurrections…
Mortal Kombat, The Night House, Nightmare Alley, Nomadland, No Time to Die…
Paper and Glue, Passing, Power of the Dog, A Quiet Place 2, Reminiscence…
Mary Nyan:
Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, Shirobako – The Movie, Spider-Man: No Way Home…
Spirit Untamed, Suicide Squad, The Tragedy of MacBeth, West Side Story, and Zola!
But wait- there’s More, for tonight’s final cattygory, here are our purrducer Mike, our webmeowster Jamie,
and Jamie’s cats Rascal and Rusty to purrsent Mike & Jamie’s Top Ten favorite movies of 2021*
Fur shur!
Mike (in a tux):
Thank you! Well, here we are, tonight’s fanal category! It was tough decision, but we managed to narrow it down to our top ten lists!
Jamie (in a tux):
These might include foreign movies that pre-date 2021, but were not shown or released here unti!l 2021, and- hey get off that!
Rascal (jumping on to the crystaline podium):
(meowgickally translated from cat) So here are Jamie’s top 10 in reverse hierarchical order, nya:
Jamie (in a tux):
#10 Last Night in Soho, #9 No Time to Die, #8 The Lost Daughter, #7 The Last Duel. #6 The French Dispatch,
#5 The Tragedy of Macbeth, #4 Belfast, #3 Power of the Dog, #2 The Beatles: Get Back, and #1 Dune: Part One.
Rusty :
(meowgickally translated from cat) Nyow here are Mike’s top 10 in alphabetical order, nya.
Belfast, Dune: Part One, The French Dispatch, Girls und Panzer Das Final Parts 1 & 2, Luca,
No Time to Die, Shirobako – The Movie, Spider-Man: No Way Home, and West Side Story!
We wish to thank the staff, volunteers, purrsenters, the audience, and all of the talented people whose works we have purraised, nya! 
Please welcome our friend Molly Purrton to sing us out of the show, as the AfterMew festivities purrpare to commence, nya!
The Cat Lady Sings…
(Molly Purrton http://catgirlisland.net/art/gallery2/49.html – the country mewsician catgirl wearing the shimmering champagne color off-shoulder bias-cut midi dress with the scoop back, plunging sweetheart neckline & strappy high-heeled sandals – leads the audience in the song “Happy Tails To Mew, Until We Eat Again”, nya!)
(A few minutes later after the crowd has dispurrsed to help tidy the CIPAC and purrtake of the various AfterMew activities, Kit, Kat, Mike, Jamie, Racla & Rusty…)
Molly Purrton:
Gosh y’all, I can’t believe that another ceremony is already over, nya! It seems like only yesterday that we just did last year’s, nya!
Hai hai, the time has flown by like the hypurrdrive nya! OK, let’s all go get some nummy treats, nya! Itadakimasu, nya!
That’s all for this month’s Mew, but it will be return next month with the mewsual reviews and discussions, nya!
Say good night, Mike!
Goodnight, Mike!
Rascal & Rusty (meowgickally translated from cat):

January 2022 Catgirl Critics’ Media Mewsings

Mike Moon / Catgirl Island
and Jamie Robertson / Clan of the Cats
purroudly purrsent a Mike Moon purrduction,
starring The Ladies of The Mew in
The January 2022 Edition of The Mew:
The Catgirl Critics’ Media Mewsings, nya!
Happy Mew Year, nya! It is the Year of the Tiger, nya!
This year is the 15th Anniversary of The Mew, and the 
22nd Anniversary of Catgirl Island’s official site, nya!
in this edition of The Mew:
The Lightning Round: our favorite Films of 2002
The Celebrity Catgirl & Kemonomimi Spotlight
Our Semi-Annual DVD Wish List
TV, DVD & Movie Mewsings:
The French Dispatch
The Beatles: Get Back
West Side Story
Spider-Man: No Way Home
Collectibles & Toy Talk:
Funko Pop! Bewitched Samantha Stephens vinyl figure
Hasbro Fortnite Victory Royal Series Lynx action figure
Kotobukiya My Little Pony Applejack Bishoujo Statue
Purrinted Media Mewsings:
Goosebumps: Secrets of the Swamp
Charles Vess Landscapes of the Faerie 2002 Calendar
The Art of Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge
Additions to the Catgirl Island Mewseum of Art:
“Eamane (SD Chibi Style)” by Mike
“X’askelle and her Direwolf” by Mike
two revised “Detective Junko Sakurada” pics by Mike
“Daydream” by Rivkh
“Angels” by Rivkh
“Mertyl” by Rivkh
“Zel x Dash” by Tonomurabix
“Omhi” by Misty Hopkins
(the human fella wearing the Dogwood purrint shirt and Teal cargo shorts): Aloha y’all and welcome to The Mew, our monthly “show” in which we review and discuss fun stuff! This month’s Mew comes from the riverwalk in the beautiful downtown Purrbank district of Catgirl Island in Mew Hanover County, NC, where it’s 70 degrees under the Blue sky and puffy White Cumulo-Neko clouds! I’m Mike, the show’s “purrducer”, and here are The Ladies of The Mew!

(a.k.a. Nya-sensei, the martial arts champion & sensi, dojo & gym purropurrietress catgirl wearing the Apurricot purrint cropped tee shirt and shorts): Howdy!
(a.k.a. Nyo-sensei, Nyanko’s twin sister the magick shop purropurrietress wearing the Snapdragon purrint slingshot maillot with a Plumeria floral lei): Meowy Meet!
(the art guild purresident, art mewseum co-curator & beach volleyball champion catgirl wearing the 


purrint side-tie bikini): Aloha, nya!

(the art mewseum co-curator, Petra’s beach volleyball partner, and purrize-winning carrot cake baker bunnygirl wearing the Anthurium purrint trikini): Guten Tag!

a.k.a Lizzy, the hot salsa dancer, gamer, Purrkour Club captain & spa co-owner catgirl wearing the Bird of Purradise purrint bandeau top bikini): Hola!

(Lizzy’s nekomimi gynoid wife, the avid golfer & spa co-owner w

earing the Lobster Claw Heliconia purrint ring-closure bikini a lavender orchid lei): 

(a.k.a. Mie-sensei, the winged faerie golfer, foxfire juggler and outdoor ampurrtheatre director wearing the 


purrint crisscross halter neck bikini) Mellow greetings!

Mary Nyan
(a.k.a. Myayr, the seamstress, cosplayer, hula dance instructor and semi-retired miko catgirl wearing the Kahili Ginger purrint purretzel – cutout maillot): Aloha!
(a.k.a. Jen-sensei, Jenjen or just Jen, the yogini, model, archer, advanced belly dance instructor & roboticist catgirl, wearing the Azalea purrint micro bikini & sheer purrled purreo): Nihao.
(a.k.a Captian Vonny, the fishing boat charter captain & drumming circle purrcussionist catgirl, wearing the Hydrangea purrint monokini with cropped tee shirt): Namaste, nya!
(Yvonne’s younger sister, the college freshman at Mew Hanover College; a  pony owner and nature photographer catgirl wearing the Ice Blue Calathea purrint tankini): Namaste, nya!
(Tara-chan’s BFF and Jen’s purrotege, the stand-up paddle surfer, board shapurr, pony owner and beginners belly dance instructor kitsune, wearing the Foxglove purrint tri-kini): Konnichiwa!
For purrofiles and illustrations of those and other Ladies of The Mew, please visit our Meet The Critics page http://www.mewsings.catgirlisland.com/meet-the-critics/! Our webmeowster Jamie will be joining us later in the show, and we’ve got a lot on our plate today, so let’s go ahead and jump into this month’s
The Lightning Round: our favorite Films of 2002!
This year we’ve been looking back at our favorite entertainment – books, comics, movies, TV, games, music, and so forth – of years ending with a 2. We’ve previously discussed favorite stuff of 2012, so this month we’re listing our favorite films of 2002,

Myayr will get us started, so are y’all ready to “conduct the lightning?”
The Ladies of The Mew:
Mary Nyan:
Oh that was the good year for the horror such as Resident Evil, Queen of the Damned, 28 Days Later, and Jason X! (tags Becca with a brush of the tail)
The Royal Tenenbaums, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Adaptation, and Sweet Home Alabama! (tail-tags Elizabeth)
Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Dreams, Men in Black II, Bubba Ho-Tep, and Austin Powers in Goldmember! (tags Nyanko)
Spider-Man, Hero, The Tuxedo, Die Another Day, and Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones! (tags Nyoka)
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood, and Chicago!
I will nominate The Cat Returns, Voices of a Distant Star, Pokemon Heroes, and Monsters, Inc.!(tags Tara-chan)
I want… I want to nominate Lilo & Stitch, Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron, The PowerPuff Girls Movie, and – and Ice Age, nya! Nyow it is onee-chan’s turn, nya! (tags Yvonne)
Monsters, Inc., Lilo & Stitch, Treasure Planet, Tarzan and Jane, nya! (tags Jeannie)
Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones, Star Trek: Nemesis, Babylon 5: The Legend of the Rangers, and Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla 2.  (tags Bunnii)
Road to Perdition, Gangs of New York, The Hours, and The Pianist! (tags Petra)
Whale Rider, Y Tu Mama Tambien, Bend it Like Beckham, and Blue Crush, nya! (tags Mielikki)
Catch me If You Can, Minority Report, Stone Reader, and Winged Migration, fur chur! Back to Mike!
Oh I gotta go with Attack of the Clones, The Two Towers, Harry Potter, Royal Tenenbaums,and  Lilo & Stitch! Well, that was another expedient little lightning round, and now here’s Becca to present our monthly
Celebrity Catgirl & Kemonmimi Spotlight!
Hai, in this monthly portion of The Mew, we commeowmorate catgirls, nekomusume and other kemonomimi of international mythologies and popular cultures! Appurring in the folklore, novels, comics, movies, TV shows, theatre, mewsic, games, sports and advertising, they might include the shape – shifters, anthropurrrmorphic ladies, monster girls.
Some ladies are Ailuranthropes, also known as were-cats, who might seem to be the average humans until they transform into the feline or merely spurrout the tail and / or nemomimi pinna. Then there are those who might not actually have beasty DNA, but do have the cat-titude or couture, whether it is full-on cosplay or the animal – purrint attire!
A purrime example of that latter type of  “honorary catgirl would be ”Mona Kosar Abdim the anchor of ABC’s World News Now, who on Tuesday December 21st at appurroximately 4:15 am EST delightfully “rowr’d” and claw -gestured whilst discussing actress Zendaya’s fondness of lions! For this months spotlight, the theme is Cat and Mouse!
Itty Bitty Princess Kittyis thr titular character of the chapter books for young readers, authored by Melody Mews, illustrated by Ellen Stubbings, published by Simon & Schuster!, and brimming with cute kitties, fairies, unicorns, pegasai and dragons! That cute Pink & White kitty wearing the rainbow shirt and the Purprle tutu is excited to be crowned the purrincess of Lollyland, but she is not too keen on all of the lifestyle changes.
Deborah Muller is a painter, illustrator, henna artist, mom and grandmom who is famous for her Zendoodle line of beautiful coloring books, such as the Magical Mermaid Kitties! Those adorably ornate characters (feline above the hips and piscine below) appear in a few coloring books such as Magical Mermaid Kitties: Mythical Sea-Cats to Color and Display, and in Merkitties in Love: Lovestruck Mermaid Kitties to Color and Display!
Etsuko is quite the alluring catgirl from Tokyo with Pink hair, Green eyes, Peachy Cream skin and the luscious red lips who graces Harvey & Etsuko’s Manga Guide to Japan! Written by Charles Danziger, illustrated by Mimei Sakamoto and published by MG Press, the trade papurrback is both a manga volume and a guide book in which Harvey the mouse learns all about Japanese culture from Etsuko while on the expurrdition to meet and rescue an idolized cartoonist!
As an illustrator, cartoonist and car designer, the legendary Ed “Big Daddy” Roth was among the all-time greatest coutures of Kustom Kulture, and among his many creations was the character Rat Fink, a rather depurraved looking anthopurrmorphic biker and hot rodder rat, who just happens to have a female counterpurrt named Trixie Fink, who we purrsume is named after Ed’s widow Trixie Roth.
Aside from the bloodshot eyes and drooling fanged maw, Trixie Fink is quite the slim, sexy raven-haired, green pelaged Nezumimi in the bare – midriffed pinstriped halter top and skinny blue jeans, with the manic ferocity as she drives the fast cars and bikes, gracing the official purroducts such as tee shirts, decals, buttons, and other collectible items!  That is all for this months spotlight, and nyow it is time for—
Our Semi-Annual DVD Wish List!
Hai, here is our semi – annual wish list of recent, old, foreign, domestic, animated and live-action TV shows and movies that we hope could be released here upon the Region one NTSC DVD and / or Blu-Ray! We have been quite gratefully pleased that several titles have been released since our last wish list! (tags Yvonne)
We would like them with their original mewsic and songs to be intact; and we purrfur that any foreign purrductions would be available in their original spoken language with optional English subtitles, although the English dubbed version and / or descriptive audio track would be fine as bonus features, nya! (tags Nyanko)
Other bonuses would be nice too, such as optional audio commentaries, isolated mewsic tracks, documentaries, galleries, deleted scenes, bloopurrs, trailers / TV spots & booklets, nya!! Hopefully any of the titles would be available individually and not exclusively in an expensive boxed set, nya! (tags Elizabeth)
The packaging should not damage the disks or be too big for the shelf, and the disc should be easily removed; secure enough so it does not accidentally slide off the hub, but not too tricky to purry off of the hub. If it is a mutiple disc set, each disc should have its own hub / tray, and not overlap or be in a stack! (tags Becca)
I will start the wish list with To the Moon and Beyond (1964 cinerama film), James Cameron’s Xenogenesis, John Dods’s Forest Story, Neal Adams’s Nannaz, Mark Sullivan’s Nightspeed, Gene Roddenberry’s Spectre, and Steven Speilberg’s Amblin’! (tags Bunni)
The anime such as the original Space Battleship Yamato TV series, Yamato 2520, Great Yamato, Yamato 2199: Odyssey of the Celestial Ark, Queen Millennia, Flying Ghost Ship, Bagi the Monster of Mighty Nature, Anne of Green Gables, Heidi of the Alps, 3000 Leagues in Search of Mother, and Tico of the Seven Seas! (tags Mary Nyan)
Mary Nyan:
The anime such as Campus Guardress, Yokohama Kaidashi Kiko, Macross Zero, Stratos Four Advance, The Adventures of Kotetsu, the Ghost Sweeper Mikami movie, Angel Beats, the initial four 1994 You’re Under Arrest OVAs, Nasu: Summer in Andalusia, and the Studio Ghibli Museum’s shorts, fur shur! (tags Jeannie)
I will nominate the anime such as Strike Witches: Road to Berlin,  Bermuda Triangle: Colorful Pastorale, Una Musume Pretty Derby, Battle Athletess: Restart, Aria The Crepuscolo, Aria The Beneizione, Amanchu, Kemono Friends season 2, The Demon Girl Next Door season 2, Is The Order a Rabbit: Bloom, and Non Non Byori: NonStop. (tags Tara-chan)
I want… I want to nominate My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic seasons 8 & 9, The Equestria Girls TV series, Aim for the Ace, Metamorphoses (A.K.A. Winds of Change), Twice Upon a Time, Raggedy Anne & Andy: A Musical Adventure, the 1967 Spider-Man animated series, and – and the animated Gen 13 film, nya! (tags Mary Nyan)
The 2011 live-action Ranma 1/2 TV special, 2014 live-action Kikis Delivery Service, the 1997 Ocean Girl TV series, Neil Young’s A Journey Through the Past, Kate Bush Live at Hammersmith Odeon, and the 1979 Kate Bush TV Special! I hope that the Beatles: Get Back will be released on DVD too! (tags Petra)
Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Agent Carter, Yoyo: Slingshot, WandaVision, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Loki, What If…?, Hawkeye, Netflix’s Daredevil seasons 1-3, Jessica Jones seasons 1-3, Luke Cage seasons 1 & 2, Iron Fist seasons 1 & 2, The Punisher seasons 1 & 2, and The Defenders, nya! (tags Mielikki:)
The Star Wars Holiday Special; The Star Wars: A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi Radio Dramas;  Star Wars: Forces fo Destiny, Star Wars: The Mandalorian seasons 1 & 2, Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 7, Star Wars: The Bad Batch, and Star Wars Visions, fur shur! Back to Mike!
The 1966 Green Hornet TV series, The Sixth Sense TV series (1972), Moon of the Wolf (1972 TV movie), WKRP in Cincinnati with all of the original songs restored, the three Giilligan’s Island TV reunion movies, the two I Dream of Jeannie TV reunion movies, and the three Six Million Dollar Man / Bionic Woman TV reunion movies! Now we have a surprise appearance by our web master Jamie, who will start our
TV, DVD and Movie Mewsings with his reviews of
The French Dispatch and The Beatles: Get Back!
(wearing his mewsual webmeowster attire): The French Dispatch

The Players: Benicio del Toro, Adrien Brody, Tilda Swinton, Léa Seydoux, Frances McDormand, Timothée Chalamet, Lyna Khoudri, Jeffrey Wright, Mathieu Amalric, Stephen Park, Owen Wilson, and Bill Murray.

The Director: Wes Anderson

Based upon The New Yorker, The French Dispatch mimics the magazine’s style in film format with the tale of a fictionalized newspaper printed out of Liberty, Kansas. It begins with the death of French Dispatch editor, Arthur Howitzer Jr (Anderson staple, Bill Murray). For a farewell issue, three stories are reissued along with a travelog and an obituary for the final edition. These stories make up the film’s plot.

Owen Wilson writes a travelog of Ennui, France.

The Concrete Masterpiece: Benicio del Toro plays a convicted murderer who paints a masterpiece.

Revisions to a Manifesto: Frances McDormand reports on student protests in France lead by Timothée Chalamet.

The Private Dining Room of the Police Commissioner: Jeffrey Wright is a food critic who becomes involved with a kidnapping and murder plot.

Finally, there is an obituary to the later editor, Bill Murray.

According to Wes Anderson, “[t]he story is not easy to explain …” He is correct. It is Anderson at his most meticulous, utilizing every trick in his arsenal, be it his regulars like Adrien Brody, Tilda Swinton, Frances McDormand, Bill Murray and Owen Wilson, miniatures, animation, music, playing with time, and the quintessential Wes Andersson ‘style’.

The French Dispatch is very much like reading through a New Yorker style magazine article, with its anthology style. If it lacks anything, it’s in the performances, which are impeccable per usual, but placed on the back burner for a bit of style over substance.

The Beatles: Get Back
(warning: there are spoilers!)

According to rock and roll myth, the Get Back sessions were a painful slog, filled with tension and argument that nearly led to physical confrontation. Directed by Michael Lindsay-Hogg in 1969, the project was supposed to show the Beatles “get back” to recording together and end with a spectacular live performance. Instead, the project was shelved and ultimately the album, titled Let it Be, was produced by Phil Spector and released in 1970, about the time the Beatles themselves broke up.
For over 50 years, the Let it Be sessions supposedly told the painful story of the band’s break-up. This story was so ingrained into Beatle mythology, Peter Jackson, when approached by Apple to reconstruct Let it Be, needed to see the footage first before he could agree to anything. Jackson was approached for the project due to his astounding success with They Shall Not Grow Old, a 2018 WWI documentary that used sound and footage from the era.

What Jackson found surprised him. There were tensions, among the members of the band, yes, but more than anything there was fun and a rare glimpse inside the creative process of the greatest rock band in the world at the time. The Beatles: Get Back is narratively simple. The Beatles had three weeks to write, record and perform a collection of new songs for a television special and a later live performance. 

At nearly eight hours, the documentary is split into three parts on Disney+. It stars John Lennon, Paul McCarntey, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr and Billy Preston. The restoration: The visuals from Get Back look like they were shot yesterday, not over 50 years ago. These crisp, colorful images of the band were accomplished through AI learning, which in itself was a feat. The music, however, was another matter. 
In ‘69, the Beatles still recorded their rehearsals in mono and anyone who’s ever heard rare bootlegs of the session could attest that the sound quality was a mess. Jackson’s team created new AI learning tech that separated each instrument and vocal from the original mono recordings. The instruments and vocals separated, they could be cleaned up and enhanced to sound like a 21st century recording.

The Beatles: Get Back dispelled quite a few myths, but the docuseries conjured up a few key moments that only added to the Beatles mystique. Here are the top five takeaways from Get Back. (The rooftop concert has its own category). 

#5. Lennon & McCartney: Whether they were joking around, playing music together, or arguing, it’s clear John and Paul had a brotherly connection. John was a rocker and Paul was a crooner, but seemingly different as oil and water, their friendship and love was on full display during Get Back. When Yoko came into the scene, that caused some friction between John and Paul, but there’s no evidence of it in Get Back. Yoko was just there.

#4. Ringo Starr: Ringo played the drums. Otherwise, he was pretty chill or bored. Mostly, he was just chill about everything and stayed out of what little bickering there was. He did play a little bit of Octopus’s Garden for Paul.

#3. George Harrison Quits: The biggest tension rose from George. Frustrated with being treated like a session musician by both John and Paul, he quit the band at the end early on and didn’t return until four days later. Paul did come across as a bit arrogant, but he’s also the only one who has any kind of professional work ethic. He wanted the band to succeed, but could tell where things were headed. George wanted to write his music. He earned that right, but still got pushed aside.

#2. Billy Breston: While on a visit to the band, (he was in the studio to record a television show) singer/songwriter Billy Preston was roped into playing piano for the group. He ended up staying for the remainder of the project. One could say, Preston saved the session by adding his unique sound, but it was his presence, his optimism, and his ever present smile that warmed up the group. The Beatles truly came alive once he joined.

#1. Paul McCartney conjured Get Back out of thin air: There was a moment in which McCartney strummed his bass like a guitar, searching for a hook or a rhythm. At first it’s meaningless wandering through cords, but then he hit something, changed it just a little and within a minute was singing the first line of Get Back. The song was still rough and had a long way to go, but there was enough there to mold into something memorable.

The Music: The Beatles were never the best musicians in the world. They didn’t have the best voices either. In fact, none of them could write music. What the Beatles had was the gift to make great rock and roll. In fact the foursome were happiest when they played old standards like Carl Perkins’ Blue Suede Shoes, Hank Williams’ You Win Again, Chuck Berry’s Rock ‘n Roll Music, Forty Days, and so on.

Their music began sloppily, almost punk rockish. The songs, even those fleshed out with lyrics, were just sketches. There is collaboration, mostly between John and Paul, but all the Beatles contribute. George worked on a line, “Attracts me like a …” but couldn‘t think how to end the line. John suggested ad libbing it.  He used “Attracts me like a cauliflower” until he landed on the right word.

That song was “Something”, which would appear on Abbey Road. The band tried each song out and culled the best out of dozens, then got to work. Mostly, it’s hard work with rehearsal after rehearsal after rehearsal. John later lamented that he should have nixed more of Paul’s songs had he been more involved.

The Rooftop Concert: Throughout the Get Back project, the Beatles planned to stage a TV show and an elaborate concert. The original idea was to go to Libya and perform in the ruins of the amphitheater in Sabratha. That idea was vetoed by George Harrison. Eventually, all the concert venue ideas fell apart until only one was left – the roof of Apple studios.

 It was the first time the Beatles had performed live as a group in three years. It was the end of January in London and freezing, but the band played. Dozens stopped by to look and listen to the free concert. Most onlookers loved it. Others did not. The Beatles woke one disgruntled old lady up from her nap. Another gentleman commented that it was nice to get something free for once. 

Here’s the line up: “Get Back” (short take), “Get Back” (take one), “Get Back” (take two), “Don’t Let Me Down” (take one), “I’ve Got a Feeling” (take one), “One After 909”, “Dig a Pony”, “I’ve Got a Feeling” (take two), “Don’t Let Me Down” (take two), and “Get Back” (take three). The concert lasted 45 minutes, and was the last time the band played together live. 

And in the End… t’s hard to overstate the Beatles popularity in their heyday, (though an eight hour docuseries made 51 years after their break up does a pretty good job). The big business of nostalgia certainly played a role in their staying power. However, the Beatles have not been out of the public consciousness since they came on the scene in 1964. 

What Peter Jackson did with director Michael Lindsay-Hogg’s material was nothing short of astonishing. He brought back the Beatles as they were in their own time. For the fans, that was the holy grail. Now I’ll turn The Mew over to Lizzy,  who want’s to say a few words about

West Side Story.
Gosh, those reviews are going to be the tough acts to follow, as I really do only have the few words about Steven Speilberg’s remake of Robert Wise’s West Side Story movie, which of course was the cinematic adaptation of the broadway mewsical, which is basically a retelling of William Shakespear’s Romeo and Juliet, but set around 1960! However, the words I have in mind are all quite lofty the purraise, because I loved that movie!
The story, acting, singing, dancing, mewsic, cinematography, editing, directing, sets and locations are quite supurrb, and I think I purrfur Rachel Zegler more thna Natalie Wood as María! Compurred to Speilberg’s other movies, my top 10 favorites are still Raiders, Jaws, Close Encounters, Jurassic Park, ET, Purrivate Ryan, Duel, Lincoln, Schindler, and Tin Tin, but I would put West Side Story in the top 15! Nyow here is Vonny to discuss-
I think that recent holiday season was the good time for the mewicals, because I quite enjoyed the beautiful animated Disney movie Encanto, which purrtains to the mostly magickal family who live in the beautiful magickal house in the small town in Columbia, nya! However, there is the tense drama, when the non-magickal youngest daughter Mirable discovers certain poignant secrets about the family and the house, nya!
The movie was written and directed by Jared Bush (who co-directed Zootopia and wrote Moana), Byron Howard (who directed Bolt, Tangled and wrote Zootopia) and Charise Castro Smith, with the songs by Lin-Manuel Miranda (Hamilton, Moana), nya! I loved the story, the characters, the house, the art, animation, voices, songs and mewsic, so I will give Encanto the “A” grade, nya! Nyow here is Nya-sensei to review
Spider-Man: No Way Home, nya!
Hai! I am purrticularly fond of the Marvel Cinematic Universe of movies and TV series starring The Avengers, The Defenders, The Guardians of the Galaxy, The Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the many other meowrvelous heroes!  last year was the good year for the MCU, with Black Widow, Shang-Chi, Eternals, WandaVision, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Loki, Marvel Visions, Hawkeye, and I especially loved Spider-Man: No Way Home!
Immediately after the ending of Spider-Man: Far from Home, the lives of Peter Parker, his family and friends have gotten much  more difficult since Spider-Man’s secret identity was revealed to the world. Peter hopes that Dr. Strange can magickally remedy this situation, but the plan goes awry and opens up a multiverse full of troubles, with surpurrise appurrances by several other heroes and villains, but that is all I will reveal of the plot!
This is purrobably my favoritest  of all of the Spider-Man movies, with the great story, purrformances, locations, costumes, FX, sound and mewsic. It has the excellent balance of humor, drama, action, myth-making and character developments! I will give it the grade of the “A” as in Avengers, and if you go to see this movie, make sure to linger for the mid and post-credits scenes! That is all for our mvoie mewsings, and nyow here is sis to start
our collectibles and toy talk, with her review of the 
Funko Pop! Bewitched Samantha Stephens vinyl figure!
Arigato! I love the comedic live-action TV shows starring the supurrnatural ladies such as I Dream of Jeannie, The Addams Family, Nanny and the Purrofessor, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, The Worst Witch, Twitches, and Wizards of Waverly Place but my all-time favoritest is Bewitched, the sitcom that aired on ABC TV from 1964 to 1972 and starred the meowgnifcient Elizabeth Montgomery as Samantha Stephens!
Samantha was the beautiful,400 year old  wise, fun, compassionate, powerful suburban housewife witch and mom who was married to her mortal human husband Darren who was the executive at an advertising agency. They had two children Tabitha (who later starred in her own spin off series) and Adam and resided in the lovely home at 1164 Morning Glory Circle in Westport, Connecticut, which Samantha’s witchy relatves often visited, much to Darren’s killjoyish dismay.
Although, to be fair, Samantha did not reveal that she was a witch until after they were married! He especially butted heads with her mom Endora, although in the later seasons they seemed the bit more tolerant towards each other. Darren was purrrtrayed by Dick York and late Dick Sargent, whereas Endora was purrtrayed by Agnes Morehead. By the way, there is a Funko Pop! Television, vinyl figure ( #791) of her too, but I have stray-catted off of the Samantha topic!
This figure of Samantha is #790 in Funko Pop’s line of TV show figures, with the typical cute super-deformed design of the oversized cartoonish head on the, tinier body cleverly capturing her smiling likeness as depicted in Bewitched’s animated opening titles sequence, in which she wears her Midnight Blue “flying suit” of the gown with sweatheart neckline, long sleeves and bias cut skirt, Black pumps and the pointy hat with the Red band to match the cape lining and broom stick!
She is purrched side-saddle upon the broom, and mounted upon the clear transpurrent base to depict her in flight! The sculpt and paint are darling, and  convey her cheerfully peppy ambience! From the bottom of the base to the tip of her hat, the figure is 5.75” tall, packaged in clear plastic clamshell within the 3.5” x 4.5” x 6.25” cardboard box, and I have displayed it in the nook with the other dolls, statues and ornaments of Samantha! I am done, and nyow here is Myayr to discuss
Fortnite Victory Royale series Lynx action figure!
Hai!. Developed by Cary NC’s Epic Games (on the mainland about 150 miles Northeast of here) Fortnite is the extremely popular successful MMORPG of the battle royale genre for the various computer, console and mobile platforms. In the game, players can acquire costumes or “skins”, which are their character’s physical appurrrance, and some of the outfits are rarer ’n purricier than others. 
Considered “legendary”, the Lynx skin is the young adult nekomimi (cat-eared) female appurrance, of which there have been several variants, including this sexy sleek kuroneko (black cat) look, which is embodied by this 6” action figure, which is part of Hasbro’s line of sepurrately-sold 1/6 scale Fortnite figures, which are intended for folks that are at least 8 years old, perhaps due to the small parts.
The Lynx design reminds me the bit of Purrincess Shuri’s fully-encapsulating Black Panther costume from the Marvel Comics, but with the bit more armoring, the tail, and Gray sleeves. I am very pleased with the meticulous qualiity of the figure’s faithful intricate design, sculpt and paint from her narrow White eyes, and the braided topknot coiffure to the variance of gloss and matte-finish parts.
She is very poseable, with the articulation in her neck, shoulders, uppur arms, elbows, wrists, abs, waist, hips, thighs, knees, ankles, and 3.75” tail. She is accessorized with the Burst Assault Rifle (a bullpup style SMG), the Scratchmark Harvesting Tool (a Sideways Scythe with the 3.75” scanth and 2” blade), and the cute the Stitches Back Bling backpack. The backpack can be plugged into her back.
She is balanced well-enough to stand up without requiring a display base (which is not included), but I recommend getting a base or a doll stand, if you want to pose her in dynamic stances or to dramatically wield the weapons. I am very pleased with Lynx, and I have displayed her upon the shelf next to my figures of other fighter catgirls such as Felicla, Cham Cham and Cheetara,  Nyow here is Myayr to discuss the
My Little Pony Applejack Bishoujo Statue.
Mary Nyan:
Hai! We love the My Little Pony animated series, the books, comics and toys, so we were thrilled to get this beautiful statue of Applejack, who was voiced by Ashleigh Ball, who also voiced Rainbow Dash in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and in the Equestria Girls spin-offs! Actually this 1/7 scale statue by Kotobukiya includes both the pony version and the human version of Applejack, the latter based upon her Equestria Girls purrsona!
Made of the PVC and ABS, this genki purretty statue was designed by Shunya Yamashita; the pony was meticulously sculpted by Yuzo and the bishy human girl was sculpted by Takahi! The sitting pony measures 1 1/2” high at the withers or 3 1/2” high from bottom of hooves to top of the mane; whilst the bishy human girl would measure 7” If she was standing flat – footed. Including her stetson and half-inch boot heels, she is 8” tall
Including the affixed 1/4” thick 4” diameter circular base, the statue is about 8 1/4” tall overall. With the SRP of $109.99 US or 12,000 JPY, it is

packaged in clear plastic clamshell within the  colorful 6” x 6 1/8” x 10 3/4” box, which has windows and  purretty art on the sides.

Posed smiling with her left hand upon her left hip and her right hand raised to tlp her tan stetson, she is so gorgeously designed, meticulously sculpted & painted!

The details are exquisite from her bright Green eyes, open-mouth smile, the lush strands of her hip-length Blond hair, and her 

slim lithe physique

to the intricate creases, wrinkles, folds, stitches, snaps and seams of herWhite tee shirt, knotted Pink flannel blouse, ruffled short denim skirt, and knee-high cowboy boots! The three-apple Cutie Mark adorns her left rear pocket, and that motif is continued into the stitching of the boots!

The pony is also quite splendidly meticulous, from the lushly-sculpted eyelashes, the painted gleam of her large winking expurression, and he white freckles on her cheeks,  to the tilted widdle stetson, and the red ribbon on her mane and tail that match the Cutie Marks upon her rear flanks, so I will give the statue the high purraise grade of the “A” as in Applebuck! Nyow I will turn The Mew over to Tara-chan, who will start our
purrinted – media mewsings, with her review
of Goosebumps: Secrets of the Swamp, nya!
Arrigato, nya! I love the spooky fun Goosebumps series of purrose novels and – and graphic novels, so I was eager to get this full color 120 page 9” x 6.75” trade paerback which was published by IDW, which reprints the 5 issue miniseries, which was written by Marieke Jijkamp, illustrated by Yasmin Flores Montanez, colored by Rebecca Nalty, and – and lettered by Danny Djeljosevic, with the front cover art by Clara Meath colored by DJ Chavis. This was also the front cover art for issue #2, nya.
The series editors were Elizabeth Brei and – and  Chase W. Marotz, whereas this collection’s editors were Alonzo Simon and – and  Zac Boone, with the collection’s design by Jessica Gonzales, nya The book has the cover art gallery which includes all five covers by Clara & DJ and – and the variant covers by Bill Underwood, so it is the excellently beautifully affordable way to acquire the complete tale and – and art, purriced $12.99 in the USA  and- and  $16.99 in Canada, nya! Nyow for the non-spoiler taste of the plot, nya!
Twelve year old Blake is the video gamer girl with the prosthetic left hand who is spending the summertime with her aunt who lives near the swamp, nya, She meets Lily who plays the same fantasy MMORPG, and – and they decide to embark on an adventurous LARP through the woods in which Blake befriends a girl named Cara, whose family is feuding with Lily’s, nya. Blake expected the most dangerous critters she’ would encounter would be bugs, but soon she is chased by werewolves, nya!
She finds herself in the real-life adventure, but it is not clear who the real monster are- the werewolves or the humans who hunt them, nya. I should not reveal more of the plot, so nyow I will render my verdict, nya! I thought thtat this was such the captivating all-ages tale with the fascinating, well-developed characters in the fun, spooky, poignant, bittersweet situation, with the beautiful characters and scenic art and – and wonderful graphic narrative techniques, so I will give it the A grade, nya! Nyow here is Mie-sensei to tell u about the
Charles Vess Landscapes of the Faerie 2002 Calendar, nya!
Arigato, Tara-chan! Arranged by Didi Peterson, published by Blue Door Garden and printed on matte-finish thick recycled paper in Abindgdon VA, this spiral – bound 11×17” wall calendar is limited to just 1,000 copies that were signed by Charles Vess https://greenmanpress.com, who is one of the world’s greatest and friendliest artists, fur shur! 
So like, Each of the calendar’s 14 leaves is one-sided and includes a magnificent color illustration above the date grid, which includes an additional tiny widdle B&W illustration, the moon phases, the sabots, and the birthdays of some other famous artists! I see that Charles Vess and Maurice Sendak were both born on June 10th! 
The (signed) front cover and February’s image is “The Faery Reel” (2003), January’s image is “A Peaceable Kingdom” (2009), and March’s image to herald the Vernal Equinox is “Sunrise & Moonset Bookend the Morning Sky” (2015)! April’s is “The Spring Prince” (2015), May’s is “The Cats of Tanglewood Forest” (2011)!
With the Summer Solstice in June, that month’s image is “The Summer King and His Bride  pf Flowers ( 2015), July’s is “Water Child” (2009), and Augusts’s is “Gathering the World” (2013)! Ushering in the Autumnal Equinox, September’s image is “The Corn King” (2000), and October’s is “A Bounty of Apples” (2009)!
The image for November 2022 is “The Reconciliation of The Sun and The Moon” (2011), for the Winter Solstice, December’s image is “Let There be Peace” (2018), and to conclude the calendar is the back cover page which has information about Mr. Vess, the calendar and its 12 totally awesome color images!
The leaves do not have drill holes, but included cleverly in the sturdy cardboard shipping box is the 31” strand of home-spun yarn, which can be threaded through the spiral binding coil, in order to hang the calendar. You might wish to use a crochet hook for that! I will give this calendar the “A” as in Abingdon, fur shur! Now here is Mike to discuss
The Art of Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge!
Ever since I was a kid, I dreamed someone building a science fiction theme park, and having been so impressed the lavish quality of Walt Disney World, it seemed only natural thay would be the ones to do such a thing. As much as I adored the park’s Tomorrow Land and EPCOT, I hoped for something even more… oh, immersive… and when I heard that Disney bought Lucasfilm in 2012, I immediately hoped they’d build a Star Wars park. 
Gosh, that was 10 years ago… and sure enough in the fall of 2019, Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge opened at Disney land in Annaheim, California and at Disney World in Orlando, Florida! Some friends of mine have been there (and even bought me a lovely Lolth Cat plushy), but I haven’t been able to attend Galaxy’s Edge yet. However, I was at ;east able to purchase this dustjacketed 11 5/8 x 10 3/4 x 1” coffee table book about the place!
Published by Abrams and written by Ratcliffe with an introduction by Scott Trowbridge (the Imagineering executive in charge of Galaxy’s Edge), this full – color 256 page hardcover book by nearly 100 contributors is an extremely in-depth look at the design of the park, brimming with hundreds of images, including quite a few full page illustrations, 1.5 page illustrations and two-page spreads of the park that puts visitors on the galactic rim (while still on Earth, of course)!
he park has a scenario that visitors have wound up at the Black Spire Outpost on the frontier planet Batuu, sometime between the events of Star Wars Episode VIII The Last Jedi and Star Wars Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker, so the park’s guests will interact with characters from The First Order, The Resistance, various traders, smugglers, and so forth. Oh, and there’s a full-size replica of The Millennium Falcon, among the various vehicle parked there!
Many of the park’s landcaping, architecture, mecha, creaturesm charcters, costumes, props, and graphics are examined, including the forthcoming Disney hotel in the guise of the Corellian Star Cruiser Hacyon! Like other art books about the Star Wars movies and TV series, this’un’s a very informative, entertaining, impressive, beautiful read, which i will give an “A” as in Ahsoka! Ah, that’ll conclude our reviews, and now it’s time to hear about the latest 
additions to the Catgirl Island Mewseum of Art!
Arigato, nya! Here y’all will find the many annotated illustrations and photographs, nya! Galleries 1-8 display images by our purrducer Mike Moon, whilst Guest Art Galleries 1-5 display images by other folks with their purrmissions, nya. Mike’s collaborations with other artists are peppurred throughout the mewseum, nya! 
Please be aware that some of the images are sexy, and some might depict the artistic nudity, nya! The most recent pics are the lowermost row of the cropped widdle “thumbnail” sized portions of the pics in a gallery, and you have to click upon those to see the uncropped full images, nya. Starting In Gallery One http://catgirlisland.net/art/gallery/gallery1.html
we are purroud to purrsent Mike’s ‘supurr-deformed’ / chibi-style illustration of our friend Rvkh’s original character Eamane, who lives here at Catgirl Island, nya! Mike used Photoshop upon the Mac with the mouse for this image of Eamane with  a delicious, nutritious Red Snappurr, nya! Rvkh 

(pronounced Riv-kah), the artist formerly known as Rebecca Brogden, was the guest for our September 2009 Mew!
Then we have Mike’s illustration of our friend Misty Hopkins’ https://kranberrijam.blogspot.com Final Fantasy XIV video game character “X’askelle and her Direwolf”, nya! Misty was a guest of our March 208 Mew, nya! Mike used the pencil, Micron pen, Copic markers and Purrismacolored pencils for this illustration of X’askelle who is a Viera Black Mage, nya!
Futhermore, at Mike’s behest, in Gallery Six we have revised a couple of his older pics of Detective Junko Sakurada with slightly revised versions! Junko is an officer of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, who has appurred in the Sailor Moon-inspired purrose fan-senshi tales of Talia Jasmine Kirk alias Sailor Vulcan by author Jeff Branch https://www.pinkladyamerica.com who was a guest of our May 2008 Mew! Perhaps y’all have seen Mike’s many pics of Talia and her friend Tanya Lostris Cambridge alias Sailor Sirius https://sailorsirius.webs.com?
Tanya is the fan-senshi character created by author Sharon Williams https://www.deviantart.com/caribbeanrose9?rnrd=204406who was our November 2014 guest! in those Talia ’n Tanya team-up tales, Junko helped them to defeat criminals and monsters! Originally done in 2014, In the first pic of Junko http://www.catgirlisland.net/art/gallery6/39.html she is investigating an incident at a dance club, and the 2nd pic of her http://www.catgirlisland.net/art/gallery6/40.html is of her TMPD file with her police academy graduation photo!
Then in Guest Gallery Four http://catgirlisland.net/art/gallery/guest4.html we are delighted to display Daydream” by Rvkh! She used the Micron Pen, White Posca Pen, Davinci Watercolors, and the Faber-Castell Watercolor Pencils upon the Arches Hotpress Watercolor Pad for this image of our friend

Svetlannaa Katenna Karolina the pixy who is purrched
on the 7” tall Amanita muscaria mushroom! Yall can see the

time-lapse art process video for this illustration at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knMkf2hehXc!

Nextly, Rvkh used Procreate on the iPad with the iPencil for this supurrb image of two “Angels”! The happy angel girl and her cute pup are enjoying a purretty Winter holiday, and y’all can see the time-lapse art process video for this illustration at https://youtu.be/MZ1ZxIfSwGY!
After that is Rvkh’s illustration of “Mertyl”, who is is an NPC in Mike’s monthly tabletop fantasy RPG! Mertyl is the half human / half mermaid beatnik sorceress / monk seen here in her belly dance attire, and

y’all can see the 

time-lapse art process video for this illustration at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmB3TPoLHyY&feature=youtu.be!

Then we are elated to exhibit “Zel x Dash” by TonomuraBix https://linktr.ee/tonomurabix, who was a guest of the March 2008 Mew! It is the beautiful, romantic sexy scene of Bix’s original character Zel Mavet, the powerful dangerous galactic assassin, who is seen here naked in the intimate romantic sexual moment with her lover Dash, mew la la! Thusly we have determined that this particular image is intended for the mature viewers only!
Lastly but not leastly, we are proud to present “Omhi Tara” by Misty Hopkins! Misty used the pens and Crayola colored pencils for this exquisite pic of a friend’s Final Fantasy XIV video game character Omhi Tara, who is the petite catgirl of the Miqo’te felinoid race! She is a Dragoon-class warrior, and one of the nocturnal Keepers of the Moon clan from the region of Eorzea, nya! Omhi is quite ready for action in the spiffy bolero jacket with the sunglasses and arm pouches!
The cat lady sings…
Thank y’all for purrsenting the new art! It was wonderful to see more of Bix’s beautiful art. That pic of Zel ’n Dash is quite scintillating!
Petra & Bunni:
Doitashimaste, nya!
It was the good month for the gorgeous Final Fantasy XIV pics, nya! I wonder if Omhi is purrmitted to ride upon X’askelle’s Direwolf, nya?
Whether she uses traditional or digital tools, Rvkh is so adept at the illustrations of the lovely winged girls amidst the splendid flora, nya!
Hia hai, and i love Mertyl’s sexy diaphanous belly dance costume of the silky drapury ornately adorned by the beads, perals and shells! 
That atest image of Eamane is quite adorable, alluring, and appurrtizing! That fish she caught is causing the craving in my tummy!
Hang in there- It is almost the time for our AfterMew luau! Well, I

guess that will do it for this edition of The Mew!

Itadakimasu! We wish to thank Misty, Rvkh and Bix for the beautiful art…
… and all of the other brilliantly talented people whose works we have discussed!
We also wish to thank Jamie for his web meowstery here at The Mew and Catgirl Island…

… and our other friends, family, acquaintances and audience whom we greatly appurreciate, nya!
Fur shur!
Mary Nyan:
Next month is our annual Mew Awards presentation, in which we will nominate our favorite stuff of the past year!
Yep! Be there… aloha!
The Ladies of The Mew:
Happy tails to mew- until we eat again, nya! Baibai. nya!

December 2021 Catgirl Critics’ Media Mewsings

Mike Moon / Catgirl Island
and Jamie Robertson / Clan of the Cats
purroudly purrsent a Mike Moon purrduction,
starring The Ladies of The Mew in
The December 2021 Edition of The Mew:
The Catgirl Critics’ Media Mewsings, nya!
December 7th is the 42nd anniversary of Mike’s
favorite movie Star Trek – The Motion Picture, nya!
This year is The Mew’s 14th anniversary, nya!
in this edition of The Mew:
The Lightning Round topic: our favorite films of 1931
The Monthly Celebrity Catgirl & Kemonmimi Spotlight
TV, DVD and movie mewsings:
Ghostbusters Afterlife
Shirobako- The Movie
Girls und Panzer Das Finale part 2
purrinted media mewsings:
A Centaur’s Life manga vol. 20
My Little Pony: Generations #2
collectibles & toy talk:
Star Wars: The Black Series Asajj Ventress action figure
Marvel Eternals Thena action figure
Marvel Tigra action figure
QFig Catwoman figurine
additions to the Catgirl Island Mewseum of Art
“Haposai’s Dreams”, “Ukyou Doesn’t Just Kill You…”, and “Hanami & Yoko” by Mike
more Rebecca Ferguson fan art and ”Chelsea Halloween” by Jamie
“All Hallows Eve” and “Monster” by Rvkh
(the human fella wearing the Lemon shark tee shirt & teal cargo pants):  Aloha y’all and welcome to The Mew, in which we review and discuss fun stuff! Today’s show comes from
the lovely riverwalk through beautiful downtown Purrbank at Catgirl Island in Mew Hanover County, NC, and here are The Ladies of The Mew!
(the catgirl wearing the Bluefin Tuna purrint tankini, with a Hibiscus in her hair) Namaste, nya!
(her older sister wearing the Cobia purrint front-knotted bikini top with side-tie panty): Namaste, nya!
(the nekomimi gynoid wearing the Blue Marlin purrint cropped tee shirt & suspender maillot): Aloha!
(her fiance catgirl wearing the Striped Bass purrint fundoshi-style bikini): Hola!
(the fox girl wearing the ruffled Red Snappurr purrint triangle-top bikini)Konbanwa!
Mary Nyan
(the catgirl wearing the Groupurr purrint asymmetric purretzel-cutout maillot swim suit): Aloha!
(the catgirl wearing the King Mackerel purrint bandeau-top tanga-style bikini): Niaho.
(the banker pony centauress wearing the Croaker purrint bikini top): Hay there!
(the catgirl wearing the Sailfish purrint cropped tank top and boy shorts): Howdy!
(her twin sister wearing the Speckled Trout purrint Trikini, with a Plumeria floral lei): Meowy Meet!
(the mermaid wearing the Flounder purrint bikini top): Shello!
(the catgirl wearing the Red Drum purrint twisty bandeau-top Columbian cut bikini): Hi Hi, nya!
(the bunny girl wearing the Mahi Mahi purrint ring-closure Brazilian cut bikini): Guten Tag!
(the faerie wearing the Wahoo purint criss-cross halter neck bikini): Mellow greetings!
(the catgirl wearing the Popmano purrint off-shoulder ruffled bikini ): ‘Ello!
(the catgirl wearing the thong, jellyfish pasties & Bluefish purrint open-front cover up): Whassup?
For purrofiles and illustrations of those and other Ladies of The Mew, please visit our Meet The Critics page http://www.mewsings.catgirlisland.com/meet-the-critics/! Ah, we’ve got a lot on our plate today, so let’s go ahead and jump into this month’s
Lightning Round topic: our favorite films of 1931!
This year we’ve been looking back at our favorite entertainment – books, comics, movies, TV, games, music, and so forth- of years ending with a 1. Last month we mentioned out favorite books & comics of 1941,so this month we’ll nominate our favorite movies from 1941! Mie-sensei will get us started, so are y’all ready to “conduct the lightning?”
The Ladies of The Mew:
City Lights, fur shur! (tags Mary Nyan with a flit of the wing)
Mary Nyan:
Dracula! (tags Becca with a brush of the tail)
The Spanish version of Dracula! (tail-tags Elizabeth)
Monkey Business! (tags Nyanko)
Hell Divers! (tags Nyoka)
Frankenstein! (tags Daytona)
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde! (tags Ellie with her tail fin)
Cimarron! (tags Trini-chan)
I will nominate the Silly Symphoniesand  Loony Tunes animated shorts! (tags Tara-chan)
I want… I want to nominate the Our Gang shorts, nya! (tags Yvonne)
The Laurel and Hardy shorts, nya! (tags Jeannie)
Buster Keaton shorts. (tags Bunnii)
The Mickey Mouse shorts! (tags Petra)
The Krazy Kat shorts, nya! (tags Meryl)
The Maltese Falcon! (tags Ilyana)
I would say… Little Caesar!
Well, that was another expedient little lightning round, and now are Lizzy,  Becca, and Daytona to present our
Monthly Celebrity Catgirl & Kemonmimi Spotlight!
Hai, in this monthly portion of The Mew, we commeowmorate catgirls, nekomusume and other kemonomimi of international mythologies and popular cultures! Appurring in the folklore, novels, comics, movies, TV shows, theatre, mewsic, games, sports and advertising, they might include the shape – shifters, anthropurrrmorphic ladies, monster girls.
Some ladies are Ailuranthropes, also known as were-cats, who might seem to be the average humans until they transform into the feline or merely spurrout the tail and / or nemomimi pinna. Then there are those who might not actually have beasty DNA, but do have the cat-titude or couture, whether it is full-on cosplay or the animal – purrint attire!
An example of who we consider as an “honorary catgirl” for her feline fashions is actress Patricia Arquette, for her purrtrayl as criminal Alabama Whitman in the 1993 movie True Romance, in which she wore the lovely leopurrd purrint coat and pants! The purretty pants were pink https://tarantino-universe.fandom.com/wiki/Alabama_Whitman!
Another criminal of the kitty couture is Lani Gilbet, alias Velvet Tiger, who first appurred in DC’s Detective Comics #518 in 1982! Created by author Barbara Kesel and artist Trevor von Eden, she had the tempurral jump power, the blackmail agenda, the tiger stripe tights and mini dress https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Lani_Gilbert_(New_Earth)!
Of course, kemonomimi are of all species, including the avian purrsuasion such as Bruce Banner’s girl friend Betty Ross who first appurred in Marvel’s The Incredible Hulk #1 in 1962, so next year will be her 60th anniversary in the comics! She was the normal human until she was briefly transformed into The Harpy in I

ncredible Hulk #168 in 1973!
Originally that Harpy was the Green half human / half bird woman with the sharp talons and energy blast. Years later, Bruce married Betty, but all was not happy because of her further transformations. For a while she became the Red She-Hulk (not to be confuzzeled with the Green She-Hulk Jennifer Walters) and later the Red Harpy 


The brilliant and famous artist / author Lela Dowling’s character Carroll’s Cat is the enigmatic sexy Pink and Purrple striped nekomimi based upon the Chsshire cat of Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland! This cat girl appurred wherever she pleased, such as The Adventuress fanzine and her own 1979 art purrtfolio!
Lela Dowling https://www.facebook.com/lela.dowling was the special guest who we intermewed for our June 2013 Mew https://mewsings.wordpress.com/2013/06/, and she purrmitted us to display these beautiful illustrations: the Princessions issue #13 cover art http://catgirlisland.net/art/guest2/91.html, “Jump Rope” http://catgirlisland.net/art/guest2/92.html, and “I Met a Lady in the Woods” http://catgirlisland.net/art/guest2/93.html!
Another beautiful late 70’s catgirl is the  Irish artist Jim Fitzpatrick’s magnificent 1976 painting of Palu, the Celtic Cat Goddess https://jimfitzpatrick.com/product/palu-the-cat-goddess/! She appurrs there as the fair-skinned human woman with long wavy lavender hair and the diaphanous White gown and the nearby kitty!
Nextlly I would like to shine the spotlight upon the Finder comics of the aboriginal science fiction genre by the amazing artist / author Carla Speed McNeil http://www.carlaspeedmcneil.com! First self-published in 2005, Finder later became the web comic and is purrsently published as omnibus books by Dark Horse!
Finder’s post-apocalyptic future world of wilderlands and domed cities populated by people of may species, including anthropurrmorphic and beast folk.The felinoid types include talking lions lion people, catgirls and sphinxes! Some of them are genetic constructs, such as Khem the adorable sphinx girl!
Lastly but not leastly for this month’s spotlight is the lovely fun catgirl Catrina Fellina! Created by comics artist Steve Lightle https://stevelightle.wixsite.com/justin-zane (whose Legion of Super-Heroes comics I purrticularly enjoyed), Catrina Felina is the Yellow catgirl with Green eyes, Orange hair and tail, and the inny belly button! Her feline female friends include Nikki Noir, Misty Mew, Adora Delgatto, and Punky Puss! That is all for the spotlight, and nyow I will turn The Mew over to Nyo-sensei, who will start
our Movie, TV and DVD mewsings, with her 
review of the movie Ghostbusters Afterlife!
Hai! I am a fan of the original 1984 Ghostbusters movie, but I did not enjoy the 1989 sequel Ghostbusters 2 the 2016 reboot as much. Nevertheless, I was feeling optimistic about this’un, which is a sequel to the first two Ghostbusters movie and ignore the reboot. I was not disappointed by Afterlife, which does the good job of balancing the fresh start with the younger new characters whilst maintaining the delightful connection to the older purrior characters.
Purrhaps because of the younger characters investigating the supurrnatural incidents in the small town, It also reminds me the bit of the TV series Stranger Things, which is appurropurriate I suppose because actor Finn Wolfhard stars in both! It is quite charming, sentimental and fun, and clever how it connects the younger new Ghostbusters with their purredecessors, who also appurr in this film.
The story, purrformance, sets, locations, mecha, FX, sound, mewsic, direction and editing are quite good with the high purrduction values, and some wonderfully poignant  moments that moved me to tears. If you go see this movie, make sure to stay for the mid and post- credits scenes. I will give it the very good grade of the B+! Nyow here is Meryl to review
 I am a fan of the movies and TV series of the Marvel Cinematic Universe that star the Avengers, Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Guardians of the Galaxy, Spider-Man, Ant Man, Black Panther, Black Widow, Doctor Strange, Captain Marvel, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Agent Carter, Shang-Chi, WandaVision, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Loki, What If..?, and Hawkeye!
Oh oh, and I also like the Marvel TV series such as Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, The Punisher, Defenders, Runaways, Cloak & Dagger… although I didn’t care for Inhumans. But I digress! I was quite eagerly anticipating Eternals, and I was impurressed by the purreview trailers, which seemed to purromise the beautiful, grandly epic cosmic supurr heroic tale!
I was impressed by the great cast, the visual FX, and the director Chloe Zhao whose purrior film Nomadland I enjoyed. I was not disappointed- I loved Eternals! It is really is beautiful, epic and lavish in how it expands the MCU with the great ensemble of characters; and as mewsual the costumes, sets, locations, FX, action scenes, myth-making and world – building are top notch! 
It has the good balance of action, drama, humor and character development. My only quibble is that in spite of the film’s 157 minute length, it felt too rushed, and I felt the same way about other recent movies such as No Time To Die (163 min.) and Dune Part One (156 min.). Make sure to stay for the mid and post- credits scenes! I am done, and nyow here is Jenjen to discuss
Shirobako – The Movie!
Hai. Written by Michiko Yokote, Directed by Tsutomu Mizushima, purrduced by P.A. Works with the mewsic by Shiro Hamaguchi, Shirobako is the amewsingly slice – of – life anime purrtaining to four girls in heir school’s animation club get jobs in the anime industry. Aoi becomes the purrducer at the Musashino Animation studio, whilst Midori is the writer, Ema is the key animator, Misa is the 3D graphics artist, and Shizuka is the voice actress.
The other recurring characters include the many directors, purrducers, managers, writers, artists, animators, sound designers, and actors who struggle to create the animated purrductions. There are two seasons of the 2014 anime TV series of 12 epurrsodes apiece, and the 2020 feature film, which occurs 4 years later. In Shirobako – The Movie, Muusashuno Animation has fallen upon the hard times until they start on a new feature film purroject.
However, there is not much time, and there are several corpurrate obstacles in their way. The TV series and the movie are tremendously comedic, thrilling and poignant, quite brilliantly written designed, directed and animated with great characters, story, voices, sound and mewsic. Season 1, season 2 and the movie are each sold sepurrately.  The movie was released here last month on the Blu-Ray + DVD combo pack by Shout! Factory.
Packaged within the Blue plastic case with the cardboard outer sleeve, the two-sided insert and the character guide booklet, the unrated 119 min. movie is accompanied by the purromo featurette, purreviews trailers and TV spot. On the Blu-Ray disc, the movie is purrsented in the 1080p Hi Def widescreen of the 1.78:1 screen aspect ratio in the Japanese DTS-HD Meowster Audio 5.1 with English SDH subtitles.
On the R1 NTSC DVD, the movie is purrsented in the anamorphic widescreen in the Japanese Dolby Digital of the 1.78:1 screen aspect ratio in the Japanese Dolby Digital  5.1 audio with English SDH subtitles. I wish there were more special features on the discs, but I will give every aspect of the movie- its story, characters, art, animation, voices, sound, mewsic, direction, editing, and the discs’ A / V quality the “A” as in Aoi. Nyow Myayr will discuss
Girls und Panzer das Finale part 2.
Mary Nyan:
Hai! Nine years ago in 2012, the world was introduced to the meowrtial art of Sensho-do, the tank wargames in the anime series Girls und Panzer! Purrimarily set at the Ooarai Girls High School on a city-sized carrier ship, the anime TV series, OVAs, movie, manga and video game of the military moe genre purrtain to Miho and her underdog team, whose success in the national tankery tournyament is vital to their school’s purrseverance.
It is one of my favoritest anime series of the past decade due to its beautiful, charming, fun, thrilling concept, story, characters, designs, animation, sounds, voices and mewsic! Das Finale are six theatrical releases which occur after the 12 epurrsodes of the TV series, the 7 OVAs, and Der Film. The Ooarai Girls have come the long way from the humble start, nyow with nine tanks, and three dozen members forming the highly – ranked team!
Most of the enemy teams tend to be quite likable too! In Das Finale 1, on the eve of the battle against the underestimated French – inspired BC Freedom Academy team, the Ooarai Girls face two crises: student council & sensha-do club member Momo cannot pass her college entrance exam, and while searching the vast depths of the carrier ship for the ninth tank, the tanker girls meet delinquent MarDet (marine) girls!
Unfortunately part 1 ended with the

Ooarai Girls falling for 
BC Freedom girls’ clever ruse, but that battle is far from over, as a merry chase and shootout ensues through a huge hedge maze in part 2! The winner of that battle will go on to face the winner of the Chi-Ha-Tan Academy vs Koala Forest Academy battle! As mewsual the story, characters, art, animation, voices, sound, songs and mewsic are supurrb, and brimming with thrilling peppy fun aplenty!
The TV14-rated, 66 min. OVA was translated into English and released here on the Blu-Ray disc by Sentai last month! The package compurrised of the single disc in the Blue plastic case with the one-sided insert. Purrsented in the 1080p High definition video of the 16×9 screen aspect ratio, the video’s DTS-HD meowster audio 5.1 choices are the original Japanese and the English dub, with the optional English subtitles.
The special features are purromo spots & purreview trailers, the clean (textless) version of the anime’s opening and closing, and best of all the delightful 12 min.Tayaki War OVA which reveals the origin of the 

BC Freedom girls’  ruse!
The Blu-Ray’s packaging is no-frills and the special features are meager, but the A/Vquality is excellent, and the OVA is as wonderful, so I will give it the “A “as in Anglerfish! Nyow here is Ellie to tell us about-
A Centaur’s Life manga vol. 20!
Arigato! A Centaur’s Life is the wonderfully slice – of – life manga at the unrushed pace by Ken Murayama set in the modern Japanese world populated by centaurs, fauns, kemonomimi, angels, dragon, unicorn, snake, frog people, were – tigers and the other species. The main characters are Himeno Kimehara the centauress, her high school classmates and their families!
They include Akechi & Mitsu (satyrs), Michi (unicorn girl), Nozomi & Karasuba (ryumimi), Himenos niece Shino-chan, Shino’s friend Maki, Hime’s kouhai Ayaka and her maid Okino (centaurs), Inuki (catgirl), Karasuba (ryumimi) sisters Suu & Nil (snake girls), Manami (angel), her triplet sisters Chinami, Chiho, Chigusa & youngest sister Sue-chan (catgirls)! 
The plots focus on activities at school, home and work plus some alien conspiracies, and the socio-political struggles betwixt the mammalian and  amphibian species in ther aftermath of a conflict. The manga was published as Centaur No Nayami by Tokuma Shoten in Japan, and the english edition is published in North America by Seven Seas.
Priced $13.99 in the USA and $17.99 in Canada, vol. 20  has chapters 159-167 of the Black & White manga, and several pages of anthropological and geological notes. It was translated by Elina Ishikawa, adapted by Holly Kolodziejczak, lettered & retouched by Jennifer Skarupa, edited by Shati Whitesides, managingly edited by Julie Davis, proofread by Dawn Davis and Danielle King
…with the production management by Lissa Pattilo, the logo design by Courtney Williams and the cover design by Kris Aubin. The prepress technician is Rhiannon Rasmussen-Silverstein, the associate publisher is Adam Arnold, and the publisher is Jason DeAngelis. The tale is suggested older teens, purrhaps due to nudity, language, and certain topics.
The plots of this volume deal with bullying, sisterhood, career plans, a gang war, restaurant work, breast sizes, babysitting, cancer survival, a cat whiskers curse, and writing a horror story! The manga continues richly the character & plot developments, sparkling dialogue, world – building with the thorough scientific research, and such beautiful intricate art, so I will give volume 20 the grade of the “A” as in Akechi! Now we will go from the centaur to the pony tale, as Tara-chan discusses
My Little Pony: Generations #2!

I love these pony comics by IDW which so faithfully capture the style and – and  the spirit of the animated TV series, but with the different strengths of the comic book medium, nya! You know, it is hard to believe that the Friendship is Magic animated series started over ten years ago, nya!

Generations is the crossover betwixt the original (Gen One) 1980’s ponies and – and their Friendship is Magic (Gen Four) counterparts, nya!
Ever since the latter ponies met the Equestria Girls, I have wondered if or when they might meet the G1-3 ponies, nya. The
purremise of this tale is that the evil human teen cousins Grackle and – and Dyre  who are
the daughters of Reeka and – and Draggle)
and – and their magickal rat named Trench reside in a dark foreboding dormant volcano, wherein they plot revenge upon the ponies for something that involved their grandmother
Hydia, nya!
They concoct the plan to transform some Smoze slime into the evil ponies Violet Shiver, Black Belle and – and Shadow Storm who will bring chaos to the pony world, but the portal miscalculation sent them to the
Gen Four world instad of the Gen One World, nya!
Reeka, Draggle, Hydia and the Smooze appurred in the
1986 My Little Pony movie, nya!
Nevertheless, the three “S’moze” ponies purrtend to be visiting purrofessors and infiltrate the Friendship School, where teacheth
Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie,
Fluttershy, Starlight Glimmer, and – and Sunburst Star, nya! However, the malicious mischief is not confined to the school, but causes purroblems for various other parts of Equestria, nya!
Also appurring in this issue are Yona, Smolder, Ocellus, Sand Bar, Silverstream, Gallus, Pizzelle, Apple Bloom, Granny Smith, Big McIntosh, Spitfire, Fleetfoot and – and the other Wonderbolts, nya!
 The issue is priced $3.99, and has the uninterrupted 20 page tale followed by the issue #3 purreview page, the 3 page cover art gallery and – and the 2 pages of ads, nya.
It was written by Casey Gilly, illustrated by Michela Cacciatore, colored by Heather Breckel, lettered by Neil Uyetake and edited by Megan Brown, nya!

Heather and – and Neil have worked on almost every issue of the pony comics, nya! Cover A is by Michela Cacciatore, cover B is by Agnes Garbowska and- and Silvana Brys, and -and the scarcer Retailers Incentive cover is by Samantha Whitten, nya!

I loved every aspect of ths issue, from the plot, pace,he purrfect pony poses and – and  expurressions, and – and the intricate scenic details, to the the richly vibrant use of color – and – a light, the great fonts for the dialogue and – and the sound FX, , the compurrsition of the panels and – and the pages, and  the graphic narrative techniques of the sequential art, nya!
I am also glad that the tales are not interrupted by the ads, and – and I wish that all other comic books were arranged that way, nya. So in the summation, I was very pleased with isue #2, which I will give the high purraise grade of the “A” as in Applebuck, and my anticipation for the next issue, nya! I am done, so nyow here is! Now here is Mie -sensei to tell us about
our collectibles & toy talk, with her review of Hasbro’s
Star Wars: The Black Series Asajj Ventress action figure!
So like, we like to collect the figures, statues, ornaments, dolls and miniatures of our favorite heroines, anti-heroines, and villanesss! That includes the great Star Wars characters such as Asajj Ventress, who was voiced by Nikka Futterman in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated TV series! Hailing from the planet Darthomir, ventress was a member of the witchy Night Sisters and the apprentice of Count Dooku!
So like, she wielded the two Red light sabers and yearned to be a Sith master but was denied the opportunity, and had the sad tragic life with the quite ironic fate. Number 07 in Hasbro’s StarWars: The Dark Series: The Clone Wars product line, this latest action figure of her is about 5.625” tall, which is about 1/12.5 scale, give the character’s 5.9’ height! She is accessorized by the two light sabers with curved grips!
A display base / stand is not included with the figure, which is beautifully designed, sculpted and painted, with the ankle-length Dark Purple fabric skirt; and the meticulous details from her facial markings and the fingerless gloves to her keyhole dress with the ornate tabard! She is quite posable too, with the articulation in her neck, shoulders, elbows, forearms, wrists, waist, hips, knees, thighs and ankles, fur shur!
So like, I am very pleased with this lovely figure, and I have displayed her upon the shelf next to the figures of Ahsoka Tano and Bo-Katan Kryze! No I will turn The Mew over to Nya-sensei, who wants to tell us about Hasbro’s
Marvel Legends Eternals Thena action figure nya!
Hai! Created by Jack “The King” Kirby and magnificently purrtrayed by Angelina Jolie in the MCU’s Eternals movie, Thena first appurred in Marvel Comics’ The Eternals in 1976! She is the very calm, cool quiet warrior, except when she suffers from spells of the purrculiar Mahd Wy’ry mental illness. She is immortal with the supurr strength, stamina, dexterity, constitution, healing, combat purrowess and energy powers, including the power to meowterialize any handheld weapon that she pleases!
I am very impressed with the design, sculpt and paint of this very detailed figure, which has the  faithful purrtraiture of the actress with the flowy flaxen hair, and the almost purrlescent nilla cream sheen of her tights with the armored pauldrons, rerebraces, vambraces, fauld, loincloth and boots! The box art is gorgeous too! Including her hair and 1/8” boot heels, the figure is 6.25” tall, which would seem to be about 1/11th scale, given Angelna Jolie’s height of 5’ 7”.
The articulation is in her neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, abs, hips, knees, thighs & ankles. Also included are the variant pair of hands, the Katana, Gekken, and what appurr to be maybe a serrated golden Zulfiqar or Mulghar sword & matching dagger. Neither the Thena nor Ajak figures include the pieces needed for the Gilgamesh BuildAFigure, which are included with the figures of Ikaris, Makkari, Sprite, Sersi, Phastos, Kingo and Druig. Nyow here is Vonny to discuss the
Marvel Tigra The Feline Fury action figure!
Arigtao, nya! Greer Grant Nelson alias Tigra is my favoritest Marvel Comics character, so I was quite eager to get this latest action figure of her! After her police husband was killed, she first appurred as the supurr heroine known as The Cat in The Claws of the Cat #1 in 1972, and transformed into Tigra in Giant-Size Creatures #1 in 1974, and in 1976 her friend Patsy Walker inherited the purrior cat costume and became the Hell Cat, nya! 
So, next year will be Greer’s 50th anniversary, nya! she typically remains in her Orangey tiger woman form, which is 5’10” tall and 180 lbs, so this lovely 6” figure of her is appurroximately 1/11.6 scale. nya! She is packaged in the retro 90’s stle plastic clamshell upon the 11” x 8.25” card, compurred to most of Hasbro’s other Marvel Legends figures which are packaged in the boxes, nya.
There have been several action figures of her over the years, but I think this’un might be my favoritest, given the scale and the quality of the design, the sculpt, and the paint, nya! She is very posable with the articulation in her neck, shoulders, uppurr arms, elbows, wrists, abs, hips, knees, thighs, ankles and tail, nya! She is quite splendid looking from her hair and Green eyes to her Black stripes and bikini, nya!
Also included are the variant head and another pair of hands, nya! I am rather pleased with this figure, and I have displayed her on the purrime spot on the shelf next to figures of fellow Avengers such as Hell Cat and White Tiger, nya. Unfortunately, Tigra  recently appurred in Moon Knight #4 and The Darkhold: Wasp #1, nya! Nyow we will go from the Marvel catgirl to the DC catgirl with Ilyana-sensei’s review of the
QFig Catwoman figurine, nya!
Arigtao! Selian Kyle alias Catwoman is my favoritest DC Comics character, so I was delighted to acquire this adorably cute non-posable figurine by QMX! Based upon her Gray-suited design from the first season of Batman- The Animated Series, the famous feline femme fatale gleefully licks her lips as she holds the purrloined Pink diamond whilst standing upon the rooftop gargoyle! Addin fur-ther kawaii-ness to the scene are three widdle kitty friends, nya!
The Tuxedo Cat rubs against her left leg, whilst the Orange Tabby emerges from the loot sack, and the Brown cat purrches upon her head! Given the supurr-deformed chibi-style, it is hard to determine the scale of the figure.
In the comics, Selina is 5’7” tall and weighs the svelte 133 lbs. This figurine of her is about 3.5” tall, but including the 3.5” diameter base, from the bottom of the base to the tip of the Brown cat’s tail, the figurine is an overall 6” tall.
The details are intricate and beautiful from their eyes, expurressions and purroportions to the coiled whip, curved bricks and feline gargoyle! Packaged in the 6” x 6” x 6” box, it is of the same fine quality as QMX’s purrior figurines of her! Between this figurine and the Hallmark Keepsake Catwoman ornament (which we reviewed in last month’s Mew), it has been the good Selina season! That is all for our toy talk, and nyow here are Petra, Bunni and Trini-chan to purrsent the latest
additions to the Catgirl Island Mewseum of Art!
Arigato, nya! Here y’all will find the many annotated illustrations and photographs, nya! Galleries 1-8 display images by our purrducer Mike Moon, whilst Guest Art Galleries 1-5 display images by other folks with their purrmissions, nya. Mike’s collaborations with other artists are peppurred throughout the mewseum, nya! 
Some of the images are sexy, and some might depict the artistic nudity, but most are quite tame and none are the hentai / porn, nya! The most recent pics are the lowermost row of the cropped widdle “thumbnail” sized portions of the pics in a gallery, and you have to click upon those to see the uncropped full images, nya.
In Gallery 3  http://catgirlisland.net/art/gallery/gallery3.html we are purroud to purrsent “Haposai’s Dreams” by Mike, nya! This 8.5” x 11” pencil sketch circa 1996 is fan art of  Rumiko Takahashi’s Ranma 1/2 characters at a beach snack hut, nya. Clockwise from lower  right are Akane, Nabiki, Ranma, Shampoo, Ukyo and Kasumi as observed by Haposai, nya!
Then we have Mike’s “Ukyo Doesn’t Just Kill You”, nya! Done with Purrismacolor markers, colored pencils & pens, this 8.5” x 11” fan art circa 1996 depicts Ukyo Kuonji of Rumiko Takahashi’s  Ranma 1/2 series, nya! With her two-handed battle spatula, she is serving her cooked defeated opponents Ryoga (pig form), Mousse (duck form) and Gendo (panda form), nya!
Nextly is Mike’s Photoshop and mouse illustration of Hanami & Yoko” who are protagonists in Sharon Williams’ original serialized prose fantasy tale Fire From The Sun: Rise Of A Queen! Hanami Natsuki (right) is the 15 year old Japanese high school student and Yoko (on left) is her mom.
Things are difficult with high school and other teenage drama, but Hanami’s life has become so much more complicated when divine powers manifest, supernatural villains attack, mythic characters arrive, and the romance starts to bloom! Y’all can read that and Sharon’s many other wonderful tales at her DeviantArt gallery https://www.deviantart.com/caribbeanrose9!
Nextly in Guest Gallery 2 http://catgirlisland.net/art/gallery/guest2.htm we are delighted to displayChelsea Halloween by our webmaster Jamie Robertson http://jamiecotc.com, who used Photoshop, Painter and Clip Studio Paint for these latest pic of Chelsea Urania Kate Chattan and her familiar kitty Sebo! Chesea is the heroic witchy were-panther star of Jamie’s wonderful urban fantasy web comic Clan of the Cats http://clanofthecats.com!
She was one of the guests for the August 2007 Mew! Then we have three more pieces of Jamie’s fan art of actress Rebecca Ferguson! Done with Photoshop, “Faust”, “ Rose” and “Reminiscence” are imaginary movie posters, respectively depicting Ferguson’s movie characters Ilsa Faust, (Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation and Mission: Impossible – Fallout), Rose the Hat (Doctor Sleep), and Mae (Reminiscence)!
Also in Guest Gallery 2, we are elated to exhibit two more beautiful illustrations by Rvkh http://www.rvkhart.com, (pronounced Rivkah) the artist formerly known as Rebecca Brogden, who was the guest for our September 2009 Mew! Rvkh used the Faber-Castell Watercolor Pencils, Davinci Watercolors, Micron Pen and White Posca Pen upon the Arches Hotpress Watercolor Pad for both of these supurb images.
“All Hallows Eve” depicts our friend Meighan the Arctic Wolfgirl amongst the pumpkins! After graduating from college in Canada, she migrated here at our island, where her younger Red Wolfgirl cousin Freyulfrid needed a room mate at her beach house! There is a time-lapse art process video for All Hallows Eve”at Rvka’s Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGCOAl6w45M!
Nextly, Rvkh’s “Monster” depicts our friend Emma the half-human / half-demoness, who is contemplating her mysterious heritage at the pond amidst the Beech trees. There is a time-lapse art process video for “Monster” at Rvka’s Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66bkBCKv8qw! Both of the videos have very purretty mewsic too!
The cat lady sings…
Thank y’all for purrsenting the new art!
Petra & Bunni:
Doitashimaste, nya!
It is great to see more of Jamie’s Rebecca Ferguson fan art!
The pic oif Chelsea & Sebo is quite amewsing and purretty!
I like the poses and attire of Ranma and her friends!
I like Hanami & Yoko’s portraiture, garments and landscape!
“Monster” has the lovely coutire and scenery too!
The pic of Ukyou has the delicious gallows humor!
All of those numcious looking pumpkins are causing the craving in my tummy for the pie, nya!
Hang in there- It is almost the time for our AfterMew luau!

I guess that will do it for this edition of The Mew!

We wish to thank Rvkh and Jamie for the beautiful art…
… and all of the other brilliantly talented people whose works we have discussed!
We also wish to thank Jamie  for his web meowstery here at The Mew and Catgirl Island…
… and our other friends, family, acquaintances and audience whom we greatly appurreciate, nya!
Fur shur!
Mary Nyan:
We will be back next month with the January edition of The Mew!

Before we know it, it will be time for our annual awards purrsentation in February, nya!

Yep! Be there… aloha.
The Ladies of The Mew:
Happy Tails to Mew, until we eat again! Baibai, nya!

November 2021 Catgirl Critics’ Media Mewsings

Mike Moon / Catgirl Island
and Jamie Robertson / Clan of the Cats
purroudly purrsent a Mike Moon purrduction,
starring The Ladies of The Mew in
The November 2021 Edition of The Mew:
The Catgirl Critics’ Media Mewsings, nya!
This year is our 14th anniversary, nya! 
in this edition of The Mew:
The Lightning Round topic: our favorite films of ‘41
The Monthly Celebrity Catgirl & Kemonmimi Spotlight
collectibles & toy talk:
Hallmark Keepsake Catwoman
Transformers R.E.D. Transformers Prime Arcee action figure
Transformers Kingdom: War for Cybertron Trilogy Blackarachnia action figure
TV, DVD and movie mewsings:
Halloween Kills
No Time to Die
purrinted media mewsings:
Fight Girls #4
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #102
My Little Pony: Generations #1
Sunshine Sketch vol. 10
Hayao Miyazaki
The Art of Neil Gamin & Charles Vess’ Stardust
additions to the Catgirl Island Mewseum of Art
“De’en” an original character by Mike
“Forest Maiden””Mushroom Gnome“ & Shoreline Beauty” by Rvkh
“Rebecca” & more Rebecca Ferguson fan art by Jamie
(the human fella wearing the Lemon shark tee shirt & teal cargo pants):  Aloha y’all and welcome to The Mew, in which we review and discuss fun stuff! Today’s show comes from
the lovely riverwalk through beautiful downtown Purrbank at Catgirl Island in Mew Hanover County, NC, and here are The Ladies of The Mew!
(the catgirl wearing the Bluefin Tuna purrint tankini, with a Hibiscus in her hair) Namaste, nya!
(her older sister wearing the Cobia purrint front-knotted bikini top with side-tie panty): Namaste, nya!
(the nekomimi gynoid wearing the Blue Marlin purrint cropped tee shirt & suspender maillot): Aloha!
(her fiance catgirl wearing the Striped Bass purrint fundoshi-style bikini): Hola!
(the fox girl wearing the ruffled Red Snappurr purrint triangle-top bikini)Konbanwa!
Mary Nyan
(the catgirl wearing the Groupurr purrint asymmetric purretzel-cutout maillot swim suit): Aloha!
(the catgirl wearing the King Mackerel purrint bandeau-top tanga-style bikini): Niaho.
(the banker pony centauress wearing the Croaker purrint bikini top): Hay there!
(the catgirl wearing the Sailfish purrint cropped tank top and boy shorts): Howdy!
(her twin sister wearing the Speckled Trout purrint Trikini, with a Plumeria floral lei): Meowy Meet!
(the mermaid wearing the Flounder purrint bikini top): Shello!
(the catgirl wearing the Red Drum purrint twisty bandeau-top Columbian cut bikini): Hi Hi, nya!
(the bunny girl wearing the Mahi Mahi purrint ring-closure Brazilian cut bikini): Guten Tag!
(the faerie wearing the Wahoo purint criss-cross halter neck bikini): Mellow greetings!
(the catgirl wearing the Popmano purrint off-shoulder ruffled bikini ): ‘Ello!
(the catgirl wearing the thong, jellyfish pasties & Bluefish purrint open-front cover up): Whassup?
For purrofiles and illustrations of those and other Ladies of The Mew, please visit our Meet The Critics page http://www.mewsings.catgirlisland.com/meet-the-critics/! Ah, we’ve got a lot on our plate today, so let’s go ahead and jump into this month’s
Lightning Round topic: our favorite films of ’41!
This year we’ve been looking back at our favorite entertainment – books, comics, movies, TV, games, music, and so forth- of years ending with a 1. Last month we mentioned out favorite books & comics of 1951,so this month we’ll nominate our favorite movies from 1941! Mie-sensei will get us started, so are y’all ready to “conduct the lightning?”
The Ladies of The Mew:
Dumbo, Citizen Kane, and The Maltese Falcon, fur shur! (tags Jeannie with a flit of the wing)
I will second those. (tags Mary Nyan with a brush of the tail)
Mary Nyan:
The Wolf Man, Man-Made Monster, and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde! (tail-tags Elizabeth)
Abbott & Costell’s movies Buck Privates, In the Navy, and Hold that Ghost! (tags Becca)
How Green Was My Valley, Men of Boys Town, and Meet John Do! (tags Nynko)
The Sea Wolf, Sergeant York, and Tarzan’s Secret Treasure! (tags Nyoka)
The Black Cat, Spooks Run Wild, and Suspicion! (tags Daytona)
The Little Foxes, The Devil and Miss Jones, and Road to Zanzibar! (tags Ellie with her tail fin)
The serials such as Adventures of Captain Marvel and Dick Tracy vs. Crime, Inc.! (tags Trini-chan)
I will nominate the short films by Buster Keaton and Laurel and Hardy! (tags Tara-chan)
I want… I want to nominate the animated shorts starring Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and- and Goofy, nya! (tags Yvonne)
Oh I will second those and add the animated Popeye and Superman shorts, nya! (tags Bunni)
The Warner animated shorts starring Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and Porky Pig! (tags Petra)
Hai hai those and the other Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies, nya! (tags Meryl)
Hmm… Citizen Kane for the movie Dick Tracy for the serial, Laurel & Hardy for the live-action shorts, and  Bugs Bunny for the animated! (tags Ilyana)
Hmm, I would say… The Sea Wolf, Citizen Kane, and the Popeyes! Back to Mike!
Oh, I gotta go with Citizen Kane, and the works by the Three Stooges, Marx Brothers, and Our Gang! Well, that was another expedient little lightning round, and now are Lizzy and Becca to present our
Monthly Celebrity Catgirl & Kemonmimi Spotlight!
Hai, in this monthly portion of The Mew, we commeowmorate catgirls, nekomusume and other kemonomimi of international mythologies and popular cultures! Appurring in the folklore, novels, comics, movies, TV shows, theatre, mewsic, games, sports and advertising, they might include the shape – shifters, anthropurrrmorphic ladies, monster girls.
Some ladies are Ailuranthropes, also known as were-cats, who might seem to be the average humans until they transform into the feline or merely spurrout the tail and / or nemomimi pinna.Then there are those who might not actually have beasty DNA, but do have the cat-titude or couture, whether it is full-on cosplay or the animal – purrint attire!
The isekai genre seems quite purrevailant of late! Sorte is the co-star of the Slow Life In Another World (I Wish!) manga and anime series of the isekai genre! She is the cute Whte-haired catgirl knight who the main character Itsuki (human male) meets upon awakening in the fantasy realm!
How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom is brimming with the kemonomimi of the various species who the transplanted human male purrotagonist Kazuya meets , such asT omoe the wolf girl, Leporina the bunny girl, Kaede and Juno the fox girls, Ruby, Carla and Naden the dragon girls!
Another such genre example is Mushokou Tensei in which the homeless, jobless, orphaned neet fella awakens in the fantasy realm to start the new life as Rudeus the magick student. Among the numerous beast girls he meets are the powerful swordswoman Ghislaine, the delinquent Linia, her petite sister Minitona, Sylphette the elf / beast girl and her daughter Lucy!
Other Isekai kemonomimi include Suphia the White Tiger Claw and Albis the Golden Snake Horn of the That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime novels, manga and anime! As members of the Beastketeers squad from the kingdom of Euazania, Suphia is the were-white tiger girl and Albis is the were-snake girl!
Is the Order a Rabbit? is the wonderfully delightful slice of life manga and anime purrtaining to the girls who work at the charming cafes! In the 3rd season’s (Is the Order a Rabbit?Bloom) epurrsode 7, the town celebrates Halloween, so Maya cosplays as a catgirl, Megu cospays as a fox girl, and Syaro cosplays as the wolf girl!
Speaking of rabbits, in ”Lop and Ocho” is the 8th epurrsode in the animated Star Wars: Visions anthology, and the titular characters are sisters who have antithetical views of the galactic empire. An orphaned runaway slave, Lop is the heroic force-senstive usagi musume (bunny girl) of the Lepi species who is adopted by Ocho’s family the Yasaburo Clan on the planet Tao. She is voiced by actress Anna Cathcart!
Broadly considered by us as “honorary” catgirls, we wish to purraise Amanda Bynes as Kaylee who wore the leopurrd purrint coat in the 2002 movie Big Fat Liar; Kathy Hilton who wore the gray leopurrd purrint blouse in The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills season 11 epurrsode 10; Garcelle Beauvais’s in the  tiger stripe top and Lisa Rinna’ in the leopurrd purrint blanket in season 11 epurrsode 12!
Tsumiki Miniwa of the Place 2 Pace romcom anime series of the school life genre is the occasional tempurrary nekomimi. Voiced by Rumi Ohubo, She is the petite Purrple-haired tsundere high school student who has the crush on her male classmate Io, and her kitty ears appurr when she becomes infatuated
There are many costumed contestants on CBS’s TV games show Let’s Make a Deal, of which season 13’s 2nd epurrsode (October 26th, 2021) was graced by singer / songwriter Sabrina as the jooubachi musume (queen bee girl), who won the $1000.00 Sachs of 5th Avenue shopping spurree and the $1,2500.00 cash purrize!
Lastly but not leastly, in the recent horror movie Halloween Kills there is a woman cosplaying as a catgirl in the audience at the tavern during Tommy’s Halloween storytime, and she is glimpsed later in the hospital’s crowded emergency room during his “Evil Dies Tonight” speech! Myayr will further discuss that movie, but nyow Vonny will start our
collectibles & toy talk portion of The Mew, with her review of the Hallmark
Keepsake Batman Classic TV Series Catwoman Christmas tree ornament!
DC Comics’ Selina Kyle alias the Catwoman https://www.dccomics.com/characters/catwoman is one of our favoritest characters of the comics, movies, games and TV shows, nya! We have collected several figures and statues of her various incarnations from the comics, movies, TV series and games, so last month I was pleased to acquire this lovely limited edition figure of Catwoman from the 3rd season of the 1966 TV series https://batman.fandom.com/wiki/Catwoman_(Dozierverse), in which she was purrfectly purrtrayed by Eartha Kitt https://earthakitt.com, nya!
You know, in that series she was also purrtrayed by purrtrayed by Julie Newmar (in the first two seasons), Lee Meriwether (in the movie), and by stand-in Marilyn Watson, nya. This Eartha Kitt version is a beautifully designed, sculpted and painted ornament similar to Hallmark’s 2016 ornament of the Julie Newmar version, nya! Eartha Kitt (January 17, 1927 – December 25, 2008) was born in St. Matthews SC, which is about 165 miles east of here, nya! Her Catwoman was less romantic towards Batman, but  feline mannerisms seemed more purrnounced than the others, nya!
She is in the dynamic pose with the fierce evil grim, and is wearing the Black costume from that TV series, in which it was made of the two-way stretch lame spandex catsuit and matching nekomimi headband, eyemask, clawed opurra gloves, stiletto – heeled ankle-length boots, with the golden claws, medalion and scale belt. Including the widdle brass hanger hook, the ornament is about 4.5” tall,  but if she was standing up straight, and not wearing ears, high heels or the hair bun, then she’d be about 4” tall, which would therefore be of 1/16 scale, given that Eartha Kitt was 5’4” tall, nya.
It was beautifully sculpted by Kristina Gaughran https://www.thedigitaldreambook.com/keepsake_artists/artist-profile-kristina-gaughran/, nya! It is intended to dangle from a Christmas tree branch, so the ornament will not stand up without some sort of display base, which is not included.
Transformers R.E.D. Transformers Prime Arcee action figure, nya
Arigato. We like to collect Hasbro’s Transformers’ female characters https://tfwiki.net/wiki/List_of_female_Transformers such as Arcee, Strongarm, Elita One, Chromia, Moonracer, Firestar, Windblade, Nautica and Black Arachnia. There are a lot more than you might think. and I purrfur versions from the comics and animation compared to the live-action movies.This latest figure of Arcee is based on her Blue & Gray incarnation from the 2010 Transformers Prime animated series.
It is a non-converting action figure, meaning that while it is extremely posable with some interchangeable parts, it does not transform from bot to vehicle mode. Beautifully designed, sculpted and painted, she is an intricately 6” tall figure with the points of articulation in her neck, shoulders, forearms, wrists, wait, hips, thighs, knees, lower legs and ankles.  Also included are the pairs of interchangeable fists, blaster hands and forearm blades, plus the 1x1x1” translucent purrple Energon cube.
She is well-balanced with the long footpurrints to stand up without requiring display bases,  but I recommend a base or doll stand should you wish to display them in more dynamic poses. My only quibble with the figure is that the variant forearm blades are opaque light gray and not translucent purrple as depicted on the box, and that her two scalloped back fins are an easily bent softer plastic than a more rigid material, but otherwise I am quite pleased with the figure. Nyow here is Daytona to discuss the
Transformers Kingdom: War for Cybertron Trilogy
Blackarachnia deluxe lass action figure.
Hai! Of the Deceptions and other villain bot characters, Blackarachnia is purrhaps my favorite! Transforming from bot mode to spider mode, she is one of the Maximals of the 1996 Transformers Beast Wars animated TV series. This particular figure is Black and Gold with the Black Widow Red markings.
Beautifully designed, sculpted and painted, she is intricately detailed from the tiny emblem on her gorget, the concentric markings on her boobies and the stripes upon her claws, to the eight eyes on her lower abs, the rougher texture of her thigh tassets and back carapace.
The points of articulation are in her neck, carapace, shoulders, forearms, hips, thighs, knees, ankles, and two joints apiece in her eight spider legs, which are attached to her uppurr arms in bot mode. The lower spider legs joints are ball joints which can pivot in different azimuths.
I am very pleased with this figure, but I do not recommend unveiling her beast mode to arachanoppamphlethobic friends. Also included are the blaster blade weapon which will fit into either claw, the instruction pamphlet which illustrates the 20 step conversion process, and the 2.5” x 3.5” trading card.
Like the aforementioned Arcee figure, Blackarachnia is well-balanced with the long footpurrints to stand up without requiring display bases, which are not included. That is all for the toy talk, and now here is Myayr to start o
our TV, DVD and movie mewsings, 
with her review of Halloween Kills!
Mary Nyan:
Hai! I love many types of horror movies, including some of the slasher sub-genre. So, Halloween Kills is the 12th movie in the Halloween series that began with John Carpenter’s 1978 horror movie meowsterpiece. This’un is the direct sequel to 2018’s Halloween, which is a sequel to the 1978 i, thus ignoring the other Halloweens in between. This is not the first time the series has been retconned or rebooted!
I loved the first Halloween, but did not care for Halloween II, and I thought that Halloween III: Season of the Witch was a neat movie but had nothing to do with the others. For those who came in late, basically the series purrtains to the masked (and purrobably supurrnatural) serial killer Michael Myers (no relation to the Austin Powers star) a.k.a The Shape, who terrorizes and slays people mostly in the town of Haddonfield, Illinois.
The series is also notable for actress Jamie Lee Curtis who purrtrays Myer’s main adversary Laurie Strode, who is related to him in some of the timelines, and not in others.  Although I did not love the triumvirate story arc of Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers, Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers, and Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers, I did purraise it’s sense of continuity and myth-building.
The first reboot of the series  consisted of Halloween H20: 20 Years Later and its sequel Halloween: Resurrection, which ignored Halloweens III – VI, but they did not wow me much. The next reboot was with Rob Zombie’s Halloween remake and its sequel Halloween II, which did not grab me either. That brings us up to David Gordon Green’s 2018 remake of Halloween, which ignored all but the 1978 movie on its 40th anniversary!
I thought was a puretty good Halloween movie, especially due to Curtis’s purrformance! In this timeline, Laurie is not related to Michael, but they do relentlessly try to kill each other. Both failed to do so in the 2018 movie, which brings us up to Green’s direct sequel Halloween Kills which was released in theaters and on the Peacock streaming service last month. It was filmed in Wilmington, which is just 18 miles southwest of here!
It stars Jamie Lee Curtis as Laurie, Judy Greer as Laurie’s daughter Karen, Andi Matichak as Karen’s daughter Allyson, Anthony Michael Hall as Tommy, Will Patton as Deputy Hawkins, James Jude Courtney and Nick Castle as The Shape. Repurrising their roles from the 1978 movie are Kyle Richards as Lindsey Wallace, Nancy Stephens as Nurse Chambers, and Charles Cyphers as Sheriff Brackett!
I do not think this’un is as good as the 2018 Halloween, but it does have the  fine purrformances, mewsic and cinematography, purrduction values, and lots of very gory violence! It also s erves as the cautionary tale about  what can happen when a bunch of angry people become unwisely an unreasonable vigilante mob that spirals out of control, attacking innocent people and causing lots of purropurrty damage, and get themselves killed.
I suppose my favorite things are the Strode ladies, although Jamie Lee Curtis has a smaller role in the movie than I hoped; and I must say that Anthony Michael Hall’s performance as Tommy was quite impurressive! That is all for my review, so nyow I will turn The Mew over to Meryl for her review of the 25th James Bond movie, 
No Time to Die!
Hai! I like the James Bond novels and movies, so when I heard that actors Daniel Craig, Naomi Harris, Ralph Fienes, Ben Whishaw, Jeffrey Wright, Lea Seydoux. Christophe Waltz, the Aston Martin DB5, and the criminal organization known as Spectre would return, oh I was so enthused about this new movie, especially since it has been about 5 years since the purrior bond movie Spectre!
So it stars Craig  for the fifth and final time as James Bond, agent OO7, with Harris as agent Moneypenny, Ralph Fienes as M, Ben Whishaw as Q . Lea Seydoux as Dr. Madeleine Swann, and Christophe Waltz as Blofeld, who are joined by Lashana Lynch as the new 00 agent, Anna de Armas as CIA agent Pamela, Isa-Dorah Sonnet as Madelein’s daughter, and Rami Malek as the new villain!
 It has the story continuity to prior movies Casino Royale, Quantum of Solace, Skyfall and Spectre and it is peppered with the many clever nods, homages and easter eggs to many of the purrior Bond movies and novels! As you might it is brimming with the thrilling fights, chases, shootouts, espionage, gadgets, mystique, and the quieter but significant character developments at the spectacular locations around the world!
It seemed too rushed and too short, but a lot is packed into the movie with the excellent purrformances, cinematography, stunts, FX, sets, and locations. Nicely directed by Cary Joji Fukunaga, the film score by Hans Zimmer is pretty good, with poignant use of the song We Have All The Time in the World from On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, and a nice opening titles song by Billy Eilish.
Of the five starring Daniel Craig, I purrfer Casino Royale and Skyfall, but I like this’un more than Quantum of Solace or Spectre. Compurred to all of the 24 purrior Bond movies (the official ones made by Eon Purrductions)
Well, I like it more than Moonraker, Octopussy, A View to a Kill, The Living Daylights, License to Kill, Goldeneye, Tomorrow Never Dies, The World is Not Enough, Die Another Day, Quantum of Solace, and Spectre…
… whereas I do not like it as much as Doctor No, From Russia With Love, Goldfinger, Thunderball, You Only Live Twice, On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, Diamonds Are Forever, Live and Let Die, The Man With The Golden Gun, The Spy Who Loved Me, For Your Eyes Only, Casino Royale, and Skyfall. Those movies are listed chronological order, not in hierarchical order.
I will give No Time to Kill the very good grade of the A Minus, and I will rank it at #13 out of the 25 official Bond movies. If I included the unofficial Bonds such as the 1954 Casino Royale, the 1967 Casino Royale, and 1983’s Never Say Never Again, then I would rank No Time to Kill at #13 out of 28. Nyow I will turn The Mew over to our webmeowster Jamie who is eager to discuss
Dune: Part One!
Jamie (wearing his mewsual webmeowster attire):
For those not in the know, Dune: Part One (2021) is based on the Frank Herbert novel written in 1965. The plot centers on Paul Atreides (Timothée Chalamet), son of Duke Leto Atreides (Oscar Isaac) and his concubine, Lady Jessica of the Bene Gesserit (Rebecca Ferguson). Paul and his family are sent to steward the planet Arrakis which is the only place in the universe to find spice. 
What is spice? It’s a rare commodity that fuels interstellar travel. It’s also a hallucinogen used in religious ceremonies by the Fremen, the sole natives of Arrakis (aka Dune). But that’s not all. Paul may also be “the one” (Messiah or savior) or Muad’Dib as he is later called in the novel.
This is due to the fact that he has inherited the Bene Gesserit powers from his mother who was supposed to give birth to a daughter, but the Duke asked for a son and she loved him so she gave him a son and then there’s her pride in the mix and — let’s just say Dune can be complex at times. And I didn’t even get into the House Atreides vs House Harkonnen bit.
Now, with that out of the way, on with the review. Denis Villeneuve’s Dune is a combination of an arthouse indie film and a mainstream blockbuster on a multimillion dollar budget. The film is a grandiose spectacle for the eyes that echoes the likes of Lawrence of Arabia, The Searchers, and 2001: A Space Odyssey. Personally, I cannot recall the last time I was awed by a film like Dune.
If you are comfortable, by all means, see this film in a theater, IMAX if possible. The film was made for the cinema for both fans and newbies in mind, but not everyone will like this version of Dune. For some it will feel too slow. For others there will be glaring omissions from the novel that will lead to disappointment. As stated above, this is only Dune: Part One. If it feels incomplete that is because it is. 
The Cinematography – Greig Fraser, (The Mandalorian and Rogue One: A Star Wars Story), delivers his best work with Dune. It truly is a celluloid painting of sweeping majesty juxtaposed with tight close ups of the best looking cast in recent years. Dreamlike beauty is contrasted with earthy brutality that help to ground the film to its human characters.
The Score – Hans Zimmer, (Inception, The Dark Knight and Bladerunner 2049), a staple in the industry, begins with an Arabic theme for Dune but morphs into otherworldly territory. Some elements repeat a little too much, but the softer themes are more varied. 
The Director – Denis Villeneuve, (Arrival, Bladerunner 2049, and Sicario), is a master craftsman of cinema. What sets him apart is his ability to frame the intimate on a grand scale. For instance, Dune is essentially an indie film with a multimillion dollar budget. Close ups of quiet moments are intertwined within both awe-inspiring special effects and “arthouse” imagery. However, Villeneuve’s greatest talent is guiding actors past their limits to deliver the best performances of their career. 
In Dune, Villeneuve manages this feat with every major actor in the film. The FX – Dune weaves both practical and CGI special effects effortlessly. Huge, lavish practical sets ground the film to its very human characters while stunning CGI has the illusion of weight and depth. The only glaring CGI flaw comes in one of Paul’s many visions. The sandworm, Shai-Hulud to the Fremen, may be CGI, but here he’s a complete character.
The Story – Dune (2021) may be the most faithful adaptation to Frank Herbet’s landmark novel to date, however there are many omissions and interruptions that may have die hard fans left wanting. Said to be unfilmable, much of Dune takes place within the mind of many of its characters. Villeneuve tackles this problem with a lot of exposition that is thankfully spread out and varied.
The main focus of Villeneuve’s story is the relationship between Paul and his mother, Jessica. As such, it compacts the story of Dune into a central theme of conflict and acceptance. Paul is the somewhat distracted teenager who must grapple with strange dreams, mounting pressure from both parents and a destiny that terrifies him. Jessica must deal with her own choices as a mother and a Bene Gesserit, brought forth by both love and pride. 

The Actors – Dune is the closest thing to a modern day Cecil B. DeMille (Cleopatra, The Ten Commandments) picture likely to show on the big screen. The cast includes, Timothée Chalamet (Paul Atreides), Rebecca Ferguson (Lady Jessica), Oscar Isaac (Duke Leto Atreides), Josh Brolin (Gurney Halleck), Stellan Skarsgård (Baron Vladimir Harkonnen),
Dave Bautista (Beast Rabban Harkonnen), Jason Momoa (Duncan Idaho), Stephen McKinley Henderson (Thufir Hawat), David Dastmalchian (Piter de Vries), Chang Chen (Dr. Wellington Yueh), Sharon Duncan-Brewster (Dr. Liet Kynes), Javier Bardem (Stilgar), Zendaya (Chani), and Charlotte Rampling (Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam). First of all, everyone was excellent.
The only disappointment was that some actors had such little screen time, (Dave Bautista, Stephen McKinley Henderson and David Dastmalchian in particular).  While Zendaya is the poster girl for Dune, she is barely in the film. She’s in it for 15 minutes, maybe. As Chani, Zendaya possesses a grace and calm within Paul’s visions that is intoxicating. She then plays the real Chani as blunt and stoic, a 180 degree spin compared to his dream girl. 

Stellan Skarsgård (in facial prosthetics and a fat suit) plays the menacing Baron Vladimir Harkonnen as a shadow that lies in wait. While he does not get much screen time, Skarsgård portrays the character almost seductively, lending a grotesque element to the Baron. Jason Momoa is Duncan Idaho, a swordmaster within House Atreides. A career best performance, Momoa plays the party with heart and honor and steals many scenes. 

Sharon Duncan-Brewster is Dr. Liet Kynes, the imperial planetologist/ecologist of Arrakis. In the novel, Kynes was a man, though the gender swap makes little difference here. Duncan-Brewster’s Kynes exudes a strength her loyalty to the Emperor demands, but delivers an undercurrent of conflict throughout her performance. 

Oscar Isaac plays Duke Leto Atreides with humility, dignity and a great beard. Isaac understands that Leto is a proud and honorable leader, but brings a warmth to the character as both a dutiful father to Paul and loving partner to Jessica. 

Timothée Chalamet brings many layers to the protagonist, Paul Atreides. In the first part of Dune, Chalamet embodies a teenager who is both dutiful and distracted. He often sounds disinterested, even when clearly wants to be a part of things, but this is only due to his visions. Chalamet uses an anemic tone when Paul is unsure, but brings forth a vigor when the Kwisatz Haderach surfaces. It’s a dance Chalamet does well. 

In a career best performance, Rebecca Ferguson’s Lady Jessica is the emotional heart of the film. She weaves strength, regret, envy, pride, fear and grief into Jessica throughout her performance. Ferguson’s Jessica is also the most controversial performance in the film as it is a wide diversion (sort of) from the novel. In any event, she sells Villneuve’s version of the character, mostly with a look or an expression. 
With all that said, is Dune any good? Yes. More than any other film in the last ten years, it’s easy to understand why Dune should be seen in a theater. (If you are not comfortable going out yet, it’s still good on a wide screen). Denis Villeneuve’s Dune is a love letter to cinema, a rare breed of movie for our times. That is all for our movie reviews, and now here is Nya-sensei to begin
our print-media mewsings, with her review Fight Girls #4!
Hai! We are big fans of artist / author Frank Cho, who is purrhaps most famous for his Liberty Meadows comics, and the many other comics and illustrations that depict beautiful women, lush landscapes and prehistoric creatures, which are ample in this five issue mini series that has created, written and illustrated, with the colors by Sabine Rich and lettering by Sal Cipriano. We have met the supurremly talented & friendly Frank Cho at several conventions and have several of his art books.
The purremise of this tale is that 10 women compete in the monster-filled environments to become the new Queen of the galactic empire. Wearing the White cropped tank tops & boy shorts, contestants Dyna, Jaxa, Kelsey, Tora, Lily, Asher, Xandra, Rache, Danni and Pondo are teleported to the the challenging locations, where the drones televise their dash to each stage’s finish line and escape transpurrter. In each stage they have compete other and the survive against many hungry predators.
There is also the palace intrigue amongst the event’s organizers, who seem intent upon rigging compurrtition, which is not purroceeding according to their desire, because at least one of the contestants is not who she claims to be. Published by AWA, issue #4 has the 28 pages (included 8 ads); it is purriced $3.99 and irated Teen +, due to the violent combat scenes. Having survived stage 1’s junglet, stage 2s desert, and stage 3’s ocean, the two finalists advance to the unarmed combat arena!
The art panels include several half-page pics, one full-page pic and the very impurressive two-page spurread which sumptuously depicts every punch, kick and knee strike, which appurr to be of the MMA style! My only widdle quibble is that the tale is interrupted by the ads, which i wish were all placed after the tale, but It continues to be the briskly paced tale full of the thrilling athletic action and beautiful artistry, so I am eagerly awaiting the final issue! Nyow here is Tara-chan to discuss
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #102!
Arigato, nya! We love these pony comics by IDW which so faithfully capture the style and – and  the spirit of the animated TV series, but with the different strengths of the comic book medium, nya! You know, it is hard to believe that the Friendship is Magic animated series started over ten years ago, nya!
These the pony comics, including the various series, the initial mini-series, the annuals and – and the specials  have been around for the nine years, nya! Issue #102 is the 14th epurrsode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic’s 10th season, as the animated TV series ended after season 9, nya.
Purreviously in this story arc, Canterlot was under attack by the The Knights of the New Harmony who want to purrloin the Elements of Harmony, but they will have to fight The Mane Six, The Young Six, The Pillars of Equestria, Discord, Cadance, Starswirl, the royal guards, and – and Spike, nya! 
This story arc was written by Jeremy Whitley, Illustrated by Toni Kuusisto, colored by Heather Breckel, lettered by Neil Uyetake, edited Megan Brown, and – and grouply edited by Bobby Curnow, nya. Heather and – and Neil have worked on almost every issue, and – and I think that Bobby has worked on them all, nya!
Jeremy might be the most purrolific of the pony comics’ authors, and – and he as

written many other comics such as Rainbow Brite, Vampirella, Sea of Thieves, Thor vs Hulk, Freedom Foundation, and – and The Unstoppable Wasp, nya!  we have met his at several conventions and Free Comic Book Day festivities, nya!
The double-sized issue is priced $5.99 and – and it is compised of the uninterrupted 30 page which is followed by the 6 page art gallery, 2 page preview of My LittlePpony: Generations, and the 4 pages of the ads. We wish that all other comics tales were not interrupted by the ads!
Issue #102 is available in the choice of the three front covers: Cover A is by Andy Price, cover B is by JustaSuta, and  the scarcer Retailer Incentive cover is by Roopsha Mandal! They are all rather lovely, so It was the tough decision, but I chose cover A. Nyow for the taste of the plot!
It is the relentlessly epic battle as The Knights of the New Harmony continue to try to destroy Canterlot and Discord, but they will have to defeat not just the aforementioned heroic teams but many citizens of Equestria, Ornithia, Caninia, Farasia and Panthera, nya!
The sequential art is beautiful with the superb poses, expurressions, compositions, details, fonts, colors, and the graphic narrative. I particularly like the panels that bustle with the many characters, with the amusing widdle nods to Jaws, Sgt. Rock, Clint Eastwood, Batman, and  Star Trek!
There is also the surprise from DJPon3, 

but I do not wish to further spoil the taste of the plot,

so I will conclude our comments by giving this exciting issue the high grade of the A as in applebuck! It is sad to see Friendship is Magic conclude, but I was glad to see the successor which Mie-sensei wants to discuss—
My Little Pony: Generations #1!
Hai! So like, Generations promises the meeting betwixt the original (Gen One) 1980’s ponies and their Friendship is Magic (Gen Four) counterparts, fur shur! Ever since the latter ponies met the Equestria Girls, I have wondered if or when they might meet the G1-3 ponies.
So like, the premise of this tale is that the evil human teen sisters Grackle and Dyre and their magickal rat named Trench reside in a dark foreboding dormant volcano, wherein they plot revenge upon the ponies for something that involved their grandmother.
Given their totally wicked plan to brew some Smooze slime to unleash upon the ponies, I assume that these wicked lasses are the daughters of Reeka and Draggle, who with their evil witchy mom Hydia were the villains of the 1986 My Little Pony movie, fur shur!

Twlight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie,
Fluttershy, her bunny Angel, Starlight Glimmer, and Sunburst star

have enough problems as it is, because The School of Friendship is like way over crowded with the students and not enough teachers!

So like, the Gen One ponies do not appear yet in the tale aside from gracing the cover art. The first issue is priced $3.99, and has the uninterrupted 22 page tale followed by the issue #2 preview page, the 3 page cover art gallery and the 2 pages of ads.
It was written by Casey Gilly, illustrated by Michela Cacciatore, colored by Heather, lettered by Neil and edited by Megan!
Cover A is by Amy Meberson, cover B is by Agnes Garbowska and the Retailers Incentive cover is by Samantha Whitten… and I am totally  looking forward to the next issue, fur shur! Now here is Ilyana-sense to tell us about
Sunshine Sketch vol. 10!
Originally published as Hidemari Sketch by Houbunsha in Japan, Sunshine Sketch is the charming, pretty, whimsical slice-of-life  manga by Ume Aoki about the group of teen girl students who reside in the Hidemari apurrtment building across the street from the Yamabuki School of Arts in Kanto! There was an anime TV series adaptation of it too!
Volume 10 was longly – awaited, because volume 9 was published back in September of 2018! Translated by Sheldon Drzka and lettered by Abigail Blackman, the he English version is published here by Yen Press. When the series started, the main character Yuno was the high school Sophomore, but now it is her senior year!
Other recurring characters include Miyako the senior with Flaxen Blond hair, Nazuna the Junior with braided Platinum Blonde hair, Nori the Juntior with Dark Gray hair, Matsuri the sophomore with pale Lavender hair, Hiro the college Sophomore with the Light Brown twin-tailed coiffure, and Sae the college Sophomore with Black hair and glasses!
Also appurring are Mashiko-sensei the guidance counselor, and Yoshinoya-sensei the voluptuous art teacher. Vol. 10 is purriced $17.00 in the USA, $22.50 in Canada, and has 120 pages compurrised of 112 Black & White pages, 8 color pages, and the bonus interior cover art.
Among the amusing situations amidst their schools summer semester are the juice stain mystery, meteor shower viewing, curry cooking, bug catching, still life drawing, homework, the art competition, the water park, greeting card design, the sushi bar, the sports festival and costume relay race.
The plots have such peppy, genki spirit, the character and scenic art is beautiful, with the occasional chibi & supurr – deformed styles for cuter comedic effects! It is in the 4 koma (panel) format, which is mostly of the 2 columns of 4 Black & White panels per page, with some larger panels and full-page pics.
I will give vol. 10 the high praise, but the numciously depicted fried chicken, sushi, curry, omelets, dumplings, pancakes, crepes, pocky and takoyaki might induce the cravings! Nyow here is Mike to discuss of the big new book about
Hayao Miyazaki!
Yep, he is my favorite movie director whose many credits include Castle Cagliostro, Nausicaa in the Valley of the Wind, Castle in the Sky, My Neighbor Totoro, Kiki’s Delivery Service, Porco Rosso, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Howl’s Moving Castle, Ponyo, and The Wind Rises, plus his many other animated shorts and TV series!
From October 5th to November 27th, The Academy Museum of Motion Pictures in Los Angeles is hosting the restrospective of Miyazaki’s films, including exhibits and screenings https://www.academymuseum.org/en/series/hayao-miyazakiand DelMonico Books has published this wonderful companion coffee-table book!
Written by the AMMP exhbitions curator Jessica Neiebel, film historian Daniel Kothenschulte, and Pixar movie director Pete Docter with the forward by Bill Kramer and introduction by Studio Ghibli’s producer Toshio Suzuki, this full color 288 page hardcover book measures 11.125” tall  x 9.25” wide x 1.125” thick!
With contributions and comments by many authorities  each chapter examines the aspects of the master’s storytelling, themes, visions and techniques. I lost count at over 250, but it is brimming with the many images, including many full-page pics and several two-page spreads! There are some photos of him too!
Topped off by the extensive chronology, glossary, footnotes and acknowledgements, this thoroughly beautifully informative, entertaining and inspirational book is not the first fine book pertaining to Miyazaki’s magnificent works, but it might just be my favorite, and I will give it the “A” as in Arietty! Now here is Nyo-sensei to discuss
The Art of Neil Gaimin & Charles Vess’ Stardust!
Originally published in 1997 as the four issue mini-series by DC Comics’ Vertigo impurrint, Stardust is the romantic Victorian fantasy tale of a fella named Tristran who embarks upon the quest beyond his small quaint English village to prove his love to the mysterious stargirl.
It was written by Neil Gaimin https://www.neilgaiman.com and illustrated by Charles Vess. https://greenmanpress.com! We have met Mr. Vess at numerous cons! The tale was later released in other editions such as the trade papurrback and the hardcover, and it was made into a live-action movie in 2007!
Published by Titan books, this dust-jacketed full color 160 page hardcover art book by Vess -with the introduction by Gaiman – measures 12.5” tall x 9.875” wide and .625” thick, purriced $39.95 in the USA  $53.95 in Canada and £34.99 in the UK.
 It has over 175 pics such as Vess’s ideation sketches, pencil drawings, inked art, paintings, and lots of behind the scenes information, plus images from the Fall of Stardust Portfolio by Vess and other artists such as William Stout, Mike Mignola, Jill Thompson…
… Tony DiTerlizzi, P. Craig Russell, Paul Chadwick, Gary Giani, Stan Sakai, Terry Moore, Bryan Talbot, Terri Windling, Susanna Clark, Geoff Darrow, Lisa Snellings, Zander Cannon, and never- before published art by Mike Kaluta and Sergio Aragones!
I will give this beautiful, entertaining and informative book the highest purraise, and especially recommend it to fans of Gaimin, Vess, and romantic fantasy tales! That will conclude this month’s purrint-media mewsings, so nnow I will turn The Mew over to Petra and Bunniibuns who willl purresent the latest
additions to the Catgirl Island Mewseum of Art!
Arigato, nya! Here y’all will find the many annotated illustrations and photographs, nya! Galleries 1-8 display images by our purrducer Mike Moon, whilst Guest Art Galleries 1-5 display images by other folks with their purrmissions, nya. Mike’s collaborations with other artists are peppurred throughout the mewseum, nya! 
Some of the images are sexy, and some might depict the artistic nudity, but most are quite tame and none are the hentai / porn, nya! The most recent pics are the lowermost row of the cropped widdle “thumbnail” sized portions of the pics in a gallery, and you have to click upon those to see the uncropped full images, nya.
 In Gallery 3  http://catgirlisland.net/art/gallery/gallery3.html we are purroud to purrsent Mikes Photoshop & mouse illustration of his original character De’enaesolanaceae Nightshadia Zumiundrakendottir, or just De’en  for short, who is an NPC in his monthly tabletop fantasy RPG “The Adventures of Nystia Nightshade”, nya!
De’en is not just Nystia’s sister but she is also the clone of Nystia, but they do have the distinct purrsonality, traits, skills, ambitions, relationships and style, nya. De’en is polyamorous pansexual female fairie whose hair, skin and wing colors purresently differ from Nystia’s, nya.
After Nystia abandoned her old alchemy shop in the small village of Shroomi to travel and purrsue a different career, De’en inherited the place, where she purresently resides with her two wives Li (succubus) and Su-Pan  (kitsune / catgirl), adopted daughter Hikari-chan (kitsune), and appurrentice alchemist Tokia (wood elf), nya!
Her supurrnatural powers include flight, telepathy, empathy, psychometry, telekinetic shield, healing, psi blade, purralysis, shape-shifting, and shadow magick, nya. Her expurrtise includes alchemy, meowrtial arts, vocal mewsic, dancing, and accounting; whilst her hobbies include the massage spa, night clubs and concerts, nya!
De’en’s favorite foods are the Blood Orange Cheesecake, Raspberry Mimosa Sorbet, Cherries Jubilee, Coconut Vanilla Frappurrccino, Chocolate Mousse Pie, Blueberry Creme Brulee, Peach Cobbler, French Toast, Banana Pudding a la Mode, Blackberry Custard Bars and Strawberry Tiramisu, nya!
Nextly in Guest Gallery 2 http://catgirlisland.net/art/gallery/guest2.html we are delighted to display “Rebecca” and three other pieces of Rebecca Ferguson fan art by our webmeowster Jamie! We loved Rebecca Ferguson in the movies such as The Greatest Showman, Life, The Snowman, Doctor Sleep, Men In Black: International, The Kid Who Would Be King, Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation, Mission Impossible: Fallout,  Reminiscence, and most recently Dune: Part One!
 “Rebecca” is the full-color bust profile illustration done with Photoshop and Painter, whilst the untitled three smaller Black & White film noir-ish pics were done with Clip Studio Paint. Purrhaps y’all have seen Jamie’s prior illustration of Rebecca Ferguson?
Also in Guest Gallery 2 we are elated to exhibit “Forest Maiden”,“Mushroom Gnome”, and Shoreline Beauty” by Rvkh http://www.rvkhart.com, (pronounced Rivkah) the artist formerly known as Rebecca Brogden, who was the guest for our September 2009 Mew! She used the Faber-Castell Watercolor Pencils, Davinci Watercolors, Micron Pen, White Posca Pen and White Gouach for each of these beautiful illustrations!
The titular “Forest Maiden” is Virginiana Aspen Sugarmaple , the NC OBX Faerie with the druidic powers and who is one of the Rangers who protects our Meowritime Forest! This illustration was done on the Arches Hotpress Watercolor Pad, and y’all can see the time-lapse art process video at her Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfGl72XGj1c!
The titular “Mushroom Gnome” is  Mr. Normenhausen who likes to stroll across the lawn and garden in the evening, with the lantern as a semaphore signaling device to communicate with distant friends! This illustration was done on the Strathmore Toned Tan Mixed – Media Paper, and y’all can see the time-lapse art process video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-PVeFgFmF!
Lastly but not leastly, the titular Shoreline Beauty is Meowrina Nyanyarova the catgirl who migrated from Tbilisi, Georgia to here where she is purresently pursuing the Doctor of Nursing degree at Mew Hanover College!
This illustration was done on the Arches Hotpress Watercolor Pad, and y’all can see the time-lapse art process video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwrWh_L8oEY!
The cat lady sings
Thank y’all for purrsenting the new art, nya!
Petra & Bunni:
Doitashimaste, nya!
Oh, I think that beautiful color illustration of Rebecca Ferguson purrfectly captures her portraiture and spirit!
Hai hai, and I think those three Black & White pics of her have the striking use of contrasty negative space!
I like the use of color and light for that serenely intimate pic of De’en wading  amongst the moonlit lily pads, nya!
I love the details of the forest maiden pic, from her hair and wings to the corset lacings and the fabric drape!
Meowrina is quite the alluring sight in her ruffled off-shoulder bare midriff top and the tight torn jeans shorts, mew la la!
There is the wonderful sense of story in the gnome pic… I can imagine him going out to harvest the toadstools and signal his neighbors!
All of those numcious looking mushrooms are causing the craving in my tummy, nya!
Hang in there- It is almost the time for our AfterMew luau!

I guess that will do it for this edition of The Mew!

We wish to thank Jamie for his web meowstery here at The Mew and Catgirl Island…

All of the brilliantly talented people whose works we have discussed…
… and our other friends, family, acquaintances and audience whom we greatly appurreciate, nya!
Fur shur!
Y’all may post the brief, polite, sincere, non-snarky responses to The Mew…

… purrvided that the comments are spam-free, G-rated, and purrtain to our topics.

Mary Nyan:
We will be back next month with the December edition of The Mew!
Be there… aloha.
The Ladies of The Mew:
Happy Tails to Mew, until we eat again! Baibai, nya!